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  1. I've never been a fan of redundant forced visual effects. -screwing up my night vision, when a flashbomb already did it for me... -motion blur, when that's not something my eyes explicitly recognize or need help seeing... -depth of focus, which already happens with my eyes, where *I* choose to be looking. I don't need a game to do it again for me, forcing me to see something blurry if I choose to look directly at it, while something I'm not looking at is in focus... Just about the only one I can somewhat accept is the flashbomb blindness, as it has a gameplay aspect. Just sayin'.
  2. Hi. After almost a year of having very little time to play, I'm catching up with the latest missions. Right now I'm replaying through A Score to Settle since I never completed it the first time. Anyway, when Gridley is speaking to you at the beginning, he is sitting in a chair, and you are able to push him around easily using the candle holder on the table next to him. I thought I should report this as it doesn't look too good. Is it a mission-specific bug?
  3. The accuracy of the "inaccurate version" is fundamentally limited by what Sparhawk posted above: It cannot take into account animated light textures, like faked fan blade shadows, and other "light shaders." The only way to know about those things along the surface of the player would be to have access to the renderengine (which we don't), or take a snapshot of the scene (which we do). Taking more measurements would not help with that. I don't see how taking more measurements would decrease the load either, usually adding computations increases the load. Unless you mean interleave the measurements in time, which we are also doing.
  4. Solis, we currently have pretty much everything that we need for the 1.0 release, but here are future projects that we could start on: 1. Some "sitting" animations. Currently, AI can sit, and look great doing it, but they don't actually look like they're *doing* anything while sitting. Animations that simulate the character doing something a sitting person might do, like "eat", "drink", "write in a book" or "turn page" would be useful. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=9763 2. Female animations. Right now, we cannot have any female characters in a mission because we are lacking animations for them. Female characters will use the same default humanoid skeleton as males, apparently. 3. Creature animations. We have a few creatures right now with limited animations-- the spider, the revenant, and the steam-beast. All could use their own set of animations. We may also want a couple new idle animations for rats.
  5. It's not as simple as looking at the light position and properties. Lights have their own shaders. They can have several render passes, each with a different image, and set of options. Each render pass can change its shape, size, coloration, and other things based on shader parameters and time. For example, when you see lights behind moving fans in D3, it's not actually calculating shadows from the fan, or even rotating the light entity... The light is still, but the rotating shadows are how the light's shader is set up to appear. It's simply not feasible for us to try to recreate the calculations that Doom 3 is doing. The only good way to test the player's lighting, is to render something in the player's position and see how it's lit. (with any other way you'll have problems with certain shadows not being dark, or certain bright rooms not being bright - think T2X) However, the D3 SDK only allows us to render screenshots to files - which would be too slow - so Sparhawk has managed to hack the game somewhat and write code that can read what's on the screen and send it back to the SDK code, but it has its own performance penalties. Hopefully when the full D3 source is released, we'll be able to do the light-gem the "right" way to improve performance, but for now Sparhawk's light gem behaves great with respect to testing player lighting.
  6. Thanx, we mainly look for replacing any asset from D3 we are using. At the moment we don't want to replace assets we don't use, but finding out which ones we use is a bit tricky as missions don't load (due to the collision model problem). Once that is cleared, I think we might have a list of things that are missing. Most of them are rather easy (and we already repalced quite a few, too), but if we can save ourselves a bit of work, we won't complain So thanx for the offer. Edit: The most problematic ones are probably the zombies and their animations - sounds and textures are easily replaced, but not animations nor models.
  7. I've got a bunch of sketches from Kraków in a notebook I have been meaning to use as visual reference in new missions - lots of inspiring architecture. The historical centre may be my favourite place in all of Europe.
  8. demagogue

    Epic videos

    There's a girl on YouTube that likes to make real life mini-missions... For Thief, but there's your inspiration.
  9. Greetings everyone! (This is my first reply on this forum.) After playing about a dozen of very enjoyable dark mod missions, my first problem occurred with Living Expenses. I can't play this mission, because after the loading screen the game crashes. - Tips for making it work are welcome!
  10. I love the work done on the back story here.. Really makes me curious about what's next. You do intend to make more missions following this plot, right? General bugs and other comments: I've encountered silent guards. The water wheel, shouldn't it be spinning the other way? Found a stuck lever (mentioned above, I think) and had to noclip. The objective 'find out what officially happened..' wasn't ticked after reading the official notes. As for the gameplay itself I have to admit it was a bit tedious. Most of the problems were covered already by the others. On the other hand, the clues make this a very exploratory mission, so it's interesting to be able to navigate quickly through the map, and fewer guards help there.
  11. No - It isn't my taste either, biker. Would be cool to find other youtubers who play TDM missions too. I thought it is nice to see how especially new players solve the maps. I don't mean that as entertainment - I mean it to learn from it while developing the game and it's maps.
