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Status Replies posted by JackFarmer

  1. Somehow I admire the fact that the material from Dune has now been filmed for the third time. Personally, I could never do much with the material, but as a child of the 80s, I of course know the David Lynch movie...and that movie was at least funny! :)

    1. JackFarmer


      Yes, absolutely, it was all much more atmospheric, whereas in the new film version it all seems so, I don't have the word for it, perhaps you can call it โ€œanemicโ€. However, I haven't even seen the second part of the new adaption yet, but I hardly think that has changed.

      Speaking of which, have you ever heard about "Jodorowsky's Dune"?ย  ๐Ÿ˜†

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Trying to be productive on my down-time before Capcom releases Akuma and my son is constantly on my PC playing Street Fighter...

    1. JackFarmer


      Blasphemy, you heathen, you should test my project! Btw, had to look this one up as I did not know what "Akuma" means. ๐Ÿ˜†
  3. Does anyone actually use the Normalise button in the Surface inspector? Even after looking at the code I'm not quite sure what it's for.

    1. JackFarmer


      No, and I too do not understand what it does.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. @joebarnin

    Jeff, I sent you PM a few weeks back but you did not respond. Maybe your inbox is full?

    1. JackFarmer


      Yeah, that's the last one. Did you check the attached video? It was for your information to see that it works as it should! :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Whenever I eat fried chicken these days I think of this scene in The Black Mage..


    1. JackFarmer


      Incidentally, it's not entirely mine, I spun it together from quotes from a movie and a book and then integrated it into a setting that fits the Dark Mod.

  6. If you find the new Beatles song "Now and Then", which was created with the help of AI, totally boring, then you should better play the mission of the same name by our esteemed mission maker friend joebarnin, because the latter is actually a creative milestone!

  7. Who is actually working on new missions right now? That I, the greatest mapper of all times (and I say this in all modesty, it is innate in me) am working on something epochal is clear to everyone by now. But who else is working on new missions? Please let me, your God, know, because it's so depressingly quiet here and I don't like to post pictures all the time, because even for me it gets a bit too boastful (although justified) with time.

    1. JackFarmer


      @cvlwThen you are miles ahead of me, I have never managed to create a real existing building in DR. That's quite an accomplishment and you're in good company, as many of our Mission Maker colleagues model their buildings this way as well.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. Who is actually working on new missions right now? That I, the greatest mapper of all times (and I say this in all modesty, it is innate in me) am working on something epochal is clear to everyone by now. But who else is working on new missions? Please let me, your God, know, because it's so depressingly quiet here and I don't like to post pictures all the time, because even for me it gets a bit too boastful (although justified) with time.

  9. It's been a while since we've seen such an avalanche of spam.

    1. JackFarmer


      Fly to Bavaria! To meet with good old Jack!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hello, Since this track is originally from TDM,i think it's better to ask here than TTLG. Do you guys have the full version of this ambient track?



    1. JackFarmer


      Sorry, did not read this till now. Help still needed?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hello, Since this track is originally from TDM,i think it's better to ask here than TTLG. Do you guys have the full version of this ambient track?



    1. JackFarmer


      They sound very familiar to me,

      You should find them in tdm_sound_ambient02.pk4 (rename it to .zip).

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Bachelor Mapping Challenge!

    The girlfriend will be away to her mum's place for almost a week, which means more mapping time for me! I'm planning a speed build. Hope it will go my way :)

    I'm starting by downloading 2.11. Don't know if I'm going to use any fancy new stuff. Just want to crack those itching map muscles that has gone dry and dead since almost a year's worth of no-mapping :)

  13. While I am someone who finds Star Wars to be entertainment for little boys (and those aren't even my words, they come from Ewan McGregor), I have to say that "The Mandorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett" contain scenes and insights that I enjoy. Also, these series really have an 80's flair...plus it's nice to see for example Nick Nolte, Carl Weather, Jennifer Beals, Deany Trejo or the (admittedly much younger) Katee Sackhoff in these series.

    1. JackFarmer


      @Daft Mugi

      I have since watched the first four episodes of "Andor". I'm surprised several times -ย  I thought it would be an animated series or something similar and the Ewoks would also be there (but they are on Endor, I had confused "Endor" with "Andor" and "Andor", as I have now noticed, is not even a planet).

      What I have seen so far, wow, cool! This is how Star Wars stuff should have (at least in my opinion) always been! No sentimentalities in story, dialogues and sound,ย  yet the scenario clearly recognizable in the Star Wars universe).

      I'm curious how this will continue in episode 5, it's not really clear what it will end up, but I could well imagine, that does not end well.

      Thanks for this great tip; without your hint (and the hint from a former LucasArts programmer I happen to be in contact with) I probably wouldn't have watched it.


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  14. Happy new year!

    I thought that I wouldn't like "House of the dragon" because I didn't like the ending of the predecessors.

