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  1. Lazarus


    I'm using IE7... but it does the same BS on Firefox. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=6164
  2. Also, this just occured to me... Assuming we go with the regular and hires repository scheme, DarkRadient's users would be just fine if they downloaded the hires addon pk4.
  3. I'm not sure if this has been discussed before... I've just searched the forums but couldn't find any information about it (probably because I'm not sure what words to search for). I'll try to explain: In Thief3, you could wander around in the city, without people yelling ooooh, thief, because you're just a passenger pedestrian, and there's nothing that makes people think you're a thief. Apart from those who know who you are... This is what I really liked in Thief3... and if I remember it correctly, it wasn't the really case in Thief 1&2 (or at least it didn't really stand out as much as in Thief3). Also, it's funny how your own footsteps are "triggered" (people will come and take a look), and footsteps of a guard ain't. You probably know where I'm going to: how will others know you're thief and not just a regular guy, servant or guard? I recently saw a trailer of , and I immediately thought of Thief. Of course the game is a lot different, but the interaction with the crowd is a bit similar. Hitman also had some interesting ideas: the less you act like a regular guy, the more people will find you suspicious. I'm just wondering how this will be done in the Dark Mod Of course, most of this will apply to what's going on in the streets, and not really the mission itself.
  4. First of all: can somebody (New Horizon?) give him Applicant or Contributor status so that we can discuss things in more detail? @Arcturus: I could take a look at it now, and I have some feedback for you. - While the normalmaps look good in theory, they are almost not noticeable for the "old" and the "white_brick" textures. They should be much more pronounced. I looked a the textures using "r_skipBump" and could hardly tell any difference between the appearance with and without normals. edit: Ok, after looking at them at smaller scale it actually isn't that bad, but the lights have to hit the texture at really sharp angles to make it properly visible. So don't take this too seriously. The brick normal can definitely be deeper though. - The normalmap of the tile textures is very grainy or noisy. It makes the shingles appear like sand, which feels a bit wrong. The roughness should be decreased a lot, this would look much better. The diffusemap is non-tiling, which can probably be fixed easily. - The "old" texture has non-power-of-two dimensions (1068 pixels). This will not work when the imagesa re converted into the DDS format. All dimensions should be powers of two: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc. Width and height don't have to be the same, of course. Please don't be discouraged by my feedback. If you are willing to put some more work on the textures, I can imagine that these could fit into our repository. I (or somebody else) can give you some more detailed instructions in the internal forums with respect to techniques and organisational stuff like naming conventions, DDS conversion and such. edit: Thanks for moving that, N.H.
  5. Yeah, mapping between info location names and some data in a text file, and maybe a way to load up certain presets for that data with certain names for user-friendly reverb environments. Here is a cut & paste from some posts on D3World: When the area label is a number (and I forget if the number is with or without quotes), it refers to a specific portal area. I don't know if we'll be able to map to this in DarkRadiant, because we don't know how the D3 map compiler assigns numbers to portal areas, although I could be wrong. We'll at least be able to do it for info_location entity names though. [EDIT: I think this file also allows a global reverb environment to be established for the whole map, and it gets overriden by reverb data on locations when present.] One suggestion for this functionality might be to add a link to the reverb menu as an option off of the entity browser when you have selected an info_location or derived entity. Then you know the name of the entity because it's already selected, and you can read/write the reverb data to/from the <mapname>.EFX file under the block for that location name. As for the actual reverb data: Well, we can look at what they put in the Id maps (in /base/pak007.pk4, *.EFX ) to get some idea of the possibilities, but there may still be variables that the sound engine allows but that they didn't use, and we don't know about (because we don't have access to the sound engine in the SDK). An email to Id asking what all the possible EAX settings in the EFX file are might help. There are also a few AI soundprop settings you can set on an info_location, we could add this to the sound properties GUI as well, but I think we can focus on player reverb for now.
  6. I'll set you up as an applicant, then you can post your samples in our private forums.
  7. I don't think the team has ever 'collectively' said any such thing. I think it's far more likely that they're too busy with new projects to respond to questions raised about a game they released three years ago than the possibility that they regularly read our public forums and were personally offended by the occasional isolated comment from individual team-members that they didn't think much of D3 as a game.
  8. You can see this often in some game forums, even D3world. Somebody comes in and says he has this great idea but he needs somebody who codes it for him. For the trivial task of implementing a full featured game you will get 20% of the income after release. Sure. these guy all have the notion that the idea of the game is the most imporant thing and usually they wont even give details because they fear that it might get stolen. Knigers is a good example for that. Of course the idea is important, but it's the hard work that really counts. In the end you can have good ideas all day long for free, but that doesn't make you rich, until you start implementing it.
  9. Just a reminder. I need everyone here to vote once a day until July 16th. It's a long process, but we can win it. Also, if you visit any other forums...pass along the info there too. If we can get support elsewhere, all the better. Thanks.