  12. No need to restore the file, here's some info on the replacement. The model shader needs to be updated, I guess. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=192561
  13. I got the timeline wrong, Enron (not Haliburton though) was already cranking California before Arnie came along. But as to the relationship between Arnie and Ken Lay/Enron and the recall effort, check out the first one especially it has a bibliography of its sources at the head: http://www.projectcensored.org/publications/2005/13.html http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0817-07.htm Heres a good book about the mess which I havent read: "Conspiracy of Fools" by Kurt Eichenwald A webcast about a new documentary "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room": http://www.againstthegrain.org/audio1.31.06.mp3 Here are some more sources dealing primarily with the energy shortages themselves. One is a private study done by some energy consulting firm that lays at least some of the blame on market manipulation: http://www.hubbertpeak.com/us/ca/How_We_Go...ergy_Crisis.pdf The others are journalistic sources: http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1062 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/01/...ain620626.shtml http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...1455EDT0645.DTL http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1972574.stm Im going to post one last article by Paul Krugman after this post, its a NY Times article and I cant find the link anymore. So I maintain that there was a political conspiracy, yes a >>conspiracy<<, people meeting in secret to discuss things which are illegal and immoral, as well as a conspiracy to jack energy rates in California. It seems that Reliant energy was an even bigger player than Enron, Halliburton I did not find a mention of though. And the source of the blackouts was hardly attributable to Davis attempting to regulate the market, de-regulation had plunged it into chaos a few years before it. If Im reading your response correctly you are arguing that his tampering killed "incentive" for the energy companies to sell because they would fail to make enough profits. I would argue that they already WERE making record profits and Davis was attempting to reign in a run away train. Not that Im a fan of Davis, Im sure he is a shit bag.
  14. Can you run other TDM missions without any problems? If so try this: Turn the PK4 file into a zip file. Unzip the folder. Copy the Dufford map file into the Dark Mod Map folder. Start Dark mod. Open the console. To do this press Ctrl, Alt and ` simultaniously. Type "dmap Dufford (or whatever the name of the map file is)". Once it has finished compiling type "map Dufford (again whatever the name of the map file is)". I can't guarantee this will work.
  15. Yes, for certain materials. See here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=9736
  16. In all seriousness - what was the straw that broke the camel's back here? He hadn't done anything particularly provocative that I'd seen in ages. Only the "rate worst missions" thing he did a couple of months ago.
  17. Oh hey dude, welcome aboard. Been enjoying the videos so far, if you have questions about missions feel free to ask, lots of helpful people here. Infact, watching your videos is inspiring me to finish the last 2 FM's I haven't finished yet...
  18. Hey everyone. I figured since I'm doing these videos and have been lurking around the forum a bit, I might as well come out of the woodwork and say hi. I'm really enjoying playing the mod, despite my occasionally pointing out things that are things Anyway, just wanted to say hello and I'll probably be hanging around some more and stuff. I look forward to checking out even more missions in the near future!
  19. My DoD clan server has HUNDREDs of fantastic, fan made maps complete with working artillery, airstrikes, incredible textures and images, realisitic sounds like German radio broadcasts and Elvis tunes on the radio. What maps do we spend 1/3 of the time playing? Freaking Aztec and Dust, two of the most poorly designed maps around. Both are heavily unbalanced against the terrorists, which means the Axis in Dod. The cops/allies have have two routes to the middle of the map and they almost always end up holding the middle and winning. I scream and bitch about it every time we play, everyone agrees they are unbalanced but everyone still votes for the goddam things. Woah, nothing personal bro but if you TKed me like that on TFC, I would haunt you like a bad case of herpes. Especially on a map where you are depending on your team to cap flags or hold a particular position, TKing is not cool.
  20. I think this fellow is being troubled by a bug in FRAPS that causes problems for the light-gem. Lowenz reported similar issues with Mandrasola. He needs to be made aware that his version pf FRAPS is making the missions too difficult not the mission or mod authors...
  21. Unfortunately, even the titles would show a plethora of spoilers. And we don't want that, now, do we? Even better than forums: the darkmod bugtracker. A massive tire fire is what that is... No sense in alienating robert. Why don't you create your own thread outlining your problem? Every detail helps us help you help us all.
  22. There was a screenshot i wanted to take of a typical day's "view new posts" which showed something like 30 posts from some of the 20 or so different dev-only forums and subforums to show people that this is a fairly major undertaking for the people involved...
  23. Unfortunately disabling Catalyst AI on ATI hardware newer than the HD 4xxx series is not an easy task. Though the problems described here might be exascerbated by the FOV and ratio chosen. Correcting those settings and disabling the Post Process should clear this up. There is a thread about the many ways folks have disabled Catalyst AI so I would scan that too. Finaly, one of the ways you can disable Catalyst Ai is to rename the Doom3 executable so the profiler doesnt know what profile to use. Did Baddcog verify that this works with v1.08 (it worked in the past except missions wouldn't stay installed without a lot of cumbersome workarounds)?
  24. I don't see "perfect" animations as being such a big priority. Even Doom3 is not true to mirrors. Go stand in a bathroom and change weapons. The mirror is not reflecting what you see as the screen animation of course, it is reflecting the true body model animation... and they don't match up all that well. So what. If the animations are handled in an efficient way (as Isht was mentioning, IIRC) - the legs are separate from the torso, which is separate from the head, and the arms, etc. - then there would only have to be a "holding the bow" anim for the arms, which could be applied to any motion or stance. To otherwise have to make specialized animations for every possible move is an insane amount of work. I don't know if this ability is already in the game (I assume it is, because of the leaning SZ made, because of the IK on the legs, etc), but it ultimately allows for a lot more flexibility and power and saves tons of animation work. It doesn't have to be perfect. Even the first person anims in T3 were shitty - reduced in quality (for some reason, I don't know) from the true third person ones. And going back to true floating head style with no reflection, no shadow, etc., is not a good option IMO. Then again I'm a fan of having a body (if done well). Having a body doesn't necessarily mean having crap suck-in animations. But that's a somewhat different topic.
  25. I don't know how he's picking the missions he's playing, but he's certainly not following the advice I or others gave him. Alchemist is definitely not a good one for noobs.
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