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  1. Here you go, these are the sites I hit up when I'm looking for particular textures. Animax (best of the bunch) Imageafter Amazing Textures Famous Paintings Cambridge 200 Botanical Textures Mayang's Textures Ben Cloward Textures and Tutorials Cornice Moulding 3D Excellence 3Dtronic Textures Bradbury Victorian Wallpapers Waverly Wallpapers and Home Decor Lemog 3D Afflict Textures (meh, not the greatest. But there are a couple of good ones here) Image Stock Megatex Travis Price Gallery Pixelperfect (can be slow, but good) Diwesign Texture Warehouse Stockvault Edit: Added August 23rd Landmark Metalcoat
    1. Obsttorte


      This looks cool, somehow oldschool in a nice way.

    2. demagogue


      I hope the gameplay is unique to justify him reinventing the wheel instead of, e.g., just forking off of us. The art design looks good.

  2. I was wondering if anyone has the time and desire to create a rather simple custom model for me. I've seen it plenty of times playing Thief 2 FMs and it looks to be a foot rest/small seat for noble areas. If possible it would be great to have multiple skins for different colors to go with it as well and I can't speak on behalf of the TDM team but I think it would make a great addition to the core mod as well. Here's a picture of the item below. Thanks!
  3. I raised a tracker to fix texture darkmod/sfx/black_matt but want to check with mappers first because it's been used in loads of maps. The description of black_matt is: //matt black - there are already blacks but cannot get _black nor bc_black to reference as diffusemap Whoever set up black_matt didn't quite know how to achieve the right effect. It's not really matt black. The tga image is rgb 1,1,1 instead of 0,0,0 so it reflects some diffuse light (I assume they tried a 0,0,0 image and found it didn't work), plus It's light-interacting so it has default specularity. It can look distinctly grey if you put a light right next to it and look at it from an oblique angle. Really it should have been set up to be opaque but not be light-interacting at all. A 0,0,0 filter blend instead of a diffuse map, combined with the forceOpaque keyword, would probably be right. I used this texture in a map that I was working on before getting into TDM coding, for the bottom of wells, and to block holes in walls where rods poke through etc, where I wanted to make shallow holes appear to be deeper than the player could see while sealing the visleaf. I'm not sure how others have used it though. I did an existing map check and it's been used lots. Should we change it to be properly black?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Obsttorte


      Part two is recorded. Now I only need to add the subs and rip it down. Should be on youtube tomorrow.

    3. Lux


      can't wait.

    4. demagogue


      I didn't know that first trick setting up the base, so thanks for that.

  4. Hello all. I have a crossfire setup with 2 HD 4850 cards. I of course run into the famous Catalyst AI bug, etc, so I need to run the game with AI off (which, for those who may not know, disables crossfire...cant use both cards is AI is off, which is pure crap) I am getting pretty poor performance in general when it comes to lighting. In most areas of the training map, no issues. A solid 60fps, with AA set at 2, and AF at 16. 1600x1200 res, interaction at high. But, when I get to an area lit by quite a few light sources, my frame rate drops in half. An example is in the training mission, right where the swinging rope is 1st introduced and there is a bunch of ledges and water, I end up at almost exactly 30fps. Another example is in the 2nd room of the 'business as usual' level, with the mirror. I face that mirror, and its chop city. When I turn off lighting or lower the distance of the lighting via console commands, back to 60fps, so def a lighting issue rather than a geometry one. This would not bother me too much except for 2 things - one being that at 30fps it feels quite choppy, choppier than it should be since we see things at 25-30 frames a second with our eyes. 30 should be plenty good, but it feels more stuttery, like it was really at 24 or lower. Second is that I have the well known 'micro-stutter' issue that many ATI owners have had, so I have to set com_precicetic to 0 and com_fixedtic to 1, which irons out the micro-stutter like a charm, but when the frames drop things go into slow-mo. Literally, everything is then moving at half speed. Very sucky. So I either play with the 2 console commands at default, and have choppy FPS at these areas, and micro-stutter every 1sec or so, or I play with these console commands set at the values presented above, fixing micro-stutter but putting things in super slo-mo when turning corners into well lit rooms. I have tried everything from modifying the interactions shader file, to trying with all options low, and tampering with may console commands involving lighting, to no avail. Just to fill in all the blanks, my system is a Dell XPS 630i, quad core proc, 2x4850 cards, 8gig ram. I play some of the top-line modern games better than the doom 3 engine from years ago is running for me. If anyone has any ideas, I would be grateful.
  5. I have a typical elevator like the one in St. Lucia or Outpost. I made a new model for the made-from-brushes buttons on the controller, and replaced the "model" spawnarg on the button entity with the new model. This has somehow made the button no longer frob or work at all. All the other spawnargs have not been changed. Is this known to break buttons? Can't the model be anything?
  6. Love your signature over at the Eidos forums. Hahaha!

