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Status Updates posted by DeTeEff

  1. Betatesting will start tomorrow at 12:30 (as the latest) swedish time...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeTeEff


      It's a mixed feeling as always :) Tyler, it's Not An Ordinary Guest. The more the merrier :) The time here is now 10:15...

    3. Goldwell


      I would love to beta test it if you would like. I have never done it before but I guess I just look out for things wrong/right and comment on it?

    4. DeTeEff


      Thread created in the separate forum. Ask Springheel for access.

  2. Why do I allways go for the most intricate solutions...? Because to promote replayability!

    1. Obsttorte


      Do you refer to something specific?

    2. DeTeEff


      As a tester you'll probably find out first hand :)

  3. The wonderful feeling when the map refuses to start because it is stumped by things in the script that has been there THE WHOLE TIME without problems before!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeTeEff


      So I've got no idea why those trivial things messed with me...I could have spared me some anger if the game had just told me that something IN THE MAP was the cause...

    3. Bikerdude


      yep, been there, banged fists on table...

    4. demagogue


      I sometimes get paranoid that I have something off screen accidentally highlighted and inadvertently move or delete it. Is there a way to dump a log of all DR changes to find what's different? I guess another thing you could do is run the new & old .map files through a "find differences" text tool.

  4. Clusters of paths...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeTeEff


      There are clusters of path_nodes in my current mission...Over 50 placed AI...

    3. Obsttorte


      Things will get funny if you encounter any problems ;)

    4. DeTeEff


      I've planned quite well in advance and have charts on where they shall be placed :)

  5. How often do YOU DMAP?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. grayman


      After every meal.

    3. ungoliant


      I thought FS were part of collision model, not pathfinding? Did you convert it, Obs?

    4. Obsttorte


      Yep. The cm is also crated during dmapping.

  6. Didn't know that lights could be in the void without causing a leak...

    1. Obsttorte


      And as light shines through caulk, one could use this for some nice effects.

    2. DeTeEff


      I've put lights in the void before but then I automatically wrapped them with caulc walls to make a little house for the light, a light house :)

  7. Cannot see the distiller ingame...models/darkmod/laboratory/distiller.ase

    1. Sotha


      tech support section and a post to report bug so it is not missed/forgotten?

    2. Bikerdude


      +1 on what sotha said.

    3. DeTeEff


      Thread made...

  8. Cannot see the distiller ingame...odels/darkmod/laboratory/distiller.ase

  9. Feeling encouraged to start mapping again :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. demagogue


      For the record, I get voice actors from people doing vlogs on YouTube, so I know what I'm getting & they're already predisposed to participate.

    3. SeriousToni


      Would be cool if you could get this girl back and finish the job :)

    4. Sotha


      Excellent! I'll await all your contributions with overflowing enthusiasm! Heja Sverige!

  10. Nearly died for a moment. Uninstalled Steam to change the language of the interface. In hindsight I can see now that you may change it in the steam settings menu! Uninstallment process removed the steam folder along with Doom and my maps!!! Lucky me there is a fresh backup that's identical to my current work...!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Obsttorte


      holy moly

      wonder what happens if one installed it under C:\Windows


    3. Sotha


      bst, stupidity would get penalized ;-). More seriously: if the uninstaller gave a big warning, it wouldn't be that big a problem, I thinks. It is horrible if there is no warning and stuff gets deleted!

    4. DeTeEff


      There was no warning...interrestingly most games warn you about you're about to delete save games :)

  11. New computer! Silent as the lambs :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xarg


      Your computer sounds like a horror movie about a serial killer?

    3. nbohr1more


      Google "Silence of the Lambs" Fieldmedic...

    4. DeTeEff


      Haha, of course I know, it was intended as a pun. I wanted a computer that is silent and is quick as Hannibal :)

  12. Dumped...

    1. lost_soul


      When I first saw that, software popped into my head... as in "core dumped" (aka program crashed) Then I realized... Welcome to the single world, my friend.

    2. nbohr1more


      Sorry to hear that... TDM widow?

    3. Sotha


      Ouch. But look at the bright side. This is most likely the most optimal time of year to be dumped. Lots of activities, lots of new more interesting people to meet... You'll be fine.

  13. New job! After the summer hollidays I don't have to commute 80 km one way any more :) about 2 hours a day to spend on something more useful...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SiyahParsomen


      new job! new chicks!

    3. pusianka



    4. OrbWeaver


      Unless your job is in the software industry, in which case the only way you see new chicks is by refreshing VoyeurWeb.

  14. New job! After the summer hollidays I don't have to commute 80 km one way any more :) abou 2 hours a day to spend on something more useful...

  15. I want to map! After my theatrical performance in a couple of weeks, I demand more of this in my life!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SiyahParsomen


      good luck on that!

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      You'll be fine. Just make sure no one mentions the Scottish play. What's it called? Oh yeah! Macbeth.

    4. AluminumHaste


      And remember no matter what happens if some director/producer asks you to get in their car, keep your buttcheeks closed!!!

  16. I'm not dead...!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SeriousToni


      as I said, Tels ;p Gonna have a Crash Bang Crash! :)

    3. DeTeEff


      @Bohr: It has been mapping on and on, just a neglect of the forums.

      @Diego: I've felt like I've abandoned the community.

    4. Diego


      If it was for mapping we forgive your absence! :D

  17. Hit a moose...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jaxa
    3. DeTeEff


      Yes, Lumpy's a bit grumpy now. I'm OK, it was a side hit, hampered the lamp shielding and side mirror. Don't know about moose though. Local hunter on the prowl.

    4. Melan
  18. An idea flow into my head. Would it be possible/fun/somewhat realistic to be able to shoot a moss arrow onto an electrical light to create a lamp shade and thus cover the light?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Isn't that what water arrows are for? ^^

    3. Sonosuke


      At first I thought this is a good idea but Siyah is right. Its not very realistic if AI does not see it and if they Alert... where is the use. Maybe if it is only temprary or a way to remove it after passing thru or something...

    4. DeTeEff


      Not that unrealistic that the guards interprets the sudden darkness as a power failure. The lamp doesn't need to be completely off eigther, just muffled. After a few seconds the moss catches fire and disappears. Just a weird thought :)

  19. When this much cursing has been yelled at the screem in vain and a baked graphics card, I will never leave this competition!

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