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panel_decorative_frame's poor bump map


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Hmm, now that I think about it, there are a bunch of textures in the mode that need a bit of tlc, that brick texture in gman's shot is one of them.


On the subject of textures as a whole, Ive been working on nhat and Ive noted a load of placement textures that have a second layer of details when the player gets close up, I think either AH or MD made these. My question is why are these not part of the core mod..? they are very good.

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On that note, with the release of 2.0, will textures/prefabs/models/etc from all currently available missions be included with 2.0? e.g. ones that were introduced with those FMs? Would be nice to have these centrally available and sorted.

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On the subject of textures as a whole, Ive been working on nhat and Ive noted a load of placement textures that have a second layer of details when the player gets close up, I think either AH or MD made these. My question is why are these not part of the core mod..? they are very good.


You'd have to ask the person who knows how to do them.

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On that note, with the release of 2.0, will textures/prefabs/models/etc from all currently available missions be included with 2.0? e.g. ones that were introduced with those FMs? Would be nice to have these centrally available and sorted.


You could make all new objects, prefabs or textures on your own for TDM 2.0 so that these can be included for the release for everyone. That's the easiest way and most profitable for everyone :)

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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New objects? I'm not talking about creating new assets, I'm only talking about assembling all that is currently available centrally.


Anyone can do this for themselves. Download all FMs, unpack them, unzip all 1.08 packed files in to their directory structure, highlight and copy each FM directory in to the main NOT replacing any file that already exists, do this for each FM directory, go through and clean up any orphans.


Not sure what you mean by "That's the easiest way and most profitable for everyone" but I don't believe this would take that long and it would be nice for everyone to have all common assets amongst current FMs included.


EDIT: (i'm only speaking in the 2nd paragraph about FM texture and model directories basically.) Is it up to the author whether they want to share any custom assets with the community? If so then that's just my misunderstanding as I thought anything anyone "contributed" to TDM was just that, contributed.

Edited by Lux
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Is it up to the author whether they want to share any custom assets with the community? If so then that's just my misunderstanding as I thought anything anyone "contributed" to TDM was just that, contributed.


It's usually just a courtesy to ask someone if you can reuse their stuff. Doing otherwise is frowned upon.


Stuff that gets put into the mod itself usually has to go through a vetting process. The custom texture or model or sound I use in my mission might be fine for me, but not meet the understandably more stringent standards of the mod.

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On the subject of textures as a whole, Ive been working on nhat and Ive noted a load of placement textures that have a second layer of details when the player gets close up, I think either AH or MD made these. My question is why are these not part of the core mod..? they are very good.

The primary reason I haven't put detail textures in the core mod is that adding the detail texture requires an extra blend gl_dst_color, gl_src_color material stage, and I haven't really tested its performance hit (It doesn't make any framerate difference on my HD4850, but I suspect it may not be a negligible perf hit on an integrated gfx card).


The other reason is that I would have to update those definitions to be vine-arrow friendly. It's not really hard, but a bit time consuming. (manually copy-paste the appropriate detail render pass from my old decls to TDM 2.0's material decls.)


They're not too hard to integrate as an FM addon: I wrote a fix-up script that DR can run to change existing maps to use my detail texture decls. But, as I said, this ought to be performance-tested. If there is a performance hit, then they should be an optional feature. And since these are totally different decls and not a GL program, this detail texture method can't be easily turned on and off with a menu option.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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The primary reason I haven't put detail textures in the core mod is that adding the detail texture requires an extra blend gl_dst_color, gl_src_color material stage, and I haven't really tested its performance hit (It doesn't make any framerate difference on my HD4850, but I suspect it may not be a negligible perf hit on an integrated gfx card).


Might be worth looking at for textures the player frequently gets close to, like doors.

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They're not too hard to integrate as an FM addon: I wrote a fix-up script that DR can run to change existing maps to use my detail texture decls. But, as I said, this ought to be performance-tested.
Might be worth looking at for textures the player frequently gets close to, like doors.

@MD I'm happy to help you with this! or if your too busy atm - @Springs can you give me a list of the textures used on various doors..? so I can see which one are part of MDs pack..

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@MD I'm happy to help you with this! or if your too busy atm - @Springs can you give me a list of the textures used on various doors..? so I can see which one are part of MDs pack..

I haven't modified any model's textures (at least, not on purpose. I suppose there are some bust statues that use TDM textures.)


Just so we don't get even more off-topic in this thread, open a bugtracker report, and list it as a "feature." If you've got the permissions, go ahead and assign it to me.


If you want to help, Biker, I'll need a test map with all the permutations of doors & skins.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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The primary reason I haven't put detail textures in the core mod is that adding the detail texture requires an extra blend gl_dst_color, gl_src_color material stage, and I haven't really tested its performance hit (It doesn't make any framerate difference on my HD4850, but I suspect it may not be a negligible perf hit on an integrated gfx card).


The other reason is that I would have to update those definitions to be vine-arrow friendly. It's not really hard, but a bit time consuming. (manually copy-paste the appropriate detail render pass from my old decls to TDM 2.0's material decls.)


They're not too hard to integrate as an FM addon: I wrote a fix-up script that DR can run to change existing maps to use my detail texture decls. But, as I said, this ought to be performance-tested. If there is a performance hit, then they should be an optional feature. And since these are totally different decls and not a GL program, this detail texture method can't be easily turned on and off with a menu option.


As I recall, Tels had added macros like DECAL_MACRO for Frob and Ambient stages. It might be a good idea to add a DETAIL_MACRO or something like that to ease any material conversions.

Tracker = 3121 as I can tell:


The place to add this is in renderer/Material.cpp, and this seems trivial, just copy the code from DECAL_MACRO and adjust it to add the wanted bits and pieces.
Edited by nbohr1more

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As I recall, Tels had added macros like DECAL_MACRO for Frob and Ambient stages. It might be a good idea to add a DETAIL_MACRO or something like that to ease any material conversions.

Tracker = 3121 as I can tell:

As far as I can tell, this only consolidates keywords in a material decl, not entire stages of materials. Bugtracker 3122 looks much closer to what you're talking about, but I don't have the C++ chops to expand the material parser.

yay seuss crease touss dome in ouss nose tair

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      briefing_video.mp4 You can test it ingame by making a copy of the core tdm_gui.mtr and place it in your-tdm-root/materials/ , then edit line 249 of that file into the location where you placed the new briefing.mp4 file.
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