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  1. http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88654&p=2037867&viewfull=1#post2037867
  2. You guys have any work arounds for the 2048 collision model map limit?

  3. Sorry for the double post on this, but I wanted to make sure it is seen. I get error messages when I attempt to follow the links to the tutorials (the AZ tutorial, the starter map, and the wiki itself). I'm sure it's just something that got missed with the forum/website upgrade, but I rely very heavily on the wiki, so I'm eager to get back to it. Thank you.
  4. Ok, here we go. Need some good story ideas. Obviously, each person will need to come up with the narrative for their own mission, but we need some kind of a loose, overall story that will take us through all of our missions in a campaign form. I'm open to anything at this point. My original idea before any of you joined, heck before even posting the "novice campaign" thread to see if anyone was interested, was something like this: Protagonist infiltrates a mansion owned by a wizard and gains information (my mission) required to access other remote locations and find certain hidden or secret items. Yes, I know, so original. Pretty much just like the arc of stories from The Dark Project, where The Sword/Haunted Cathedral leads to The Mages Towers/The Lost City/Song Of The Caverns/Undercover. Still, I thought it was a good base idea, as it opened the possibility of creating several unique missions all with different settings and unique atmosphere. We don't need to use this by any means, so if you have ideas, let's hear it. As I've said, I'm open to anything. We also need to decide who our protagonist is going to be. We can come up with someone completely new, or we can go with someone already listed in the Dark Mod wiki. I think the character of Farrell sounds interesting, but maybe we can come up with something different/better.
  5. My partner and I plan to do a college-themed mission. I hope fllood doesn't mind if we use his progress summary as it's really useful: Name: Work in progress Type: an indoor building, maybe with a small courtyard in the front. We plan to include several floors. Size: Small - 4-5 floors with between 2 and 7 rooms each. AI: 'Professor' style AI, mansion-like guards, non-combatants. Player Goals: depending on the main story going through, the laboratories within the school will hold technologically important information, as well as new theories which may be profitable to obtain. There may be a unique object to steal too. Basement laboratories Design: 0% Geometry: 0% Interiors: 0% Gameplay: 0% Fine Tuning : 0% Ground floor - hall? Design: 0% Geometry: 0% Interiors: 0% Gameplay: 0% Fine Tuning : 0% First First floor - classrooms Design: 0% Geometry: 0% Interiors: 0% Gameplay: 0% Fine Tuning : 0% Second floor - classrooms/communal rooms Design: 0% Geometry: 0% Interiors: 0% Gameplay: 0% Fine Tuning : 0% Third floor - staff rooms Design: 0% Geometry: 0% Interiors: 0% Gameplay: 0% Fine Tuning : 0% Campaign Setup and Testing: 0% Ideas & Setting: The college educates students of high society in the sciences. It is a place of learning, but it is not a dormatory. Students would go to the college during the day, so the college is quiet at night. As the college is for the upper class, there is a lot of expensive items lying around, so the college have employed security. Also, the lecturers tend to stay at work until late, so a thief may bump into them. The idea is that the labs in the basement will hold the final objectives, so the idea would be that the labs would be the last place to go and would have the most security. In the lab there will be documents to read and items to steal. Perhaps some forms of magic? Access to the labs and secrets within is obtainable by visiting the staff/class rooms. fllood's useful map categories: Ideas and plans [25%] Design [0%] - Setting, Inhabitants, Player Aims, Layout Sketch Plan, Entry/Exit Points, Player and AI Pathways, etc. Geometry [0%] - Room Brushwork and Textures, Sky, Weather, architectonical Patchwork (Columns, Tunnels, Arches...), Beams, Grime, Doors, Climbables, Visportals, Location Entities Setup, etc. Interiors [0%] - Trims and optical Patches, optical Windows, Furniture and Outfit, Containers, Lighting, Location Sound, etc. Gameplay [0%] - AI, Monsterclip, Keys, Loot, Lockpick settings, Objectives, Events and Triggers, Equipment, Player Map, Shop, adjustments to Difficulty Levels, etc. Story [0%] - Briefing, Readables, visual story Scenes, Conversations, etc. Fine Tuning [1%] - Nature and Vegetation, Decals, Point Sound (Speakers), Decorations and minor Details, Secrets, Texture Touch Ups, Optional Objectives, Polishing, etc. Testing [5%] - Balancing, Performance, Campaign Adjustments, Fixes
  6. This mod has some great ambient sounds. What's yours and why? Some favorites of mine are: basement01_loop.ogg -- Simple, but very creepy sounding. It gives me the chills. church_kyrie01.ogg -- a beautiful piece of music, especially when the vocals become loud desolation_loop.ogg -- another one that gives me the chills haunted_spectral_loop.ogg -- makes the player tense... Every time I hear it I expect something to jump out at me. mansion_outside.ogg -- really conveys the feeling of being a thief. This track never gets old. solitude_loop.ogg -- One of the great piano tracks that is rarely used. Sotha (AKA the master of ambient sound placement) has used this one a few times. haunted_eerie_loop.ogg -- has a sad/gloomy sound to it. I love it!
  7. Here's my thread. I'll start by posing noob questions (I will also do so in the Editor's guild for more immediate problems), planning questions and requests for help. Later I will post screenshots and other preview things below.
  8. Just returned from a 7 day holiday, opened up this forum, had at least 4 pages of "new content". Made it past page 2 (to about June 03), and then had to take care of a few things here. When I came back, the forum had logged me out (timeout?), and when you log out, it forgets all "new content". So you log in, and it says "there is nothing new for you". Great, now I never know what I missed between May 30th and June 03.... grrrrrrrrr With email, you would still have all unread messages *sigh* Is there a way to change this behaviour? It has annoyed me in the past, but not as much as this time.. Edit: It's even worse, there is "no new content", but when I go f.i. into the "off topic" sub-forum, it still shows me threads as unread that I definitely already did read an hour ago. So I can't even just look at all the "unread" threads. Oh boy...
  9. From playing the Seasons Contest missions (bugs added as I go). Bug [1] Bring up the blackjackOpen a readable (inventory map in my case)Click (attack1)Results in blackjack arm raised indefinitely Bug [2] (SOLVED - map related with existing workaround): In Rake Off, in the starting cave, looking anywhere below horizontal results in falling snow not displaying Feature [3] In Reap as you Sow, objectives are numerous and change quite often. Viewing them through the TDM objective screen makes it easy to miss a few, because only a handful of them are displayed at a time and the mouse scrolling doesn't work item by item. Thief had the very simple and clever idea of choosing a much smaller font for large objective lists. Is this possible in TDM and what do people think of that idea?
  10. Since a lot of you guys around here have your personal threads with collections of questions, I'm not gonna sit around but do the same myself. I want to make lightning flashes through windows. The windows aren't transparent so I have made them into func_statics. Then I've made a construction with the shadow texture to make the "light map". So the flashing lights in the room is affected by the metal and prongs of the window texture. The problem is that I now will render the outside areas, as the engine needs a portal outside to even render the flashes in the room. As I understand the thunder/lightning behaviour is tucked away in some kind of fx-file where all the preferences are. Is it possible to change the lightning flashes and make, let's say a spot light, inside the room, pointing away from the window, and creates flashes in the room? That way I can use whatever lightning map I want. Another problem I would like to solve is: When the flashes appear, the inside of the windows is totally unaffected. I would like to make them change to a brightly lit version, in sync with the flashes. Perhaps making a very thin sliver that covers the whole window, and make it into some kind of mover that moves with the flashes and goes out a small bit, just so that it covers the dark window.
  11. Announcement: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=8900 Please post any comments, bug notices, etc in this thread. If you have any issues with the new forums, please try to refresh/remove your Internet browser cache. Thanks ~m2
  12. the "what are you working on" thread appears to be locked from new posts. just noticed this..... whats going on?
  13. Hey people. My brother has an Xbox 360 which I currently have access to, so I am seeking fun/good games that aren't available on the PC. I am guessing some of the people around here have an Xbox too, so lets share thoughts. Already on my list to play: Shadows of the Damned: Slapstick-Horror-Action-Game Alan Wake: I guess everybody knows this one Halo Reach Red Dead Redemption L.A. Noire Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Condemned 2 What I recently played: Dante's Inferno: Ok-game if you don't feel like thinking at all for once. I prefer Darksiders when it comes to Hack'n Slay though. Bayonetta: Also Hack'n Slay, but this game is so damn fun. The leveldesign is absolutely freaky and dynamic, e.g. walking on a skyscraper-tall boss itself while hitting it with your weapons. You're constantly surprised with new astonishing things, which are simply spectacular for the most part. This game can best be described as awkward but breathtaking. Wet: Action shooter, stopped playing after a while, because it got boring.
  14. Trying to balance work, life, TDM is tricky. I find I can usually do 2 of those things and the other suffers.