  10. Welcome to the Forums! How's it going with your movie hunt?
  11. Is the purpose of separating the TGAs from the DDSs to reduce the checkout times for developers, or to reduce the size of the final download when the mod is released? If it is the latter, it would seem to me to be preferable to put all of the images in the darkmod tree as normal, but when the final PK4s are generated, zip up the textures/ and dds/ folders separately and give the downloader the option of skipping the textures.pk4 if they want a smaller DDS-only download. SneaksieDave - I think I've figured out why you can't load the compressed normalmaps in D3. The unswizzling of RxGB compression takes place in the interaction.vfp fragment shader, which will not run on a Geforce 4.
  12. Very cool. Are any of these big enough to allow the player model to fit inside and crawl up a chute? If not, maybe some even bigger ones can be worked on to serve that 'secret passageway' purpose It looks like deeper fireplaces would be needed for that than what was shown here. (I haven't CVS'd the PK4 yet, but do look forward to trying.) EDIT: Not sure if this looks interesting or not. To me it does, but I'm biased, since this was a fireplace in the old house I grew up in. Feel free to make or be inspired by it. There's a removable black cast iron mesh grill that fits in the arc to prevent sparks from flying out. If I remember correctly, there were L-shaped iron brackets bolted into the bricks underneath the platform and into the wall to provide support to the platform from underneath.
  13. jdude, I have to commend you on the quality of your work, one look at that street and you can tell right away this is going to be a very fine looking Thief level in TDM. I'm also impressed with the scale of the effort. Perhaps you would be the sort of level designer with the kind of skills and ability to design/create fairly fast that would be capable of modeling the city as we are discussing in this thread below. Who knows, maybe jdude will be the first level designer/FM author that will come at least fairly close to the dream of modeling The City in TDM at a high quality level. And thus, of course, attain legendary Thief fan status. hehe http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=3470&st=0
  14. I should have mentioned this a long while ago (actually I covered this in the belcher thread): http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...=5452&st=75 Anything that's inheriting from atdm:ai_base tend to stand around when they should be attacking. I think most of the focus has been on atdm:ai_humanoid which has more functionality than the base. I think we should have atdm:ai_nonhuman because ai_base is pretty thin. So I think the problems you're facing with the bot is the lack of ai_base functionality.
  15. New Horizon - Now I seem to have correct access to the Contributor forums. Thanks! Ishtvan, Springheel - thanks for all of your ideas and suggestions -- please keep them coming if you think they'll help me. Some of the questions you raise are issues I had thought of too, so at least I'm starting to get my head around what needs to be done. I'll grind away in learning/experimenting mode for a little while, then maybe write up a short design doc, encapsulting these ideas.
  16. If anyone has some spare time, there are two good models on FTP that still need to be textured--a horizontal bookshelf and a furnace. We could really use both of them, and I don't think I'll have time for a while. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=106109
  17. alright, whats the FTP password...I know it's changed but where is the "project info" and where is the thread that gives the new pass? EDIT: Nevermind, im dumb.... Files are being upload under guis/objective.pk4, I'de advise unzipping em once you getem
  18. Ah, I hate when I write a long post and the forums doesn't take it. So this'll be much shorter... small gears would gunk up easier than big ones. So I don't think small bot disabled by moss and big bots not a problem. Don't remember what moss did in T3 other than the pagan stones, what comparision are you thinking of Springheel? Um... lantern being put out. The lantern glass IS a different material NOW. So it can be illuminated, so that material can have a seperate prop for stims. water, would be hard to extinguish lantern thru glass broadhead, maybe a little noisy, but well placed could break glass, put out lantern. selfshadows, what ever looks best, is mtr file prop so easy to change/test at any time.
  19. Diego

    Looks Awesome!

    wassup everyone! long time since i last checked the forums.. the screen shots available are really cool, i get very euphoric everytime i visit the site! btw, i noticed my account still have access to the rest of the forum. if you guys like, you can take me off, since i'm not a contributor for a long time now. Unfortunately college has taken all of my time, i even moved to a place nearer to the campus (where i don't even have a computer, btw). keep it up guys! if someone need any of those models i've done (all of them unfinished, i must add) just let me know.
  20. I just heard from a veteran of building cpu's that SLI isn't that good. If you were to get the 8800 GTS from Nvidia which is in the 500-600$ range you'd be way better off. Which is what the system I helped build above has. As for Quad-cores which I find very interesting, a real quad core is coming in July. Right now this is what the market has available and it's not worth it that much. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductRevie...N82E16819115017 I also found an article via Gamespot forums on Eigth core CPU. That's right 8 freaking cores. People are estimating the cost for the cpu to be like 1500$. http://www.legitreviews.com/article/521/1/ I think with a dual core all the future games should be maxed out with the 8800 GTS and no slowdown. Like creed, bioshock, gears of war pc if it ever is announced officially. Honestly i'm just happy the entrance price of 1500$ is resonable.
