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Fan Mission: Alberic's Curse by b1k3rdude (Updated: 01/11/2014)


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Another thing I just remembered b1ker, could you make Alberic's ghost unkillable? It felt kinda silly when you could just whack him to death with the sword, and all that. Although, it would be neat if dipping the skull in the fountain would make him go away for good; it would be a nice way to make that secondary objective actually have a real in-game consequence, other than a check sign on the objective's window, for completionism's sake.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's another "Let's Play" vid (can't see part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gvXI43FxeM&feature=channel

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  • 4 months later...

Ok, going through this mission (and my others) making them 1.08 ready, while I'm at it I thought I would fix all the bugs & issues people had etc.

  • Create a better briefing.
  • Clean-up folklore book.done
  • Clean-up/create readables to players knows what they need to do.
  • Make the curse manditory and kill the ghost of alberic when the curse is lifted.
  • Bookcase lever - make a readable that refers to it.
  • Make seasonal theme more apparent.
  • Make bookcase lever speaker louder. done
  • add falling dust to player scare trigger in gnd floor west wing.done
  • add claimable foliage on parts of outside walls.done
  • add two haunts on 2nd/3rd floor for difficulty.done
  • clean-up monsterclip throughout.done
  • lower ambient/fog light levels to make the mission a little darker. done
  • increase difficulty in crypt, add a patrolling zombie, spiders that bite.done
  • fix centre of moon glare.done
  • fix broken VP in left wing, ground flr.done
  • try and increase perf if possible.

Any other bugs people can think off..?

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Biker, if you'll update all your missions you'll simply be an hero :D

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I must admit this one a bit mixed for me.

Seasonal theme was not really all that evident, probably because I just associate dark orange leaves with autumn. & For a crypt like place it was all really well lit, many years of neglect should have made the place more dark, I still give the aesthetics the full 5 because its just so atmospheric.



Fear factor, I was tense throughout & the 3 scares I'd gotten. Well placed wasn't expecting it.


Gameplay however was a bit meh for me, The tension really had me in the beginning but by the end I realized it was all so easy even with all the torches around the place I didn't need to use the water arrows except in that room with the sleeping revenant... cause going right up to his face to unlock that chest is bound to make anyone paranoid :D.

Easiness was especially evident in the crypt area, although tip toeing around zombie corpses made up for it & finding the one hostile spider was a neat surprise, its idle sound gave it away while I was reading the book next to that hole though like the fact you scripted it to move infront of the hole eventually that would catch some peoples off guard.


So I'm going to have rank it down to a solid 3 for gameplay mainly because we can choose what way to enter and there is a fair bit to gain from loot.


Storyline - I'm counting along side the gameplay, I was enjoying the fairytale book & I think the Builders holy book (for some reason) though finding the book switch (which is mandatory for the blessing water to work>? Is it also mandotary to find that other lever which opens the grate from the place just above the crypt?) thats a bunch of bull, most wouldn't be able to find it, if you are making lifting the curse mandatory (why?) then you can't make it so 'sheer dumb luck' to find it especially if the levers in question serve a different purpose like opening stuff.


At the moment the armory serves no real purpose, so if you are boosting the difficulty & giving us a boss fight with a angry Alberic then perhaps it would make sense to get the player to visit the armory.



My main issue:



I found the bookcase lever people have been talking about, but I still can't find the doll. Yes I want it spoiled. I read the my note but it just.. I've been through the grounds to no avail.


Edited by TheUnbeholden
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My main issue:



I found the bookcase lever people have been talking about, but I still can't find the doll. Yes I want it spoiled. I read the my note but it just.. I've been through the grounds to no avail.




I found it beside the low wall (between the wall and shed) of the building that gives you an alternative entrance to the crypt from outside.


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  • Seasonal theme was not really all that evident, probably because I just associate dark orange leaves with autumn.
  • For a crypt like place it was all really well lit, many years of neglect should have made the place more dark,
  • Fear factor, I was tense throughout
  • Gameplay however was a bit meh for me,
  • Storyline - I'm counting along side the gameplay,
  • At the moment the armory serves no real purpose,

  • I have attempted to make this more evident in the latest version thats being beta tested atm..
  • Point taken, will adjust but some will have to be like for gameplay reasons.
  • He he he! I have upped this a notch or two in the latest version..
  • I have addressed this accross the board.
  • Not anymore it aint.
  • Its just another location to get a sword from, with a few added extra's

Im hoping to release the next version in time for Xmas :-)

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  • 4 months later...

