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  1. Similar: My suggestion is getting rid of needing tdm_custom_scripts.script as a requirement. The problem is that unlike every other asset, be it a def or a skin or model or texture, scripts need to be referenced from a core script file for execution: FM's each need to contain a file with that exact name including their custom scripts. The problem with this is that no mods containing scripts can work out-of-the-box as a drag-and-drop pk4, the same way that say a custom character (just AI model or skin) can: Each individual FM needs to integrate it manually, universal mods aren't possible since the last pk4 loaded will override tdm_custom_scripts.script or tdm_user_addons.script breaking all previous mods referencing their own scripts from those files. The ideal solution would be just auto-loading scripts like everything else. But I imagine this may no longer be possible as it could break a lot of existing things like older FM's. One compromise I believe I suggested was allowing a dynamically named script to be auto-loaded by the engine, which would make it so different pk4's don't override the exact same file and conflict with each other: If your mod is named "whatever.pk4" for instance, the engine should auto-execute the script named "scripts/whatever.script" located in that archive... this would provide an elegant and equally sandboxed solution to this long standing issue.
  2. DarkRadiant is presently suffering from huge slowdowns when editing complex maps. They appear to increase the more models and entities are added to a map: With the building modules used in a lot of places, one of my maps is at the point where DR freezes for over one second whenever I merely toggle a filter which is very annoying for every repeated action. The lag occurs both when moving the 2D or 3D camera or viewport around, as well as enabling or disabling filters or using Control + F to go in and out of editing a group. From what I can tell as an end user, this seems to occur because DR drops models that are no longer being rendered from memory, so whenever a change in the camera or viewport is made everything that pops into view or is recalculated floods back in. While this may be nice to save on RAM, my suggestion would be a change or at least an option to disable this behavior and keep everything precached: Like TDM itself, DR should maintain every model and texture used by the map in memory, only removing it once every last instance has been changed or deleted from the map being edited.
  3. Thanks. Those methods might not work well unfortunately: Using an objective is overkill as they're meant to be standard characters you dynamically drop to the map and should just work... triggering would have worked but apart from the AI being made to patrol, I don't think it's possible for a def to reference another def as a target since those need to be linked on the map and there's no name for the AI to refer to the attachment by for a trigger. What do attached lights that turn off when the wearer dies use? Actually I think the Automaton has that so I can probably look at its example for the lamp component. It probably wouldn't work for my rotator though, stopping rotation is different from turning off a light... unless the light is also targeted or uses the SR system so I can reach the "use" stimuli via spawnargs after all? Another option would be having my fan as a texture, it's thin enough anyway: I define a version of the material that rotates and one that doesn't then switch the skin. But then the question becomes how does the AI change the skin of an attached entity on death? And a flat surface is uglier anyway I want to be up to date with quality standards so I'll have to think about this.
  4. Make sure the gas lamp light is not set to no shadows. Same with the wall texture, make sure you didn't accidentally use _ns version of a texture
  5. Public release v1.7.6 (with Dark Mod support) is out. Improvements since the final beta 14 are: Fixed a few remaining bugs with zip/pk4 support. Game Versions window now properly displays TDM version. Import window no longer has a vestigial off-screen TDM field (because TDM doesn't need or support importing). Web search option is now disabled if an unknown/unsupported FM is selected. If an FM with an unknown or unsupported game type is selected, the messages in the tab area now no longer refer to Thief 3 ("Mod management is not supported for Thief: Deadly Shadows"). The full changelog can be viewed at the release link. The de facto official AngelLoader thread is here: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149706 Bug reports, feature requests etc. are usually posted there. I'll continue following this thread though. Thanks everyone and enjoy!
  6. Good work! I enjoy short missions because things are nice and focused - you get in, you get out. Also I tend to do better with the loot amounts and I was able to get all the loot without too much trouble, which is rare for me. If I were to make a suggestion though - I found the intro briefing sequence a bit distracting because it was so obvious the narration was pitch-shifted to make a deeper voice. If you felt the original voice wasn't deep enough for your needs, I would either get someone on the forums to record it for you or just leave as is. That's my only real complaint and it's not even about the mission itself, so pretty good first start!
