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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. While I love torrents and check them often, I agree with the long-timers that it's probably not for TDM. Many torrents are old and have leechers but no seeders. This is probably what will happen to torrent offered TDM mods since frankly, while it's popular with us in this community, it's just not popular enough worldwide to have constantly active seeders. There are numerous TDM backup sites that will have mods if you can't download them from the in-game downloader. I agree it's a little choppy and locks up the game if it gets stuck on on mod, but luckily you can still get them manually elsewhere.
  2. Zorin seems OK. The big problem I have had with Linux on laptops is there is always, ALWAYS, some incompatible hardware that requires some custom config of files somewhere, and it's hard to google answers to specifically your own exact issue. Linux is not nearly as plug and play as Windows is, since Microsoft is the juggernaut that can spend billions on development and driving the market where Linux cannot, this makes sense. With Linux you always have to do some config coding. So I use Linux as a hobbyist OS on some devices with the expectation that it'll just die or fail to work one day, but I like Windows and how it feels and looks and how well it customizes, and how stable it is. I know there are privacy issues, but that's just the day and digital age we live in. Cameras are everywhere, Facebook and Google track your every page view, your purchase histories get sold every time you buy something from any store, financial companies leak or get hacked exposing all your data, and governments store everything personal about you in databases everywhere. It's a bit harsh to singly blame Microsoft for collecting your data when other companies do way more damage to your privacy, and purposely.
  3. me me me me !! Can I beta test? I am craving new missions.
  4. I remember The Rats Triumphant has high up ledge and roof scaling with a bunch of ghouls patrolling below. Not sure I remember if there were rope arrows, but there are quite a few wooden beams around, so maybe.
  5. oops yes dark reader I meant. lol!
  6. I love that darkloader Chrome extension. I'll not read my daily news the same way ever again! And the dark/light switch for the forum works great too. This new forum seems super fast and has more options tho I can't really be specific about what I mean. I just "feel" it or something...
  7. The Assassin's Creed film was pretty much regarded as not good, yet it still made some decent money and with 2 sequels planned, Thief does have a chance.
  8. Yes this is great. So many other sites aren't updated and I just want a single site to reference for new (and old) mods. Good deal.
  9. This actually worked. Thank you! Man that really makes you think how to navigate around!
  10. Sweet mission! I'm still going thru it but came up with 2 issues that I can't get around... Otherwise super fun mission so far!
  11. Yay! Gonna dive into this immediately!! Thanks grayman!
  12. Garrett never truly can retire. No social security in those times. Also does anyone know where Garrett got paid for all the loot he stole? And paid in what? Gold? I don't think we ever know how wealthy or poor he was, tho we know he had small "apartments" that indebted him forever to a landlord. But thievery is his trade, and always will be til the end. So I suspect while he couldn't eventually climb walls anymore and steal massive paintings from mansions, he likely still pilfered loot from passerby guards and from behind taverns when the barkeep wasn't looking, just to be able to eat and pay rent. But how did he die? That is the legend of Garrett that no one knows to this day. Maybe he never did die, being privy to a number of supernatural elements in his time that could maybe extend his life or immortalize him as was done to the living skeletons and ghouls. Maybe Garrett haunts an old abandoned megachurch that sits upon a gold mine. Someone should write a new mission exploring this concept!
  13. I have 3 big reasons why Linux can't work for me. Compatibility, Games, and Common Usage. Compatibility: Linux is beautiful, colorful, or dark, depending what you want. Customization is its strength. Linux is a fiddlers dream, but most dev houses just don't make games for it because the installed $ base isn't there. Yes you can run WINE or something to get it to work, but that's a task for hobbyists. Many people just don't want to jump through hoops to get the compatibility. Games: Most big games don't natively have Linux ports. I mean big dogs like GTA5 or Saints Row or Assassins Creed makes billions as an industry, but not on native Linux. Common Usage: it does fine browsing the web and listening to audio is great, but in the corporate world the headaches begin. If I could possibly invest in all the time to get it to talk to Active Directory environments with all the right tools, my users would never embrace it. They just want things to work all the time in a common environment that everyone in the world understands, and don't care how I make it work, as long as it does. This is the strength of Windows. Everyone knows it. Even devices that run non Windows such as IOS are so easy to use and configure that it negates the point because they don't bog the user down with configuration options in obscure places. Final Note: I know some can offend by things I said above, but I'd never tell anyone not to run Linux. I think it's just fine for many and can run great if you put the time into ironing out little kinks here and there. In my own experience I have installed about 5-6 different Linux distros in the past 20 years and just never could get it as stable as any Windows installation I have. Maybe just my luck...
