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Fresh Thief 4 cinematic


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Eidos is using a variety of visual cues to make this easier to understand for players. When you're in darkness, there's a smoky border around the screen, showing that you're hidden from all but the closest of enemies. When you travel between light and dark, there's a quick white flash, letting you know the condition has changed. Garrett also has the ability to "swoop," or quickly move, between locations within the environment. The developers claim that the swoop empowers Garrett without making him overpowered, as the quick dash is followed by a brief slow to compensate.




What is the first really annoying info in my eyes is the fact that you cannot fall off narrow beams and have to mount/dismount them with a press of a button.



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The swoop is familiar from DX:HR and the latest Hitman.

It wasn't so bad in those games, but it looks like a carry-over from their 3P experiments and is odd for 1P. It abstracts your motions from your control. (Edit: Lol, and don't even get us started on the beam-mount / dismount mechanic!)


The screen cues... looks like in confirms our first thinking. It subverts the light gem mechanic into a binary "safe" / "not safe" player state, and it's the job of the screen to cue you to which state you're in. It's not so much about the connection between the player and world anymore.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Hello guys,

I don't if you know this but there's a petition going around internet about asking Eidos to change Garrett's voice to be Stephen Russell.



An interesting image, can you spot the differences?



This video about Garrett's voice

Edited by Loa4ever
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Dishonored was published by Bethesda, and they tend to have a more relaxed attitude towards experimentation in their games. There is your difference. Although Square Enix is still better than really horrible companies like EA.

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Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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This is so difficult to peg.


What I mean is that, I can't say the concept art and CGI looks bad, because the design certainly still largely fits what I personally imagined the Thief universe looks like, but some other things just screams that it's going to be sorta shitty.


Ugh... I don't know.


Also the new voice actor reminds me of the keeper guy's voice in the first game during the tutorial, the one who does the narrating.

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Also the new voice actor reminds me of the keeper guy's voice in the first game during the tutorial, the one who does the narrating.

That might have been Stephen Russel as well but I'm not certain. But he did play several other characters in each game.

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That might have been Stephen Russel as well but I'm not certain. But he did play several other characters in each game.


Well yeah, could very well be. But I meant mostly that the voice he makes there (or whoever that was) reminds me of this guy's voice.


I thought of another thing: What the hell is up with this new guy anyway? He didn't want to check out previous Thief games until he was told to do so?

Oh yeah that makes sense. :rolleyes:

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I am starting to be on the platform that this will be a fun, enjoyable, although forgettable game as long as I don't treat it as a Thief sequel. Which works for me since I've already got TDM and NewDark.

What is New Dark?

What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?

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NewDark is what the community named the new fan-made patch for Thief 2 that recently came out, since it was such a big overhaul of so many things. The latest version is 1.22, I think. The original is 1.19. "Dark" was the name of the original engine (The Dark Engine, literally dark.gam), so that's where that part came from.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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So the latest is no lean keys? Cause, why would you want to lean except at carefully chosen locations?

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So the latest is no lean keys? Cause, why would you want to lean except at carefully chosen locations?


Yeah, more and more it's taking DX:HR up a notch, where your actions, or the "privileged" ones, are all a function of the walls and furniture in a room. That lets the mapper design carefully choreographed gameplay situations by situating the guard paths with carefully placed walls and furniture, so getting through a room is practically a series of duck, lean, & swoop platformer puzzles.


It's about the antithesis of the original model of a totally open & non-linear sneaking sim.


A bot intrudes our sanctum!?


In other words: What bot? Did I miss something on this thread? O:


A bot posted seriously like 10 copy-pasted posts in a row here (I think it was here, and in another thread or 2) of very long spam. I reported it; others probably did too -- so they all got deleted now.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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more and more it's taking DX:HR up a notch,

As much as I like Human Revolution, its stealth and leveldesign are nowhere near as good as Thiefs or Dishonoreds. Most spaces where just rectangular rooms filled with objects for the cover system. Exploring wasn't much fun either because the different routes around a map (nearly) always involved vents or locked doors.

On top of that the awful color filter made everything very monotonous. And it seems to back in a different tone.


I just can not get excited about this new Thief game.

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Most spaces where just rectangular rooms filled with objects for the cover system. Exploring wasn't much fun either because the different routes around a map (nearly) always involved vents or locked doors.


Yes, this gets to it. I was trying to think what about the DX:HR level design wasn't grabbing me, and it was because the rooms were just a bit too crafted to be like cover-system duck, shoot & swoop puzzles, rather than an open world populated with bad guys & dangers that I had to explore and navigate on the fly.