Awesome mission. I had a blast to play it.


Problems I had where I could grab loot from closed compartments, or at least I had the "ching" sound.


The room in the basement south-east corner, I used the use key to use the chest and it "chinged" before I lockpicked, though it had an item in there when i opened it. Same with the safe in the scepter room.


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Problems I had where I could grab loot from closed compartments, or at least I had the "ching" sound.

The room in the basement south-east corner, I used the use key to use the chest and it "chinged" before I lockpicked, though it had an item in there when i opened it. Same with the safe in the scepter room.

Can you PM a screenshot of the location..?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey- great mission! I loved playing. Great atmosphere, architecture and graphics!

When it came down to it, it's true the ai were too easy, and it was too easy to hide and get around them, but it worked perfectly for me, because I didn't realize that until I was done exploring, and it was time to go hunting for stuff, and I wanted them to be easier so I could get where I wanted to go. Kinda kills replayability some, though. At first, the mission was really daunting and scary as hell.


I did have the guy stuck on the statue, and the crate falling through the floor, although I don't think it blocked anyone.


One thing that I think could help would be to put different doors in different areas. I missed the armory and relic rooms for a while because those areas had a lot of doors and they all looked the same. Maybe one kind of door that goes outside, another kind for doors for interior rooms, and another that go into the chapel. I missed the armory especially because I thought it lead outside for a while.


My only problem with the self shutting doors is that I like to open them and watch through while I'm hiding to know when the ai passes by so I can go. I also lurk in doorways a lot and ended up getting shut in them.


I also didn't get the readable that was already in my inventory, and I had to come here to find the skull because

I missed that that particular coffin would open.



As for other bugs, I think I may have had the same thing as Psychomorph happen.

For me it was in the barracks room with the sleeping revenant and like, 5 chests. On the first pickable chest right next to the sleeping dude I tried to frob the chest to pick it and got the loot grab sound (and added loot to my inventory). When I did get it picked open, it was empty. For the other pickable chest in that room, I got it picked and there was a hairbrush in it that looked like loot, but I couldn't get it selected so I could frob it no matter how I stood up or crouched or even climbed up on the open chest- and gave up.


Which does bring me to a small TDM pet peeve of mine- I don't like the chests where both the bottom of the chest and the lid seperately highlight and frob to open and close the lid. It makes can make it frustrating to take loot out of the bottom- I wish only the lid would highlight and frob.


A couple of other things-


I think I may have missed something- what was the purpose of the little room in the crypts with the dias and the little obelisk? I'm talking about the room where somebody earlier in this thread got blocked out of when they killed the spiders that blocked the door. I found a couple of coins in the dish, but couldn't get anything else in the room to do anything else. And being locked, I assume the room has more significance.

Also, what was the clank and grinding sound that would go off occasionally? I thought it was a revenant using an elevator or something during his route, but I never found anything and assumed it must just be a scary sound effect.




Anyway- great mission- I loved it. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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A couple of other things-


  • I think I may have missed something- what was the purpose of the little room in the crypts with the dias and the little obelisk? I'm talking about the room where somebody earlier in this thread got blocked out of when they killed the spiders that blocked the door. I found a couple of coins in the dish, but couldn't get anything else in the room to do anything else. And being locked, I assume the room has more significance.
  • Also, what was the clank and grinding sound that would go off occasionally? I thought it was a revenant using an elevator or something during his route, but I never found anything and assumed it must just be a scary sound effect.



  • Look carefully once your in that room, there is something hidden you can open..
  • Dont know, you would have to link me a video of the location.

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OK- I'll explore that room more carefully.

As for the sound-

I could hear it throughout a lot of the cathedral - mostly in the chapel, though. It would go off at long intervals. When I was looking through the little square metal door up high at the front of the chapel, the sound went off a couple of times right before a revenant entered through one of the ground floor doors, so I thought it was him coming up an elevator, then entering the chapel as part of his patrol route. Later, from a different perspective, I would hear the sound when that revenant was elsewhere in his route, and I had been through that door and knew there's not an elevator there. So then I thought maybe there would be somebody in the basement making hammers in a clanky mold machine (like in Cragscleft) or something, but I never found anything to account for the sound. It may just be part of the soundtrack or a spooky sound effect or something.



Thanks for the reply

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  • 5 months later...

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