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Just bought Deus Ex Human Revolution...


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I had not high expectations for game, created by Eidos Montreal who wrecked Splinter Cell Conviction pretty badly, but decided to give it a try... such a die-hard fan i am.

Ran it rather with curiosity than anything else, and i had three hours gaming blast... not happened since TNM.

To say it loud and clearly: this game is pretty good. Carries on the original game's franchise, and everything from visuals to gameplay pays hommage to original. Let's set up my personal answers to your probably frquent questions:


Q: Hows about that nasty yellow outlining and onscreen dumb instructions ?

A: Although on by default, everyting is optional in menu.

Q: (this goes to myself :-)) And is there charger prod aka electric BJ for nonlethal takedown ? Or are you forced to go gory way ?

A: Yup, its there. Called stun gun here, can be even used as firearm with close range. You can skip bloody killing completely.

Q: Hows AI ?

A: Not dumb by any means. Where TDM AI would still ask "who's hiding there ?" dx AI is already after you. They have nice animation btw, looks real.

Q: Visuals and ambient music ?

A: inspired by original game the same way TDM amb. music is inspired by thief, works the same way.

Q: what about mistakes from DXIW, like "one ammo type fits all ?"

A: Nope, didn't noticed any dumbness so far.

Q: Whats story like ? Is it visionary as in DX1 ?

A: Not too far into game yet, but so far it's variation on original dx story. Terrorists, corporations... we'll see.

Q: what about PC conversion and performance ?

A: works just as any PC only game, no consoleness. Performance is pretty good, with my lowend AMD x2 @3000Mhz and HD5570 (50eur VGA) i get 30-40 fps indoors which is playable for stealth gameplay. Outdoors it falls to ~20, but there's no action outdoors, just traveling between locations and such.

Those frame rates are better than i get in most TDM missions, so if on your rig you consider TDM playable, you are fine to enjoy DXHR. (note: my settings are 1200x1024 everything high/on except vsync off/shadows medium.

Q: most important: stealth. hows that implemented ?

A: apart from the very beginning of game where i was thrown into gunfight, i did not killed any AI so far, and i'm pretty enjoying it. this is more stealth game than SCConviction !

Q: Conclusion ?

A: there has been only few games that i was able immerse into completely for hours. SystemShock, DeusEx, Thief, TDM, TNM (the nameless mod), DXHR. Go figure.


If eidos montreal can make such great hommage to classic game, there's still some hope for Thi4f... and that's some good news, isn't ?

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I've been kicking around with DXHR, myself. The setting and story so far (6 hours in) is damn cool. DAMN. COOL. Maybe it's just because I like thinking about philosophy. This game's got me thinking critically about my choices most every side mission, but there are a few side missions that are moreso black-and-white.


The storytelling is typical DX1: Conversations, Emails, Newspapers, Eavesdropping, and some visual storytelling. (For instance: Whilst wandering about, I thought "why is this old gas station abandoned?" After seeing some of the damage done, and reading the graffiti, I could conclude "Oh, it must have been closed due to problems of civil unrest.") Think DX1, but upgraded technology allows more attention to be poured into smaller details.


Graphics, I admit, are slightly dated. Does that detract from the game? Not in any way.


AI's combat routines are typical dumb bots. Shoot at wall where player was last seen. AI patrol routines: Pretty darn good. They look and act and talk "human" enough to dissuade me from even knocking them out. The patrolling man does not pace between 3 points looking straight ahead the whole time. I accidentally left a door open near his patrol route, and he turned his head to take a quick peek while continuing walking.


Gameplay is not the "Thief"y shadow-crawling style. The levels themselves are specially designed for you to sneak using cover, vents, cardboard boxes, janitor's closets, etc.



I found my only favorite game from this modern console age. :wub:

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Eidos Montreal wasnt responsible for Splinter Cell Conviction, Ubisoft was.


OOps, sorry for misleading. Wasn´t intended to trick you. :wacko:


I found my only favorite game from this modern console age. :wub:

Exactly what was i trying to say :D







Edited by Trickster
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My loading times don't feel terribly long on my PC. (Maybe I'm just more patient after growing up playing Ultima 5 on Apple //e, where there were 4 dang double-sided floppy disks to swap.)


My roommate is playing through Mass Effect 2 on his PS3 right now. How did I ever tolerate those false "morality systems"?


Choice 1. Not Jackass (Paragon)

Choice 2. Total Jackass (Renegade)


The best moral choices are those in grey areas, in which you cannot follow Walt Disney's advice to "follow your heart." I am still uncertain about my allegiances in DXHR.


Also, an AI told to stay out of the Ladies restroom. I don't know whether or not that's supposed to be a grey moral choice.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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Sounds good since Eidos Montreal is working on Thi4f. Hopefully they'll pull through on it also.


My offer I posted before still stands, if someone prepurchsed it, but doesn't have a premium account on TF2 (Whether or not they want it), I'd be happy to work some kind of deal for the DX items you get for TF2 with the pre-purchase.

You have to get a premium account to trade the stuff to me.

Bascically you need $5 on your steam account, you buy a 50 cent item for TF2 in the mann co store with that money, then have $4.50 left for Steam games.


If anyone pre-purchased lets work a deal

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Just finished the game, can see 1-3 more playthroughs left (at least - I missed some sidequests, and looking at the achievements tabs there are entire new ways to do parts of the game I haven't even seen on the list of achievements I'm apparently missing.) Steam says I spent 32 hours on it for my first playthrough, even if I can optimise that down to 20 hours a shot by knowing where to go, I still have another 20-60 hours left in the game just doing achievements and alternative playstyle playthroughs...that's before I even get to 'playing it through again because it's a great game'. I wouldn't call finishing it this soon a waste.

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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just spent two hours trying to kill the first boss, on the pc he spams frag grenades like he's got bottomless pockets. I read how to kill him on the ps3 version of the game but those tactics dont work on the pc version.


and why in canadian are the crosshairs in options labeled as recepticles, cos I turned them off thinking it was that orange day glow line around all useable objects.

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just spent two hours trying to kill the first boss, on the pc he spams frag grenades like he's got bottomless pockets. I read how to kill him on the ps3 version of the game but those tactics dont work on the pc version.


and why in canadian are the crosshairs in options labeled as recepticles, cos I turned them off thinking it was that orange day glow line around all useable objects.


Lol, I thought maybe it was French but Google Translate says no. That's very odd...

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just spent two hours trying to kill the first boss, on the pc he spams frag grenades like he's got bottomless pockets. I read how to kill him on the ps3 version of the game but those tactics dont work on the pc version.


I just hid behind a pillar a kept hitting him with head shots - granted, you have to hit him with quite a few, but if you can alternate between running and staying behind cover, it's not bad. I've heard the 2nd boss is impossible though, not looking forward to that.

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Depending on a choice you make in the game the third boss is worse than the second boss.

Intel Sandy Bridge i7 2600K @ 3.4ghz stock clocks
8gb Kingston 1600mhz CL8 XMP RAM stock frequency
Sapphire Radeon HD7870 2GB FLeX GHz Edition @ stock @ 1920x1080

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I must say i'm quite impressed with the game so far, it's very good, with lots and lots of options for non-lethal takedowns ( *shoulder-tap* ) - there's even achievements for not killing anybody in the whole game except bosses.


Certainly gives me more faith in Thief4 possibly not sucking :).



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