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  1. I haven't been around too much recently, but when I do look into the forums every so often, I am always amazed how much progress is being made on the mod. Great work people!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I wish there was a way we could play against each other on line.

    3. Melan


      Neat, but a gimmick.

    4. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      True but its Chess meets Thief! The best gimmick ever!

  2. I used the installer to install the dark mod on my laptop. After I had installed it, and I tried to open it, it said that it could not extract gamex86.dll from tdm_game01.pk4. I did this manually using winrar and tried to open it again. This time it opened fine, but in the missions section it says that no missions are installed> When I click where the missions should be, the missions completion status changes from 'not completable' to 'not yet'. When I click the install mission button, it says that the missions has been installed and the game restarts, however there is still no playable missions there after this has happened. What do I need to do to rectify this?
  3. I am back after a couple of years to try out the new 2.0 and the new missions created this year. (YAY). Er. I'm havubg engine problems (Boo) First problem is I cannot alt tab out of the dark mod. I can alt-tab physicaly but it doesn't switch to my other apps or the windows desktop as long as the dark mod is running. The dark mod wants to always keep focus away from all else.It wants to stay opened on top. How can I fix this? I cannot manually run and jump. In the tutorial you have to run and jump to get on a window ledge. I can only do this if Always Run is set in options. Otherwise when I try to do it manually by running and jumping, ( holding down Shift while running then hitting Space to jump while running) does not work at all. I cannot jump at all while running manually. How can I fix this? Thanks! Edit to add System specs: System Manufacturer/Model Number - HP Pavillion G7-2251dx OS Windows 8 64 bit CPU AMD A-8 4500M - Quad Core Memory 8 Gigabytes DDR3 sdram Graphics Card Discrete ATI Radeon HD 7640G with 2 Gigabytes additional video memory Sound Card IDT Audio Monitor(s) Displays 17.3 Screen Resolution 1600x900 Hard Drives 500 gig
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lost_soul


      I never got into BSD, though I've installed it once or twice. This is another reason to check it out.

    3. simplen00b


      @Sir Tafs: +1 (zillion)

    4. Serpentine


      The BSD's arn't for everyone, but within their goals, simple code and mailing lists lies a lot of goodness and simplicity. I love the underdogs. Anyhoo work will be Linux friendly too. Portability is a cornerstone for good code.

  4. First of all thank you for this great effort in reviving one of the most beautifull games of all times. I was following this project for quite some time but since now is a standalone release i gave it a go. Some of the problems that I'm experiencing but I saw some other did as well. -On a high end system (GTX760) I experience really low fps (10-15) which seems to get slightly better if I decrease antiallizing etc, but always below 30fps. The config file is as per wiki's recommended instructions -As other I cant load the two preinstalled missions, but it works perfectly on others. - I was facing really slow loading times but by deactivating vertical sync it got better but still not perfect. Now a problem that I didnt manage to find a similar question anywhere. - I face major shuttering in my movement. When I press a movement key I will likely face a pause on my movement. Its like stop pressing the movement button, which is quite difficult to play and perform on any level. For example when I press forward, after a while Garett stops moving. Release forward and press again, Garett moves but it will stop after a while. There is no constant pattern its just random but quite often.
  5. I've upgraded IPB to the latest stable version, and since this was a major upgrade (from 2.3.6) I also had to re-do the forum style. Most of the new stuff is in place, but I bet that the logo will be changed. One of the many new features in version 3 is rating of posts and also a "report spammer" ability which will make it easier to single out spam bots and ban then at sight. Hopefully this will stop some of the spam threads we've seen recently. Make sure to empty your browser cache if you're experiencing any problems. And please report any errors etc in this thread. Cheers, ~m2
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. demagogue


      (We can leave the thread for journalism corruption, but just on this...) Then the issue in academia is money flowing to the more corruptable fields like science & engineering with the big corporate grants & revolving door with staff. The humanities might not get that, but OTOH they are getting pressured to "justify their existence" financially. I could probably agree it's rife in almost any human field though, as long as there are incentives there will be corruption.

