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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/20 in Posts

  1. If i am shamelessly advertising my project here then please let me know! I would like to drop you a video of my 11 months project. You can of course do what ever you want but please keep in mind the following. I dont actually thing that either thief 1 or 2 or 3 are great games. I think they are fantastic but i am not into them fully. I feel like they are too long, unfocussed and i find it a bit to subtle. I am making my own thing here but i am trying to not derive to heavy of thief. Please respect my wish todo my own thief. With love, F.
    8 points
  2. Hidden Hands: Blood & Metal I am trying to do something with SS2 vibes in the HH universe... @Dragofer Thank you very much for your help with the bots! Would you be so kind and help me with the new cameras (I mean, the one that looks like a human head). I do not get it working.
    3 points
  3. But you still can't distinguish loot from junk this way, which is a frequent criticism of TDM. The solution is right in front of us, 'though: Have a special frob-highlight for loot. This would be a clear improvement over the current system, as it would communicate clearly, what objects are loot, without actually nuding the players nose in it (like a global loot-glint). Once we have a separate GLSL-Shader for Frob-Highlight instead of the currently used hack, it will be rather easy to implement the loot-highlight.
    2 points
  4. For someone who doesn't want to copy Thief, this seems exactly like a copy of Thief. That said, I think it looks pretty cool. The lock-picking overlay looks great. And I like the way the readables move towards the player and open/unfurl. I'd like to see something like that in TDM. Not a fan of the voice-acting, personally.
    2 points
  5. I actually forgot to show the credits in the video. I am using tdm music currently with thief OG music. That is all temporal. For the Fan Mission part, well its certainly possible yes but i have to focus on making a great game for now! The game is coded in a very modular way in preperation for modding. I hope in the future to use more ressources on asset creation and sounds but those arent important. Thief looks really bad and is aged alot but we still heavily enjoy it. Its all in the gameplay which matters to me the most
    1 point
  6. Das ist gut Filizitas! Did you do all of this on your own for this project?
    1 point
  7. Cool visuals, cool atmosphere. and a female protagonist....although there is lots of stuff missing till now, I really want to play it!
    1 point
  8. For all the people that wanted a TDM like experience on UE4? Here it is. Now you just need to show if the AI is any good the way to make user missions is not hard and you have a bunch of assets for users to play with and you have a start of a TDM rival in your hands, like or not is a fact.
    1 point
  9. Regarding elitist players: I would much rather have mappers avoid placing elite guards in places which are really not worth guarding... I played a map, for example, where 3 or 4 of them guard some sewers. Or, where 7, 8, 9 guards enter a kitchen one after the other, making gameplay a complete mess, as they even enter a closet where I piled up the bodies. In general, a bit more common sense in mapping. TDM mappers are fantastic with architectures and models, but, the gameplay often lacks a bit. Not meaning to be a harsh critic, it's just something I often noticed. It's also off-putting for new players if the difficulty is uber hardcore, and the AI is all over the place. The original Thief's weren't like that.
    1 point
  10. Indeed I acquired Witcher 3 for free somehow. My friend (huge Witcher fan, gave me to read the entire saga) sent me the password to his account on GOG so I could play and finish it a few years ago. Recently, I discovered that I own the game itself on GOG. On my own account. I do not recall getting it on a giveaway and I never bought anything on GOG. And even the achievements that I didn't manage to unlock seem to have been transferred somehow. Pleasant surprise. So yeah, sometimes miracles happen I guess. Thanks for the encouragement. I have a relatively new laptop but even with 8 GB of RAM and an SSD, the processor and video card are probably too weak for this anyway compared to the desktop machine. The heart of any machine used for video games will always lie in the processor and the videocard. I still fondly remember how I first tried to run GTA IV on an old single core 2.6 Ghz processor with an older video card (Nvidia 6600 or 9500 can't remember which one). After installing GTA IV for about 12 hours, the attempt to run just gave showed an error prompting me to upgrade the machine (not sure what it was, the processor or the videocard at fault, but frankly both were deprecated). Can't remember the details, but it was the first time I've ever seen an application directly refuse to launch just because the app doesn't like the machine.
    1 point
  11. Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on the now previous-gen Xbox One and PlayStation 4, so it's no surprise at all that the minimum requirements are that low. 15 Watt Renoir APUs have more performance, and it's likely that you will see laptop APUs with better graphics performance than PS4 Pro soon (I don't know about Xbox One X). And if you wait a couple of years to build a system capable of playing this, you'll probably be able to get the game for half off and bundled with free/paid DLC and more stability from patches. With cheaper fast SSDs available for the PC market. Personally I'm looking forward to Zen 4, maybe with a low-TDP GPU from one of the upcoming generations.
    1 point
  12. No kidding. I had to tweak the config file manually in the game folder to make Witcher 3 work at something acceptable like 30 FPS. Cyberpunk simply won't run unless any ultra low tinkerings would be an option. But it's not like I don't have a backlog of endless unplayed titles to worry about Cyberpunk now. Especially with all these free giveaways. We are too spoiled.
    1 point
  13. Thanks for the high praise! I'm glad the mission is straight forward enough to not cause frustration, that's something I always aim for. By inventory buildup do you mean that you have too many keys? In my missions keys are always dropable for this very reason. I do realize that sometimes you don't want to drop a key if you're not sure it'll be useful later, but I try to name them in ways that it's clear they are for one specific door or area only. I certainly managed to pack a lot of side content into this one, glad you immersed yourself in it!
    1 point
  14. I've finally finished the update for this mission! It's available in the in-game downloader. It's mostly bugfixes and quality of life improvements, but there is a major Halloween-themed addition in the form of a new challenge that I highly recommend those who are looking for a reason for a replay!
    1 point
  15. I've put it on the list of things to consider for an updated version. It seems the forum software got an update and the old [spoiler]spoiler content[/spoiler] is no longer recognized, now you have to add it in your original post by clicking the eye next to the emote before you post. Adding spoilers while editing a post does not seem to be possible.
    1 point
  16. Thanks, I'm not sure either. I ended up going back and noclipping so I could have a "completed" mission. lol Also, I see your edit and thanks for that. I thought it was just me not remembering how spoilers were done otherwise I would have gone into a bit more detail. It really was a great mission.
    1 point
  17. Thanks for your feedback, glad you enjoyed it! It certainly was a labor of love to finish making the mission and the series. I was a bit afraid that that would happen to some players, i.e. finishing all main objectives and then going about finding the secrets. Unfortunately the only way around this at this time is to noclip through the city gate and go forward a few meters and then go straight down. this way you do not hit the exit box before you are able to grab the spinning coin. I'm not sure what I can do about this, aside from maybe making it not a secret, and not loot. I will think about it, the scene works without loot as well, could just be an easter egg I suppose.
    1 point
  18. Discovered something. The autosave map for the latest version is empty, so I've lost a good 2 hours of very detailed work To be honest, I don't think 2.9.1 is ready yet. It's not reliable. Which is such a shame cause I really wanted to use that Connect feature.
    0 points
  19. A colleague who lived in the state capital, had his immediate family living basically in the same quarter. They decided to throw a family party, since they haven't seen each other in a while, and they felt everyone should be fine (despite very high infection / mortality rate in the region). Both him and his father were admitted to the local hospital several days after. Father died 2 days ago. He died yesterday. Seriously, take care of yourselves. Even if you don't believe in covid or wearing masks, it's better to treat it like Pascal's wager.
    0 points
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