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  2. Windows 11 is a hot topic right now, especially regarding its compatibility with software like SCENE.
  3. da mean development machine quite a mix of old and new. this is the mentioned asus x99-AII with the RTX 3070 gfx card. cabby is an old lian li sadly i had to remove the toolless card holder because the 3070 card is to big for it still it can be assembled entirely without any tools since all the screws are finger screws. whole machine is aluminium and weighs about 8kg so its light. the cabby is also dampened with special foam mats so its not very noisy. the only thing that irks me a bit with the old lian li is the cable managment (or lack thereof) but as it is not one of those lightshows (no windows) that people today like i can live with it being a bit messy inside . still room for two more drives which at some point ill fill with two ssd's for games.
  4. The mission has been updated to v2 in the mission database. Thanks again!
  5. Version 2 now available for download. The main fixes are these pesky frob issues. I wasn't able to determine the cause, but assuming it was something to do with the scripts, I've rearranged things a little bit so they are no longer needed. Also I would normally wait a while longer before releasing a fix, but this issue seems to have affected a few people. Apologies again, it never came up in beta for whatever reason. @nbohr1more could you please add to the mission database? Changelog: https://github.com/FrostSalamander/lt3/releases/tag/2.0 Download: Github: https://github.com/FrostSalamander/lt3/releases/download/2.0/faffairs.pk4 Proton: https://drive.proton.me/urls/JPRPJQH8Z8#Pl2a52TQy0WA
  6. "All meat must rest to eat.... All meat must rest to drink.... So watchers and we will sees what goodsey bits they bring...." -Kingfisher IRIS has been updated to 1.3 Download via the link in the original post or here **1.3 is now available in the mission downloader** Changelog: Iris now makes use of script events which require TDM 2.11. Overhaul of the objective notification system to reduce notification spam when completing hidden objectives. Threads now have their own notification system and they are marked in the objective screen. Less weirdness when the player owns multiple pairs of glasses (though the glasses now sadly cannot be dropped). Hopefully this helps avoid them breaking. Huge list of other bug and polish fixes. New and expanded content! Known Issues: At some point all volumetric lights and alpha effects behind geometry "hidden" by the xray overlay ceased to be visible when the xray overlay is on screen. This unfortunately breaks some visual effects in the mission when using a certain item, but could not be fixed at the mission level at this time. https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6538 I could not replicate the issue with soft locking the glasses, so can't consider the bug resolved, but I made as many changes as I could think to help prevent it. Carry the light of The Builder, unto its end.
  7. Yesterday
  8. Well, I finished it and I have to say it was fantastic! It had the verticality of The Painter's Wife and plenty of cool secret nooks to explore, which is what I like to see. Additionally: Thanks for the excellent mission!
  9. totally agree i see much the same trend here in denmark where the inflated prices just wont go down even though inflation has normalized allmost a year ago. also does not help when games like the upcomming star wars outlaws wants 2x the price for what amounts to an optional mission and a game pass welp... if history can be believed it will only alienate consumers and while they might cash in on the hype it will all be over soon.
  10. People might just lose interest by then. This younger generation, make something inaccessible, brutal prices and see the excitement and boom fade quickly. Like Virtual Googles, I was so pumped and exited then saw the prices now I don't really care much anymore. If I make a new technology I need to get as many people as I can on board, then elevate prices as new features are added. Isn't this how drug dealers work? lol
  11. I tried that. Unfortunately, removing [inverse]vertexColor from one or both of the bump stages makes no difference. Right, we do the same in DR — read them one by one, then assemble them into "triplets" of diffuse/bump/specular maps so the shader can process all three at once. My guess is that the vertex colours are not being passed through to the part of the shader which deals with the normal mapping, so the last normal map is being treated as the one and only normal map. If there are no objections, I can commit my red/blue example into the maps/test/dr directory. The 256x256 normal maps are only 87K and being RGTC/BC5 they also exercise another part of the shader which can easily get broken (at least in DR).
  12. Now that I think of it, Biker's syntax was fated to work anyway. When you specify a bump stage it needs a diffuse input because we don't offer any true flat-shaded lit modes. If the new diffuse stage drops out to black due to vertex color, then the new bump stage does so as well. Not sure why adding vertexColor args is somehow causing the first bump stage to persist throughout the whole material render though.
  13. I see there is test map in the ticket, I'll try to have a look. Unlike "ambient stages" which are processed as they are written, interaction stages don't work as stages. The backend C++ code heavily reworks them. I guess some keywords are not supported at all, and some are occasionally broken...
  14. atleast there are rumors that the upcomming 8xxx series from amd will get reworked rt cores so we can hope for better rt performance. but for owners of previous cards that might taste a bit sad.
  15. @OrbWeaver @grodenglaive @stgatilov https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=5718 Biker was able to get it working by removing the vertexColor args from the bump stages. Perhaps we implicitly pair all diffuse stages with the previous bump stage now?
  16. If only this worked with "Brutal Voxel Doom"! I wish they started with GZDoom As for Ray Tracing? Even Nvidia never meant for RT hardware to do full scene RT via AI up-scaling. The plan was to use RT for Spherical Harmonics probe updates. ( Similar to Frostbyte \ Battlefield 3 doing low resolution RT on the CPU and feeding the output to a 3D texture which in-turn is used to update SH probe weights ). Nvidia had so much better RT perf than expected and were so far ahead of AMD that they changed plans and just used RT and AI without a GI system so that AMD would feel the pain if they tried to use shader based RT. (similar to how Nvidia unnecessarily cranked up the tessellation polys on Crysis 2 so that AMD's cards would lose benchmarks ).
  17. I used Thief 1/2 as an example. I was referring to new games. Games designed with Ray Tracing in mind that developers might need to compromise polys and textures in order to make their games more accessible if they want to use the technology today. find a happy medium. Should have used mine craft instead, I recently finished playing Callisto Protocol. Beautiful Game, Okayish Game play and got tons of bad reviews for Launching in almost unplayable state. This affected sales. I'm a big fan of Freelancer and would love to try Star Citizen but I know I'll have to wait for either more optimization or get a better card (Won't happen anytime soon). Developers need to be more considerate and pull back and not just a bit if they want to reach more players, on top of that they need to leave room for possible implementation of these new technologies as they come along. Products should work right from the start otherwise will get a bad Review regardless of the quality of the material. I find the Star Citizen approach very controversial. I understand the logic behind it but I don't like it.
  18. hardware wise i finally ditched my old x79 based setup for an x99 which is also old stuff by now . atleast gfx wise i gave it some leaway and mashed a 2080 ti in one of the two i have left and a 3070 rtx in the other one. cpu is a 6950x extreme 10 core, for ram i outfitted both with 64 gb gskill and the gaming pc is ssd only with 5 2tb ssd's and one 2tb nvme from samsung. boards are asus x99 deluxe for the gaming pc and asus x99-AII for the media pc. the media pc has one 2tb nvme from crucial and 4 mechanical 1tb harddrives as i also use it for msys2 development. the gaming machine does quite well in even the latest titles but some need there settings lowered a bit (alan wake 2) plays horizon forbidden west with all bells and whistles on though. while not ment as a gaming machine the asus x99-AII runs surprisingly well in games though at 4k in later titles it does tend to stutter a bit due to only having 8gb vram.
  19. It's unfortunate. Hopefully someone can fix that. Blending terrain materials to export from Blender is a snap and looks really smooth. The alternative of using the edge (alpha) patches in DarkRadiant is tedious and doesn't look as good.
  20. true will probably also be rather hard to pull of codewise so unless someone wants to experiment and it turns out good id say leave it as is.
  21. I'd also argue that you don't need Raytracing to make a game beautiful or atmospheric. The original Thiefs ooze with atmosphere, despite low end low poly graphics and no Raytracing.
  22. The maps would have to be redone for real time lighting in mind. There's random point lights everywhere that make no physical sense. Would be nice if Le corbeau would release his updated source code though.
  23. there is also sparse voxel octree raytracing which can be used for those without an rtx card (crysis remastered and idtech 6 says hello). software based but quite effective also its quite old by now, first time i saw it used was about 20 years ago.
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    • The Black Arrow

