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  1. EDIT - v1.1 can be found a few posts below ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nameless Objects Mod v1.0 Description: this mod adds names to almost all core objects players can grab and hold in their hands. ------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use: As of this moment the Mod only works if you have "Core Essentials", which is included in TDM Modpack v4.0. Make sure to have "Core Essentials" and then download the *.pk4 attached to this post and place it in your TDM folder. I try my best to provide stuff people can experience first hand to form an opinion. I suggest you try "Business as Usual" by Bikerdude since this mission includes quite a few items you can grab right at the beginning. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical: The mod consists in a couple of def files and a script. I had to include two defs because otherwise there can be issues related with inheritance. The script does most of the work and it will run in the background as soon as a mission starts. The script runs once but it takes its time (10 to 30 seconds) not to hinder performance. All this is transparent to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Future: I wouldn't like this to remain as a mod and I volunteer to add names to all core defs for 2.13. I would, of course, use the translation system so that names can be translated in the future to languages other than English. I can name all core defs in a couple of rainy mornings but the Development Team must guarantee this work won't go to waste. The idea is that we name all core objects today and we let it stay: nothing changes in the source code and nothing gets displayed on screen. We get stuff done in the background and someday perhaps, all or part of it sees the light in some form. ------------------------------------------------------------------ There are quite a few things that must be discussed and agreed before we get started but the first step is: yes or no. People that might be interested in supporting and helping with this initiative: @datiswous, @Geep. Cheers! z_nameless_objects_mod_v1.0.pk4
  2. Thanks for your hard work and dedication whenever it gets completed.
  3. In post https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/profile/254-orbweaver/&status=3994&type=status @nbohr1more found out what the Fixup Map functionality is for. But what does it actually do? Does it search for def references (to core?) that don't excist anymore and then link them to defs with the same name elswhere? Also I would recommend to change the name into something better understood what it is for. Fixup map could mean anything. And it should be documented in the wiki.
  4. Good work. I would use it myself because eventhough I'm not stressed for keys it makes the controls easier if it's nice and close like the delete button to my arrow keys.
  5. This was... great. I loved it. Tight, rich and well presented. Great voice work, great intro... But someone pooped out a ring, again. XD
  6. Taffers, Time ago @Obsttorte and I worked on an AutoHotKey script that allows to control the player speed with the mouse wheel. In a further attempt to reduce the amount of critical keys this game demands I also created back then a script that allows the Left Alt Key to act as a lean modifier: Left Alt + W = Lean forward Left Alt + A = Lean left Left Alt + D = Lean right I never got around publishing the script because it isn't as good as it needs to be but I think we can debate regardless whether such a Lean Modifier Key would be welcomed in the core game or not. The most interesting aspect in my opinion is that we can claim back important keys such as Q and E and use them for other purposes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here below is the script in case anyone wants to give it a try (you must be familiar with AutoHotKey). The required key bindings for the script to work are: Move forward [W], Strafe Left [A], Strafe Right [D] Lean Forward [Numpad8], Lean Left [Numpad4], Lean Right [Numpad6] You can of course change the script to your liking.... #IfWinActive ahk_exe TheDarkModx64.exe ; run only when TDM is in focus <!w:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("w", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad8 down} } Send {Numpad8 up} return <!a:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("a", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad4 down} } Send {Numpad4 up} return <!d:: while (GetKeyState("LAlt", "P") && GetKeyState("d", "P")) { Send {Blind}{Numpad6 down} } Send {Numpad6 up} return Cheers!
  7. Does this work? https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Thief#Disable_shroud_effect_.28black.2Fwhite_fog_at_screen_edges.29
  8. Ok, but you could also load all maps in your campaign, but in a different order. Or you could make a copy of the map and change some things. So it doesn't have to be an entirally different mission (which indeed might be too much work). So for example the first mission has an objective to place the plans to build a bridge over the river in a specific place. Then the next mission has that bridge (map1), or does not have that bridge (map2). Mapper only has to make a copy of the map and remove the bridge (and maybe a small amount of other things). I just think that having only one specific order is pretty restrictive. But if it's a lot of work to implement it might not be worth it.
  9. Are you going to build two separate missions knowing that player will only see one of them? I think this is "cool in theory", but in reality using such a feature requires tremendous amount of work from mapper, so nobody will use it.
  10. This last month, I've been exploring TDM's font situation, and improving the documentation as I go. In the wiki, "Font Conversion & Repair" was rewritten, with parts broken out and expanded as: Font Files Font Metrics & DAT File Format Font Bitmaps in DDS Files ExportFontToDoom3 Q3Font Refont As announced earlier, that last item is a new C++ console utility for revising font metrics in DAT files; essentially another alternative to Q3Font and Font Patcher. It now has additional functionality that provides font-coverage analysis. A summary of current results across all TDM fonts is reported in the forum thread "Analysis of 2.12 TDM Fonts". Also, refont allows its human-readable outputs to be decorated with an annotation for each character (out of 256 codepoints). Associated with that, I've just created and released 4 annotation files: 1 Cyrillic version for TDM's russian map 3 variants for TDM's custom english/european char map. One of the variants was derived from another new mapping file that is now available from existing wiki article "I18N - Charset". Within that file is a list, in a standard format, of the 256 TDM bitmap codepoints mapped to the corresponding Unicode U+NNNN value and name. This may be useful in defining TDM's mapping to TTF font editing programs. For all these wiki pages mentioned, I imagine there will be additional cross-links and tweaks. But pretty much done.
