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TDM Pre-Release Testers Wanted


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In Caduceus one of the builders was halfway through the bed, but this might be a map thing. But its the same as someone else reported.



I pulled the four sleepers from Caduceus and put them and their surroundings into a test map. They're all on interleaved thinking, so I was wondering if the "halfway through the bed" problem was related to that, even though I had tested sleeping before I committed the changes.


I put the player start >1200 away from them, so they each got into their beds using higher frame intervals of 12 (the default).


At map start, I gave them enough time to sack out, and when I finally reached them, all four sleepers were properly placed on their beds. So IT isn't causing the "halfway" problem.


However, two of three that I awoke fell through the floor after waking up, but that's a known problem (#2416). The fourth guy wouldn't wake up for anything, even with me jumping up and down on him. Must have been drugged.

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btw I love the new downloadable mission menu option, but my maps are missing from the list - was/is that because the team/greebo had been waiting to make sure they ran ok with 1.03..?


That's odd. When I started testing 1.03, I started with an empty "fms" folder and filled it using the download missions screen. Your three were on the list.


Edit: I renamed fms, created a new fms folder, started TDM, went to the download screen and they're still there.


Double Edit: a mission will disappear from the list if it's already in the fms directory and there's no new version available. Perhaps you already had them in fms before you tried the downloads screen?

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NHAT 3-3 details:


I don't know whether anything else about this mission is being looked at but I saw that lost_soul (and some other Linux users) regularly dmap missions after download to ensure OS compatibility. When I tried to dmap NHAT the result was not pretty and I recall they were similar to lost_soul's. Mortem Desino warned against dmapping the mission.


Quote from the NHAT thread


As far as Dmapping, leave it as it is. I built and optimized so the levels could best utilize a specific shadowopt dmap compile (which your hardware probably couldn't handle).


I wonder if the map could be adjusted and compiled with the 4GB executable patch?


(It would be really cool if some new v1.03 "features" could be used in this map as well ;) )

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If you're referring to the new LODE, then I am sorry to disappoint you, because that feature actually caused the problems with the trees in NHAT3 disappearing to begin with and we just rolled it back a couple of minutes ago. Tels is gonna need to work a little more on it with us for 1.04.


The blackness of the terrain was related to the new ambient, as I already had guessed, and it is fixed too, by now. We're gonna have to re-release a couple of FMs because of the new ambient rendering methods.

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If they are already stored in the copy you're working from, then they likely won't show up in the menu...if that's not the case, I'm not sure why they wouldn't be there. Did you scroll down to see all the missions?

yup, I see now. I already had them installed so they wont appear in the download list etc.

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Indeed, Catalyst AI was enabled. Turning it off, the majority of the environment renders well, but there is still the underside to this guard's tabard:



Do you still get this issue? neither of my ATI testcards produce that, however the material there is a bit strange, I'd be happy to look into it if it's not already cleared up!


This goes for anyone testing really :)

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Yeah, it appears on repeated runs. I also get this in RttC (generator gears):


...and this in Special Delivery (a white line trailing towards some point - only in the ventilation duct part)


Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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To satisfy the minds of idle speculators, "What driver version is installed?" and "Is V-Sync enabled (some older Catalyst versions don't like v-sync and OpenGL)?"

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Looking at my Catalyst control panel, the Catalyst version installed is 09.11. AMD's page says there is a 10.2 for Win XP systems, but I'm not tampering with my brother's PC until he's back home (and that's on Thursday). Playing with V-sync in the mod doesn't make a difference.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Yeah it's not really a problem with the drivers, the new ambient seems to scale normal/specular values by some factor of how large the surface UV is, sometimes when it gets really small it will scale either to perfect black(everyone besides you to report it) with speckles or white(you). I'm not sure why it goes all bright white on you, I cant seem to replicate it. However by making the UV more acceptable (its got effectively a near 0 area at the moment) it'll be fixed and look slightly better anyway. Hopefully I can figure out how to do this with my crap modeling skills in the next hour odd :D

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Looking at my Catalyst control panel, the Catalyst version installed is 09.11. AMD's page says there is a 10.2 for Win XP systems, but I'm not tampering with my brother's PC until he's back home (and that's on Thursday). Playing with V-sync in the mod doesn't make a difference.

