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TDM 2.06 issues...


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OK. Let's also force a few known good fallbacks:


Create an autoexec.cfg and place:



seta s_noSound "0"
seta s_force22kHz "0"


If the mission starts, remove the s_noSound line and try again.

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Just a quick reply as its getting late and I need my beauty sleep.

Some problems were self inflicted, probably down to permissions issues.

Moved the darkmod folder to the user home directory and did an update. Able to install and run missions now. Downloadable mission list is now showing up. Sound working although crackly at times. Game still won't automatically restart though. 'A New Job' is very sluggish, but 'The Ravine' is a bit better. The warts 'n' all log file is 31mb, so haven't posted it (too big for pastebin also). I'll do a bit more testing then produce a shorter one.

Thanks for the responses.

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I don't know if this is a 2.06 problem because I never played that mission on 2.05, but in the great "Thief's Den 3: Heart of lone Salvation" I get the following weird reflections on a tray and artifacts in a window, see attached screenshots. Turning AA off removes both...



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Please post your Darkmod.cfg


If you ever touched Soft Shadows and have Nvidia hardware, you will be permanently set to r_useFBO 1.

When that happens, all AA settings become resolution scaling settings.


Disabling advanced features will not revert that. You'll need to invoke the cvars in the console or edit Darkmod.cfg


r_softShadowsQuality 0

r_fboResolution 1

r_multisamples 0

r_useFBO 0


If you don't want to be trapped by this:


r_nvidiaOverride 0


then you can toggle r_useFBO as you wish without being forced to use it.

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Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Disabling advanced features will not revert that. You'll need to invoke the cvars in the console or edit Darkmod.cfg


Okay, that fixed it. But you must include a solution to that into your next update otherwise anyone experimenting with the new features and not liking them will get broken graphics sooner or later and wonder why it happens when the experimental features have long been disabled :(!

Edited by wesp5
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I've been playing Coercion, and the text on the Experiment Logs saturates when you read them. I've also noticed the same problem with a note in the kitchen in Full Moon Fever. I'm running the original 32-bit version of TDM with Soft Shadows set to Very High.




"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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Okay, nobody answered yet to my request to fix the nividia trap which can cause a lot of artifacts. So is there a default Darkmod.cfg where r_nvidiaOverride 0 can be set so it applies to new versions of the mod at least? r_nvidiaOverride is not in the 2.05 config, so maybe it was a bad idea to add it to 2.06 in the first place?

Edited by wesp5
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Okay, nobody answered yet to my request to fix the nividia trap which can cause a lot of artifacts. So is there a default Darkmod.cfg where r_nvidiaOverride 0 can be set so it applies to new versions of the mod at least? r_nvidiaOverride is not in the 2.05 config, so maybe it was a bad idea to add it to 2.06 in the first place?

Yes, r_nvidiaOverride is in Darkmod.cfg


Here is the logic of why it's set this way.


No Nvidia Override:


1) I'm an end user with Nvidia and I'm trying TDM the first time

2) Ooh "Soft Shadows" let me turn those on

3) Why do my shadows flicker all over the place? Horrible!


No Nvidia Override with FBO:


4) Ok, I learned that I can cure my flickering shadows with r_useFBO 1. Yeah

5) Where did my Antialiasing go?



With r_nvidiaOverride



1) I'm an end user with Nvidia and I'm trying TDM the first time

2) Ooh "Soft Shadows" let me turn those on

3) When I increase AA my performance goes way down. I guess these Soft Shadows are pretty expensive, eh?

4) Why are there artifacts on some reflective surfaces and some sky-boxes?


I am currently working on a GUI way to reset the FBO options when you disable Soft Shadows.


The best answer is:


If you have Nvidia hardware: Don't use in-game AA. Use FXAA in your driver options or crank your resolution.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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I am currently working on a GUI way to reset the FBO options when you disable Soft Shadows.

