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Questions about 2.0


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Two questions about 2.0 (I don't have 1.08 to test agains):


* are "jumping into the water" sounds not propagated to guards? I fell into water right behind/next to a guard, and he didn't even comment. (granted, the waterline was 1.5m below, but that would have just made an even bigger splash and thus a louder noise).


* if you have the bow dran and swim, the bow constantly draws & undraws. I think it would be better if you could either draw the bow and shoot while on the surface, or not draw the bow at all while swimming. In related news, in Dragon's Claw I could not climb out of the outer ring of water in the "tower in the sewers" and had to use noclip. There is a metal with holes that you are supposed to climb up, but I couldn't do this. Maybe both things are related and the swimming line is now somehow "deeper" than before?

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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they take action if someone is shot by an arrow nearby,


I just tried this in 1.08 and the guards already react if I shoot a peasant in front of them. Maybe they were just reacting to seeing the arrow and not the guy getting shot?

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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* are "jumping into the water" sounds not propagated to guards? I fell into water right behind/next to a guard, and he didn't even comment. (granted, the waterline was 1.5m below, but that would have just made an even bigger splash and thus a louder noise).


It's quite possible they don't. I'm not entirely sure where the spash is called...I don't think it's specific to the player. Worth a tracker entry.


Maybe they were just reacting to seeing the arrow and not the guy getting shot?


They would react to seeing the dead body, but they wouldn't treat it any differently than if they'd stumbled on it ten minutes later. Now they do.

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they take action if someone is shot by an arrow nearby


I just tried this in 1.08 and the guards already react if someone gets shot nearby. Even if that person is behind them, they may not turn and and take action but they do notice. Can you give me a situation that I could try and reproduce?

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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It's quite possible they don't. I'm not entirely sure where the spash is called...I don't think it's specific to the player. Worth a tracker entry.


Just tested it with the sound debug on (tdm_sprs_debug and tdm_show_prop) and splashes do actually not make any propagated sound. Tracked here:




As far as I can see from droping a crate, the crate does not propagate sound when it hits the water, either, it only emits the sound when it hits the floor below the water. This depends of course of the weight fof the crate and the depth of the water - in unlucky cases it would be completely silent. In Dragon's Claw the floor of the canal is so far below and the crate velocity so low, that the sound of it bouncing of isn't heard by the guard standing on top of the street. (And the splash is silent)


Edit: The code to look for is in Liquid::Collide - it chooses which smoke (splash) particle to play and which sound to emit.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)


"Remember: If the game lets you do it, it's not cheating." -- Xarax

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* if you have the bow dran and swim, the bow constantly draws & undraws.

It does this in 1.08 and 2.0. Saw it beta-testing Too Late in 2.0 (never noticed it before) - checked in 1.08 and got the same result.


On a different note (and I'm not sure if this is the right place to raise this): when you hover over an item in the settings menus, could the highlight colour be something other than white? More specifically, could the highlight colour for Aspect ratio and Screen size in the video settings menu be made darker? 2.0 opened with a really low default resolution (640x480 IIRC) which made the lettering really blurred to start with; once it turned to white against the sepia background, it was totally illegible. Took about a minute - a whole minute! - to change the settings coz I just couldn't read them. (I seem to remember I had a similar issue with 1.08.)


If it's just me, no worries.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Edit: The code to look for is in Liquid::Collide - it chooses which smoke (splash) particle to play and which sound to emit.


I can see the spawnargs for splash (smoke) particles in func_liquid, but I can't find anything that determines which sound to play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can see the spawnargs for splash (smoke) particles in func_liquid, but I can't find anything that determines which sound to play.


if you can find the one for walking in water as well, please turn that thing down a couple notches.

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if you can find the one for walking in water as well, please turn that thing down a couple notches.


What, the sound or the particle?

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  • 2 months later...

Didn't followed the progress of standalone TDM recently, along with tdm2.0 will you release an editor free from doom3 ingredients, or is it available already?


The level editor has never shipped with any Doom 3 or Dark Mod specific materials, it only reads whatever materials are in the game folder structure. If you install TDM 2.0 from scratch, there will be no Doom 3 materials for Dark Radiant to see.

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Hope you don't mind when i abuse this thread for a little question as well. I saw some of you have a "Campaign mapper" tag on their nick name in the forum, does that mean v2.0 will have a campaign? And if yes, of how many missions will it consist?


A campaign will not release with 2.0. But there is a team working on a campaign called Crucible of Omens!

Here's the thread: http://forums.thedar...r-the-dark-mod/


I believe the number of missions it will contain isn't (& shouldn't be) public knowledge, since it's somewhat a spoiler. I wouldn't want to know anyway.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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You can update directly from 1.08, and either leave your darkmod folder where it is, or move it somewhere else (a good idea if you plan to make missions).

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Unless you're a mapper, not much, beyond allowing you to delete D3 if you don't want it anymore.

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