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  1. Perhaps we just have to replace this material with something less fancy. textures/darkmod/glass/dirty_yellow_warp // milky yellow transparent glass { // Written by Tels, mainly based on // http://www.iddevnet.com/doom3/materials.php noSelfShadow noshadows twoSided translucent forceoverlays sort decal glass qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/glass/dirty_yellow_warp_ed description "A dirty, yellow, reflecting, translucent material suited for glass panes" // this block makes the glass distort what you see through it // one unwanted side-effect is that this effect does not stack // and distorbs objects in front of the glass, too { vertexProgram heatHazeWithDepth.vfp vertexParm 0 0 , 0 // texture scrolling vertexParm 1 .8 // magnitude of the distortion fragmentProgram heatHazeWithDepth.vfp fragmentMap 0 _currentRender fragmentMap 1 textures/sfx/vp1 // the normal map for distortion fragmentMap 2 _currentDepth } // this stage sets up the alpha mask (it doesnt render anything) { maskcolor map makealpha(textures/glass/glass1) } // now use the alpha mask to add some fake reflections { blend gl_dst_alpha, gl_one maskalpha cubeMap env/gen2 // tone down the reflection a bit and make it yellow red Parm0 * 0.2 green Parm1 * 0.2 blue Parm2 * 0.05 texgen reflect } // add our texture on top { blend gl_dst_alpha, gl_one map textures/darkmod/glass/crystal_milky red Parm0 * 0.5 green Parm1 * 0.5 blue Parm2 * 0.2 } // This is the code required for frob highlighting this texture frobstage_texture textures/darkmod/glass/crystal_milky 0.15 0.40 } I could try with different materials myself if the model was in ASE (or any other open) format.
  2. Still spreading the word about TDM on forums to new peops... Funny to see people say "Awesome, I loved playing Thief back in the day!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kano


      Yes it was in a discussion where someone was saying how unhappy they are with the way game companies grant themselves permission to do whatever they like to your PC and personal info today. I pointed out that giving up games completely is an unnecessarily overkill solution when there are free games like TDM to play.

    3. Epifire


      Honestly the mod/Indie genre is still really booming right now. And they aint got no reason to do shady invasive privacy bs.

    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      What Epifire said. :-)

  3. An impossibly huge stone bridge that only makes sense in a Quasi-Medieval/Steampunk fusion world. (stone is a crappy bridge material) - It does exude that 'TDP' classic feel somehow; not a trait most TDM missions have. Poor FPS near many upper bridge sections, and a horrible TDM FREEZE!! bug (never seen in any other mission - including a few others that up crash at random), as well as numerous geometry holes in the map...Did I mention the many Free-Runner traps on roof sections? Quite well-thought out interiors (if kinda HUGE scaled), give this FM one of the old-school'iest play-feels I've done in a while; One to watch for a updated 1.1 version with the bugs fixed... Try it later, is my recommendation.
  4. OK I think I've got to the bottom of this. I've created this forum thread (with bug report): https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22221-bug-drowning-ai-in-shallow-water/ I can apply a workaround, although it won't be perfect and the bug itself needs fixing in the engine. There are a few other things that need fixing so will put an update together soonish.
  5. If any mappers have encountered weirdness with kill objectives not working with drowning AI, I think I've found out why. I don't think it would be a particularly difficult one to fix either. I've raised this bug report: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6323 Some context here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21837-fan-mission-the-lieutenant-2-high-expectations-by-frost_salamander-20230424/&do=findComment&comment=487316 I think this is a bug, but just raising here in case some people think otherwise.
  6. As reference, here's a few Blender renders showing how light radius works there... for accuracy it's the Eevee engine which uses the same lighting technology as OpenGL (no raytracing). 0, 0.25, 0.5 in order: This shows what it's doing better, though like I said we could use another box like for the standard radius. I believe Eevee simulates the light source at a random position within the sphere for every sample. Obviously this would murder our performance, hence why I'd use a shader to emulate this behavior in 2D on the light texture itself.
  7. I'm looking at this older entry on the tracker: http://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=2727 I'm wondering what most of the active mappers think about this. Should selecting a material in the Media Browser make this the default when, for instance, drag-creating a new brush? Currently, the selection in the Texture Browser tab defines the default material. Should the Media Browser selection used instead? Or should selecting a material in the Media Browser also select the material in the Texture Browser?
  8. At the moment the materials browser shows a list of material names, but only when clicking on each one do we see the editor image. It would be nice if each time we selected a category, we then saw a grid of thumbnails, like the texture browser, so we could see them all.