  11. Obviously the change will only work in last night's dev snapshot and onward. But missions can already start implementing this: It's just that older TDM versions won't see the debrief screen and only future players or dev users will enjoy them.
  12. God knows since when have I last registered or posted on a traditional internet forum, but had to do so to pay my respects for the developers and map makers of this game. I have no history of the original thief series, and had no expectations for the mod. This is the first FM I played. After running around in a bit of a haste, becoming increasingly desperate of the complexity of the map, I learned to enjoy the feeling of being lost, calmed down and started to pay attention to the surroundings and listening to the ambient sounds and music. It is a truly immersive experience. I do have to admit that I could not find the entrance to the mansion, and had to resolve to a walkthrough to figure out how to enter, and at the end of the day did not manage to finish the mission. This mod is a great achievement, thank you for all the work and passion you have put into it.
  13. To the "Path Nodes" wiki article, I've added a few sentences about path_follow_actor. It mentions that it currently doesn't support the actor being the player, and has pointers to the new bug report and the workaround given in this thread. The entry for path_follow_actor in the Entity Database now reads "... actor (= other AI, not player)...
  14. Interesting! Does it update all default textures so it's used on everything in the world? I should replay it and check that out: It would give us a good view of how the effect will feel in practice. Looking at the page, they seem to do it the conventional way I was thinking of trying out, which is currently supported by the engine but more limited than a proper implementation. It also looks like they're only doing it for the albedo channel, to be effective detail should be applied to all maps... the normal map is where the improvement should be most noticeable as it responds to lighting and modifies everything else. The implementation I'm thinking of should be universal like all effects and work on any FM new and old. It would be controlled by a menu setting, no one needs to enable it if they don't like how it looks or it impacts performance. Each detail pass should fade and be hidden with distance, we don't want to stress pixel lighting by having it compute thousands of dots on distant surfaces each frame. Just like the TDM ambient method, we'll likely need a special segment for materials meant to indicate what kind of detail each texture wants, then based on settings and camera position the renderer must modify each surface accordingly.
  15. Might be worth a try. I browsed the source code yesterday a little, but I had no idea where to even start looking for it. I've been building a sort of starter-project for it, but it's not public yet. But my support for DR is not ready for production or anything. Everything seems to work fine, except I'm having issues with textures, and tbh I'm not sure I'm gonna make it. I am about to make my repo public regardless of that, though, but I still need to get a lot of stuff in order. Meanwhile, if you'd like to move forward without DR, you could try NetRadiantCustom or TrenchBroom. Personally I recommend NRC (although TB might be a bit easier to start with). The plugin I'm using is FuncGodot (formerly known as Qodot). It's currently the most recommendable. Patches and NURBS aren't supported by any plugins yet, btw.
  16. Hm after testing: This does actually work fine. Both in DR and in tdm. I guess there's no point in specifing the model path, because then it only works on one specific func_static.
  17. No, just modified darkmod.txt files with < and > added to mission name so the A and The sorting doesn't work!
  18. Skins don't require a model path, that's just a convenience feature to allow the skins to be associated with the model(s) in the editor. However I have no idea if an unassociated skin can be used on a func_static. I suppose there's no reason why it couldn't work, but it's not something I've ever tested and I wouldn't be surprised if it fails to do anything (either in the editor or the game).
  19. Why would that work? What's in that directory to make it work? Modified missions.tdminfo ?
  20. I'm sure it's possible! I couldn't get it working on my end (typical at this point lol). I'll have to try some other time; I've spent a LONG time trying to get this to work rather than actually building. AH THANK YOU!!! I was actually hoping to implement some X-Ray stuff into my map!
  21. to remember @STiFU 's progessive music thread. here´s something i love most out off so called german Prog-Rock a french group of the 70´s called " Atoll " their first two albums are incredible : the first shown is their second from 1975 : l´araignée-mal the second is their first from 1974 : Musiciens-magiciens
  22. Btw. if you are looking into how skins work, I thought it's good to also mention x-rays.
  23. Because DDS is a lossy format, every direct edit of a DDS file may reduce its quality slightly. So that means either: hunt down the corresponding TGA file with the same timestamp otherwise, edit the DDS as few times as possible. In the case of Stone, if the TGA can't be found and editing DDS is needed, I'd want to think about batching up all the bitmap edits needed for i18n... but that's a lot of work. I might add, there a third possibility in the case of the readable fonts that are currently ASCII only. If they were sourced from TTF, and you find the TTF (easy in a few cases), then see if it covers Latin-1 or more. You can (with some complications RE the conversion software) regenerate an improved TDM font from that.
  24. Sorry, I didn't mean to step on your toes and to dictate the title change on you. I was merely raising concerns, as the title and beginning of this thread reads an awful lot like one of these here... Full disclosure: I haven't played your FM, yet, so maybe I didn't get the full picture. But then again, there are probably more people as clueless as me that don't get it at first either. Futhermore, you had some avatar come in and tell us about the loss of a beloved community member, wheras in myhouse.wad, it was the opposite, i.e., some random dude nobody in the community knew was gone.
  25. Alright, new problem with making these skins (or should I make a new thread about this?) Why are my skinned models coming up black? Here is my updated code for a simple skin. And here is the model in the skin editor, changed to its creamy, plaster version. Yet for some reason, all of my skins are pure black. The wiki says this is caused by the editor not finding the skin definition, and that there are spelling errors somewhere. I am not sure what this means, though, since all of my directory paths are spelled right (otherwise, how would the skin editor display them perfectly fine?) Does the name of the file have to match the declared skin name?
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