And all the indications coming out about T4 are pointing towards a similar thing ... lean-points, wall-hug, beam-walk lock, 3P climbing & combat, visibility-flash, swoop, focus... These are the kinds of mechanics that fit better with crafted "swoop puzzle" rooms than open navigation. Hopefully that's being paranoid though. Dishonored had more than a few gimmick mechanics, but the levels were still quite open and dynamic, more like Thief levels & our FMs, and didn't seem crafted in the DX:HR way at all. So that's something I hope T4 does keep as well.




Edit: Confirmed parkour obstacle courses:

Perhaps the coolest part of the demo was when Garrett went into a full sprint to reach his destination in time: the sprint morphed into a parkour sequence of sorts that was extremely reminiscent of Mirror’s Edge. It seemed as though the constant balance between speed and efficiency, working with stealth and managing Garrett's time in the light and darkness, implied interesting tradeoffs in gameplay that didn't show up anywhere else in the demo.




...there's a free-running section where Garrett bounds through a marketplace and does parkour tricks over benches and stalls, which is sure to wind up those of a sensitive disposition, and while in the demo it's staged in such a way that it feels unavoidable - Garrett has until the clock strikes 12 to reach the House of Blossoms, so he legs it - when I ask about it later I'm told you can break into the House other ways if you choose to dawdle instead.




...one heart-pounding sequence in particular felt like it would have been at home in a parkour game like Mirror’s Edge.



Here’s the first ounce of weirdness to crop up in the Thief demo: to reach the brothel Garrett must first free-run across rooftops and duck into the love-shack before the stroke of midnight, like a reverse Cinderella, vaulting over waist-tall walls and scrabbling up ledges. This isn’t Assassin’s Creed though, the city isn’t open to explore, rather you’re sprinting along a designed chunk of the level, a strip of roofing the mission would really like you to use as a parkour track.




When Garrett climbs walls, the camera pulls back, and suddenly the typically first-person experience looks a lot more like Assassin's Creed. It's a strange choice, especially considering how well Dishonored and Mirror's Edge pulled off first-person parkour, but it gets the job done.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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the rooms were just a bit too crafted to be like cover-system duck, shoot & swoop puzzles, rather than an open world populated with bad guys & dangers that I had to explore and navigate on the fly.

Yes, the context sensitivity of many actions makes it obvious that it's a world designed for your entertainment. All these objects with a special function (like climbable rafters for example) will probably be immediately recognizable which feels very unnatural and "crafted".

And then there are the inconsistencies like not being able to lean or climb everywhere where expected or the parcour gameplay only possible in sections designed for it.

It might not be as bad as this but I'm keeping my expectations low.

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To me that's the equivelant of saying that you don't need to hate Phantom Menace; just close your eyes and skip through whenever Jar-Jar Binks is on screen. Or Jake Lloyd. Or the "naked" C3P0. Or...wait, what was my point again?


To be honest, Phantom Menace was the first movie ever that I got to watch as a downloaded version. While the quality wasn't nearly as good as today's screeners, it was sufficient to make me realize that I will not pay to watch this piece of... whatever that was, and best forget that I burned two hours of my life.


I'm sure I'll enjoy T4 the same way I enjoyed TDS and the Star Wars prequels...there were cool new things and things that made me cringe, and I had to spend varying degrees of energy to keep them from spoiling the memory of earlier versions.


Doesn't work for me. I either like a piece because it can stand on its own, or I hate it because it fails. To stay with my example above: I loved the original DX, but I like DX:HR as well, because it works as a whole. T3, however, didn't really work in many regards (City Hubs and the deadly water, for example), so I had a hard time even finishing it.


As for rope arrows, didn't they say he had a "grapping hook" callled "the claw"? Are there two different rope-climbing tools? Or are rope arrows now bow-fired grappling hooks (which would actually be cool).


One of the two German sources I mentioned explicitely spoke of a Rope Arrow. I guess we'll have to wait for the release version to be absolutely sure.

My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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There's a screenshot of the different arrows, and the rope one does kind of look like a claw. I've read people in posts talking about the claw and rope arrows as two different things though.


BTW, did you see that the arrows are all like different bits that you latch into the top of a standard arrow shaft? I suppose it goes along with all the gizmoid strappy overkill, but it's sort of intuitive anyway. I liked the look of them anyway.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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One of the two German sources I mentioned explicitely spoke of a Rope Arrow. I guess we'll have to wait for the release version to be absolutely sure.


Yes, I've read two articles reporting on the same demo, and they seem to directly contradict themselves. One mentions rope arrows coming back and the other says the claw "replaces" rope arrows.


There's a screenshot of the different arrows




I'd love to see them, as the more mechanical versions seem to be much more in line with TDM's design than Thief's.

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If you expand the picture you can really see the level of detail and attention going into them.


And sorry I was mistaken. There is no rope arrow here. I'm just thinking about what we saw in the trailer.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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