  9. I recently saw discussion about PBR materials being added to Doom3BFG with folks also talking about it on Discord. One of the things I always wanted from PBR is proper reflections, especially in a way that works on all FM's new and old without requiring changes (eg: new light entities). Lack of proper reflections is one of the biggest limitations we still have, leaving us with mere boring specular reflections lacking any detail. While currently we can't have things like metallicity or per-pixel roughness, not even the ability to use the skybox or player camera feed as a reflection map, we do have a generic cubemap used only on windows and a few special textures. So the thought itched me: What if we could make every material with a specular map also blend a cubemap reflection? I've done Linux batch scripts for complex tasks before, so after lots of searching (and dealing with DOS era line terminations getting in the way) I managed to create a bash script that will do just that! This 50 line script will detect all materials with a specular map, inject a customized cubemap reflection, then repack everything. It scans every material in TDM thus it changes all map textures models and entities alike, everything gets modified to benefit from this. Modifications are NOT made to the official pk4 files, instead a single pk4 named Z-tdm_materials_cubemap.pk4 is generated to override the old defs, you can revert at any time simply by removing this one file. The cubemaps are subtly blended in without using extra vertex / fragment shaders which should have minimal performance impact, they also respect the bump map of the material and are deformed by it... each cubemap is masked by the specular map which gives it a close feel to PBR, materials without a specularity texture are considered rough and remain unchanged. Simply download the script and use it in your TDM folder, you'll need either Linux or a bash environment on Windows (untested): material_cubemaps.sh #!/bin/bash # Add cubemap reflections to all TheDarkMod materials containing specular maps # Use sub(/\r$/,"") to fix DOS line termination, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45772525/why-does-my-tool-output-overwrite-itself-and-how-do-i-fix-it # Unpack all materials mkdir "temp" for f in *.pk4; do unzip -o $f "materials/*" -d "temp" done mv "temp/materials" "temp/mtr" mkdir "temp/materials" cd "temp/mtr" # Inject cubemap code into all materials with specular maps, the reflection is masked by specular intensity # First ensure the file contains at least one definition that need to be modified to avoid needless repacking for f in *.mtr; do awk '{ sub(/\r$/,"") if($1 == "specularmap" && $2 != "_black" && $2 != "") exit !f }' "$f" if [ $? == 1 ]; then awk '{ sub(/\r$/,"") print $0 if($1 == "specularmap" && $2 != "_black" && $2 != "") { print "" print " // Cubemap reflection for specularity" print " {" print " maskcolor" print " map makealpha(" $2 ")" print " }" print " {" print " blend gl_dst_alpha, gl_one" print " maskalpha" print " cubeMap env/gen3" print " texgen reflect" print " }" } }' "$f" > "../materials/$f" fi done # Pack modified materials cd ".." zip -r "../Z-tdm_materials_cubemap.pk4" "materials" rm -r "../temp" At the moment I haven't done a full comparison and only tried it out on a map I'm working on: It's possible I might do my next TDM stream with this on which will allow others to see it better. From what I'm noticing it's pretty much perfect: Very subtle and doesn't disrupt visually, it does improve realism in a lot of cases as you move around and see the shine... given the texture is almost always masked and distorted by bump you don't feel the reflection is ugly and fake but it feels natural. Currently this is here as a mod for players that wish to use it... not gonna lie part of me is tempted to suggest it be considered for 2.11, it's definitely an improvement to having no reflections at all until a better method is found. Please try it out and share your own thoughts and images, below are a few screenshots I took during my first test to confirm it works as expected.
  10. Hmm. Well, I have now deleted both missions, deleted my Darkmod.cfg (thought I do have an an autocommands.cfg), and selected The Bakery Job instead ... and same issue: For reference, in case it matters, here is my autocommands.cfg: Nothing terribly exciting there, I think (apart from the mandatory 32-bit colour setting).
  11. I have the following texture - tdm_roulette_red_chip { noSelfShadow noshadows { blend diffusemap map models/darkmod/props/textures/red_chip } // TDM Ambient Method Related { if (global5 == 1) blend add map models/darkmod/props/textures/red_chip scale 1, 1 red global2 green global3 blue global4 } } The issue its very bright in the dark, how would I tweak the material so it isnt so bright..
  12. Hmm... The texture name and path are the same... See if there is another material that has "textures/darkmod/sfx/thunderpuff" as it's name and see if it has a sort value. If it is set to sort last ( so that it renders over water ) it might be fighting with itself when the particles are dense. That said, new custom materials should generally have a different name to the texture path since the material will use the texture name as a path location ( a sorta sloppy inheritance design meant to supposedly make things easier for compound materials that reference other materials ) I'll look into it tonight if I get a chance.