Great to hear that! It seems it's more complicated than I thought ;). So you know your way around the GUI? Because I would like to have a button to flag a mission as completed that doesn't have that option itself (like the training missions or Arena lately). After the easy way I added the looking up and down keys to the GUI, I looked at the main menu pages, but can't find a way to add a new button or change the coordinates of the existing ones as it looks differently from the settings menu. Also I wouldn't know how to change the completed stage in "missions.tdminfo" from there, but I bet it should be rather easy if someone could give me tips on what to do :)!

Edited by wesp5
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You could simply add the completed state in missions.tdminfo manually. Just add "mission_completed_1" "1" inside the brackets of the according mission. I have done so with several missions I had completed before I had moved to a new PC.

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You could simply add the completed state in missions.tdminfo manually. Just add "mission_completed_1" "1" inside the brackets of the according mission. I have done so with several missions I had completed before I had moved to a new PC.

I already did that on my system, but as long as there are missions that can't be completed I think a GUI solution should be implemented!

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Okay, the problems with the text are still there even with Soft Shadows turned off. Do you think it could be something that can easily be fixed on my end? I read something about outdated GUIs, could that be the problem? I'm not going to re-cover Coercion with this problem, it makes the experiment logs impossible to read.

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"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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Okay, the problems with the text are still there even with Soft Shadows turned off. Do you think it could be something that can easily be fixed on my end? I read something about outdated GUIs, could that be the problem? I'm not going to re-cover Coercion with this problem, it makes the experiment logs impossible to read.

Post your Darkmod.cfg please.

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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bind "ENTER" "_impulse51"
bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
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seta si_name "DOOM Server"
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seta pm_stepvol_crouch_creep "-7"
seta pm_stepvol_crouch_run "4"
seta pm_stepvol_crouch_walk "-2"
seta pm_stepvol_creep "-5"
seta pm_stepvol_run "8"
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seta gui_objectiveTextSize "1.0"
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seta tdm_inv_use_visual_feedback "1"
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seta tdm_throw_time "1200"
seta tdm_throw_max "3500"
seta tdm_throw_min "600"
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seta tdm_drag_jump_masslimit "20"
seta tdm_drag_af_free "0"
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seta tdm_frob_distance_default "63"
seta pm_lean_toggle "0"
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seta pm_lean_door_max "40"
seta pm_lean_door_increments "10"
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seta pm_lean_stretch "2"
seta pm_lean_height "0.4"
seta pm_lean_time "400.0"
seta pm_lean_angle "15.0"
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seta pm_mantle_reach "0.5"
seta pm_weightmod "1"
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seta pm_runmod "2.12"
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seta tdm_ai_sightmax "40.0"
seta tdm_ai_sight_mag "1.0"
seta tdm_ai_sight_prob "0.7"
seta tdm_ai_showname "0"
seta tdm_ai_showbark "0"
seta tdm_ai_sndvol "0.0"
seta tdm_player_wait_until_ready "1"
seta m_strafeSmooth "4"
seta m_smooth "1"
seta m_strafeScale "6.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta sensitivity "5"
seta in_toggleZoom "0"
seta in_toggleCrouch "0"
seta in_toggleRun "0"
seta in_alwaysRun "0"
seta in_freeLook "1"
seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"
seta in_pitchspeed "140"
seta in_yawspeed "140"
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seta com_savegame_preview_format "jpg"
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seta logFile "0"
seta com_showFPS "0"
seta com_purgeAll "0"


"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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I'm not seeing anything really "off" there but your resolution is pretty low.

Does the text display better if you use a 4:3, 5:4, or 16:10 aspect ratio?


What does it look like if you go up one resolution?

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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    • The Black Arrow

      Happy birthday to me!
      Yes, today's my birthday and as much as I want to play The Dark Mod, I won't until it's late Autumn, where it should be a bit chilly in my place and there's some wind too.
      For now, it's time to enjoy my birthday, if any of you want to play a great fan mission in my honour...Well that's asking too much, just play the mission because it's fun, not because of me, enjoy it yourself! 💪
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