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The Dark Mod: Video Preview Of Gleeful's New Map.

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We weren't planning on any new videos for quite some time, Gleeful decided to have a little fun and treated the team to a video that showcased a new map he has been working on. :) We decided it was too good to selfishly keep it to ourselves, so we are making it public. Here is Gleeful's original post.


Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen,


I'm very happy to present you with the trailer of my third map.


That's right, my third map has got its very own teaser-trailer! :)


Don't ask me why – never having done anything like that I just suddenly felt like doing it (you might want to keep this complete and utter lack of experience in mind when judging the result).


You can find a stream right here:



Hope you guys like it!


Keep in mind, that The Dark Mod is still a long way off from completion, but the tools are still quite usable at this point. Anyone wishing to beta map can drop me a line at recruiting@thedarkmod.com

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Looking awesome..."Buddy" ;):D


Any chance of a squill map flythrough? Residential sector?


Also are all those building for exploration?

Edited by Arumakani

ZylonBane's confession about himself:

"What can I say, I'm a jerk. A three times all American Jerk, from Jerksville, Kentucky. Yee Haw"

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Also are all those building for exploration?


We don't know much about the map ourselves, gleeful hasn't finished it yet, although it's highly unlikely that they're 'all' able to be explored. Having every building explorable just wouldn't happen on a modern machine, unless it was the most amazingly optimized map ever.

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Fun to watch!

I was going to first critique the fact that many of the buildings look so similar in style, but after a while it sort of starts looking cool, like a really anonymous city that almost abstracts itself.

This is the first time we've, at least I've seen AI expressions featured -- or at least what appear to be expressions (glances, etc).

Anyway, cool video.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Showing it to my friend, I noticed a few more things:


1. I wonder, in the opening scene, if all of that is brushworked city, or is some of that a creative skybox. In any event, it's such a large looking area, like a real city. I hope it'll be possible to put vistas like that in-game since it's impressive.

2. it seems we've got AI hammer-bashing the PC now. For some reason, I thought that was still a ways off.

3. anybody notice the black moon?

Edited by demagogue

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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1. I wonder, in the opening scene, if all of that is brushworked city, or is some of that a creative skybox. In any event, it's such a large looking area, like a real city. I hope it'll be possible to put vistas like that in-game since it's impressive.

Its detailed models on the inside (of the citywalls) and a few dozen dummy buildings on the outside. They only have a few hundred polys each, so they don't tax the engine much.


3. anybody notice the black moon?


Yup, for some reason the moon turns dark occasionally - we're on it.


...it's highly unlikely that they're 'all' able to be explored. Having every building explorable just wouldn't happen on a modern machine, unless it was the most amazingly optimized map ever.

It's highly unlikely cause I'm way too lazy for that. :D


From a performance standpoint it actually wouldn't matter much - given that you visportal it properly.

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I watched it without sound on this computer. B)


... which reminds me, did that guard look up because he heard a sound of someone coming? (I couldn't hear.) But then it looks absurd that he'd look *up* since he's on the top floor.


(edited by Gildoran to condense the posts as per your request)

Edited by Gildoran

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Why not?


It seems too active and loud for a stealth game and even a flythrough. I think having a zombie means lets have haevy metal...? Then again gleeful may like the music :)

ZylonBane's confession about himself:

"What can I say, I'm a jerk. A three times all American Jerk, from Jerksville, Kentucky. Yee Haw"

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... which reminds me, did that guard look up because he heard a sound of someone coming? (I couldn't hear.) But then it looks absurd that he'd look *up* since he's on the top floor.

What's above a top floor? A roof. It's not too far out of the realm of possibility that a thief would be on the roof, right? Not sure if that's what was intended, but that's my interpretation anyways and a good explanation to make it *not* absurd.


Heavy metal...

Thief used heavy metal. Although I didn't really care for this approach in Thief, it's kinda grown on me a little. I still prefer non-metal.

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Is it because it is the builder's quarter? In the UK builders are usually thought of as slightly crass, wolf whistling women and bending over and showing their butt cracks :D

ZylonBane's confession about himself:

"What can I say, I'm a jerk. A three times all American Jerk, from Jerksville, Kentucky. Yee Haw"

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Man, all the Thief intro movies have used heavy metal. Why is it an issue with this one vid all of a sudden?


I've always thought it was cool in a gritty sort of way, the harsh life the Thief leads.


Not an issue really. It just seems to be more suited for some quick action scene or quick movement between scenes.

ZylonBane's confession about himself:

"What can I say, I'm a jerk. A three times all American Jerk, from Jerksville, Kentucky. Yee Haw"

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Wow, quite impressive. I couldn't help thinking that it could use a bit more colour though, and a bit more of a shift towards the blue end of the spectrum (makes it look more atmospheric and night-like). And the windows looked a bit samey, perhaps having more randomly lit windows, different sizes etc. would be a good idea? But brilliant stuff nonetheless, keep it up. :)

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A very nice sneak peek, but just one point: At the end of the trailer is says "Coming in 2007." I realize this is referring to the map itself, but perhaps others viewing the video might think the Mod itself will be arriving in '07?


Edit: never mind, I watched it again, its pretty clear he's referring to the map.

Edited by Maximius
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