  13. no problem.  [spoiler]TDM 2.05 #6755 linux-x86 Jan 15 2017 08:28:57 found interface lo - loopback found interface eth0 - Found AMD CPU, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 3DNow! CMOV tdm using generic code for SIMD processing. ------ Initializing File System ------ Current search path: /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/fms/heartv2 /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/fms/heartv2/heartv2.pk4 (181 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/ /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_wood01.pk4 (360 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_window01.pk4 (374 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_stone_sculpted01.pk4 (451 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_stone_natural01.pk4 (129 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_stone_flat01.pk4 (289 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_stone_cobblestones01.pk4 (224 fil es) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_stone_brick01.pk4 (513 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_sfx01.pk4 (68 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_roof01.pk4 (72 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_plaster01.pk4 (142 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_paint_paper01.pk4 (63 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_other01.pk4 (122 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_nature01.pk4 (275 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_metal01.pk4 (494 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_glass01.pk4 (51 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_fabric01.pk4 (43 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_door01.pk4 (174 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_decals01.pk4 (420 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_carpet01.pk4 (92 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_textures_base01.pk4 (388 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_standalone.pk4 (4 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_vocals_decls01.pk4 (28 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_vocals07.pk4 (1111 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_vocals06.pk4 (696 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_vocals05.pk4 (128 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_vocals04.pk4 (2872 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_vocals03.pk4 (743 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_vocals02.pk4 (1299 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_vocals01.pk4 (82 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4 (605 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_sfx01.pk4 (931 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_ambient_decls01.pk4 (8 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_ambient03.pk4 (24 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 (157 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_sound_ambient01.pk4 (216 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_prefabs01.pk4 (569 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_player01.pk4 (125 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_models_decls01.pk4 (98 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_models02.pk4 (1948 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_models01.pk4 (2555 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_gui_credits01.pk4 (49 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_gui01.pk4 (694 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_game02.pk4 (2 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_game01.pk4 (2 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_fonts01.pk4 (696 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_env01.pk4 (152 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_defs01.pk4 (174 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_base01.pk4 (172 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_steambots01.pk4 (24 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_monsters_spiders01.pk4 (82 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_undead01.pk4 (50 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_townsfolk01.pk4 (95 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_pagans01.pk4 (10 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_nobles01.pk4 (48 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_mages01.pk4 (8 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_heads01.pk4 (97 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_guards01.pk4 (376 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_females01.pk4 (169 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_humanoid_builders01.pk4 (91 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_base01.pk4 (8 files) /home/sneaker/store/games/darkmod/tdm_ai_animals01.pk4 (80 files) File System Initialized. -------------------------------------- ----- Initializing Decls ----- WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 38: material 'models/md5/chars/n obles/noblewoman/noblebottom' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:1 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 120: material 'models/md5/chars/ nobles/noblewoman/nobletop' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:36 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 157: material 'models/md5/chars/ nobles/noblewoman/noblehead' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:73 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 355: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female' previously defined at materials/pagan_female. mtr:1 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 406: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_bare' previously defined at materials/pagan_fe male.mtr:38 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 455: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_head' previously defined at materials/pagan_fe male.mtr:74 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 507: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_cloth' previously defined at materials/pagan_f emale.mtr:108 WARNING:file materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr, line 425: material 'transformer_gaug e' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:300 WARNING:file materials/tdm_epifire_furniture.mtr, line 35: material 'leather_ch air_001' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:701 WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_kitchen.mtr, line 