  15. OK, For some reason I got a bug to try Linux again. Tried Kubuntu maybe a year+ ago and never got around some issues. Mainly my soundcard/drivers. I've also got some other programs that I want to use that I'm not sure will work in Linux/Wine so it's gonna have to be dual boot. I stumbled across Linux Mint 9 so I'm trying that this time. Of course this means headaches, issues.... Win7 is great for partitioning, best windows yet. You can increase/decrease/add/delete partitions really easily. EXCEPT the Windows boot drive. Once you instal 7 it can't be changed. I had enough fore thought to make one partition for it, and made it larger than needed so I'd ehave a bit of space for updates/whatever. So without reninstall of win7 Unfortuantely I DIDN'T have enough foresight to make it large enough for the 8 GB of Linux (I have 5 GB extra). And to dual boot (easily at least) Mint 9 is supposed to be on same partition next to Windows. So far the best I can do is to have it installed on same HD as windows (different partition), or seperate HD. Either way the grub boot menu doesn't ever show. Having it on a seperate HD and choosing that HD for boot ALMOST worked. It says 'loading grub', then it says error 22 and hangs. I did edit the boot sequence files and was sure I had the correct HD selected (/dev/sdc3) (HD 3, partition 3). Not being able to start up Linux makes it hard to apply fixes, alot of stuff doesn't seem to work correctly off the liveCD. I don't know if it detects the installed grub or not, etc.. ---------- I've got a post at the mint9 forums but no bites yet. Guess I'm asking for advice. One issue I had with Kubuntu was the boot defaulted to linux and getting it to boot in Vista was a pain. ---------- My next step is to physically unplug the windows HD, instal linux on the backup get it working, then work on the grub to dual boot. Got to clean up a disc full of movies first, that's 120gigs. ------- Depending on what programs I can run Win7 might vanish. The main one right now is Max as I don't want to learn a new 3d app, but that might also change if I can find the Max interface for Blender. (might have to keep Win7 for some games too). I can drop PS for Gimp. What else is there? TDM, DR, PS, Max... anything else I can use whatever it takes.
  16. I saw your recent update for Thieves Guild on moddb. Nice work.