      Hey @nbohr1morehow come the zombies in The Dark Mod don't have a "resurrection" mechanic to it, similar to how Thief has it?
      They're quite a weak creature as of right now, it's merely a walking corpse that slashes you, making attacking them to kill them an actual strategy.
      Would be better if they had some cool mechanism to it that truly makes them a danger, such as the resurrection idea itself.
      · 2 replies
    • Ansome

      Query: when was the last time a zombie in a video game was unnerving or scary to you? I'm chipping away at my anniversary submission and I've been trying to gather opinions on the subject. I'm perfectly capable of lighting them well, changing their sfx, and creating effective ambience, but I'm worried that zombies at their core are just too overdone to be an effective payoff to the tension I'm creating.
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    • nbohr1more

      The Lieutenant 3 is out! Congrats Frost_Salamander! ( raising awareness )
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    • OrbWeaver

      Has anyone had any luck with textures from Polyhaven? Their OpenEXR normal maps seem too washed out and give incorrect shading in the engine.
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    • datiswous

      I tried to upscale the TDM logo video. First try:

      briefing_video.mp4 You can test it ingame by making a copy of the core tdm_gui.mtr and place it in your-tdm-root/materials/ , then edit line 249 of that file into the location where you placed the new briefing.mp4 file.
      What I did was I extracted all the image files, then used Upscayl to upscale the images using General photo (Real-Esrgan) upscale setting and then turn it back into a video.
      I might have to crop it a bit, the logo looks smaller on screen (or maybe it's actually better this way?). My video editor turned it into a 16:9 video, which I think overal looks better than 1:1 video of original.
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