2620: material 'bc_silver_t eapot_2' previously defined at materials/custom.mtr:374 WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_readables.mtr, line 274: material 'book_red1' previously defined at materials/custom.mtr:342 WARNING:file materials/tdm_stone_natural.mtr, line 2065: material 'textures/dar kmod/stone/natural/rough_greyblue01' previously defined at materials/tdm_stone_ flat.mtr:2139 WARNING:file skins/tdm_gen_metal.skin, line 596: skin 'iron_flat' previously de fined at skins/tdm_gen_metal.skin:103 WARNING:file skins/tdm_readables.skin, line 344: skin 'readables/paperwad1_blan k' previously defined at skins/heart.skin:28 WARNING:file sound/tdm_ai_commander.sndshd, line 1909: sound 'tdm_ai_commander_ there_you_are' previously defined at sound/tdm_ai_commander.sndshd:1407 ------------------------------ ------- Initializing renderSystem -------- using ARB renderSystem renderSystem initialized. -------------------------------------- I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'. I18N: Found no character remapping for english. I18N: 1229 strings read from strings/english.lang I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found. WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/splash/launch Couldn't open journal files Couldn't exec editor.cfg - file does not exist. execing default.cfg Unknown command 'grayman' Unknown command './devel/release/default.cfg.' Unknown command 'a' Unknown command 'new' Unknown command 'NOT' Unknown command 'anyone' Unknown command 'use' Unknown command 'console' Unknown command 'next' Unknown command 'prev' Unknown command 'previous' Unknown command 'next' Unknown command 'crouch' Unknown command 'Lean' Unknown command 'lean' Unknown command 'Readables' Unknown command 'spyglass' Unknown command 'compass' Unknown command 'lantern' Unknown command 'maps' Unknown command 'objectives' Unknown command 'keys' Unknown command 'lockpicks' Unknown command 'lean' Unknown command 'Inventory' Unknown command 'Mantle' Unknown command 'creep' Unknown command 'frob' Unknown command 'inventory' execing Darkmod.cfg Couldn't exec autoexec.cfg - file does not exist. I18N: SetLanguage: 'english'. I18N: Found no character remapping for english. I18N: 1229 strings read from strings/english.lang I18N: 'strings/fm/english.lang' not found. ----- Initializing Sound System ------ sound system initialized. -------------------------------------- ----- R_InitOpenGL ----- Setup X display connection dlopen(libGL.so.1) Initializing OpenGL display Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.2 Free86-VidModeExtension Activated at 1680x1050 Using 8/8/8 Color bits, 8 Alpha bits, 24 depth, 8 stencil display. GL_RENDERER: Gallium 0.4 on AMD JUNIPER (DRM 2.48.0 / 4.9.13-101.fc24.x86_64, L LVM 3.8.0) GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL _EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_polygon_offs et GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_ vertex_array GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_ARB_point _parameters GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parame ters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_texture_edge_c lamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_ clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_fr amebuffer_sRGB GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_A RB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend _func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bi as GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_N V_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_S3_s3tc GL_SUN_multi_draw_arr ays GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_framebuffer_o bject GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture _env_dot3 GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_env_c ombine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirro red_repeat GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_ EXT_texture_cube_map GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fog_distance GL_APPLE_packed_pixel s GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_A RB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_sh ader GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EX T_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_AR B_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_blend_equati on_separate GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_read_format GL_ARB_color_buff er_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_text ure_float GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_EXT_packed _float GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_textur e_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_ texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_fr amebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_AR B_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_EXT _draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_textu re_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_ sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_OES_EGL_image GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_A RB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_floa t_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_A RB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_verte x_array_bgra GL_NV_conditional_render GL_AMD_conservative_depth GL_AMD_draw_buf fers_blend GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export GL_ ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_dra w_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_locatio n GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sample_shadi ng GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui G L_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ATI_meminfo GL _EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_NV_te xture_barrier GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_separate_shade r_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_texture_com pression_bptc GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_fe edback3 GL_NV_vdpau_interop GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_ compression_dxt5 GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage G L_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignmen t GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_textur e_storage GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_bl it_scaled GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_ARB_ES3_com patibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_inva