    1. Maijstral


      I don't normally even use signatures, but I've used a few to voice my displeasure at what EM is doing to Thief. I'll probably stick with that one until I lose interest in visiting the EM forums.

  7. the texture table_medallion its sizes is not divideable by 2 on the table_medallion.tga its 580x593 on table_medallion_s.tga its 580x593 and table_medallion_ed.jpg its 250x256, its used by all the round table skins, and darkradiant complains that table_medallion is not found in the shaderlibrary. wont this cause a crash on ati based video cards.
  8. While doing some repairs on WS2 last night, I spent a couple hours repairing the horizontal/vertical scaling on a couple custom textures. Models, func_statics, and patches were untouched, but the world brushes had suffered a mysterious 4x or 8x change in their scaling values, causing the textures to become huge. This wasn't just a few brushes, but every brush face that used that texture. I recently switched two aspects of my work: - I changed from DR 1.8.1 to DR 2.0.2 - I changed the base darkmod folder from 2.03 to SVN I can't tie this problem directly to either change, because, until last night, I hadn't done any work near the corrupted textures since switching. I can't think of anything else that might have caused this. (DR seems the likely culprit, since it writes the *.map file.) The two textures in question are the red brick on the Builder church and the metal ceiling in the City Watch station. The brick had suffered a multiplier of 8 in the horizontal and 4 in the vertical. The ceiling texture had suffered a 4x change in both scales. Has anyone else seen this problem?
    1. rebb


      What a pisstake ;)

    2. Diego


      Now players will not onlyget spit on while hiding, they will be pissed on too!

  9. The full Thief Gold HD texture mod is going to be released soon! Here's the trailer

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nbohr1more


      This is cool and all but I wish Gecko would've worked with the Canon Texture folks at TTLG rather than doing his own project. He's completely changed the look of some of the textures. I guess it's author's prerogative but when you market yourself as the "official" HD mod it's kinda shady, especially since there was already HD-ification happening elsewhere...

    3. SeriousToni


      Thank you Goldwell! @nbohr1more: Which do you mean? Those? They really look nice and I hope he can help these guys out now after 1.0 release! http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140187&page=58

    4. fllood


      Agree with nbohr1more. These textures imo are too far from the look & feel of the original game. I switched back from "HD" beta to original textures.

  10. I need some opinions here. In mansions like the following images, with white walls, what kind of texture do you suppose that is? Is it plaster? Painted wood? Marble? Can anyone suggest any existing textures that would be suitable? Everything I've tried so far either looks too dirty (not good for a rich interior) or too pure white (which looks artificial). http://winnerhospitality.com/Photo-Gallery/images/Buhl-Mansion-Photos/Interiors-Spa/Buhl-Mansion-Parlour-Foyer.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/realestate.aol.com/blog/media/2012/10/screen-shot-2012-10-09-at-3.18.27-pm.png
  11. So I'm now getting back into adding models into TDM but the referred Compressionator from ATI doesn't work on my system. Is it an absolute must to run the diffuse as a DDS? Sadly I'm not having a lot of luck finding an application to handle this (since DDS seems to be an outdated format). I may try looking into some of the Photoshop extensions but are there any suggestions?
  12. What's going on with the Thi4f forums? They've been down for almost a week now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      Well that's not going to work. If they can't post about Thi4f on the Thi4f forums they can come and post about TDM on the TDM forums.

