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Oohhhh, the day has come! This old lurker releases another creation of his deranged mind...! What has he in store? Does it involve sunlight and pollen and hayfever? Will it involve strange towers and priests with bad breath? Naah, just some mediocre airship type of mission, aimed at the Anniversary mapping contest! I have a lengthy/humourly rant/lore for some of the building process for anyone interrested, in spoiler tags. According to DarkRadiant I have worked 570 hours on this, and that doesn't take into account all hours of coding and scripting. This feels like an insanely huge amount of mapping time for this small mission but I try not to judge myself. DarkRadiant says 570 so...I say thanks to all calm hours at the night shift at work where I could sit and script and write readables. And I also humbly bow myself to the scripting genuses that are on the forums. A special thanks to my girlfriend who (almost) always lets me talk about my projects. She has also written some of the readables and voiced some recordings in the mission. Thanks to Dragofer, Mirceakitsune and Melchior for much needed scripting help. Thanks to YouTube channels BGM President and Sound Effects where I've borrowed some music and sound effects. Thanks to my betatesters; nbohr1more, Bergante, datiswous, Wesp5, nightmare, Jaxa and Cambridge Spy. And a big thank you to the mod in general for still being alive and supportive! ########################################## MISSION RELATED STUFF ########################################## On an airship, heading for Flowerdale a lot of strange things can happen. As some people guzzle down liquor in the bar, some others skulk around in the shadows. Certain people cannot be trusted and there are even those that kill for a living. Somebody may or may not work for foreign powers. But everyone yearns for those shiny pennies. There are some strange things in the cargo, huge coffers that can hold bodies, alive and dead. This story may unfold in several different ways; Three characters can be chosen; Zacharias the thief, Oliver Mortimer, the assassin or Rupert Peabody, youngling of the Wizlas woodfolk. DOWNLOAD LINK https://drive.google.com/file/d/10w_SJSBAxxVFYTwPjJhIo48fEzvuTo1M/view?usp=sharing9 points
VOLTA 3 : GEMCUTTER 1.1 [ TDM 2.12 REQUIRED] Please make occasional hard saves! There is a rare quick save crash that happens. AUTHOR'S NOTE --------------------------------------------------- Can you believe it's been 15 years of The Dark Mod? Happy anniversary and please enjoy this mission. --------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------- This is a medium size, dense city / boat mission that continues the Volta storyline. It's an evolving campaign - some story details in here might not line up with Volta 1 and 2. --------------------------------------------------- CREDITS --------------------------------------------------- VOCALS by Andrew Bartmess, Desino Mortem, Goldwell, and Yandros. TESTING by Amadeus, AluminumHaste, Bikerdude, Dragofer, Epifie, Goldwell Mat99, Mike A, Skacky and WellingtonCrab. ADDITIONAL MODELS AND TEXTURES by WellingtonCrab and Epifire. EDITING by Amadeus and Moonbo. --------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS TO Goldwell for years of feedback and help Amadeus for helping get the Volta story into a good spot. -------------------------- FAQ / GUIDE (spoilers!) -------------------------- -------------------------- BRIEFING SCRIPT (spoilers!) -------------------------- Youtube link courtesy of Goldwell:5 points
I am not petitioning for an extension! Ill be ready tomorrow. Volta 3 is coming.5 points
I experimented with using AI voices as a placeholder before I asked human actors to do the lines. There are still morality and copyright questions regarding AI voice usage, but that aside, I just find the technology isn't there yet. Here is a comparison from a Builder sermon scene I have in Shadows of Northdale Act 3. This is an AI voice I used for the scene originally as a placeholder AI voice.mp3 And this was the final human voice acted version human voice.mp3 In my opinion the human version is infinitely better than the AI generated one. The human voice sounds much more natural, plus there are nuances and inflections the voice actor can bring to the script which can change it in ways that an AI voice can't. Additionally, some voice actors i've worked with will go off script or offer alternative versions, some of which end up being used (a couple of improv lines that AndrosTheOxen used for the shopkeeper in Noble Affairs we're featured in the final game).2 points
I just have to take care of some visportal/location stuff now...am I understanding that I can spend some more time working on it tomorrow before submitting? (I won't need any betatesting, the map should be fine)2 points
Started playing this tonight; first time I play a mission in at least a year... I appreciate what you've achieved with (I guess from what I read in the contest thread) a big time constraint I'm just a couple of minutes in and stumbled upon some lights in holders. Is it only me or are the shadows bugged on those? It's just a black box beneath the holder...1 point
Sorry, you better update that database with the new version in the link. Made a last minute change. (A shadow mesh had gotten just outside a wall so it was a strange shadow there.)1 point
Moody remote winter setting - Check! Really cool snowy mountain skybox that I'm super jealous of - Double Check!! Fun wizard-based gameplay - Triple Check!!! This was a ton of fun to play, and I'm a total sucker for atmospheric wintery FMs like this. Great work!1 point
This is a simple excellent mission that break my mind and reminds me those sweet times at whats a grow up on TDM. Thanks you.1 point
Congrats on the release! This looks like a very cool setting, I'm excited to play it!1 point
Awesome, congrats on the release!1 point
Ahh, sorry forgot that. Yes, please do.1 point
The mission is now in the database! @DeTeEff shall I add a poll to your thread for you?1 point
1 point
Congrats on the release, this was a short but sweet mission. I really enjoyed playing through it.1 point
1 point
Yes, perfect. Thanks!1 point
Thanks! For me solved that problem om my phone and project. That sollution was also mentioned in the performance wiki article. (I should it read it and test those settings from the article) https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Performance_Tweaks1 point
Yes, normally end of the day 11:59 PM PST would be the cutoff so you can keep working. See above about the ability to ask for an extension too.1 point
To my knowledge, Kingsal has already petitioned for an extension so all mappers are eligible to submit late ( within reason ). If you don't make the deadline, you'll miss out of inclusion on the 15yr article ( but I'll update it to include the late-comers ). Hopefully we'll have at least 1 more release before the 17th so players can start the celebration with a bang1 point
One of the top 3 Dark Mod missions for me.1 point
Have to confess, I almost bailed on this map as I found the prologue too slow and imagined the map would be a series of puzzles in the monastery, but I stuck with it, and am halfway through the manor, and man this is immersive sim at its finest. The manor is very well designed and feels uncannily like the mansion from the first Resident Evil game. I've solved 2 of the mysteries so far and I can't imagine the work that went into this, coding alone, but the writing and storytelling are top notch. Not one but numerous lengthy books. Simply excellent and I'm not even finished.1 point
WE FIGURED IT OUT I FORGOT TO HAVE THEM PERFORM THE GAME/PROJECT SETUP The models are appearing again. Oh, there's a mission template I could have used...well, guess I'll have something to use for a new map in the future lol! Thanks so much for the help @DeTeEff. Hopefully the wife and I can create something good together now!1 point
Hey, sorry you had trouble. You need to find several of the glowing white mushrooms and put them in the pot. After that you'll be able to carry it around with you.1 point