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Thief 5 (Thoughs on who should develop it and how it should be developed)


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The shortcomings of Thief 2014 were foreshadowed for months in small incremental press reveals.


All you can do is look at it and say "yep, that's mostly what we thought we'd get".


True...The signs have been there for quite some time...with some better able predict what was coming.


(Well, you can make sure astro-turfers in forums don't make absurd arguments and white-wash the whole thing as "a matter of personal opinion"... ;) )


Yes...fortunately this has been identified by many in this community...Although, it is easy to see how a community newb may not see this, simply due to their lack of experience and reference...or even worse, the astro-turfer takes advantage of their inexperienced position, and uses them for their own interest.


The relativistic white-washing, is designed to weaken the coherency that gives strength to a undesired collective awareness...A collective awareness, that runs contrary to that vested interest. This tactic is insidious, and is a detriment to community growth and resolve.

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it is easy to see how a community newb may not see this


Interesting that you seem to always prioritize the community over the game. You need to remember that it's a community built around a franchise, not vice versa. It's always polarizing with you people, always "you're either with us or against us"; ever considered that there's a middle ground? Ever considered that we're all on the same page, that we just don't feel the need to shout about it every second thread? Nobody--and I mean nobody--on this forum has white-washed a single thing. It's exactly what every LGS Thief player here saw coming, it's what anybody with eyes and ears who can spell AAA saw coming. What's with the elitist attitude, anyway? Do you get off on pretending you're the elite sent down to spread divine knowledge over the unwashed masses, or are you really so socially inept that you think for a second we don't all feel the same? Do you need to be so obnoxious about it in order to understand one another? As in, you just read and missed all the posts of people saying "I liked this but overall it was dross"? There are threads for days of people being critically objective about the game, saying that it's terrible in most places and fun in a tiny minority. Do you just not read those? Do you just jump over here to post some creepy, polarizing cultist bullshit every now and then? You might want to quit it; look at what it did to JTR. Dude's bouncing around his padded cell jabbering like a howler monkey and you're still keeping up the pretense that the game is 100% awful and anybody who doesn't agree with you is a heathen? Lemme put it simply, even though I doubt it'll help. Maybe if I make it big you won't skim-read it or it'll catch your eye as you see it's common sense and begin dismissing the whole post:


We all think that Thiaf is a technically and conceptually terrible to mediocre game and the majority are able to look at it with a critical eye and see its minor ups amidst the sea of downs.





Edited by Airship Ballet
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Do you just jump over here to post some creepy, polarizing cultist bullshit every now and then?

I mean, yeah, you made some good points in your post, but when you say thinbgs like this, it kinda changes some of that, as your intentions no longer seem benevolent. Its lke a wolf in sheeps clothing. At least Vae is true to himself and believes in something greater than himself.
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I mean, yeah, you made some good points in your post, but when you say thinbgs like this, it kinda changes some of that, as your intentions no longer seem benevolent. Its lke a wolf in sheeps clothing. At least Vae is true to himself and believes in something greater than himself.






Wake up! Wolf in sheep's clothing is all jtr's been around here. Tired of my bullshit? His entire post count is bullshit. I'd quote one of many examples, but all you'd get is "................". How do you feel when jtr says things like T4 is equal to bigotry against the poor and disabled? Or is that "Okay" and not "wolf in sheep's clothing" because he's "on your side"? Vae at least is a pretty decent poster and I enjoy reading what he writes, despite the fan/astroturf talk.

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  • 2 weeks later...





I made my request over a month ago, and again, and again.


To say "I'm tired of people who seem to be on a personal quest to get themselves banned" is bullshit, like you haven't had clear and simple and short PMs containing said request, and more than one before you typed that. How mature is that? You don't want "mature".

Edited by jtr7

A skunk was badgered--the results were strong.

I hope that something better comes along.

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You waited 10 whole days to post more bullshit, congratulations on failing the self control test. Tell me, were you sitting in your chair fidgeting, checking Off Topic almost religiously, waiting for the unlock? Also please keep deliberately misinterpreting what I say, it's fun watching you erect strawmen you can then knock down to try and claim some form of victory over. Also, please look up the dictionary definition of "fun", because you don't seem to know what it is.

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I made my request over a month ago, and again, and again.


To say "I'm tired of people who seem to be on a personal quest to get themselves banned" is bullshit, like you haven't had clear and simple and short PMs containing said request, and more than one before you typed that.

I asked to leave Eidos when it went to hell, TTLG long after it went to hell, and now here, where Thief discussion is rarely fun, and certainly not sustainable.


jtr, what is up with your crusade to have all these forums ban you? Why not just stop posting and/or not participate? I know over at TTLG you threatened the admins that if they didn't ban you, you would engage in behavior that would force them to do so. Now it looks like you've made multiple requests to be banned here. Seriously man, this is borderline psychotic behavior, you really need to get a grip on reality.