    3. jtr7


      People thought it was the server migration under Square-Enix that we've been told about, but they came back online like nothing happened, and the dedicated thread about the coming migration had no new info.

      Can't see this?:


    4. stumpy


      maybe it was a migration test, and it broke.

  13. Afternoon I've created a new material def and skin for the doorframes (see below) my question is why is the wrong texture showing on the skin in DR and in-game, 'rough_wood_grey' is being shown instead of 'rough_wood_grey02_dark' .MTR textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02_dark_ns { wood noshadows { blend diffusemap map textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02 red 0.66 green 0.6 blue 0.5 } qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02_dark_ed bumpmap textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02_local { if ( parm11 > 0 ) blend gl_dst_color, gl_one map _white red 0.3 * parm11 green 0.27 * parm11 blue 0.22 * parm11 } { if ( parm11 > 0 ) blend add map textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02_dark red 0.3 * parm11 green 0.27 * parm11 blue 0.22 * parm11 } // TDM Ambient Method Related { if (global5 == 1) blend add map textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02 scale 1, 1 red global2 green global3 blue global4 } { if (global5 == 2) blend add program ambientEnvironment.vfp vertexParm 0 1, 1, 1, 1 // UV Scales for Diffuse and Bump vertexParm 1 1, 1, 1, 1 // (X,Y) UV Scale for specular vertexParm 2 global2, global3, global4, 1 fragmentMap 0 cubeMap env/gen1 fragmentMap 1 textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02_local // Bump fragmentMap 2 textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02 // Diffuse fragmentMap 3 _black // Specular } } .SKIN skin doorframe_rough_wood_grey02_dark { model models/darkmod/architecture/doorframes/door_frame_wood_96x48.ase model models/darkmod/architecture/doorframes/door_frame_wood_96x96.ase model models/darkmod/architecture/doorframes/door_frame_wood_104x56.ase model models/darkmod/architecture/doorframes/door_frame_wood_104x112.ase model models/darkmod/architecture/doorframes/door_frame_wood_128x56.ase model models/darkmod/architecture/doorframes/door_frame_wood_128x112.ase model models/darkmod/architecture/doorframes/door_frame_curved_96x48.lwo model models/darkmod/architecture/doorframes/door_frame_curved_96x96.lwo textures/darkmod/wood/boards/rough_wood_grey02_dark_ns }
  14. Holy crap are we getting another download spike? The forums keep going intermittent on me.

    1. Springheel


      The forums aren't on the same servers as the downloads.

    2. stumpy


      its sunday, the internet is always slow on a sunday for some reason.

    3. Lux


      "for some reason" I imagine is you being sarcastic as we all know everybody and their brother/sister are online on Sunday either shopping or looking at porn combined with all the gaming packets.


      I'm sure there are also people just "reading things for the articles" though...

  15. modetwo

    Forums fixed

    Had a problem with the web server yesterday that led to a crashed table in the forum database. This has now been repaired and things seems to work again. I was on travel so it took a while before I was able to fix it. Merry Christmas!
  16. I can get on the main forum now but still get an error when trying to load posts. Anyone else?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sotha


      Congrats! First one is The First one!

    3. Sir Taffsalot

      Sir Taffsalot

      If "its done!" why do we have to wait until next week? Congratulations on your first FM! I look really look forward to playing this.

    4. Kvorning


      To let you know a bit in advance if you have a tight schedule and to catch last few things and tweaks:)

  17. As per the following thread the models aren't appearing in-game, I have done all the ground work (created the correct file's & folder structure) so can someone(Arcturus, Springheel, others) have a look at see where its going wrong..? I'm guessing there might be an issue with the way the .ASE files were exported by the original author? - mega Here is a shot of the market I created, @Grayman the models don't need to be rescaled btw.
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