    3. demagogue


      Or then we have the "uncorruptable" critical academics, but then they're basing their work on Derrida or Marx and are so detached from reality they throw their credibility out the window. It's good to be critically detached, not so good to be derailed from reality. My position in law sometimes is something like a critical realism, but it's practically an orphan position. (You want to protect victims *and* think science works??? Wha...?)

    4. Sotha


      Who is uncorruptable anyways? I cannot convince even myself that I would be uncorruptable in every situation. And I perceive myself to be situated in the more-reliable-than-50%-of-the-general-population side in the gaussian distribution curve of corruption. Problematic, yes?

  6. It seems that every time I go to the ttlg forum there's another Dark Mod mission available. I can only congratulate those authors who have been so industrious. The U-Tube clips make the system look wonderful. If only I could try it myself! Trouble is my broadband connection only manages a top speed of 0.4 Mb (when it's working that is). My system tell me it will take over 7 hours to download the Dark Mod. The chances of the connection staying up that long are remote. I'm sure I can't be the only person with this problem! Are there any plans to issue a DVD? It's possible I could go to an internet cafe in Barnsley (8 miles away) where 8 Mg speeds are available. Trouble is I would need something more user-friendly that the current tdm updater. Could someone write a simple program to make remote downloads easy and straightforward? Until that time I will just have to look on enviously!
  7. This is addressed to whoever submitted the prefab safe (furniture/misc/metal_safe.pfb). Please fix these problems: 1 - The door origin is in the wrong place. 2 - The door handle rotates around the wrong axis. 3 - The prefab origin needs to change so that the prefab appears in DR at the selected spot, not a thousand units away. 4 - When the door closes, it should make a nice metal clang, not the sound of a wood door closing. 5 - If the door is opened, items inside are frobable. If the door is closed and reopened, they are not. 6 - Some of the surfaces use the texture "textures/mcity/mcityplain6", which is a D3 texture not available in TDM. Maybe this is a WIP, I can't tell. Thanks.
  8. For the last 1-2 weeks the forums have been really slow and unresponsive for me, when I type a post half the time it just sits there etc.. is anyone else having the same issues..?
  9. Does anybody else have this problem? In the (European) evenings the forum is unbearable slow. The server is delivering about 8Kbyte/s, sometimes less and usually stops midwhere during loading the page. Sometimes you can't even get the index page, sometimes you can log in, but then only get half of the overview etc. In the mornings everything is snappy.
  10. Hi there, I've tried to create a custom elevator for my current WIP. However, while the elevator is behaving normal, it has a very weird bug. If I'm on the upper floor and move downwards on it, my view starts shaking, and if I'm on the lower floor and tell the elevator to move upwards, I just fell through it. Never seen this behaviour before, and tried some fixes, like a clip textured fs_brush below the elevator, bound to it. Nothing worked so far.
  11. Hopefully the screenshot (very bottom of the post) will be clear enough, I had to pass it through Gimp. It's not limited to the mission pictured here, I've seen it happen on Training Mission and The Outpost. So presumably global problem. It just so happens that Thief's Den is probably the fastest loading mission by far. SOME GUI items appear black (here, on Thief's Den, the "Objectives" button in the briefing as well as the loading bar). In game... Shaders are completely weird in places. I've also seen corruption happen on some textures (namely on The Outpost, I can provide screenshots if needed). Water is... well, black. Torch smoke is just a black rectangle too (see the ground in the attached pic: THAT). The screen is also extremely dark as a whole, I have to push brightness/gamma to no end to be able to see something. It's not due to compositing or OpenGL in use, happens both in KDE and XFCE4 with compositing disabled (Arch Linux x64). It's not due to bad drivers (nvidia binary, BTW), anything runs fine, really (and Doom 3 looks as normal as ever). Oh. And it's not due to the update 1.07 -> 1.08, I reinstalled from scratch just to rule it out. Furthermore: F12 crashes the game so I have to resort to external applications for screenshots (minor, except when you want to show a graphical problem. Just my luck. >_>). Fiddling with the graphical settings crashes the game every now and then. (on the bright side of things, yay, a French translation that deserves the name; yay, 1.08; yay, no sound problems). Terminal output samples: during The Dark Mod initialization... WARNING:Attempt to modify read-only fs_mod CVAR failed. WARNING:Cannot find guis/mainmenu.gui WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/briefing/button_objectives WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/mainmenu/buttons_start/back WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/mainmenu/buttons_start/back_lit WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/splash/launch WARNING:Couldn't load image: makeintensity( lights/squarelight1a) WARNING:file sound/tdm_ambient_environmental02.sndshd, line 105: sound 'weather_thunder05' previously defined at sound/tdm_ambient_environmental.sndshd:666 WARNING:file