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Cooperative Multiplayer In The Dark Mod?


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Hello there, I am a new player that started playing with the release of 2.0 and to say the least, I am overjoyed at how brilliant and complex this game is and the numerous unique missions there are to be played.


I was recently having a discussion with a friend concerning the game and he brought up the topic of multiplayer which led me to thinking about the implications within The Dark Mod and for this topic - a cooperative gamemode.


It would certainly open up new avenues of gameplay and possibly bring more people aboard but it would also bring its own share of troubles that could make it unfeasible for this game.


I know that this game has been around for quite some time, so the topic has probably come up in the past and because of how delicate the singleplayer experience is, I am not holding out for multiplayer in the near or far future but my question is essentially - is it possible for multiplayer is be incorporated into The Dark Mod?


Thank you

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There is something called ThieveryUT. It is exactly what you may search. It is a mod for classic UT, which adopts the thief scenery, where one facton plays as thiefs and the other plays as guards. The guards can be controlled by ai, too. It is quite nice, but I think development has stopped. However, if you have UT lying around somewhere, you may give it a try.


Regarding multiplayer in TDM. Yes, I think it has come up before. And I guess I can say that the main answer for why it is not there is manpower.


But noone can foresee the future, right ;)

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But technically it should be possible, shouldn't it? There were already Doom 3 Coop gaming mods I have seen.


Of course Obsttorte is right, there is no one right now that has the time and the knowledge for this task. Although a new Thievery UT would be nice :D

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It's an open source engine, so anything is possible. I looked a little into multiplayer before, and the first thing you notice looking through the code is a lot of things geared towards one player, or I should say $player1, that would need to be rewritten to allow clients to do them too... frobbing being a big one that I recall. And you'd have to figure out what to do with loot, scripts, objectives, etc, whether they're shared or still separate, or maybe both if there's a separate competitive and coop mode. It'd be a lot of work, and it's not something you can do just piecemeal... You'd have to completely rewrite some of these systems, and they're big systems with pieces all over the place, and test it to make sure everything still works. And I wonder if it might be changed so much it might need to be a branch or not?


All that said, I'd personally LOVE coop multiplayer to be in TDM. From near the start, like a lot of people, I had two big pipedreams for TDM: going standalone and multiplayer. Well now we've actually accomplished the former, so it shows anything is possible. Maybe someone will be motivated to try it some day. (Some other dreams I have are realistic physics, lighting radiosity, soft shadows, and always more assets.)

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Did anyone else ever play Perfect Dark, specifically counter-operative mode? Something like that would be fantastic (not sure how the above game handles it).

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Excuse my ignorance, but if there was a different branch would this mean that changes made to the main TDM code base (like graphics / physics improvements) wouldn't be included in the new branch unless added separately?


I've also always wanted to see a co-operative TDM where 2 or more thieves could complete existing maps by sharing the loot / items objectives. It would also be cool to have a different multiplayer game type so you could for example have 2 thieves compete to reach an objective first (which would probably mean specially designed maps). Still just a pipe-dream but hopefully the recent boost in player numbers will bring someone with the skill and motivation to try it.

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Co-op play would be awesome, but it's a massive undertaking, and not something the main TDM dev team would be trying to tackle.

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Co-op play would be awesome, but it's a massive undertaking, and not something the main TDM dev team would be trying to tackle.


Much agreed :)

We've kept the MP code in the engine, but even before gpl, there are some pretty major issues with it, some bitrot and dependency issues. Things like the lightgem would also become... tricky.

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The reason it might have to be a branch game is because if you rewrite some of these systems, it might change the singleplayer game so it couldn't play old FMs like before, so it'd need to be an entirely separate game & exe ... unless the SP part could remain untouched. But I imagine even if it were a branch, because it could share the assets, it might be a much smaller download and something maybe you could drop into your TDM folder and play from there. So it might not be that bad. And I'd love for it to be able to play existing FMs multiplayer (not just maps specially made for MP). Imagine how much fun that would be.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Hi All,


I am new to this community, but was following the dark mod for a long time. i did played it once earlier with the doom mod, The standalone version is great news,(i am downloading it right now!).


Multiplayer would be a very nice addition. My idea of multiplayer would be something like a mix of the Assasin Creed brotherhood multiplayer, (but may be it will need a sandbox environment), apart from if you ever had played "Timeline" a very old game, maybe was released after Thief metal age. It had FPS Horse riding, maybe something like that could be added in the singleplayer missions as well.


Regards to the DarkMod team, you rock!!!

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We have horseriding. Still a bit wonky but it's there. I recall one of the FMs uses it.

My image of TDM coop multiplayer would be like Tos's multiplayer patch for Thief2.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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