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media - human wants to help


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Hey there,


my name is Erik and I'm from germany, just heard of tdm yesterday. What should I say? I've never owned DOOM 3, but by checking news of thief 4 I've found screens of your mod. It was just time of a few seconds I found your website and folks - I buyed Doom 3 via Steam, no 5 minutes later. Then, after installing your mod, I've played und was really happy - that IS Thief! Feeling like 1999, where I was playing Thief 1 the first time. So I read on your site of your plan to make a STO - Version of your mod and want asking: do you need some helping hand?


I've a bachelor-grade in media informatics and do a lot with graphic and webprogrammig (loving Wordpress). I've designed one Interface for an german flashgame and what should I say - if you need some man of Photoshop and Wordpress, then take a look of my last works. So guys, you does a great job - I love whate Doom become.


Greetings and sorry for my bad english,




PS: last work from me

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Greetings! Welcome to the Dark side. :ph34r:


I am sure there are ways you could contribute. I don't know if the website needs anything, but if you can make textures, models, animations, sounds... Things like that could be helpful.


Another thing you can always do, of course, is make FMs! That would be very popular.

If you are interested, here is a tutorial to learn how: http://wiki.thedarkm...uide_Start_Here!

It's not as hard as you think.


I am always interested how many German fans we have. Does anybody have a theory as to why?

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I am always interested how many German fans we have. Does anybody have a theory as to why?


The original Thief series was very popular here.

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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I am always interested how many German fans we have. Does anybody have a theory as to why?

We do als have a lot of english speaking people here (American, British, ...). So I could ask the same question. :smile:

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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BTW, I was saying that I don't think this site needs working on -- actually it might, ask Springheel about what the website might need. But even aside from that, you could always make a new site for Dark Mod, and that would be awesome! We could use a site for FM review for example, or even just a very polished fan site that goes over the fiction.


For example, a lot of the fiction of the Dark Mod world is in boring articles on the wiki that are hard to find ... the different wards in the city, different cities in the empire, the different factions, the history of Bridgeport & the empire, different empires in the world... It'd be cool if somebody made a site that put all that information into a really interesting form, with pictures and maps and dramatized it, including information from FMs... If you'd like to work on a fan website, something like that would be very cool.


We do als have a lot of english speaking people here (American, British, ...). So I could ask the same question. :smile:


If I think about it, I suspect the percent from any region is a factor of a few things -- population & level of online exposure, basic English-ability, initiative (you really want to participate), and whatever interest you had that made it likely to find out about Dark Mod (which may include friends, so that would put a thumb on the scale for certain countries above pure population). Then you could go country by country or region and figure out a likely percent of participation from there... And it's probably what we see. It's just interesting

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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So, I've thinkin some times about this all and have some "maybe" - task, they I could do:


- new design for the mainpage (dont know, but the left-side-style isnt what i call modern, maybe you like it, then I won't say anything ;) )

- redesign of the game-menu at start and the videosequences (showing some friends Your game and they all said: they dont expected this kind of game, because the look of menu and sequenz looks worse)

- mod of logo (just some workaround with textures)


A single design for a page of fictions? Why not, would you use wordpress again? Which version? But my english isn't so good I should wright the content. The design - no problem.


And FMs, yeah i just take some looks of the beginners guide and maybe... I've some ideas, I would scribble a bit...

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I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but we're not likely going to start redesigning our logo or menus for no reason.


Looking for new things to do is much more useful.

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I have a better suggestion. Fan mission designers frequently need sketches and 2D art for in-game map documents found or provided right at the start, as well as cool images and displays to use as initial slideshows to introduce the mission setting. A graphic designer such as yourself could be of great help. These guys in particular might need your help for something like that.

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@Kire, my suggestion was that you actually make your own independent site. Then you can do whatever you like ... have your own variations of the logo, your own page design, etc.


I don't mean to imply you can't be good enough for an official site. I'm sure you know what you're doing. But the official team is not really thinking about a site fix or another site for itself without cause. But more importantly IMO we actually need some fan sites that have no official connection with the team itself... It's something we're actually missing, I think. Do you know about Komag's site or brethren's site for the original Thief games? I liked them because they were independent & ran completely by fans. So they could be an outlet for fans to say things official people wouldn't, or like have reviews or whatever, without it having to be an "official" thing.


Reviews are a good example, because they're inherently based on opinion. We don't need an official site saying an FM is officially "good" or "bad" really, because we welcome all mappers that want to make an FM. But it'd be great to have an independent fan site with its own reviews & opinions saying that, or some of the other things I mentioned. That's why I thought it'd be a good idea, if you want to make a site, make an independent site like that because we need one. And you don't need permission to do that. Just do it. ;)

Maybe see if other people would like to help you in making a site like that.


Edit: BTW, this is just my own personal opinion too. I'm not saying anything official myself. I just thought it was a good idea for you.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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i can think of all kinds of stuff for your talents. splash screens for FM's, new map/gui parchment stuff, desktop wallpapers... it all contributes, whether in an 'official' capacity or not. everyone here playing on the same team.

And at least you actually did something with a result to show for it straight away, opposed to some(most) of the other would-be contributors that come up with elaborate, unnecessary grandiose plans that never see light of day.

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When TDM goes standalone it may also be nice to have a manual pdf instead of some articles on the wiki. For that purpose it would be nice to have some background graphics, pictures of tools and frames for pictures etc. etc. :smile:

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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i can think of all kinds of stuff for your talents. splash screens for FM's, new map/gui parchment stuff, desktop wallpapers... it all contributes, whether in an 'official' capacity or not. everyone here playing on the same team.

And at least you actually did something with a result to show for it straight away, opposed to some(most) of the other would-be contributors that come up with elaborate, unnecessary grandiose plans that never see light of day.


This. I always thought TDM should have a standard splash screen/frame for loading screens, since they seem to vary too much some times, and, quite frankly, a lot of mappers aren't exactly talented graphic designers. Having some sort of standard frame people could use to insert a picture preview of the mission + title would be great to make the whole fan mission colection seem a bit more homogeneous.

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@zergrush: There are a couple of standard images shipped with the startmap package mappers can use. As far as I noticed it most mappers, including myself, tend to use a screenshot from there mission plus title and author as splashscreen. I think this is a good standard so far.


Also having the same splashscreens over and over would just get boring by the time.

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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@zergrush: There are a couple of standard images shipped with the startmap package mappers can use. As far as I noticed it most mappers, including myself, tend to use a screenshot from there mission plus title and author as splashscreen. I think this is a good standard so far.


Also having the same splashscreens over and over would just get boring by the time.


The only thing I'm suggesting is some sort of standard frame to put said screenshot and write the author's name.

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Kire, take a look at this thread: http://forums.thedar...-dark-mod-logo/

Might you be interested in making a high resolution version of our logo for a t-shirt?


I imagine we wouldn't want it looking too different than we have it now, maybe like the clock and the text in its normal font above or below it. But it needs to be possibly redrawn or rendered from scratch in a high resolution; as a .jpg file is apparently fine. But we should talk about it in that thread first, since people may have other ideas. And there might be a competition for designs we choose from.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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