sound/tdm_ambient_environmental02.sndshd, line 99: sound 'weather_thunder04' previously defined at sound/tdm_ambient_environmental.sndshd:660 WARNING:LoadARBProgram: 'glprogs/environment.vfp' not found WARNING:LoadARBProgram: 'glprogs/nv20_bumpAndLight.vp' not found WARNING:LoadARBProgram: 'glprogs/nv20_diffuseAndSpecularColor.vp' not found WARNING:LoadARBProgram: 'glprogs/nv20_diffuseColor.vp' not found WARNING:LoadARBProgram: 'glprogs/nv20_specularColor.vp' not found WARNING:LoadARBProgram: 'glprogs/R200_interaction.vp' not found during thiefs_den... WARNING:aas32_flood doesn't include a spawnfunc or spawnclass on 'aas32_flood_1'. WARNING:Couldn't load cube image: env/gen2 WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/chat.gui' WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/mpmsgmode.gui' WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/scoreboard.gui' WARNING:Couldn't load gui: 'guis/spectate.gui' WARNING:Couldn't load image: _bloomimage WARNING:Couldn't load image: _cookedmath WARNING:Couldn't load image: addnormals( models/mapobjects/tables/bunkbed/mattress_local, heightmap( models/darkmod/props/textures/mattress_bmp, 3)) WARNING:Couldn't load image: addnormals( textures/hell/dirt02_local, heightmap( textures/hell/dirt02_h, 8)) WARNING:Couldn't load image: armorvieweffect WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/splash/load WARNING:Couldn't load image: makealpha( textures/decals/ballburn01) WARNING:Couldn't load image: makealpha( textures/glass/glass1) WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/characters/common/teeth_local WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/mapobjects/hell/site3/archviletemple/candle_a_add WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/mapobjects/tables/bunkbed/mattress_d WARNING:Couldn't load image: models/mapobjects/tables/bunkbed/mattress_s WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/dangertrim01 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/base_trim/gotrustcol1 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/ballburn01_fx WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/bloodspray WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/genericdamage WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/hurt02 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat1 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat2 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat3 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat4 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat5 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat6 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat7 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat8 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/splat9 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/decals/tunnel WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/glass/glass1 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/glass/outdoor_glass1fx WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/hell/dirt02 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/hell/dirt02_s WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/particles/billow_glow WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/particles/bloodspray WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/particles/boomboom WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/particles/droppuddle WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/particles/pfirebig WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/particles/pfiresmall2 WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/particles/preamble WARNING:Couldn't load image: textures/particles/snowball WARNING:Couldn't load model: 'models/mapobjects/tables/bunkbed/mattress.lwo' (nor the fallback to ASE) WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'book_impact.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'bullet_impact_flesh.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'bullet_impact_stone.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'bullet_impact_wood.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'burger_impact.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'fist_impact.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'monster_demon_tick_footstep.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'paper_impact.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_doublevision.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guienter.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_guiexit.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_heartbeat.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_heartbeat_dying.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitarmor.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_hitflesh.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_skipcinematic.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportexit.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_teleportstart.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'player_sounds_thud.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/ed/player/player_land2.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/ambient_impacts/emetal_01.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/ambient_impacts/emetal_02.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/ambient_impacts/emetal_03.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/ambient_impacts/emetal_04.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/ambient_impacts/emetal_05.