  14. How about a throwable sticky mine that blows up or a sticky gas mine that knocks out. They can be thrown at walls and you press the detonator as guards walk near it, shredding them or knocking them unconscious. Or set up motion detection laser traps between doorways or walkways. This wouldn't really be too easy as you sort of have to case the area before the guards come strolling by.
  15. Another alternative to Thief are the Styx games, Grand in scope and possible to completely play stealth with no kills, they are phenomenal and I've played them multiple times already, if not for the sheer landscape level design. Unfortunately there won't be any more made as they didn't really do well. But that shouldn't subtract from how fun they are.
  16. Windows won't do updates even while online if you set your NIC to be a metered connection in the NIC properties.
  17. I will point out that Ravine is one of my all time favorite TDM mods. Spoonman did a fantastical job with the scope and variety of gameplay areas and supernatural elements. It had a bit of everything and felt like a couple different old style Thief missions all rolled into one. It's one of those TDM missions I can recall nearly everything about.
  18. I tried to play TLD but after an hour or two in the beginning I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Also in the time I played it didn't seem to be anything like Firewatch. Firewatch was a phenomenal story driven tale of intrigue and mystery and suspense. However if you guys encourage me to try TLD again I will do so.
  19. BD still 3rd most posts all time in this forum, over 20k. Do you guys think this ban will increase new mods being released or is that some other mechanic altogether? I mean were people holding back modding and releasing due to BD being in the way of production?
  20. OK this was a fun mission. It was big and required some thinking to figure out areas and some sneaking around tough lit areas and guards. Mods being a bit sparse lately I've come to really appreciate a nice big varied series of level missions that include tons of great elements. Oh and those metal music riffs at certain sections were spot on cool! As people have said there was a lot of space between the actively playable sections, aka church, sewers, cabin, etc. I don't mind that as it can add to the ambiance of the game, adding lots of countryside can make a game seem more real life. However far reaching space should have some filler items in it, aka more benches, an abandoned campfire, some notes, loot, etc. For example: Also: Also one other issue I had: All said I loved playing this. Awesome mod!
  21. Ooooo looking forward to trying this mission. Thanks for the release ahead of time!
  22. I'll go with TR 2, 3 and 4 as the most fun gaming and mind expanding I had in my youth. Something was surely lost in the reboot even if they got better looking and less pixelated over time. I agree they are hard to get the same enjoyment out of them today with similar games a.k.a. Farcry Primal, but those early TR game memories and locations I still play in and still live thru my mind now and then.
  23. Wow I've played so many games it's going to be hard to remember everything. I have favorite games plus those that aren't necessarily great but have amazing expansive environments or unforgettable storylines that creep often into my mind when I'm just doing daily things. That makes a successful game in my opinion. All are PC games unless specified. Tomb Raider (all the classic games) Dishonored 1/2 plus DLCs Assassin's Creed (especially the Ezio and Kenway periods) Saints Row 2/3/4 plus Gat out of Hell Styx 1/2 GTA 3/4/5 and San Andreas Nier Automata Fallout 3/4 plus DLCs Bioshock Infinity Thief 1/2/3 (not so much 4) and TDM Bulletstorm Carmageddon 1/2/TDR 2000 The Witness (and Braid also) Talos Principle 1/2 Life is Strange 1/2 Shadow Man Quantum Conundrum Portal 1/2 (and also Qube 1/2) Mass Effect 1/2/3 (not so much Andromeda) Firewatch Grim Fandango Farcry 3/4 Halo (all games) To The Moon No One Lives Forever 1/2 Oni Giants Citizen Kabuto Startopia Prototype 1/2 What Remains of Edith Finch Kairo Timescape Little Nightmares Inside Obduction The Solus Project Scanner Sombre Soul Reaver 1/2 Abzu Human Fall Flat Holiday Hype the Time Quest Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64) RiME A Story About My Uncle Aporia Beyond the Valley Get Even Zero Escape Zero Time Dilemma Chronicles of Riddick 1/2 No Man's Sky (updated with NEXT release)
  24. Chrome is #1 because of my heavy reliance on Google apps and its' good extensions library. But Chrome is a memory hog and I don't like that about it. For Microsoft admin usage I'll use EDGE, and I'll also use Safari on IOS. For more privacy and secure needs I turn to a few other browsers such as Brave, TOR, and Keepsafe Browser.
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