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  1. There should be two model files, three texture files and some definition code (like the material definitions, but for models) that goes in a central def file, for each model. It would be best to have a folder for each model, or zip file.
  2. LOL, ummmmmmm.......someone has my login I think -- or the forum's trippin'. I didn't write this. Considering this other thread that's going on (http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...st=0entry1247), I'd say something's amiss with the forum.. or someone's playin' gamez.
  3. sound shaders, my dear friend Pak, are basically like material shaders in that they tell the engine how to mix the sounds with other sounds and which sounds to play. So you could have a sound shader which is called, but actually references several sound files, and randomly plays one each time, for instance.
  4. No reason why a simple, generic cube environment map could be applied to the material. But it would reflect the same in any location. Still would look pretty cool, though.
  5. We've had this discussion already. Check out: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showt...%20dagger&st=50
  6. Whoa, can we shrink that image down a bit? Images should be kept at a reasonable size on the forums...if they absolutely need to be bigger than 800x600, then we should use a link. The cathedral doesn't look bad, but that tower really looks familiar. Is it based on something? I originally thought of Orthanc, but I know it isn't the movie version.
  7. Yeah, the original render was large to show off detail, and the screenshot was just a quick drop in photoshop. It looks good as it gets smaller, although I'd be concerned that it will be hard to see the direction indication if it gets too small. The color of the gem itself...erm...sure I guess. A material shader with a shader parm representing the desired gem color might be possible. Getting the light color in the area might not be too difficult either. Don't really know at this point.
  8. What I'll do is build you a simple 2 room map with a door in the center using the new texture structure so you can test out the frob effect. I'll do it before I go to bed tonight. I'm finishing up the new material file now. After that I have to do some 40 odd specular maps and redo the textures on my maps (plus finish up the gallery, which'll take about 5 minutes), plop it in Darkmod.pk4 and I'll finally be modready. Speaking of the speculars....Spring, could you give me a hand with em? We'll split em in half and work on em seperately so I don't have to worry about rushing through it and compromising the quality.
  9. It's done. All I need to do is make the material file and we're good to go. While I was finishing up I decided that it'd be a better idea to just upload everything in the texture pack to the FTP in the current directory structure so we could all follow it. If you intend on adding a texture just go to the proper folder, check your file name against what's there, and upload away. Basically what will be sitting on our server IS the texture pack, anyone that's interested in doing textures or maps at all just needs to grab the dark_mod folder and drag it to their base/textures folder in Doom 3. It won't overwrite the old darkmod directory just yet, that'll still be in use til I port my maps over to the new texture set, but it's there for anyone that wants to use it.
  10. Fingernail


    If you want to stay free, use Blender (someone wrote an exporter for D3).... You could learn Lightwave and I'm sure it's great, but I think there has been an exporter written for 3DSMax also. Not sure though...check the D3W forums.
  11. I think perhaps I'll have to pick up Blender to carry us over our lack of 3D team....that is, only one modeller. Adverts have gone on D3W, ttlg & polycount: any of you advertise on any other suitable forums too.
  12. Not sure if I know exactly what a Kurshok or Crayman looks like, but I recently played T1 a little and think I found one. This concept is loosely based on that guy I saw. Drawn completely from scratch without looking at anything, so I don't imagine there'd be any copyright issues unless I have a photographic memory and am an autistic savant in the closet I was thinking the little green belly thing could be a weak point for arrows or something... (ensuring a one-shot kill). I'm not sure if the concept captures it very well, but since the guy has crab-like pincers, I was thinking his chest, shoulders, pincers, parts of his exoskeleton body and legs could be made of a hard shell-like material. I envision fleshy (or not as hard parts) around his rib-cage, biceps, neck, and possibly parts of his legs and feet. Click here for larger version of same pic. Note: I didn't work on the legs or feet much, so they lack detail. I can work on them later, if needed. I figure I should at least create some feet. I envision him having a clicking sound of some sort, as his somewhat insect-like. I think this may be the sound the similar creatures in T1 had, but can't remember.
  13. The face sketch is here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=S...3&st=0#entry796 I wasn't sure whether a side view was necessary...if you'd like one just let me know.