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/boxes/boxfall_18.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/crash/glasscrash_01.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/crash/glasscrash_02.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/crash/glasscrash_03.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/crash/glasscrash_04.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/metal_doors/slam_08_boomy.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/metals/1shot_metalhit_01.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/metals/1shot_metalhit_03.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/metals/1shot_metalhit_06.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/shaky_metal_bangs/mbang_01.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/shaky_metal_bangs/mbang_02.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/shaky_metal_bangs/mbang_03.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/shaky_metal_bangs/mbang_04.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/shaky_metal_bangs/mbang_05.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/solid/impact_01.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/solid/impact_02.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/solid/impact_03.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/stairs/simpact_04.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/steel/clang_01.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/steel/clang_02.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/steel/clang_03.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/steel/clang_04.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/impact/steel/clang_05.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/machinery/loop_machinery_03.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/machinery/machines/loop_machinery_01.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/machinery/machines/loop_machinery_02.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/machinery/steamchuffs/steamchuff_01.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/machinery/steamchuffs/steamchuff_02.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/movers/_general_movement/m3_end.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/movers/_general_movement/m3_loop.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/weapons/casings/small_metal_02.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/weapons/explosions/impexp_03.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/weapons/explosions/impexp_04.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/weapons/explosions/impexp_05.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/weapons/explosions/impexp_06.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/weapons/impacts/bullet_metal/metalimpact_04.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/xian/foley_sessions/metals_small/lowtink_01.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/xian/foley_sessions/metals_small/lowtink_02.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'sound/xian/foley_sessions/metals_small/lowtink_03.ogg' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'tdm_ai_builder2_sleep.wav' using default WARNING:Couldn't load sound 'tincan.wav' using default WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_weapons.mtr, line 384: Bad term 'firetable2' WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_weapons.mtr, line 384: expected ')' but found '[' WARNING:LoadARBProgram: 'glprogs/heatHaze.vfp' not found WARNING:LoadARBProgram: 'glprogs/heatHazeWithMask.vfp' not found WARNING:material 'models/weapons/gasarrow/gasarrow_tip' had stage with no image WARNING:material 'models/weapons/waterarrow/waterarrow_tip' had stage with no image WARNING:material 'textures/sfx/vp3' had stage with no image WARNING:material 'textures/water_source/water_stream' had stage with no image Anything else you need or does this ring any kind of bell? The output point to glprogs missing or having problems but... Halp.
  12. I can't login to Steam forums. Please visit the Thief release threads and mention TDM Thanks!

    1. Bikerdude


      Ive done the honours over on TTlg.

    2. stumpy


      its already been mentioned there last year, and bumped this year, but not by me.

  13. skacky's new Thief 1 mission, Shadow Politics: http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139048 Just wonderful!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Just finished playing this morning, this was awesome, in an old skewl way - would love to make a TDM homage to it...

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I'm using the CD with TG, T2 and T3 on it. Darkloader doesn't like it. I can't get TG FMs to work

    4. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      I assume it works with a TG only CD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ladro


      It will be really cool if a super talented editor like Gaetane will try TDM.


      I really hope this one :-D

      (and also Sterlino another editor that a like a lot)

    3. Melan


      I've been waiting for it for a while. :)

    4. demagogue


      Gaetane along with Lady Rowena are my favorite 2 authors.

  14. Awesome. The forums support transparency in avatars. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sonosuke


      very nice stifu^^

    3. GameDevGoro


      Doomguy is the coolest guy ever.

    4. jaxa


      hah well the feathering isn't the best but i'm sure it will do for now.

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