  17. admins:- Just delete the thread for now as after 2 f**king hours of trying to find a way to link/host more than a handfull of images on this bloody forum, I give up. This was going be a thread just for my prefabs, but I have 157 and its just not gonna happen with the access I currently have. Ive even looked at hosting the file on sourceforge, but jesus f**ing christ its so slow its not even worth the effort. Apologies for this extremely weird thread, the pain killers for my gut greif are making me a bit loopy.... bleh.. Maybe when Im feeling more like myself, i will figure out some super brilliant way of doing the above etc..
  18. I think that a "Feature Proposal" thread would be good to have around to let mappers express their DarkRadiant desires without making Bugtracker a mad-house of random requests. (My apologies for the Normal Map sculpting feature request ...) I'm not sure Greebo will read anything here but he might get a couple of chuckles at least...
  19. Hey since I just read in the other thread that Sotha is addicted to DarkRadiant (), I was wondering how much time an addict spends with our beloved editor? I hope nobody of you guys and gals forgets to eat or stuff like that while you're on a trip.
  20. jaxa

    I checked out your site and I like what you have going on. Good work!

  21. I KO'd an AI. I placed the body for another AI to find. I noticed a possible bug. The AI sees the body and checks it. Then he looks around for the culprit. UNARMED. He is not wielding his sword. Then when he has searched enough and relaxes, then he pulls out the sword and resumes patrol.
  22. So I decided to do like Sotha did and post miscellaneous progress/questions/problems and such to a single thread to avoid cluttering up the forum, so here goes. My first question here is about the absence_noticeability property. I'm trying to get it to work on a painting that tears out and leaves the empty frame there, but no matter what I do I can't get the AI to notice it (even when well-lit and sitting a few feet directly in front of him). Is this because the object is replaced with the blank picture frame instead of just being absent altogether, and if so, can I work around that? Edit: After several tries, again with a well-lit item (not a painting this time) placed mere feet in front of an AI, I can't get him to notice the absence. What am I missing?
  23. Just gave v1.03 a spin in my WIP map. I have rain in my map, which is implemented as several rain patches, which have spawnargs: dist_check_period 0.5 dist_check_xy 1 hide_distance 550 These are needed so that only the patches near the player are emitting rain. This worked for v1.02. In v1.03 all the patches are emitting rain all the time, causing performance issues. It looks as if these hide_distance spawnargs do not work anymore.
  24. Thanks again for the new release. I noticed an interesting change between v1.03 and v1.04. The running animation for atdm:ai_guard_female_rogue has changed. Back in v1.03 it looked okay, but in v1.04 it looks like... Well, I cannot describe it any other way.. Looks like she has a pole up her backside. That running anim probably works well for the females with a dress, but if the AI has pants it looks quite goofy. Also I want to mention that def_attaching a prop_lootbag on a female AI does not look good: the ladies have thinner waist, so the lootbag is floating in air. Otherwise this update looked really good in my tests. The AI's seem to be able to negotiate through the map much better than previously altough they sometimes spin around in front of doors when searching. Luckly they quickly improve their bearings, though.
  25. I've just completed the upgrade from IPB 2.2.x to 2.3.6, the newest official release of IPB. This was done to stay ahead on the IPB version 3 that is currently in the beta stages. Please post any comments, bug notices, etc in this thread. PS: If you have any issues with the new forums, please try to refresh/remove your Internet browser cache. Thanks, ~m2
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