But I know, it's not you, it's everybody else in the world who's wrong. You're just misunderstood and a victim, right? :mellow:

Edited by brethren
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If only the people here knew the truth about YOU. You're up to something no good, counting on everyone else's ignorance while you pretended to be a nice guy with your otherwise useless offerings. I just wanna see my time here erased.




You know, you never did tell me why you hated Grundy. You expect me to know what you were talking about when you "accused" me of being just like him, when I was certainly trying feebly to fill in where he left off, with no hope of being as knowledgeable or resourceful as he. You complimented me unintentionally. Having dug around the archived "Vault" of TTLG over many years, I never stumbled over anything I could see would be irksome, unless he reminded the irked of a painful memory.

Edited by jtr7

A skunk was badgered--the results were strong.

I hope that something better comes along.

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You are so misguided, and paranoid to boot. I have absolutely nothing to hide. Any offers I ever made to you were legit, at the time of the offer (I would never extend the same offers now though, knowing what a jerk you can be). I can list them out here if you want everyone else here to know. Others like SE have made similar offers, with the same response. I always assumed it was pride, but it appears it was really paranoia of someone "being up to something no good." And why - just because of a few disagreements over the years?


Again, I don't understand you. You want to be banned, and see your time here "erased." But you keep coming back. You keep posting, and then you blank out those posts two days later. If it's all so bad and painful, why not just disappear and never log on again? I can't help but think you just love all this attention and now you know you can keep at it forever because they'll never ban you on a super lenient board like this.


And for the record - I never once said I hated Grundbegriff (at least that I remember). It's not like I ever even knew the guy, we never communicated at all, and I don't even ever remember responding to his posts. I just thought he was a pretentious and ostentatious know-it-all. And I guess I think of you in the same way, so there's that connection.


I guess I'm just done with this now...

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Good god, man. Still playing your game. Did you intentionally leave a an opening for a retort?



For anyone NOT paying attention, I never said brethren said he hated Grundy, and it's not the only interpretation. His inappropriate posts against Grundy in threads that don't concern him were hateful enough, and his PMs and posts at me came from that same place only he really understands. The people who had real issues with Grundy were mostly ComChatters, go figure. Mostly gone years ago. Keep choosing the more stupid or negative interpretation, and taking my breath away with motives for my own words that never occurred to me.

Edited by jtr7

A skunk was badgered--the results were strong.

I hope that something better comes along.

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Yowza! So much fail on every point you tried to make. Nope, you don't get it at all. But keep thinking you're in the ballpark! You're really really excellent at it!


No Sir, the one who has never "got it" is you, but I will no longer try to explain myself to you. Go crawl back under the rock you came from, the pity party is calling.

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Springheel keeps responding with PMs and the occasional alluding post. If he granted my simple request weeks ago, it would be over. One thing. Over.



Edited by jtr7

A skunk was badgered--the results were strong.

I hope that something better comes along.

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Springheel keeps responding with PMs and the occasional alluding post. If he granted my simple request, it would be over. One thing. Over.



Walking you through every point you missed the boat on would take all night and still achieve nothing constructive. Your foundation is incorrect, and everything you erect atop it is doomed. DOOOOMED!


Oh please, why don't you PM me another 2 page essay about 5 year old shit from TTLG that I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT, maybe *this* time, you'll rewrite history and be correct for a change. Until then, please continue to utterly fail to comprehend where I'm coming from. Actually, don't send me another PM full of victim complex bullshit, I might accidentally think someone I want to get a PM from has sent me something, and I'll check it and expose myself to your bile and vitriol again.

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Hey look! "Xarg quoted a post you made" Isn't that something?


Let's argue over the meaning of every single word. <----There. I think "every single" will get the most attention, but "argue" and "meaning" and "word" may puff out the chests more. I expect to be surprised at how faux-omniscient people who weren't around as little events unfolded will be. Handholding over word choice and intent stopped getting tolerated awhile back.


Yay! Maybe you can add it to your sig to go with the rest of collection! I'm so sorry words have meanings and you don't understand them, I'd expect to get called on my poor Japanese if I flubbed a vowel and called someone's mother a prostitute instead of a housewife. And there you go, bringing that bullshit up once again proves beyond a doubt that you have no idea where I'm coming from, and never will. Why can't you just leave?

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Oh hey, that's fucking cute, you went back in conversation time and continued the conversation in reverse order again. Thanks for bringing up that quote again, it's like I repeated it to you without having to go back 3 months to find it. Keep moaning about context as if it somehow justifies or excuses what you're doing here. By the way, the second half of this reply has been edited into a post from 7 weeks ago, enjoy hunting it down.

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There you go, the whole "everyone but me is being manipulated by the Jewluminati Lizard Greys" bullshit again. It must be really hard to be the only sane man in an insane world.

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