lidate_subdata GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_t exture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_view GL_A RB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_KHR_debug GL_AMD_pinned_memory GL_ARB_buffer_storag e GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_te xture GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_vertex _type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_ARB_c lip_control GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB _get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_shader_texture_i mage_samples GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_KHR_context_ flush_control ------- Input Initialization ------- XKB extension: compile time 0x1:0x0, runtime 0x1:0x0: OK XKB extension present on server ( 0x1:0x0 ) ------------------------------------ dlopen(libasound.so.2) asoundlib version: 1.1.1 Alsa is available ------ Alsa Sound Initialization ----- opened Alsa PCM device default for playback device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 21844 bytes ) allocated a mix buffer of 16384 bytes -------------------------------------- Checking portable OpenGL extensions... v - using GL_ARB_multitexture v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine v - using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_add v - using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two v - using GL_ARB_texture_compression v - using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc v - using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000 v - using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias v - using GL_EXT_texture3D v - using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap v - using glStencilOpSeparate X - GL_NV_register_combiners not found v - using GL_ATI_fragment_shader v - using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object v - using GL_ARB_vertex_program v - using GL_ARB_fragment_program X - EXT_depth_bounds_test not found v - using ARB_pixel_buffer_object ---------- R_NV20_Init ---------- Not available. ----------- R200_Init ----------- GL_NUM_FRAGMENT_REGISTERS_ATI: 6 GL_NUM_FRAGMENT_CONSTANTS_ATI: 8 GL_NUM_PASSES_ATI: 2 GL_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_PER_PASS_ATI: 8 GL_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_TOTAL_ATI: 16 GL_COLOR_ALPHA_PAIRING_ATI: 1 GL_NUM_LOOPBACK_COMPONENTS_ATI: 3 GL_NUM_INPUT_INTERPOLATOR_COMPONENTS_ATI: 3 FPROG_FAST_PATH --------------------- ---------- R_ARB2_Init ---------- Available. --------------------------------- ----- R_ReloadARBPrograms ----- glprogs/test.vfp glprogs/test.vfp glprogs/interaction.vfp glprogs/interaction.vfp glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp glprogs/bumpyEnvironment.vfp glprogs/ambientLight.vfp glprogs/ambientLight.vfp glprogs/shadow.vp glprogs/R200_interaction.vp glprogs/nv20_bumpAndLight.vp glprogs/nv20_diffuseColor.vp glprogs/nv20_specularColor.vp glprogs/nv20_diffuseAndSpecularColor.vp glprogs/environment.vfp glprogs/environment.vfp glprogs/test_direct.vfp glprogs/test_direct.vfp glprogs/interaction_direct.vfp glprogs/interaction_direct.vfp glprogs/soft_particle.vfp glprogs/soft_particle.vfp glprogs/cubic_light_point.vfp glprogs/cubic_light_point.vfp glprogs/cubic_light_proj.vfp glprogs/cubic_light_proj.vfp glprogs/test_cubic_light_point.vfp glprogs/test_cubic_light_point.vfp glprogs/test_cubic_light_proj.vfp glprogs/test_cubic_light_proj.vfp glprogs/ambient_cubic_light.vfp glprogs/ambient_cubic_light.vfp ------------------------------- using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory using ARB2 renderSystem Font fonts/english/stone in size 12 not found, using size 24 instead. gamex86 - Found SO in EXE path with timestamp of 1485518418 - /home/sneaker/store/ games/darkmod/gamex86.so gamex86 - Found SO in pak file with timestamp of 1485518418 - /home/sneaker/store/ games/darkmod/tdm_game02.pk4/gamex86.so gamex86 - SO in EXE path is newer, ignoring SO in pak file Found AMD CPU, features: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 3DNow! CMOV game using generic code for SIMD processing. --------- Initializing Game ---------- The Dark Mod 2.05, code revision 6757 Build date: Jan 15 2017 WARNING:file def/tdm_shopitems.def, line 342: entityDef 'atdm:map_of' previousl y defined at def/custom.def:24 WARNING:file def/tdm_shopitems.def, line 353: entityDef 'ShopItem_map_of' previ ously defined at def/custom.def:39 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 38: material 'models/md5/chars/n obles/noblewoman/noblebottom' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:1 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 120: material 'models/md5/chars/ nobles/noblewoman/nobletop' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:36 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 157: material 'models/md5/chars/ nobles/noblewoman/noblehead' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:73 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 355: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female' previously defined at materials/pagan_female. mtr:1 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 406: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_bare' previously defined at materials/pagan_fe male.mtr:38 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 455: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_head' previously defined at materials/pagan_fe male.mtr:74 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 507: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_cloth' previously defined at materials/pagan_f emale.mtr:108 WARNING:file materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr, line 425: material 'transformer_gaug e' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:300 WARNING:file materials/tdm_epifire_furniture.mtr, line 35: material 'leather_ch air_001' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:701 WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_kitchen.mtr, line 2620: material 'bc_silver_t eapot_2' previously defined at materials/custom.mtr:374 WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_readables.mtr, line 274: material 'book_red1' previously defined at materials/custom.mtr:342 WARNING:file materials/tdm_stone_natural.mtr, line 2065: material 'textures/dar kmod/stone/natural/rough_greyblue01' previously defined at materials/tdm_stone_ flat.mtr:2139 Initializing event system ...833 event definitions Initializing class hierarchy ...170 classes, 819672 bytnitializing scripts /proc/cpuinfo