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Fan Mission: Old Habits by Obsttorte (2012/10/19)


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bug: easy mode has no exit objective


that's no bug


it's intentional as it's 'easy' ;)

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Just in the first part - near the kitchen and I see a glitch presumably caused by 1.08 as I also saw it on St Lucia.

Above the torch a series of black squares move back and forwards - see picture (lightened a lot to make it more obvious) with the part circled

SOLVED - my Doom 3 installation had become corrupted


Edited by Oldjim
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:o looks awesome


but I never had that problem

I've played the new St. Lucia yesterday, too, and there I've also not seen this glitch

so maybe it's system specific

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Having had the privilege of being one of the beta-testers, I'm really looking forward to seeing what people make of this one. One of the most challenging missions I've played, which definitely took me out of the comfort zone of my preferred playing-style. Heck, I even used flash-bombs at one point :P . Unfortunately, I'm having some performance issues with 1.08, and this mission keeps on slowing down/crashing, which it never did in 1.07. Hope I can get it sorted.


BTW - it looks like the small spelling corrections I suggested for the briefing got lost in transmission... B)

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Very nice mission. I just completed it for the first time (on easy). It felt a lot like Bafford. I liked the

way a lot of guards had helmets. It made the game more difficult and I couldn't just go club everybody over the head. Only a few guards did not have helmets. I also liked the use of sound (creaking upstairs) and there's a clever puzzle upstairs which involves a door being blocked by crates. I still don't know what's back there.

Also, I accidently dropped a mine in one of the guards' footlockers in the sleeping quarters. Guess he'll wake up to a nice surprise! "oh good, the lord must've installed that new clock I asked for..." boom!"

The garden was also cool looking and it ran great on my machine. The only place that had a bit of a hickup was when I came up from the basement. I'm guessing it was because there were like 5 guards in the area.


Edited by lost_soul

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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Very nice mission so far !

Unfortunately I seem to be stuck.


At the highest level there is a locked door, which I believe would lead me to the attic.

Where is the key for it ?

Also, there is a balcony in the inner yard with some loot.

I can't figure out how to obtain the purse, since it is out of reach.

I even tried using the paddel above the window in order to reach it, but it doesn't work.



I noticed two minor issues in the Lady's chamber.


If you operate the lamp, then a secret compartment opens, but the key inside can not be seen.

Also, there is some tiny black bar right in the middle of the doors to this room at about half height of the door.

It can be hard to spot, but it is there all the time. Just open the doors and check the center of the doorway.


I am using 1.08


Thanks !

Edited by gnartsch
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Not sure where this question belongs but have been playing this mission since yesterday after installing 1.08 and everything seemed to work fine. My "save game" both quick and typed in worked. Today I started playing and neither one was working so I thought I'd try another mission to see if it worked. However I can no longer unistall this mission to try it out. It won't let me install a new mission to play nor unistall the current one. Anyone have any ideas on what I should do? Should I just delete this mission?


Problem fixed. :D

Edited by Thiefette
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Very nice mission so far !

Unfortunately I seem to be stuck.


At the highest level there is a locked door, which I believe would lead me to the attic.

Where is the key for it ?

Also, there is a balcony in the inner yard with some loot.

I can't figure out how to obtain the purse, since it is out of reach.

I even tried using the paddel above the window in order to reach it, but it doesn't work.



looking for the key in a chamber pot for the key in the guards quarters behind the privacy screens.

As far as that purse through the window, I needed to noclip to get it.


I noticed two minor issues in the Lady's chamber.


If you operate the lamp, then a secret compartment opens, but the key inside can not be seen....


I noticed that too.

Edited by PranQster

System: Mageia Linux Cauldron, aka Mageia 8

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@ gnartsch:



if you've meant the ball room on the lower floor, then PranQster is right

the attic is on the upper floor




the unseen key:

lean forward, it's not optimal, I know :rolleyes:



the purse: just checked it out, it seems Bikerdude changed the position of the purse, as it isn't supposed to be there :ph34r:


Edited by Obsttorte

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Thanks! However I was not asking for the ball room.

I was asking for

the locked door on the highest floor, which I believe would lead me to the attic

I made my way inside using very un-stealthy actions: bang on the door and make the guard inside come out, so I can get in.

And indeed I see that this is the attic, where I will finally find the



It is the one on the far south right next to the 'exhibition room'.

see screenshot

But I can not find the key for it to get inside 'unnoticed'. :ph34r:

From what can be read in the mission, some guard should have the key ?

I have double-checked everywhere without success.


And here a screenshot of the tiny black bar in the Ladys room.

It blocks your way if you run into it and you can even climb onto it.

Edited by gnartsch
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the key



is carried by the guard who is patrouling in the hallway where the door to the attic is




just checked for the tiny black bar: sorry, I must have overseen that :unsure:


thank you for the hint

Edited by Obsttorte

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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Very nice mission, Obsttorte!

I like big mansions and I liked the look-and-feel of this one pretty much for sure.


important keys on guards which can not be knocked out and even wear torches

gave me quite a bit of trouble, but that's fine.

Overall the story and texts gave me a pretty good idea of what is going on and where to investigate a bit more carefully.

Well done !


I found it almost impossible

to shoot the telescope near the balcony down with an arrow


Hmmmm... I wonder if I might have been supposed to

use the paddle at this spot


Edited by gnartsch
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I decided to play today until I got caught since I could do no saving - see my post #13 in this topic - before a risky situation (guard patroling with torch etc.) I find this to be an awesome mission.



I've managed to make it through the main floor and through the ladies bedroom (I too had the block in the doorway) before getting caught by above torch bearer so will comment on what I've done so far.

- there were a couple of spots I got hung up on a wall. The first was the stairway from the basement - eventually got off it and the second was behind the gazebo in the garden (which was beautiful by the way). This one I had to noclip off. Also the guard's kept getting hung up on the doorway to the inner yard but would eventually get through.

- In the captain's room there is a niche behind the bookcase and even with noclip I could not get the gems.


This is a very challanging mission (I played on medium) but your use of the shadows was spot on and helped a lot.



I hope I can figure out what the problem is that I'm having as I would really like to finish this mission but I don't have enough time to do it in one sitting. Thanks for all your hard work and I look forward to seeing the rest of the mission.

Edited by Thiefette
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Just finished this on Difficult.


Terrific mission! My favorite part was ...




... standing on one of the tables in the large celebration (?) room, tossing plates out the door to keep 3 guards from finding me. Knives, forks, spoons, everything went out that door. Worked great, kept them busy while I snuck back to the throne room and grabbed the scepter.




The only big problem I saw was ...




... coming up from the cellar into the first-floor hall. The angled door that goes out to the archery range had a guard stuck in it, going round and round. AI don't handle angled doors well, because the AAS areas they use for navigation are all aligned NS/EW, and angled doorways get broken up into tiny areas, causing AI to get hung up on the door or doorframe. He eventually got out of it, but a few other guards that wanted to use that door had to turn away.




All in all, a great mission. Thanks!!

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@Thieffette: it's curious that you get hung up in some places

@grayman: didn't know that about the pathfinding, I saw this problem sometimes, but after some seconds it always resolves



btw.: added a poll

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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I don't know how much is down to the mission, how much to moving to 1.08 and how much to me fixing a Doom3 problem - BUT the graphics are awesome and up to now - I have only just started on the upstairs - I am really enjoying it playing on medium difficulty

I thought the garden was superb

Edited by Oldjim
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