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I'm having a friend over tonight to play TDM and I'd like to try a mission that I haven't played yet. Which of the following would you recommend?


Seige Shop

House of Theo

House in Blackbog Hollow

Let Sleeping Thieves lie

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House in Blackbog Hollow is very halloweeny, excellently scripted, imaginative and ranges from funny to creepy. I would pick that out of your four.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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I'm torn between House of Theo and Let Sleeping Thieves Lie. I am leaning towards LSTL because it's a little more polished and it affords more than one chance to use rope arrows... And it has more diverse environments. House of Theo OTOH is more challenging in most places and is more of a traditional manor heist type mission.


Haven't had a chance to try much of Blackbog but it intrigues me due to it's infamy as a bizarre experience. I love trying weird stuff and folks have been raving about this one. (except Sotha... LoL)

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what kind of mission you prefer?


A good one. :P


Not a fan of campy humour or contrived objectives; good stories are a plus; visual polish is less important.

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A good one. :P


Not a fan of campy humour or contrived objectives; good stories are a plus; visual polish is less important.


On briefing & story, LSTL is better imo. Although some parts are a little rough on visuals, it's average in general. Besides gameplay wasn't bad afair. It starts nice but tension drops after some time. I assume you won't finish it after all. :)

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Siege Shop has a very interesting beginning/first act, a creative way to get into the fortress, but after that it becomes quite linear and sometimes frustrating to advance due to always having only one way to go foward (the passage ways are also generally very well lit, to add difficulty), so it takes patience... Some very cool machinery there (patch models I believe), but might be a bit too hard to demo to someone sucessfully (havent played the others yet).

Edited by RPGista
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