CPU frequency: 2600 MHz Compiled 'interpolateShaderParm': 235.0 ms ---------- Compile stats ---------- Memory usage: Strings: 45, 7152 bytes Statements: 20098, 401960 bytes Functions: 1251, 127656 bytes Variables: 92436 bytes Mem used: 1120356 bytes Static data: 2277552 bytes Allocated: 2826916 bytes Thread size: 7068 bytes ...6 aas types game initialized. -------------------------------------- Parsing material files Found 0 new mission packages. Found 8 mods in the FM folder. Parsed 9 mission declarations. No 'tdm_mapsequence.txt' file found for the current mod: heartv2 -------- Initializing Session -------- Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead. Font fonts/english/mason_glow in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead. Font fonts/english/mason in size 12 not found, using size 48 instead. Font fonts/english/mason in size 24 not found, using size 48 instead. WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/heart3 session initialized -------------------------------------- --- Common Initialization Complete --- ------------- Warnings --------------- during The Dark Mod initialization... WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/heart3 WARNING:Couldn't load image: guis/assets/splash/launch WARNING:file def/tdm_shopitems.def, line 342: entityDef 'atdm:map_of' previousl y defined at def/custom.def:24 WARNING:file def/tdm_shopitems.def, line 353: entityDef 'ShopItem_map_of' previ ously defined at def/custom.def:39 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 120: material 'models/md5/chars/ nobles/noblewoman/nobletop' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:36 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 157: material 'models/md5/chars/ nobles/noblewoman/noblehead' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:73 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_nobles.mtr, line 38: material 'models/md5/chars/n obles/noblewoman/noblebottom' previously defined at materials/helena.mtr:1 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 355: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female' previously defined at materials/pagan_female. mtr:1 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 406: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_bare' previously defined at materials/pagan_fe male.mtr:38 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 455: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_head' previously defined at materials/pagan_fe es for event callbacks male.mtr:74 WARNING:file materials/tdm_ai_pagans.mtr, line 507: material 'models/md5/chars/ pagans/pagan_female/pagan_female_cloth' previously defined at materials/pagan_f emale.mtr:108 WARNING:file materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr, line 425: material 'transformer_gaug e' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:300 WARNING:file materials/tdm_epifire_furniture.mtr, line 35: material 'leather_ch air_001' previously defined at materials/tdm_epi_shader.mtr:701 WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_kitchen.mtr, line 2620: material 'bc_silver_t eapot_2' previously defined at materials/custom.mtr:374 WARNING:file materials/tdm_models_readables.mtr, line 274: material 'book_red1' previously defined at materials/custom.mtr:342 WARNING:file materials/tdm_stone_natural.mtr, line 2065: material 'textures/dar kmod/stone/natural/rough_greyblue01' previously defined at materials/tdm_stone_ flat.mtr:2139 WARNING:file skins/tdm_gen_metal.skin, line 596: skin 'iron_flat' previously de fined at skins/tdm_gen_metal.skin:103 WARNING:file skins/tdm_readables.skin, line 344: skin 'readables/paperwad1_blan k' previously defined at skins/heart.skin:28 WARNING:file sound/tdm_ai_commander.sndshd, line 1909: sound 'tdm_ai_commander_ there_you_are' previously defined at sound/tdm_ai_commander.sndshd:1407 19 warnings pid: 2177 3696 MB System Memory guessing video ram ( use +set sys_videoRam to force ) .. guess failed, return default low-end VRAM setting ( 64MB VRAM ) 64 MB Video Memory Async thread started Couldn't exec autocommands.cfg - file does not exist. Dumped console text to mylog.txt. [/spoiler]
  14. I'm a little surprised that a direct file reference doesn't work but OTOH many Doom 3 conventions prefer def inheritance over direct file references. For example, particle textures.
  15. Author note: It's hard to believe it's already been a year since Act 1 came out! Well during this mission the player will be following Corbin into the Grimwood district to followup on a lead from last night (Act 1) .. the mysterious tablet! This mission is my first time including full EFX support as well as a HD briefing video file, additionally a new script has been added crafted by the talented Obsttorte which has loot flying towards the player when you pick it up. On a level design front I have tried to change things up a bit by really catering towards a number of play styles, this mission can be completely ghosted or you can use the tools at your disposal to wreak havoc on the citizens of Northdale. For the first time I have tried to create more sandbox environments which don't offer clear answers handed directly to you, so if you're having trouble figuring something out try a different method. This mission takes between 1 - 2 hours to finish depending on the difficulty you play on and how thoroughly you explore. I hope you enjoy your night in Northdale! - Goldwell Voice actors Fen Phoenix Goldwell Random_taffer Yandros Beta testers Amadeus Boiler's Hiss Cambridge Spy Chakkman Crowind Epifire Kingsal SquadaFroinx Custom Assets Andreas Rocha DrK Epifire Grayman Kingsal MalachiAD Obsttorte Sotha Springheel SquadaFroinx Purgator With special thanks to Epifire for creating a large collection of custom models, Grayman for helping out with coding, Kingsal for drawing the ingame map and Moonbo for his script revision on the briefing video. Available via in-game downloader MIRROR File Size: 417 mb EDIT: If you are having performance issues please consult this post by Nbohr1more which may address your issue http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19936-fan-mission-shadows-of-northdale-act-ii-by-goldwell-20190320/page-2?do=findComment&comment=436271
  16. That warning is just because I'm using a custom model (the letters on the buildings in the square) and the material declared in the model itself ('font') doesn't actually exist and it's replaced with a new material using a skin. AFAIK it shouldn't cause a crash. That's not to say something in the map isn't causing it though - just no idea what.
