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Zombie Panic


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Looks fun. I remember trying that online zombie outbreak game with some people from TTLG's GenGaming doing it, and kept dying too easily, but of course nothing beats an MP-FPS version.

Edited by demagogue

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Well the game is still in beta I believe but it's quite good. It's a great mix between realism and fun. You start as either a zombie or a survivor. You have to help your teammates by scavenging for ammo, first aid kits, and weapons.


You can communicate between teammates but the zombies can hear you so be careful what you say over mic. Also you have to get rid of the zombie lives. If a zombie kills you then you become a zombie and it adds another life to their count.


They can run away and regenerate slowly. Eventually if you can manage to find a good team then you can win as survivor. Usually zombies win until players get experience and learn how to survive and swap ammo.


Make sure to set your keybinds so you learn how to drop ammo and change ammo. It seems a lil complicated but is easy to figure out. To change ammo you press V. To drop ammo you press G. To drop a weapon you press T.


The more weapons/ammo you carry the slower you run. You can drop your weapons and run away from a zombie but they can eventually corner you so you have to fight back.


Overall the first 3 hours I played were tons of fun. Also with steam you can add friends etc and it's all integrated and easy to use. Steam is what PC gamers use where Xbox gamers use Xbox Live. However steam is for free :D.

Edited by Unstoppable
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Played a bit with it last night. It is refreshingly different mp-experience, really. The zombies almost always win, but I don't see the problem with it as playing as either team is fun, and getting killed transfers you to the probable winning team. Winning as a survivor is also a very rewarding experience, as it demands excellent teamwork and communication.


I also like the mood of the mod.


However, there is still room to improve. Zombie spawnpoints are foolishly placed in some of the maps. Some balancing is also required. But still, I'm eagerly waiting for more.


-The mapper's best friend.

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When you get in a good survivor team you can share ammo and much more. Some players know the maps really well and help you with extra ammo and what not. Eventually you can even push objects and barricade yourselves in a room that spawns ammo.


Then it's up to the zombie team and their leaders to get in there and win, which is very hard to do. Overall a very refreshing change and well worth checking out.

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When you get in a good survivor team you can share ammo and much more. Some players know the maps really well and help you with extra ammo and what not. Eventually you can even push objects and barricade yourselves in a room that spawns ammo.


-There are rooms that respawn ammo during the match? I didn't notice and it sounds a bit unbalanced, as zombies are slow and vulnerable when you try to storm a bottlenecked room full of armed survivors. Usual tactic seem to expose zombies to fire so that the survivors lose ammunition without getting the zombie dead. The zombie retreats to regenerate, and the cycle is repeated until the survivors are out of ammo, which occurs pretty quick because there isn't much ammo around anyway.


-The mapper's best friend.

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They are slow? I thought they were the "Night of the living Dead" kind of zombies, which can run like hell. At least there were fanmaps for CSS and a mod similar to this one for HL1 and the zombies there ran really fast which really gave the player some kicks. I thought this mod was based on these predecessors. Gonna have to check a video or something...


Edit: Ok, I now noticed that Zombie Panic was also released for HL1, but that was not the mod I was playing back in the old days. I played "Brain Bread", which mixed coop-zombie raping with that mode << very funny! :)Here is a gameplay trailer to Zombie Panic Source.

Edited by STiFU
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Just to correct myself to drop ammo is T and to drop the gun you have is G for gun. V to change ammo type and B to spit the ammo between full, none, and half a clip.


Anyway the zombies are not that fast but have lunge ability. (sprint) They can use this to close the gap on you but it does not regenerate.


The carrier (white zombie) is a bit faster and have 50% more health. He also regenerates a bit faster.


Some ammo does respawn but eventually it does not respawn and you have to send out groups to get more ammo. It's very emergent gameplay and worthy of your time.

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I'm not playing this atm because I'm playing a better mod - Insurgency. It's kind of like RO was back in the day, but much more tight knit in streets and so on.


-Hey! Thanks for the advice. I tried Insurgency and it truly is really good!


Why bother to buy new games that need a monster machine, when there are FREE commercial quality mods for older games? :blink:


-The mapper's best friend.

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Its a very difficult mod. I'm not sure if its to my liking. I wouldn't exactly call it scary, and in all the games I played in the the survivers just barracaded a room and camped it. Which isn't exactly what I would call fun for either side....


Disappointed I don't have UT. I absolutely love infiltration multi-player.

Edited by Ombrenuit
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