    I am now pleasantly surprised; until episode 7 the focus is on dialogues, I like it very much...besides, I am now allergic to all the violence orgies. I can't take it anymore.

    All this senseless violence in Westworld, Game of Thrones, Colony, Walking Dead...or maybe there is something wrong with me anymore.

    1. JackFarmer


      @XolvixYeah, you should give the first three episodes a try and see if you like it.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. While I am someone who finds Star Wars to be entertainment for little boys (and those aren't even my words, they come from Ewan McGregor), I have to say that "The Mandorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett" contain scenes and insights that I enjoy. Also, these series really have an 80's flair...plus it's nice to see for example Nick Nolte, Carl Weather, Jennifer Beals, Deany Trejo or the (admittedly much younger) Katee Sackhoff in these series.

    1. JackFarmer


      @datiswous Wow, heard that maybe 20 years ago in a German comedy show and thought it was a joke. So, with the informations from your link the gameshow participant back then was not so wrong with her answer. ๐Ÿ˜†




    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  16. While I am someone who finds Star Wars to be entertainment for little boys (and those aren't even my words, they come from Ewan McGregor), I have to say that "The Mandorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett" contain scenes and insights that I enjoy. Also, these series really have an 80's flair...plus it's nice to see for example Nick Nolte, Carl Weather, Jennifer Beals, Deany Trejo or the (admittedly much younger) Katee Sackhoff in these series.

  17. While I am someone who finds Star Wars to be entertainment for little boys (and those aren't even my words, they come from Ewan McGregor), I have to say that "The Mandorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett" contain scenes and insights that I enjoy. Also, these series really have an 80's flair...plus it's nice to see for example Nick Nolte, Carl Weather, Jennifer Beals, Deany Trejo or the (admittedly much younger) Katee Sackhoff in these series.

    1. JackFarmer


      @nbohr1moreWasn't it Brian De Palma who was invited to that screening and asked afterwards, "What's the movie about anyway, and what's all this talk about "The Force"?" ๐Ÿ˜†


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  18. While I am someone who finds Star Wars to be entertainment for little boys (and those aren't even my words, they come from Ewan McGregor), I have to say that "The Mandorian" and "The Book of Boba Fett" contain scenes and insights that I enjoy. Also, these series really have an 80's flair...plus it's nice to see for example Nick Nolte, Carl Weather, Jennifer Beals, Deany Trejo or the (admittedly much younger) Katee Sackhoff in these series.

    1. JackFarmer


      @Daft Mugi: I have to admit that I thought that "Andor" was a new animated series and thus would have been out of the question, but will check it out now, thank you for the hint!

      @Shadow"Ashoka" - that's the Jedi from The Mandalorian, right?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  19. Anyone here played Inscryption? At first, I was like "no, I am not going to play a stupid card game", but this game is so much more than that. It is so meta, full of 4th wall breaks, and feels so damn spooky and weird because of it. Absolutely recommended, if you can stand the visuals. I recommend not reading up too much on it, as that could easily spoil half the incredible surprises. Just know that what you see in the beginning is by far not everything.

  20. Since the disrupting of #Twitter by a crazy ego-distopic-manic-dangerous-billionaire and meta-shit by Zuck is not an option (because it's *exactly* the same thing), are any of you or the TDMproject in some free and open #Mastondon or #fediverse server ?

    1. JackFarmer


      Wicked -ย  I will pm you my instance contact. I hope to see you as a follower! :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. Since the disrupting of #Twitter by a crazy ego-distopic-manic-dangerous-billionaire and meta-shit by Zuck is not an option (because it's *exactly* the same thing), are any of you or the TDMproject in some free and open #Mastondon or #fediverse server ?

    1. JackFarmer


      Yes, I am on Mastodon since April 2022, I also try to promote the Dark Mod there.

      Deleted my twitter account last week. Not that I did much on twitter (only went there to keep in contact with one of my Dark Mod voice actors who is not present here). The reason is quite simple: I don't want to use something controlled by a person who called a life-saver a pedophile. Period.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. I never realised there was a Dark Mod Twitter account. Perhaps it was banned and waiting for Elon Musk to unban it.

    1. JackFarmer



      Apparently unbanning was not the only thing, there was seemingly also some sort of unblocking: Several users on Mastodon have reported that Musk, whom they blocked on Twitter in the past, suddenly became unblocked on their Twitter accounts...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. After watching the first three and a half episodes of "The Sandman" last night, I realize once again that overly imaginative narratives are not for me. Also, the main actor looks like he has a toothache.

    Which makes me wonder, is there a Dark Mod mission with a medieval dentist?

    1. JackFarmer


      No, I did not read the comic before thus I cannot compare both works.

      The show has high production values, but, as I have mentioned above, the xxl-supernatural fantasy setting (dreamland, eternals, demons, hell, etc.) is not my cup of tea... If I recall correctly, the TV show of American Gods had similar strange vibes.

      However, still thinking whether I should give the comic a chance...


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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