  17. How you can help depends a lot on what skills you have. I can Record Video Recording "Let's Play" videos or simple walkthroughs of existing missions and posting them to Youtube is great exposure for the mod (see example .) Be sure to let us know so we can link to them. If you have some editing ability, Video tutorials, where you explain how the mod works, or how to use specific tools, would also be great. Video trailers, showcasing interesting places and features, are also great for publicity. An example is . I can Write Writing reviews for missions are always nice, especially if they include good screenshots. Not only does it give us something to post on other forums, but it makes mappers feel good when their mission gets attention (especially if it's positive). We have a collective thread to post reviews in: http://forums.thedar...s-walkthroughs/ Writing reviews of the mod as a whole, targetted an an audience that doesn't know much about TDM, is also very useful. You could also try offering your services to mappers to create interesting readables, or to proofread for their mission. I can Act and Record Audio We are always on the lookout for good quality audio recordings for vocal sets. If interested, you can pick a few different lines from this script: http://wiki.thedarkm...t:_Average_Jack and send the recordings to Springheel, who then writes a script based on the type of voice you have. I can Translate We could always use translations of our menu/hud into more languages. Also, only a few FMs are aavailable in more than one language, so there is a lot of work there, see the I18N Translator's Guide in the Wiki. I can Model Great! Take a look at the model request thread:http://forums.thedar...-requests-here/ and pick something that interests you. Or just post a, "Hey, anybody want a model?" thread in this forum and I'm sure mappers will get back to you. I can Animate Fantastic. We can always use more good animations. Our current character rigs use a Maya skeleton. PM Springheel for more info. I know C++ Have a look at our coding section in the wiki, pick an issue or feature from the bugtracker of the mod or the leveleditor, download the recent sourcecode release (or better ask for an SVN checkout) and get cracking. Make sure nobody is already working on that specific issue and feel free to ask questions. I can Edit Images We can always use completely new textures and/or improved versions of older textures. How to get started and how to import them into the mod. I can Take Photos Good quality photos of useful textures (medieval-ish building facades, dirt, rocks, wood, etc) are always welcome. The fewer directional shadows and higher resolution, the better. I don't have any skills Even if you can't do any of the above, you can still help out. Talk about TDM in other forums; share your (preferably positive) experiences with other gamers you know. Last, but not least, compliment people when you like their work. Saying "thanks", to a developer or, "I really enjoyed your mission" to a mapper will make their day. -------------------- I'll update this further as more things occur to me.
  18. DarkRadiant 3.2.0 is ready for download. What's new: Feature: Show entityDefs related to selected models in Model Chooser Feature: Support for rendering blend lights Feature: Implement sorting of Interaction Stages Feature: Recognise type of "set x on y" spawnargs Feature: OBJ files: loader supports usemtl keywords directly referencing material names (without .mtl file) Fixed: Material editor: additional preview object in textures/glass/ materials Fixed: Every attempt to load a texture will trigger a SIGSEGV signal caught: 11 Improvement: Update to wxWidgets 3.2.0 Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/3.2.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks to all the awesome people who keep using DarkRadiant to create Fan Missions - they are the main reason for me to keep going. Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  19. The idea that I have in mind is quite simple: the player selects a "Peek Keyhole" inventory item, places himself/herself in front of a door and presses the "use" key to peek through. No leaning forward, no accurate positioning. For as long as a door is highlighted, and the player is at a reasonable distance from the door, players can peek through it, just like using lock-picks. I have yet to decide whether the peek will have an on/off toggle or the peek will be continuously enabled for as long as the player keeps pressing the "use" key. Both options work fine in my prototype but I have yet to examine the pros and cons in detail. Opinions are welcome. Back to basis, I can think of three mandatory main rules: The door must have a handle: otherwise you can peek through other items with doors acting as lids, such as chests. The door mustn't be locked: the reason is that if a door is locked perhaps it isn't the time to know what's behind. Besides, for the peek to work it would seem we must "travel" to other side and we could accidentally trigger a goal before its time. If a door is unlocked nothing is preventing you from passing through therefore you can peek through it pretty safely. The peek POV must be static: meaning you get to see what's right ahead of the keyhole, in a forward position relative to the position of the keyhole or door. Players cannot use the mouse. Peeking through doors is quiet an advantage already and I think players shouldn't see too much of what's on the other side. Depending on the setup of the door and the area ahead sometimes you will get to see more, sometimes less. Now, how do we about it? We can use the built-in "Peek View" (fully or to an extent) or we can create our own implementation. I would like to try all options we can think of and see what works best. I have so far been tinkering with the built-in solution. It works, but there still are some big challenges ahead. I didn't want to use handles as a reference to avoid any potential clipping and thanks to @Dragofer we can now tell reliably and in in real time the exact center of a door, regardless of its position, orientation or rotation. The center of the door will be the reference point for our peek.
  20. Hello TDM-ers. I am encountering an issue where textures seem to partially disappear. I tried searching the forums, but, I don't know what to search for. The missing textures are a worldspawn brush acting as a roof with {for now} flat iron texture. There are other worldspawn brushes right below to create an attic ceiling with roof framework board texture. These gaps appeared a few edits ago. I can't "undo" to get back before whatever edit did this. The gaps are only visible during play and are not visible during editing. Closing and reopening DR and TDM do not fix anything. Some of the brushes overlap in areas behind the play area but I have never seen an issue doing that. The attached image has the effect I am now seeing. Ideas on where to start debugging this? Very much appreciated. Clint
  21. IMO a material editor would be awesome. btw some people don't know but original idtech 4, comes with a material editor included, but I assume most don't use it, mostly because, they prefer to edit the materials by hand but this is because the material editor, like almost all original idtech 4 tools, has a tendency to crash, it can also sometimes corrupt the material definition file and is not very user friendly, so people avoid using it, but a good stable material editor, would get users i'm certain. About what it should have and look like, first imo the most important feature of the material editor is the preview, if possible, it should be a accurate representation of how it will look like ingame, second it needs to support all original idtech 4 material key words (and of course new TDM ones), it should at lest, support materials with GLSL shader stages in the preview, supporting old ARB ones would be nice (for those working with Dhewm 3 engine for example) but I comprehend if it doesn't get included. How it could look like, I really don't know, i've not used many material editors before to make a comparation, but imo the Unity suggestion is a good one, you guys could also look at the material editor that comes with original idtech 4 (but of course improve on it). One thing that imo it needs thou, is the ability to edit the material code by hand in the editor, if you so desire, for example, if you know a keyword by memory, you don't need to search for it, just open the material code section/tab and input the keyword by hand there. It should be able to open and save multiple materials, found on a single .mtr file. This is what comes to mind at the moment.
