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Particle Emitter for flowing water..?


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I'm looking for a particle emitter which is good for a small stream of liquid, such as from a faucet. Preferably one which can be colored.

I have found several 'drips' which almost do what I want. A certain colorable steam emitter from Doom3 almost worked, but the spread and speed of the flow is too much. Doom3's 'dripping snot' was nearly perfect, but it ends up dripping in 2 opposite directions.

Any suggestions?



System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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You could modify one that is close to what you want. These are simple text files or you can use the particle editor from the console, I forget the command, probably partEd or something, google will find it (note this may be slow to appear so don't think it's crashed.)

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darkmod assets are inside the .pk4 files. These are normal zip files. Open and extract the one you want and it should create a folder in darkmod with the files in.


Always remember each time you update TDM that your extracted files will overwrite changed files in the new pk4s so wise to delete those extracted folders at that stage except for anything new you've added.

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Sorry for late response, I found them in tdm_defs01.pk4 later.


I lost my enthusiasm of working on particle editor, so any text editor for editing is better for me.





If you going to work on them, you can find/edit speed values in text editor. In both way you need to test several times to get right speed.

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You'll notice in the fountain in my FM, after looking at everything else the best I could find was the slow drip particle, which wasn't very satisfying. So I understand what you're looking for.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Thanks guys. I'll try the text editor method. I'll probably use 'mc2_smallpipesteam_colorable.prt' and try to slow down the speed and narrow the spread so it looks more like liquid than steam.

What I am doing may seem silly at this point for a DR newb like myself to be doing... but I'm doing it anyway.

I made a tap for a barrel with a handle on top which rotates -90 degrees and triggers the particle emitter. It works well, except that I need to get that particle emitter under control so it looks more like a flow of liquid coming out of the tap instead of a pressurized spray.



Edit: Here are 2 screenshots... which remind me that I need to cork those other 2 barrels :)



Edited by PranQster

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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If you dont mind a bit of thinking and tinkering with textures/materials, check out:



It's got a few good examples, but they are aimed at QW for the most part, with a little translating you can get the same ideas into TDM.


Hmmm, that scrolling texture for making a drip seems like a good idea, pehaps I could apply something similar to a brush sized about 2x2x40 to reach from the tap to the bottom of the bowl beneath it (maybe I'll put a floor drain there instead of the bowl to help explain where the liquid goes).

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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type EditParticles in console but as Fidcal mentioned It takes too much time under darkmod. Use doom3 instead. But this time it can't find darkmod assets. I couldn't find them with explorer either. Where are they? Besides the save doesn't work for me. I'm totally confused :wacko:


From the Doom3 console, I found no such commands as 'EditParticles' or 'partEd' or anything even close. Pressing 'ed' followed by TAB came up with no commands even starting with 'edit' and pressing 'pa' followed by TAB came up with 'parse' 'password' and 'path' I think... nothing starting with 'part'.

A google search took me to a page that says the command is indeed 'editParticles', but alas, no such command found when I try it.

Edited by PranQster

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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Yeah.. the console is not case sensitive. But what I'm saying is that the 'editAnything' commands do not exist for me. They must require the Doom3 SDK, which I don't have. I tried to compile it, but it is 5 years old now and will not compile on my system. I think the Windows version of Doom3 has the SDK already... probably why you guys have the edit commands and I don't.

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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I got basically what I need. I finally tracked down the particle I was using in the Doom3 pak000.pk4 file. I extracted it, renamed it and renamed the particles described in it and put it in its own .pk4

I then started experimenting with editing the .prt and nearly got what I want by trial and error. I'll have to read up on the sdk particle editor to see what all of the values relate to.


I had some trouble with it drawing properly unless I left it in the doom3/base directory. It looks I'll have to extract related textures and pack them up too before I can move it to my map directory.

The damn thing is bright though. I can see it glowing in the dark when it is out of range of my lantern. Looks florescent.

Anyhoo... I took a couple screenshots of it nearly working as I want.



System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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Yeah.. the console is not case sensitive. But what I'm saying is that the 'editAnything' commands do not exist for me. They must require the Doom3 SDK, which I don't have. I tried to compile it, but it is 5 years old now and will not compile on my system. I think the Windows version of Doom3 has the SDK already... probably why you guys have the edit commands and I don't.


The edit commands also don't work under Linux at all (AFAIK).

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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I managed to get the doom3 sdk built. It needed g++-3.3 installed (and symlinked from g++-3.3.6) and a line commented out in the SConstruct file. It then built without issue using: scons CXX="g++-3.3"

I have not tried anything with it yet, but am about to see if the edit commands will be available. If so, I'll post the .pk4

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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Well, it seems that it did nothing but build a couple of ~40MB executables. After renaming the game01.pk4 files in both the base and d3xp directories, I put the newly built game01.pk4 files in place. I launched both Doom3 and TDM but did not playtest. I was hoping the SDK included the edit commands to open the editors in GTK windows. But nope... no edit commands at all.

Why then are the sdk build 'gamex86.so files 37MB larger than the original ones. What do they include that we can actually make use of?

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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hey I see that you got improvement on it :), however wine doesn't flow like that from a barrel ( AFAIK from my experience on filling my wine glass from little wine cask.) It doesn't lose its shape in low distance. I couldn't explain well, but think about it.



here's a link about sdk: http://www.modwiki.net/wiki/Beginner%27s_Tutorial_%28Part_2%29_The_SDK

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Oh I know very well how wine flows from a cask/bottle, and ale and many other delicious liquids ;) It's not how I want it, but it is getting closer. Right now the particles spread and drift too far. I want them to stay in a cylinder and close together. I also can't (yet) control the brightness of the particle stream. Even if I assign it a color of deep Burgundy red, it ends up looking like glowing coolaid... even when it is in the dark.

I had been hoping to do an effect like the filling tub in 'Heart', but on a smaller scale. However when I loaded Heart into DR to learn the secret, I think the water turned out to be a long patch stored vertically in the pipe above.

I am still working with what is essentially a steam particle. I achieved what I did so far by blindly changing values in the patch file until it more or less started to behave more like I wanted. I saw a tutorial about this on a doom3 forum, but the author refers a lot to the 'editparticles' utility and to screenshots of it which don't exist anymore.


I was going to play around more with it today (er... yesterday) but instead I got to playing with a big steam piston for the lift going to the wine cellar. I am very happy with that, considering my limited experience with DR.

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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Even if I assign it a color of deep Burgundy red, it ends up looking like glowing coolaid... even when it is in the dark.


The problem is that whatever material you are applying to the particle sprites is using a "blend add" stage, which causes the particle to emit light.


You probably need to create a new material that uses a "blend modulate" stage instead, which will darken the stream instead of cause it to glow.

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The problem is that whatever material you are applying to the particle sprites is using a "blend add" stage, which causes the particle to emit light.


You probably need to create a new material that uses a "blend modulate" stage instead, which will darken the stream instead of cause it to glow.


Ahh. Thanks, that will help.

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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