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Everything posted by duzenko

  1. What is the CPU/GPU model? Try r_useGLSL 0. Try changing GLSL version in interaction.fs to 130.
  2. Think of it as some sort of voodoo magic making the player actually invisible when in the shadow rather than blending in with the black background. Otherwise you quickly stumble in the opposite problem: if player is fully occluding the light source to AI view AND there's no background at all (think sky or totally black surface), your logic should make him invisible but in the game that would keep your lightgem still lit. Technically parsing profile scans is a non-trivial task, especially in real time. And what about the camouflage?
  3. True enough however throwing sword / blackjack at the enemy might make sense.
  4. Looks like shadow volume on the thin armor surface overlaps with the surface itself Play with r_shadowpoligonOffset/factor to prove Separate shadow LOD?
  5. I can see a visual glitch on the lootbox in the tavern Also, is there a definite explanation of the missing person incident? Like, who dunnit?
  6. I would assume a mere revoke of the access to missions to be a matching punishment for the offense. Banning what has recently downgraded to a mere forum user does not make sense to me - unless someone took a moment to make a free New Year present to themselves.
  7. 1. We already have the SIMD memory copy code, so why duplicate it? 2. My concern is there are memory copies every frame that are obviously redundant. I'm talking about static shadows and interaction - i.e. when the light and the occluder have not moved for a long time (most often since the map load). I assume they don't show up as significant on any profiling you did but it's still a problem for IGPs and it's will cost you more when you move with further parallelization of the frontend.
  8. CopyBuffer (BufferObject.cpp) Can we always call the SIMDProcessor->Memcpy? If there's a problem with Memcpy then we should just fix it there? Currently all shadow verts and interaction indices get re-uploaded to VBO every frame. How can we reuse "static" shadow and interaction data?
  9. Try loading it from the game console
  10. I get to the room with I assume a scripted event is supposed to happen but I don't see anything. Any idea? I got . What is it supposed to open?
  11. Getting terrible fps on the crypt exit due to what looks like a stencil shadow overdraw
  12. Trying to play the mission recently I failed the privy objective on two levels which guy to dumpwhich privy to dump into (as they have two)I tried to dump everyone in the house into each one but no success, LOL
  13. Leave to default values if they don't understand it or don't have a problem with it
  14. We still need a way to apply the min. ambient brightness when PP is off.
  15. Right I don't think that CP option will make the driver fail to support the extensions.
  16. I wish someone tested 2.07 on DX9 hardware (nVidia 5000-7000, AMD 9500-X1000, Intel 900)
  17. No, it's in http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19780-beta-testing-the-night-of-reluctant-benefaction/
  18. That's not related to the original issue. Use smaller, closer lights if you don't want the r_maxShadowMapLight to interfere. If you insist on using giant lights please adjust the cvar as above. Because big enough lights are rendered with stencil, and with stencil that model does not cast shadows because, as I find myself repeating once again in this thread, stencil only uses back faces for shadowing. You're confusing it with r_softshadowquality
  19. Or use maskDepth as suggested by @NB in the very beginning, for all visible stages
  20. Your config has Once I change that to 10000 the second shadow appears
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