DONT! install 10.12, its full of bugs and more over designed more for the 6800 and 6900 cards. Tried it on my HD5870 - disaster, went back to 10.10.

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Okay, I've played a bit more of Heart and went back to check on a body I left in the shadows. Found this poor mangled wretch:




I have played much more after that and have been documenting/screenshooting other bodies I leave here and there in various poses along the way -- I will revisit them and see if they warrant before-and-afters...




A couple more things to mention or question


I actually got stuck on hung up on this particular guy because he is so darn cute. Er no, really I got literally stuck/hungup on him, meaning maybe his model or mesh or whatever is less ~smooth~ than the rest? In case anyone would like to investigate:





Loading takes a loooong time (meaning the initial load of this mission, the progress bar bar isn't too bad but the "mission loaded please wait" part almost makes me think it's "not responding" time. Of course this is a huge mission size-wise and fun/other-wise. Also this is manifested in the quick-save which maybe I just don't remember but takes a little longer than I expect...


Now, this next bit is just another not-a-bug-but-I'll-mention-it here since the programming team is listening hopefully: I really like the ability to abort a bow shot but noticed the same is not true for blackjacking. Can you implement that please?

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Oh, yeah I'm sure I had saved and reloaded many times. I'd been up over the wall... down to the courtyard... up on the balcony... inside the main building... down to the 1st floor... down to the basement... down the well... through a bit of "sewer"... up to the back alley... and back to that body. :laugh:

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Oh, yeah I'm sure I had saved and reloaded many times. I'd been up over the wall... down to the courtyard... up on the balcony... inside the main building... down to the 1st floor... down to the basement... down the well... through a bit of "sewer"... up to the back alley... and back to that body. laugh.gif


Lordy, it's a wonder the corpse hadn't rotted away, you were gone so long.


My guess is that the limbs' orientations are a function of whatever physics happen when a dead body is restored.

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I was going to playtest something too, so I checked the thread what still needs testing and updated the list while doing so...


FMs that have neither been tested internally nor in public beta:


Lord Dufford's



Already tested in this thread:


Awaiting the Storm: penetration

Business as Usual: water too fast -> Fixed!

Flakebridge Monastery: water too fast -> Fixed!

Heart of Lone Salvation: AI breakdance, player getting stuck in AI

Knighton Manor: fine

Living Expenses: "aas32 is not valid", circling guard

NHAT/1: fine

NHAT/2: fine

NHAT/3: Terrain blackness, disappearing trees -> All Fixed! Re-release necessary.

Pandora's Box: fine

Patently Dangerous: penetration

Return to the City: white Highlights

Saint Lucia: Missing moonbeams

Somewhere above the City: fine

Sons of Baltona: penetration

Special Delivery: white Highlights

St. Albans Cathedral: water too fast -> Fixed!

The Caduceus of St. Albans: some penetration, water too fast -> Fixed!

The Parcel: fine

Thief's Den: White highlights

Thieves: White highlights

Trapped!: White highlights


Missing moonbeams and white highlights are being looked into right now. The fix for the latter is likely to be included in a later release, as it seems that fixing uv layouts of models is necessary.


Although there are only two more missions on the list, if someone feels like testing further, we will be thankful. You could confirm fixes on the FMs for example or test some of the other FMs not listed here. I am going to play Dufford's now.

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I haven't played Alchemist in a while. Will get going.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Much of Alchemist ran right. I have encountered the following bugs:

1) Some readable GUIs don't show up in the world.


2) The thief in the cell has the same texture problem as previously discovered.


3) This is weird, but I started the map by riling up the guards. After a while, almost all AI in the level converged at this spot (next to the manor entrance)



Of these, the only one I'm sure is a map problem is 2). 1) and 3) may be level issues for all I know.

Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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The missing text on readables in the world is in non-normal ambient, ie, simple or enhanced. This problem was first noticed back when St. Lucia demo was first launched. I noticed it in recent testing but presumed it has always been so although I can't recall seeing it for a while. So I'm not sure if in fact it was ever fixed but has now returned or if it has always been that way. The mappers solution is to put a faint small ambient light over the readable if there is no local static light. You will see these in some such as the trainer.

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