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I have added lots of trims along the walls, down against the floor in my mission but the problem is that the player walks up on these when I press against the wall. An approach to avoid this may be to convert all trims into entities and add solid 0 on them, but that would probably use up too many slots...what approach do you suggest? Maybe add a thin, invisible trim, with clipping, above the real trim to avoid the player from stepping up on the trim...?


The player will slip off slopes steeper than 45 degrees, so I'd put a nodraw brush on top of the trim that is of triangular shape at the sides.


Pretty many authors didn't do anything about this issue in their FMs and I found it kind of funny to be able to walk along such a narrow trims... :)


You can select a large number of them and then convert to func_static, that should keep the number down (as far as I am aware grouped primatives like brushes only count as a single entity) and also is actually beneficial in some ways to things like map compile time. This should be done more or less when you have finished your map and are going into beta so that editing is still fast and simple. Avoid converting too much at one time, if one part of the group is visible, all of them will be 'rendered', so just doing each corridor's trim as a single func_static is much better.


The down side is that the hidden sides of the trim should be caulked - however I wouldnt worry if your areas are well visportaled, dont abuse too many lights and beta testers dont mention performance trouble in the areas (just mentioning it as a reminder)


I think I will go for the entity grouping solution...(I really need to totally complete some sections in my level so I can post pictures here for you to see :) At this point I have a quite large mission but nearly nothing is completely done...I would love to be able to work nonstop on it, but things like work comes between ;))


normal trim in houses does have a sloped top.



Naaaah, in Sweden there is very common for the top to be straight...But then again, this house I've built probably isn't situated in Sweden :)


I would put common/clip over the trim and take it right up to the next trim,roof/or even skybox. This not only stops the player but also prevents AI pathfinding so it doubles as playerclip and monsterclip (though I am unsure about pathfinding being generated if the AI cannot reach it anyway.) But this depends on the depth and position of the trim. Player steps off balcony to walk along trim to next window ... uh oh!


I would put common/clip over the trim and take it right up to the next trim,roof/or even skybox. This not only stops the player but also prevents AI pathfinding so it doubles as playerclip and monsterclip (though I am unsure about pathfinding being generated if the AI cannot reach it anyway.) But this depends on the depth and position of the trim. Player steps off balcony to walk along trim to next window ... uh oh!


That's a good thought. The trim I'm talking about is an interior thing. But maybe there may be exterior trims to walk on :)


Back in the day of making Doom deathmatch maps, we would fill all the spaces that could hang up the player with clip brushes. That way, someone could fly down a hallway w/o fear of running into corners, support posts, trim, whatever. A stealth game doesn't have the need for constant motion (like a deathmatch), but the same principal applies if you want to keep the player out of certain places.


Yeah, it would be easier to just add a clip brush for the whole wall the thickness of the trims, instead of adding small clip trims to each trim.

Dark is the sway that mows like a harvest


Yeah, it would be easier to just add a clip brush for the whole wall the thickness of the trims, instead of adding small clip trims to each trim.


Mhm...I guess the only drawback for the entity solution is that it uses up entity slots? Are there any limit for the amount of brushes?


They dont, you can get a count of entities in the "Map Info" window from the Map menu.


Okey, so I assume I can use as many brushes as I like in my missions...That's good :)

Posted (edited)

brushes get added to the worldspawn entity which is entity zero. i've got well over 9000 brushes in my current map.


And it only started to get slightly laggy when I added the AI, thinks its due to them opening doors which is causing visportals to get opened.

Edited by stumpy

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