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Needed for Standalone: Animated Skeleton


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I've got a request that should be simple enough...


Can you give him a full uv island ? ie: no mirrored texture.


It's fine if you bake him in half, then just do a photoshop job to give him 2 halves instead of one (they don't even have to match up) and swap the uv's from one side onto the other.


Here's why...


If everything is on unique uv space we can just make a few skins and alpha out the bones that we want missing. then instead of splitting the mesh in to several materials zones the skeleton can just be one material and later on anyone can make an alpha skin to remove any selection of bones they want at any time.


(i dunno, an idea. There still might be problems if an author removes an arm, but the ai can still hit with the arm, etc...)

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest

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Oh man, Everything but the skull is mirrored. I think you're asking me to refit the whole UV, and that was difficult to do as it is. I would have been more eager to do that if you'd let me know before I UV'd but it wasn't in the description and I quite literally don't have time. I don't see why you don't just have some missing bones here and there.. That would still have the affect of a partially broken skeleton. If they can learn to make bones partially transparent, they should be able to use your maya/max/blender file to change what they want and re-export it.


And if THATS a problem, just make a few versions with different amounts of bones.. Is it actually crucial that anyone needs a skeleton with specific bones missing? For the very few that might, let them remove the bones themselves XD


Anyway, don't forget that this is going to be pretty hi res as it is, considering what I assume about doom 3's current capabilities. I think it really needs to be as optimised as possible.


EDIT: just figured out how to fix a problem i was having with the normals. I had some over lapping uvs which i forgot to move to the left of the main uv space, and that caused some weird z-fighting type artefacts. Now the only issue I'd have to work out is the best way to prevent seams. I already have a bit of an idea but I'll probably leave those thoughts up until I'm finished sculpting. I just wanted to get some of the bigger issues out of the way.

Edited by Mr Lemony Fresh
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Progress update:






Mainly this one is just to show you that I've ironed out most of the normal problems and that I should be good to continue work on the high poly sculpt without any crazy looking problems.


Next update will be the finished normal map and full screens instead of partial like I've showing here.


Give us a shout if you'd like me to hand over the current work so you can begin skinning/rigging it.

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Give us a shout if you'd like me to hand over the current work so you can begin skinning/rigging it.


Yes, that would be great. Good to have it in two places too, just in case. Looking great, btw!

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After some hopeless Wrangles with my faulty copy of zbrush I managed to find a way to get it back into zbrush 4.0. The newest version kept crashing all the time and i kept loosing work. I also found out that hard way that I should not import geometry into zbrush with n-gons as it fixes them unevenly.. thought I'd update you all... still chugging along and zbrush 4.0 seems to behave better to me.

Edited by Mr Lemony Fresh
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I have use mudbox in the past and it's a pretty solid program, but zbrush just seems to be the industry standard so I thought I'd use this as a means of breaking myself back into zbrush.


Plus the actual sculpting itself seems to work better in zbrush imo..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey sorry about the lack of updates, still working on the skeleton a little bit here and there. It's coming along but very slowly because I've had to try and take on another project at the same time.


The last update was pretty much done in terms of the shapes of the bones, next thing to do is add finite details like grain and weathering.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks pretty damn good to me. :wub:


You can always add it to TDM as a static mesh. That will give you a pretty good idea of what it will look like as a md5mesh (although it won't show you the problems that happen in md5meshes if verts occupy two different coordinates on a uv-map)

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Ok I'm including an fbx as well as the photoshop file in case you want to change the texture. Some time i might get around to providing you a more organised PSD file but you could probably just tidy it yourself if you need to. The way i have things layered, there's a focal gradient which include a layer of dirt, and on top of that there is more dirt. if you remove all of that you get rid of that dirt and there's a layer near the bottom which has that filthy look that the previous screen shot shows.


For reference of anyone who may want a bloody skeleton like the previous one, just replace the dirt with blood stains and put a red colour multiply layer on top. I might get around to doing that some time but it's not too hard to do.

Edited by Mr Lemony Fresh
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Here you go =) http://www.mediafire...6d5bnhwxidgm1x2


So the skeleton can be modified however you like but I have to be credited somewhere where people will look.


Also would someone care to send me a message or something when I can see it in game? =) that'd be neat

Edited by Mr Lemony Fresh
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Great! I'll get to work putting him in game.


Do you want a credit under your screen name or something else?

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