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Rough beaten gold bar


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I'd probably use something like this in my own FM but is it acceptable for Dark Mod?


post-400-128523604357_thumb.jpg post-400-128523605848_thumb.jpg


Damn - now I see a line around the cap in the screenshot I didn't notice before - I'll to look at that. [edit] no it's just two overlapping clones. :blush:


I looked at different ingots old and new and they do vary somewhat. Then I found this old one that looks like it was puddled in an open mould and is an interesting shape. http://www.pandaamerica.com/upd_images/china_gold_ingot_01.jpg



This beaten gold texture is not the same thing of course but I do like the look of it because it brings out the gold colour and texture. Plain smooth gold does not always look so good and the fine texture of a sand-moulded metal might not be so visible. Logically an ingot is poured not hammered but I just think it looks a nice texture.


I've wondered about putting an impressed stamp on it to make it official. If I put it in the texture I probably then need two textures so it might be more economical to put a patch on the top and use something we've got like the lion to give a vague suggestion of a mark or maybe even the part of the gold coin.


I'm also considering some nuggets from this material also silver. Again, it makes no sense if it is hammered but I'm not sure I would think of it as hammered if I didn't know - just a very rough metal surface.

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OK, thanks greebo. Yes, it would eventually be a loot model.


I did a quick test with part of the crown normal and clearly if it did have an impress stamp it needs a new one I think. It almost looks like a kind of currency at this scale - worth 25G, 50G?


Anyway, I'll commit the texture and see what you come up with. You're probably right about the scale. I firstly did it very small scale and it tiles badly.



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Here's a first version with a custom diffusemap (based on your texture) and baked normalmap:




It has 116 polys, plus 12 poly collision mesh and 12 poly shadow mesh. If this one is fine, I can make several sizes of the ingot.

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Here's a first version with a custom diffusemap (based on your texture) and baked normalmap:




It has 116 polys, plus 12 poly collision mesh and 12 poly shadow mesh. If this one is fine, I can make several sizes of the ingot.


Nice one! *lusts for gold*

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Yes that's fine. What scale is that texture - could be useful for some other stuff. Don't know what sizes we want. I guess a small one comfortable to lift in one hand and one two-hander. Any opinions on loot values? Not sure if we need a big one. If too big then the value is out of proportion. Typical FM might have 3000 to 6000 loot objective so a couple of large ingots worth 1000 each might be a bit misplaced.

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Diffusemap is 512x256

Specularmap is 256x128

Normalmap is 512x256


The diffusemap is a blend of several ones, but it is nontiling, so it might be of limited use for anything else.


I agree about the ingot size, massive gold ingots are awfully expensive, so I'll create a couple of smaller ones and upload them to SVN.

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Diffusemap is 512x256

Specularmap is 256x128

Normalmap is 512x256


The diffusemap is a blend of several ones, but it is nontiling, so it might be of limited use for anything else.


I agree about the ingot size, massive gold ingots are awfully expensive, so I'll create a couple of smaller ones and upload them to SVN.


Gold is also very very heavy, heavier than lead. According to:




a one-kilogram gold (2.2 pound) bar is just 52 cm³ or 37mm x 37mm x 37mm big. Thats smaller than 4 cm across each edge.


And one kg gold might be worth quite a bit already, at the current value 32610.82 €uro if it is pure Gold :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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Really? How come you know all that stuff?


Anyways, the ingots are uploaded now and can be tested in test/inventory.map:




I hope all the necessary files are checked in and I didn't miss anything.


The screenshot also makes it obvious that the hue of the golden ingots and the rest of the loot (which is presumably gold or is it an alloy?) is different, our loot has more of a reddish tone. I don't know how much of an issue that is, that's up to Springheel to decide.

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It struck me as a little bit too yellow at first. It's probably within the realistic limits of "gold colour", but the rest of our gold does tend to be more "tan". I'm not sure it needs to be changed. A google search for gold shows lots of different shades.

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When working on my thesis I often had to evaporate pure gold for my device electrodes, and I remember that the colour is definitely more on the yellow side than on the red one (and an ounce is a very beautiful thing to look at), but in any case it can be argued that the loot items are made of all kinds of alloys. Even if a goblet is not made of 100% gold, a gold alloy is still worth some cash.


The diffusemap is located in darkmod\dds\models\darkmod\props\textures\gold_ingot.dss, in case it needs to be adjusted.

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Really? How come you know all that stuff?


I guess that was sarcasm? :)


My uncle used to collect lead (to sell as scrap metal), he had a small bucket full in his garage, which looked innocent, until someone tried to lift it. Simply impossible to steal :)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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  • 1 month later...

When working on my thesis I often had to evaporate pure gold for my device electrodes, and I remember that the colour is definitely more on the yellow side than on the red one (and an ounce is a very beautiful thing to look at)

Did you also briefly consider running away with a big bag of gold pellets someone gave you to refill the evaporator? I thought about it for about a second before I realized that gold worth a couple months vacation in Mexico wasn't worth throwing it all away and living as a fugitive. :)

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