  22. (I apologize for the odd poll question layout. I wasn't able to add five yes-no questions, because polls are limited to three questions.) Hi everyone, I've recently been working on some patches for issues that I've read about from players on the TDM and TTLG forums — and Discord. My goal is to make it as easy as possible for players, especially new players and those who need usability/accessibility options, to find what they need in order to have a better TDM experience. I've already written the GUI and game engine code for these settings, which I've been using in my personal build. The reason for this poll and discussion is to both guide the finalization of my work and collect data to help inform the dev team. Which patches I submit depend on the outcome of this poll, discussion, and what the dev team agrees to accept. Once decided, I can coordinate with the dev team. I've attached screenshots of what the new settings menu would look like if all of the settings are accepted. Below, I have detailed each menu setting, so you can have an easier time understanding each one. Very important to keep in mind: None of these settings change TDM default behavior. They are all opt-in. If you are already happy with the behavior of 2.10, 2.11, etc. and these menu settings are accepted, nothing will change for you. Rename "Always Run" to "Run Mode" with options "None, Always, Toggle" After 2.11 was released, @i30817 requested that "toggle run" be added to the settings menu. Its cvar is already in TDM as "in_toggleRun" (same as Doom 3). I propose renaming the "Always Run" setting to "Run Mode" with options: "None", "Always", and "Toggle". None = in_alwaysRun 0; in_toggleRun 0 Always = in_alwaysRun 1; in_toggleRun 0 Toggle = in_alwaysRun 0; in_toggleRun 1 Show Blackjack Helper @Wellingtoncrab suggested that the new blackjack helper be added to the settings menu. Its cvar was added to 2.11 as "tdm_blackjack_indicate". More info: It's the new blackjack helper added to 2.11. When the game detects that the blackjack can be used for a successful hit or KO, the blackjack will rise slightly. I propose a "Yes/No" setting for this. Slider for "View: Head Bob" @ChronA requested a way to disable head bobbing, because a viewer watching him play was having severe motion sickness. Also, there was a bug in TDM that made setting the head bob in the console not stick after loading a saved game. (Even with 2.11, if a mission overrides the "tdm_player_thief.def" file and sets "pm_bobroll", "pm_bobpitch", "pm_bobup", and other cvars, it will override player preferences.) As far back as 2008, players have had trouble setting head bob. Another one from 2018. At the end of 2022, @Shadowex3 registered just to voice the need for a way to control head bob. I propose that a slider be added to adjust the amount of head bob. This would use a new "pm_headbob_mod" cvar with a value between 0.0 and 1.0 (default 1.0, no change). The "pm_headbob_mod" would be a multiplier for "pm_bobroll", "pm_bobpitch", and "pm_bobup". The advantage to this approach is that missions like Volta 2 and Hazard Pay would not need to adjust their "tdm_player_thief.def" files for head bob to work properly. And, the player can still adjust "pm_bobroll", "pm_bobpitch", and "pm_bobup" as they like. Slider for "View: Mantle Roll" This is similar to head bob for those who are sensitive to motion. Its cvar was added to 2.11 as "pm_mantle_roll_mod". A Thief player on Discord said, "2.11 will have a cvar to tune down the mantling animation at last." I propose that a slider be added for "pm_mantle_roll_mod". Auto-Search Bodies @Zaratul requested the "auto-search bodies" feature from Thief 1 & 2. Its cvar was added to 2.12 dev16783-10307 as "tdm_autosearch_bodies". I did a poll on the a Thief Discord server and roughly 20% of players there use the Thief auto-search bodies feature. I propose a menu setting for this, so that players coming from Thief 1 & 2 can easily find it.
  23. Ahhh okay, I wasn't sure if that was a new engine feature or a Blender feature. I'm still waiting patiently for a viable fix to material edges being split by the engine at run time. I've despised the material naming convention since I joined the mod. At the same time however, I understand how making the path name the same as the material name can simplify things. But to a degree. It's good rule of thumb to just copy and paste material names anyways, but the path length almost demands that to limit typos. I'm just thankful Maya preserves forward slashes in a material name.
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