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Fan Mission: Alberic's Curse by b1k3rdude (Updated: 01/11/2014)


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  • 1 month later...

Because I wanted to see what happened I blackjacked a horse and I finished up being eaten by it :D :D

To be more exact - I finished up inside it






Regarding the not being seen by the haunts I assume that doesn't include ghouls as it wasn't triggered as failed after being spotted twice by them

Edited by Oldjim
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I'd like to report some bugs please.


I found a pair of door handles floating above the ground just near the church, to the right of where you come in past the horses, near the front entrance. I frobbed them and they just flew off. Later on in the church I found several doors without handles that I couldn't open. Don't know if that was intentional.


The entire thing crashed when I entered a room with bookshelves on three of the walls. At least 3 anyway, it crashed before I could turn. It was a narrow room, very brightly lit, and was (I think) on the ground floor.


The gamma and brightness settings from in game persisted after the crash and I had to recalibrate my monitor.

I want your brain... to make his heart... beat faster.

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  • 1 month later...

Played this one recently, enemies seem to randomly die as the map progresses.. by the time I'd gotten inside from the crypt and up to the second floor, the patrolling revenant outside had died somehow, and through the rest of the mission another couple randomly died in the hallways.. not sure what's going on with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, okay then. Another suggestion while you are still testing the map: I was confused about the skull handling because using it made it flash green, so for a long time I thought I had to use it on the pool like a key on a door, instead of just dropping it in! Maybe you could disable this effect or directly put the skull in the drop position on using it...

Edited by wesp5
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@Wesp, I thought the instructions where it says to 'drop' it in the pool gave enough of a hint.


I was aware of that, but the UI confused me. Sometimes using an item on something drops it in automatically. So can you make the aura of the skull and the puppet flash red when used, just to prevent a mistake like mine for other newbies ;)?

Edited by wesp5
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A third-party game with content produced individually by an increasingly diverse pool of mappers is bound to have inconsistencies and quirks. It makes more sense to explore your options rather than assuming video game standard form and being left a deer in headlights when it falls through. Running into that problem and then going to suggest a rework to the entire game's UI is completely unnecessary. I can just about understand asking in an individual mapper's release thread but it still would save more time overall if you just learned how to drop things and had tested that right away with a quicksave safety net in case you were wrong.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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Running into that problem and then going to suggest a rework to the entire game's UI is completely unnecessary.


I was never asking for something like that! As far as I know items that can't be used flash red, but two of the items in this mission always flashed green so I figured this was an oversight. Also I already finished the mission by dropping the items in the right places, I just wanted to suggest an improvement because I knew that bikerdude was updating the mission already, okay?

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  • 3 weeks later...

New to the forums, about 8 missions in. Review/comments below:


Before anything else, thanks for your hard work in making this mission!


Others have said this mission was easy, and that may be true. But my biggest frustrations in Thief games have come in undead levels that are extremely difficult, so the difficulty wasn’t a concern at all for me. There were enough twisting passageways and undead roaming inside the cathedral that I never felt like it was a cakewalk. I thought the gear-to-zombie ratio was fair (well, at least until I found the armory, but that wasn’t until I was nearly done with the level).


Very well done, and beautiful level. I’m not a designer, so others have said more than I can about the visuals. Needless to say, it was a very stunning level.


I appreciated the text clues that would pop up. The interior was somewhat maze-like, and without a map I was worried about figuring out where to go for each objective. So knowing, for example, that I should start looking for the scepter in the vicinity was a massive help. On the other hand, I had a helluva time finding Alberic’s skull. Felt a bit TOO well hidden; maybe another text clue would have helped.


But as someone who has traditionally not enjoyed undead levels, this was an amazingly fun FM.

"Fancy burricks are afraid of dogs, if they encounter each other the dog barks and the burricks poop." - Thief: Deadly Shadows Game Designer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, playing this level for the first time and I found the armory. The arrows there are not frobable, so I cannot take them. Is it a purpose or a bug? If it is on purpose than its a bit dissapointing: got a couple of undead guys there and tooo much light to my liking :) But seriously, it kinda breaks my heart to leave the arrows behind...

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Actually, playing this level for the first time and I found the armory. The arrows there are not frobable, so I cannot take them.

Have you opened the armory or are you trying to frob them through the bars..? You have to enter the armory to get any of the weapons.

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