  21. This is all very interesting .... too bad it'll probably all be moved to the private forums soon. I studied a bit of Paul Glimcher's lab work on "vision & risk/decisionmaking" in the brain, if you are interested in how the brain's vision system addresses these exact kinds of issues ... in particular I studied eye saccades, which is a kind of search routine. It sounds very familiar to the way Malcolm was explaining it, relative-weighted areas of the vision area getting updated as evidence comes in ... (well, more complicated, as you could imagine ... You could just google Paul Glimcher, vision, and NYU to find his papers if you want more detail on how LIP, the brain area he studies, does it). The one major element it adds to what you were saying is that it isn't just "likelihood" alone, but (likelihood of a hit) * (expected payoff, if it's a hit) ... in effect, relative expected utility of a hit (REU = L*P). You've already thought about likelihood well (shadows before well lit areas, heard sounds+, etc), so I don't need to really discuss it. And you've also got a system where the weights are relative to one another built into the hierarchy of choice based on weight, so I don't really need to talk about that, either. As for payoff, in most cases the expected payoff is probably the same -- a "hit" will be the same thief every time; there he is. It's not like some shadows are more likely to carry more thieves than other shadows so go to those first (the traditional way P works). If the task is just to find that one guy, then that's it. So it might not apply so well. But just so I don't make a completely irrelevant point, another possible way to think about payoff is the same thief in different situations. E.g., there might be situations where the guard has a better chance of catching the thief by surprise or at least off-guard ... that's a higher payoff for the guard. ... So you might tweak the scales a little so that certain evidence that indicates coming from a certain direction might catch the thief off guard (e.g., coming from behind the thief rather than in front of him) will bump up the P factor in the weight just a little more than usual for that direction relative to the other direction (of course, the L factor might still outweigh for the other direction). Or an approach which better cuts off the thief's exit. Or, vice versa, things that lessen the expected payoff for the guard might get bumped down, e.g., if the direction puts the guard in a particularly vulnerable position if he catches the thief, relative to catching him from another position. Or, e.g., distance/work to get to the spot might also tweak the payoff, insofar as it leaves him more vulnerable to fight vs. another approach (need to think about that; if fatigue were a factor it definitely would, but I don't think you'll have that, or some approaches making fighting easier or harder for him, not sure.) The point is that these wouldn't be independent factors affecting the weighting, but a multiplier to the factors you already have (which are most all, in effect, "likelihood" factors), that have the potential to tweak a little in either direction with the right evidence, otherwise it's just set at "1". Although maybe this graduated-approach you have to weighting--bits of evidence tweak the amount this way or that--amounts to the same thing in effect. My examples are just me thinking on the fly, take them with a grain of salt. You need to think the idea through. You might think it might be better to have a hit at all than worry about the relative value of that hit when it happens (well, really this is about a hit from one place relative to the same hit from another place; but from a more/less advantageous position for the guard, coming from the Thief's behind, or cutting off his exit, etc). But anyway, because so much of the literature always has this equation of REU = L*P for rational saccade/search behavior, it's worth spending a little time thinking about how the P (expected payoff) factor might work for you, as well as the L factor that you've been working with ... maybe in a much different way than my examples. Since there's just one hit, maybe it's not all that important as it would be in other situations (e.g., where there are other potential hits at play), but it might come up in other ways like I was trying to think out. It's just worth thinking about, that's all I'm saying, outsider that I am.
  22. (Woe, cool forums better than phpbb2) The mod you guys are making owns all. Its gatta be the best rpg mod for doom 3 its too leet... You guys have to had modified the sdk! What did you use to compile it?
  23. I had to just type in one word and it came up wit the write thread http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?...376#post1597376
  24. Hold the phone! Sorry if this is not directly in answer to the previous question, but it's something interesting as well. In your base folder, open pak002.pk4. Take a look at the texture for: models\monsters\zombie\boney\boney.tga As expected, it's half a guy. Because of the mirroring limitation. But now look at: modes\monster\zombie\morgue\morgue_d.tga NOT half a texture, not mirrored. Is this presumed limitation real? Maybe id did half-textures to save time? If this is not really a limitation, if really opens up skin possibilities. I was looking through here in the first place to see if I could get started on figuring out what's what for nodraw body parts. There are separate parts textures, but I don't know if they're for dismembered limbs, or nodraw purposes.
  25. Great work at any rate, thanks for sharing it. I too looked at that first picture and thought about the gameplay possibilities so it is inspiring. Looks like a cool place to loot. As far as concepts, I'm still trying to pin down ideas on bots, if you have time to paint some up, any ideas would be great. In the models forums I've got a thread about them with the one I've almost finished aloing with other concepts and ideas. Other than that I guess just any insprational architecture/objects would be great.
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