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Memorable moments while playing TDM?


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This should be an interesting topic. I just had one the other day. It was version 1.08 and I was playing St. Alban's Cathedral. I had broken into the Watch building and I was reading notes in the offices on the top floor. Nobody had seen me break in and I hadn't caused any commotion at all, so things were quiet. Then as I went back down stairs, I accidently made some noise and I heard a guard say "alright, show yourself!". This happened in the stairwell and I had to react quickly. I considered knocking him out, but he had a helmet and was coming to investigate.


So, I went back up stairs to the offices. I switched the hallway light off so as not to be discovered. Then I ducked into the first office on the right and went in the evidence room, closing the door behind me (and locking it!). Good thing too, because I heard him try to open it a moment later. I waited in the evidence room for a wile, listening at the door. I heard the guard getting further away, so I opened the door and peaked out. He had gone on down the hall to search the other office, so I decided to use that opertunity to escape. Its moments like this that make stealth games great. :)

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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I was playing St Lucia and left the guards bedroom door open when the priest commented on how it shouldn't be left open. I know this isn't a new feature but I guess I've always been a diligent door closer as this was the first time I noticed it. The tone and timing of the comment seemed perfectly realistic, and caught me a little off guard. It's things like this that really help immerse you in the game world.

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Some memorable moments for me tend to involve arrow shots from a long distance and the AI peeling down after getting hit in the head or something, even better if there's water around that they splash into.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I spend more time testing WIPs than real playing, but one of the funniest things I remember came from a RIT experiment. I had set up a complex RIT network and was checking what the AIs are doing.


A Room. A guard walks in. Sits on a couch. Another guy comes in, says hello and sits on the other guys lap. They sit there for a few seconds.


Then they silently got up and went their separate ways. I was so stumped I couldn't even take a screenshot. :D


-The mapper's best friend.

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I'm playing St. Lucia just to give 1.08 a go. I'm just outside the room with the statue observing a builder walk his route from the safety of the shadows. No. I'm not going to blackjack him. I've done something very naughty instead.


"Who left this door open?"


He attempts to close it. The crate suspended above succumbs to gravity. So does the builder.



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I was just thinking last night of trying to record some amusing ways of knocking out guards. That would be perfect. :)

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