  14. I placed a few sound samples from my keyboard over in the Art > Sound > Sound Effects/Music > "Sound Effects, Ambience, Music" thread. Please check out that post: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?act=S...=findpost&p=779
  15. If I ever manage to get some extra time between all the mapping, texturing, and bossing people around with impunity (haHAAA) I might consider helping make a town map or dungeon for you. I love me some Secret of Mana, and it'd be fun to do a little something for your mod later on down the road. Just keep an eye open for potential copywrite infringements. Square-Enix shut down that really cool Chrono Trigger remake recently, and they might eventually look your way if you stay too close to their material.
  16. Hmm, something does look familiar about it to me. Maybe it was only used in certain books or certain notes lying around? Here's the post I got it from: http://forums.ionstorm.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=355674
  17. Another problem is the material .mtr file. I had added some new ones to mine, and then downloaded a new version from Renazatic. I either had to go in and do all kinds of swapping and cut and pasting, or just make two different .mtr files...one for ftp downloads and one for my own textures. It's a piecemeal solution though. One problem, Ren...what happens if we all make a mansion_wood_01? How do we avoid duplicating names?
  18. Hello, I offered my help on the coding side on the old forums. Until the SDK comes out, a lot of the stuff I'd like to get started on will have to wait. As a result, I was only periodically checking the old boards, and only just now saw the message regarding this move. I'm still more than willing to offer my help on the coding side. I'm mostly interested in helping with AI, and movement code (Mantling, run/walk/sneak/crouch modifications). I'm also willing to help anywhere else that requires it. Even Art. Sorry for not posting anything for a while, but until the SDK comes out, a large number of things are simply speculation at this point. -oofnish
  19. Doom 3 comes packaged with the level editor in the executable. All you have to do to access it is rightclick on the Doom 3 shortcut, click on properties, and add "com_allowConsole 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor" in the target box after the quotation marks. But if you mean how we've made all the test maps, well...we've got lots of stuff down in the (currently?) hidden sections of the forums that go through it all step by step. It's a long process that'll probably bore the hell out of everyone not interested in the technical side of the mod. And yeah, the SDK will be free. As for the Garrett model...I think DeepOmega has been doing it in 3DSMax, not too sure though.
  20. You can either select a different sized grid by going to the grid menu at the top of the screen or hitting 1-7 (or shift + 2,3,& 4 for the really small scales). Because of the funky scale Doom 3 uses you'll find yourself working on grid sizes 2 & 4 the most once you get used to the editor. Edit: Grab the map here: The updated speculars and the accompanying material file are all packed in. Edit 2: Damnit, just realised I forgot something..hold off on getting it for a sec.
  21. xpnsve


    Hi there guys! This is Jim from DoomCast.com. I've been talking to Fingernail and offered him hosting and some space on our forums! Just wanted to say hello and meet the people who are going to bring out this awsome thief mod! I still remember the first time I played thief, lol, getting chased around the first manor and scrambling up a rope to hide hahaha Hopefully this mod turns out great! Anyway, gtg Jim Doomcast
  22. Or it will be in about half an hour. 112 megs of textures (that need to be converted to dds to save on space), 6 map tests, and a material file are included in this release. Make sure you check out the readme to get my current thoughts on the new pack (I don't consider it done, but I figured I might as well release it), and remember that you're all free to tweak, prod, poke, and kick the maps and textures to your hearts content. Grab it here in about 28 minutes.
  23. I'm not a part of the Dark Mod team actually, I can't code, do models or textures anyway. Kinda dedicated to Black Cat Games aswell... I'm just hosting the forums for Fingernail and the crew.
  24. great work man I hope I get D3 tomorrow in the computer store, where I buy my new computer components. If everything works fine I'll be able to play D3 on highest-details in 2 days BTW: as soon as you've got your ceiling we should post this screen in the ttlg-forums, I think people will be really impressed.
  25. There's nothing wrong with the window, looks perfectly thiefy to me. A moon? Never! No time to modify. Springwheel's stuff's perfect anyway. (Runs away with the artwork to the Imperium forums.)
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