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  1. Today
  2. I bet Thief 1/2 Would look beautiful and highly atmospheric with Ray Tracing. You don't need 4k textures or millions of polys to make a game beautiful now, well placed sources of light with these new effects can make all the difference. I hope Developers and Art Directors understand this and make a happy medium so everyone can enjoy these new technologies.
  3. Yesterday
  4. I am just happy it wasn't that breaking bug! Hopefully the rest of your playthrough goes smoothly.
  5. Less than a day left. I just wanted you all to know.. Good Luck to you, We are All counting on You!
  6. Strange. Just restarted the game and loaded from my last save and... they work now! Perhaps restarting was the answer all along. I probably should've tested that before running to the forums - sorry about that!
  7. Huh that is quite interesting as it doesn't sound like the issue reported above actually. When you use the "use inv. item" key on the glasses do they flash green or red?
  8. Order I got them in: I can drop one pair of the glasses and pick it back up, but if I try dropping both, the second pair just vanishes. They didn't work as a single pair or when I had both. No crashes, though! I'm partway through Seeking Lady Leicester right now but I'll try restarting the mission when I'm done.
  9. Yes: Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the conditions to replicate this, so I am not entirely sure how to fix it. I know that's not very good news. They are not required to complete the mission, but it would likely require a mission restart to get them to work again. Can you tell me:
  10. Hello! First off, I'd like to say fantastic work on this. Like other people here though, the peculiar lenses don't seem to work for me. Otherwise, I'm having a great time exploring. I do like that you don't start out with the basics.
  11. Yeah, I agree, it probably would be a good new-feature request for the bugtracker, and likely not too hard to implement. I wouldn't mind having "side by side" tracking too (one or two more spawnargs), but that's no doubt a bigger bite, and has complications like passing through doors.
  12. You CAN deactivate it though - see other posts in this thread about it.
  13. That's exactly what I meant I didn't find a switch around the gas trap. To deactivate. All good
  14. Sorry the translated one makes mistakes Everything ok Only in a secret room with the gas Doesn't the switch also go with the rune
  15. Thanks for playing! I'm not sure what you mean by the following though: "Only the secret chamber works well." "With the rune stone works from the inside" "The switch didn't come out though"
  16. with raytracing and AI becomming more prevalent things look dire for the old card users unless ofc. they dont give a damn and only play older titles . truth be told a fully (true) raytraced engine would murder even the greatest gfx card out there thats why we dont see stuff like that and probably newer will (luckily). thats not to say it wont become hurtfull for those who still use pre RTX and FSR cards, tbh even some gen 1 and 2 of those struggle with titles like alan wake 2 and the latest cyberpunk titles if settings are turned up above low. some bandaids like the DLSS to FSR3 framegen mod allows owners of previous nvidia RTX cards to push the envelope a bit so that for example alan wake 2 runs at <> 60 fps but you better have a top card like the 2080 ti to even attempt 4k in said title. the rtx 3070 also runs it pretty well but in 4k the latency becomes noticeable because it lacks vram. theres a paid mod that also allows framegen for pre RTX cards like the 1080 ti but with alan wake 2 i would not recommend playing above 1080/1440 resolutions if you intend to keep it at playable fps. even the 2080 ti is gimped when the detail levels go into omg... land but it atleast handles it with some grace with semi good detail settings (yeah i have all 3 cards mentioned).
  17. I can confirm this, but it's a game issue not a DarkRadiant issue. Actually it's both a game issue and a DarkRadiant issue — DR renders the same thing (presumably because it's using shaders ported from the game code). Vertex blending simply doesn't work with bump maps. One of the bump maps gets applied across the whole model, ignoring the vertex blend. This used to work fine in vanilla D3 but I assume it got broken by one of the many shader changes in TDM. Example material: textures/test/red_blue_vcol { { blend diffusemap map textures/test/flatred vertexColor } { blend bumpmap map textures/test/spheres_local vertexColor } { blend diffusemap map textures/test/flatblue inverseVertexColor } { blend bumpmap map textures/test/square_pyramids_local inverseVertexColor } } Result: Notice how only the "square pyramids" normal map is appearing. The "spheres" normal map is not visible at all, although the diffuse maps (which are solid red and blue) are being blended correctly. It seems that the last normal map completely replaces everything else.
  18. Would you be able to send me a save game file where you know this is happening?
  19. I haven't tried with the fireplace lever, but I have tried leaving and re-entering the jewelry shop (with various combinations of leaving the doors open, closing the doors, locking and unlocking the doors) but for me the cases remain unfrobbable.
  20. Congrats on the release Thanks for the great mission. I played through the mission... everything has Only the secret chamber works well. With the rune stone works from the inside The switch didn't come out though 1000 and 1 thanks for 1000 and 1 night
  21. Yes, I'm asking because I'd like to know that too
  22. I would like to know in what cases this could be useful, considering how (I think) limited briefings/debriefings currently are. But maybe you don't know either.
  23. I have read somewhere that it's good to implement small changes in the floor-height, so the level feels less boring when walking around. I don't have a good example, but maybe others can.
  24. Well could be useful to have spawnargs for this?
  25. The remaining questions from my side: Do we need the ability to override cvars during briefings/debriefings/menus? Do we need sys.unsetcvar script event which works like unsetm console command?
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    • The Black Arrow

      Hey @nbohr1morehow come the zombies in The Dark Mod don't have a "resurrection" mechanic to it, similar to how Thief has it?
      They're quite a weak creature as of right now, it's merely a walking corpse that slashes you, making attacking them to kill them an actual strategy.
      Would be better if they had some cool mechanism to it that truly makes them a danger, such as the resurrection idea itself.
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    • Ansome

      Query: when was the last time a zombie in a video game was unnerving or scary to you? I'm chipping away at my anniversary submission and I've been trying to gather opinions on the subject. I'm perfectly capable of lighting them well, changing their sfx, and creating effective ambience, but I'm worried that zombies at their core are just too overdone to be an effective payoff to the tension I'm creating.
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    • nbohr1more

      The Lieutenant 3 is out! Congrats Frost_Salamander! ( raising awareness )
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    • OrbWeaver

      Has anyone had any luck with textures from Polyhaven? Their OpenEXR normal maps seem too washed out and give incorrect shading in the engine.
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    • datiswous

      I tried to upscale the TDM logo video. First try:

      briefing_video.mp4 You can test it ingame by making a copy of the core tdm_gui.mtr and place it in your-tdm-root/materials/ , then edit line 249 of that file into the location where you placed the new briefing.mp4 file.
      What I did was I extracted all the image files, then used Upscayl to upscale the images using General photo (Real-Esrgan) upscale setting and then turn it back into a video.
      I might have to crop it a bit, the logo looks smaller on screen (or maybe it's actually better this way?). My video editor turned it into a 16:9 video, which I think overal looks better than 1:1 video of original.
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