  7. Beta 11 Fix finished-on state auto-update was unreliable Slighty improve scanner title/author detect Tags are now named some whatever regular-version-looking thing to force GitHub to put the newest at the top
  8. Are the nails in the boards supposed to look solid, bright orange without any texture?
  9. Does anyone know how to create x-ray screens? In the x-ray demo they work, but when I try to create them myself they either don't work, or only show entities. The lamp has no x-ray spawnargm the rat has skin_xray: visible. If I set it to invisible it doesn't show, so that's good, but the background and light doesn't show. The otheer side of the screen is set to texture milky glass. Edit: This is solved. Xray screens need to be an entity (for example func static). Wiki page is updated with info.
  10. I'd like to better understand what you want. The design of dragging bodies is to hold frob (key down) to drag and release frob (key up) to let go. That way it's impossible to walk away while unintentionally dragging a body. Plus, it's quick to grab and move several body limbs in rapid succession. This is thought to provide a better experience, especially for new players. Towards the beginning of this thread, I created a "tdm_frobhold_drag_body_behavior" cvar. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22198-feature-proposal-frob-to-use-world-item/&do=findComment&comment=487580 "tdm_frobhold_drag_body_behavior", default:"1" Which drag body behavior? 1 --- on frob key up, drop body (limb). 0 --- on second frob, drop body (limb), TDM v2.11 (and prior) behavior. That cvar was removed shortly afterwards, because it was said that it wasn't needed. With that cvar set to 0, a second frob would be required to let go of the body. Is that the behavior that you want? If so, I can add that cvar back. Also, I saw elsewhere that you want the ability to revert back to the old way. If you mean that all of the controls match TDM 2.11, that can be done with "tdm_frobhold_delay 0" and there will be a menu setting to disable it as well.
  11. Yea, it seems models are going to be a problem. DR doesn't detect gltf or dae. It does detect obj, but crashes as soon as I click the model. I don't know if I can work with lwo or ase in Godot, but I don't even have plugins for that in blender. I've only made one model for TDM once, and it was back in Blender 2.79. As far as textures go, I suppose it's not much of a problem. I could work with tga. It's just that free textures are usually distributed in jpg or png, so working with .tga requires going through the trouble of converting each of them (base texture plus normal map, ao map, rough map, etc).
  12. To get a pure black background, one way is to use the view pane in the "Choose Model" picker. In the controls under the view pane, select "Lighting Mode" instead of "Texture Mode". You'll want to turn off grid lines there too, and play around with the filter options. I see there are helmets (without heads in them) under models/darkmod/wearables/headgear/
  13. Ok, so I remembered that TDM textures are declared in mtr files in the materials folder, so I copied over `tdm_internal_engine.mtr` and it works. DR sees textures, but... only .tga files. The console has quite a few lines like: "[shaders] Unable to load texture: textures/tool/clip.png", referring to my own textures. Can DR not work with png files? EDIT: I presume it can, and maybe it has to be set in the game config file, but I have a very feeble understanding of those files, and I can't find any information anywhere on how to set them up. I've used NRC a bit, which uses the same kind of game config files, and I also had trouble detecting textures. But the only way I could get it to work was... the NRC developer gave me a working config that could see my textures. So... I'm not very confident that I'm gonna get this working on my own. I tested the NRC game config in DR, but nothing seemed to change.
  14. Doing it in DarkRadiant sounds easiest: What's the best texture to put on a bush to screenshot the item behind, is there a fully white or black one by default? Main issue is cutting out the outline and getting the same consistent style across items, but I do lots of editing in Gimp so this shouldn't be a problem. As for the AI vis check it turns out to be a bit more complicated: visScan() only notices the player if they're an enemy to the AI, while the AI is friendly it stops working. findFriendlyAI() does work instead, but the name makes it sound ambiguous to use it to check for the player although it seems to work, also the documentation says it's costly and not to call it each frame which I'd have to do in my case, lastly it only detects the nearest entity so if another ally is standing closer to the AI than the player this won't report them. Am I out of luck with this one and need to not implement the check? I'm not seeing any other way to trace the AI's FOV cone.
