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Everything posted by JackFarmer

  1. Thank you. However, I cannot take any credit for the artworks or their appearance in general:
  2. You are right; shame on me, it is exactly as you wrote; the adjacent VPs in question are angled. Regarding (a) I will produce a smaller version for you of a different mission where I encountered two or three issues with that. As for beta 2, I did not find any in game problems with the two missions I played till now.
  3. You are not taking this into a good direction.
  4. I have the feeling that the new diagnostics system has some issues. Hidden Hands - Vitalic Fever - dmap with 2.10-beta2 (a) false positives, missing portals, examples: - info_locationseparator_15 covers no portal (for reasons unknown this portal became defective during several mod releases) - info-locationseparator_68 dto. (this is an outside portal) (b) false positives, multiple touches, examples: - info_location_separator_30 covers more than one portal - info_location_separator_97 dto. - info_location_separator_98 dto. (b) seems always to be reported if two Visportals are close to each other (this example shows info_location_separator_30):
  5. @stgatilov@nbohr1more@Gadavre@Zerg Rush@datiswous@Dragofer @duzenko @STRUNK Try this (note: still unoffical, but already named "version 2"): https://we.tl/t-7UVGIqIFx1 The ceiling geometry is now non solid Increased height of MC brush covering the lava lake significantly to avoid conflicting pathfinding between MC brush and ground patches The ground patches are now four separate entities Eanabled fixed subdivision for each ground patch. With these changes, the only critical spot I had in this area jumped from 30 to 60 fps. @datiswousWould you mind checking the cave area for possible problems with player movement?
  6. Sorry, I do not follow, what do you mean by that? The patches in question are fully covered by MC. Should that not prevent any pathfinding?
  7. This is looking better and better! The music is fantastic (reminds me a little bit on the dragon theme from GoT). 0:30 - 0:38 shows good examples on how to break tedious walls with columns and other stuff. My favourite shot is at running time 1:01 where you have achieved a great contrast between two areas. Plus, that dude in the end is very frightening! Hope you will create even more monsters like that for the final game. However...it looks like the key in the opening sequence is floating above the surface which seems to be an open book with pages almost the same colour as the furniture below its location. That's a bit strange and should be corrected in case you want to reuse this part of the trailer for later promotion. Other than that, great work! I pray to the Builder, the Trickster and to the Osterhase that this game will be very good!
  8. @New Horizon Since I have integrated your voice lines into the mission, no day goes by I do not recite at least one or two paragraphs from your manic speech in the crypt! Dedicated Builders, boozed working class heroes or megalomoniac aristocrats - New Horizon can do it all! Once again, a big thank you to you and all the other great voice talents who contributed to this mission and also my previous missions!
  9. JackFarmer


    Happy holidays to you and your family, too!
  10. The Black Mage ============================================================= Title: The Black Mage Filename: black_mage.pk4 Authors: Grayman, Jack Farmer Testers: datiswous, joebarnin, Shadow, Amadeus, madtaffer, wesp5 Release date: 24.12.2021 (version 1) - 05.03.2022 (version 2) - 23.12.2023 (version 3) Version: 3 (available via in game downloader) ============================================================= Grayman - Mapping, scripting & text for briefing video JackFarmer - Additional mapping & scripting, drafts for readables, conversations and in game comments Amadeus - Revision & editing of all readables, conversations and in game comments Dragofer, joebarnin, datiswous - Troubleshooting ============================================================= Voice Talents (in alphabetical order): AndrosTheOxen - Worried father / Counsel Lester Morlan (fincancial advisor to the lord) Bikerdude - Sami "Sausage" McNulty (the castle's chef) BoyLag - Percy Lockhard (the castle's chronicler) Goldchocobo - Robert (the son of the worried father) / Colton (a fallen Builder) Jedi_Wannabe - Friend of the worried father / Bennett (a fallen Builder) Malasdair - Lt. Godric (chief security officer) New Horizon - Lord Ewan Davenport (the Black Mage) Purgator - The Thief ============================================================= Paintings: New paintings provided by OGDA Grayman avatar painting created by Zerg Rush ============================================================= Assets: New kitchen equipment models provided by STRUNK ============================================================= Geometry: Selected cave architecture orginally created by Bikerdude & Dram for "Blackheart Manor" and later modified for "The Gatehouse" (rearranged with the orignal authors approval) ============================================================= Sound: Wind_rusting trees sound (main menu) taken from freesound.org produced by funwithsound "Madrigal" (briefing video) performed by Anthony Holborne Pub audience sound (briefing video) taken from freesound.org produced by yap-audio-production Footsteps sound (briefing video) taken from freesound.org produced by Nox_Sound Stand up from chair sound (briefing video) taken from freesound.org produced by kupp2 Tape-deck-startup sound (phonogram recording) taken from freesound.org produced by soundjoao Short metal scrape sound (phonogram recording) taken from freesound.org produced by Timbre Chains sound (phonogram recording) taken from freesound.org produced by arnaud-coutancier All other new ambient and sound fx recorded and produced by JackFarmer sometimes with altered sound effects/ambient sounds orginally produced by Gigagooga ============================================================= Video: Story board and sound arrangement by JackFarmer Briefing video produced by SirSmokeALot ============================================================= Known bugs: If you quicksave too soon after killing a fire elemental (within 4-5 seconds), the quickload crashes. (2.09 and 2.10) ============================================================= Production notes: Graymans's son gave this work in progress to the Dark Mod community according to grayman's will in June 2021. After discussions with Dragofer, I overtook this mission in June 2021 and started working on it in September 2021. Since I didn't know what else Grayman had planned, I made up my own story from the end of the briefing. The voice actors did an incredible job. Everyone I asked immediately agreed to complete this work of Grayman. This has now led to a fabulous eight voice actors taking part in this mission - from England, Ireland, Canada and the USA. ============================================================== Let's raise our glasses in Grayman's honor. Otherwise I wish you all happy holidays. Take care of yourself, your loved ones, and all of your friends.
  11. Works now, thank you very much. Wow, dmap time has been reduced really significantly!
  12. Kingdom of Rain from The The: https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=UIklk1gHbuQ Edit: This video somehow also carries some DM vibes!
  13. Select your stash from your inventory then use the drop key (check the menu settings if you do not know which key that is) and drop it onto his table
  14. When I start the mod after updating to beta 2.10, I receive the message that "SymGetLineFromInlineContext" in DLL "dbghelp.dll" has not been found. As NH I updated from 2.09. When I revert to 2.09 it works again.
  15. Is it possible to change the alert status of an AI manually? If found this in the scripting reference: void alertAI(string type, float amount, entity actor); but I don't know whether this is correct let alone how to applicate it in a script and can't find a suitable hint in the scripting tutorial. I just want to make sure that if the command gets triggered, the AI alert status returns to 0 (if the AI has been alerted by naughty players)
  16. Hello, The Black Mage is ready for beta testing. Testing shall start tomorrow 1800 CET, the scheduled release date is Christmas Eve. This is a stand alone mission originally started by the sorely missed grayman and thus has no reference to his William Steele or my Hidden Hands series. This also means, that no background knowledge about previous events is needed. Play time should be around 90 minutes. Please sign here if you want to help to finish one of grayman's last creations, I then will send you a download link via PM. An associated topic for comments in the beta test section will be set up as well. I am looking forward to your help. This is for grayman. Jack
  17. @Zerg RushI have removed the content as per your suggestion.
  18. From the twich video I understand that the story shall take place between the WWs? Hm, makes the usage of bow and arrow probably not the best choice...maybe switch to a crossbow and add new arrow types, such as "The Tesla Arrow" with electro-shocking consequences! What are your future plants for the project? Will you try to pitch this to a publisher like Deck13 (they have been mentioned in the twitch video as well) or will you stick to the plan with your own company and hire people (that's at least what I understand somehow from the video)? So many questions...and yet so less answers!
  19. ...after clicking on the link, symantec endpoint security just reported "malicous domain blabla idendified..."...?
  20. 1. No lights -no fun I have extinguished a torch in a script with $name.extinguishLights(); ...now I want to relight it with $name.On(); ...but nothing happens. What is my mistake? Is void ON() not the correct command? 2. Subtitles from hell Is it possible to display a tdm_gui_message when a func_camera is active? I gave the entity the cinematic_1 property, but nothing happens (that means, the message vanishes as soon the camera gets triggered).
  21. I can't remember a DM mission ever feeling so lively. That has to do with the fact that bwyan was incredibly creative with the resources available. Countless figures carry out extra animations / activities / movements, the player is even addressed directly at one point, in turn suitable animations are played (sewerage), etc. ... it even goes so far that a conversation (I call it “The Drunken Horse Whisperer “) actually only works with existing dialog lines and the scenario is completely realistic. It's a very strong achievement and I don't even want to imagine how much time was spent getting the timing right. And now the boy has only just started, I don't even want to imagine what he's going to do with future missions! @SeriousToni: Please take a look at this, this is awesome!
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