  15. Not to be a nag, but I was thinking about the columns problem. If you go to the view source tab in the wiki article: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Fan_Missions_for_The_Dark_Mod&action=edit The raw table data is accessible directly: |- !align=left|{{TDM-FM|written|Written in Stone}} |Bikerdude, Amadeus, Dragofer |{{Forumlink|https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21265-written-in-stone-beta-210-only-20220128/}} |2022-01-28 |338 |Yes |Yes |CCC 22, Elixir |City Missions |Undead, Horror Themes |- Each pipe character represents one of the columns.
  16. Terrific! The beta test thread is up: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22238-beta-testing-the-spider-and-the-finch/
  17. Welcome to the Dark Mod forums MarsManon! Thank you very much for the kind words about SLL, it's always nice to hear We all worked real hard on bringing Grayman's map to life and I'm glad you enjoyed it
  18. I was so enchanted by this FM, I had to sign up to the forums the same day I finished it to come thank the authors Genuinely, truly incredible work! I was so overwhelmed in places that I resorted to just shouting joy at my monitor two, three, maybe four entirely separate times while playing. Exploring, puzzling, finding something new, trying to use it, and finding it does a whole new, separate, wonderful thing! There aren't enough words inside me to describe the feeling. It was breathtaking. I don't have any specific feedback that hasn't come through this thread before Thanks so much for making this, for all the inspiration and ingenuity and effort it took. If I never play another level this good, in any other game, in my life, I'd be fine with that.
  19. There's a group of players who have meticulously tested and adjusted ghosting rules for The Dark Mod. Please see: Official Ghosting Rules: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148523 Ghost Rules Discussion: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148487 Why alienate an established group of dedicated players?
  20. OK I think I've got to the bottom of this. I've created this forum thread (with bug report): https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/22221-bug-drowning-ai-in-shallow-water/ I can apply a workaround, although it won't be perfect and the bug itself needs fixing in the engine. There are a few other things that need fixing so will put an update together soonish.
  21. If any mappers have encountered weirdness with kill objectives not working with drowning AI, I think I've found out why. I don't think it would be a particularly difficult one to fix either. I've raised this bug report: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6323 Some context here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21837-fan-mission-the-lieutenant-2-high-expectations-by-frost_salamander-20230424/&do=findComment&comment=487316 I think this is a bug, but just raising here in case some people think otherwise.
  22. I dom't use it, i found it here with the filter set to OpenSource. the TOS and PP isn't excluding for an OpenSource app, if they use ads mean that they also need to pay an server for this online service. OpenSource is not synonymous with free either, perhaps after the beta phase it is no longer free, so perhaps you can take advantage of the fact that it is still free to create a series of textures that can be used or search another one in Futuretools. AI generated textures and assets, by definition, don't have any copyright, so you can use them as you want. https://www.futuretools.io/?pricing-model=free|open-source&tags-n5zn=gaming
  23. Maybe this texture maker (OpenSource) also can be usefull https://charmed.ai/splash
  24. There's at least one thing I felt I need to ask about: I keep seeing this and it's making me think even conventional AA must be broken sometimes. In any case it's clearly not doing its job right at the moment. I enabled 4x MSAA just to alternate. As can be seen on most objects, it usually works as you'd expect. But then why do I get such sharp edges only on the newspaper? It's not an alpha texture, the model is fully opaque and this is its geometry edge... it should this be subject to AA as anything else, yet it doesn't seem to be affected and still looks jagged. I see this effect on bright lamps sometimes. I didn't report it as I presumed it's a high-res alpha channel which I know current AA can't address. But this clearly isn't the case so now I'm curious what's happening? Edit: The forum insists on scaling the image to a lower resolution so here is the full res.
  25. Hello TDM-ers. I am encountering an issue where textures seem to partially disappear. I tried searching the forums, but, I don't know what to search for. The missing textures are a worldspawn brush acting as a roof with {for now} flat iron texture. There are other worldspawn brushes right below to create an attic ceiling with roof framework board texture. These gaps appeared a few edits ago. I can't "undo" to get back before whatever edit did this. The gaps are only visible during play and are not visible during editing. Closing and reopening DR and TDM do not fix anything. Some of the brushes overlap in areas behind the play area but I have never seen an issue doing that. The attached image has the effect I am now seeing. Ideas on where to start debugging this? Very much appreciated. Clint
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