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A new way of looking at Thief 4


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Times have changed, but not always for the better.


In this context they've changed for the worse. Just be glad the big-wigs don't know what an indie game is yet. So far the only people cloning Minecraft are other indie devs. Imagine if EA decided to take a game and apply microtransactions to each and... every... oh... oh God it's happening. I didn't mean that LGS' Thief is irrelevant because it's old, but rather that you just can't keep drawing comparisons between that and this and judging things based on values held in 1998, given that the industry in 1998 is so, so different to the one we have today. If the industry were still the same it'd be amazing: AAA archetypes wouldn't exist and popularity would be based on quality. As a pure bonus, every credits roll would be full of tongue-in-cheek, nerdy pictures of the dev team cosplaying in the vein of their game's settings.


This is a great analogy. I've thought the same for a while.


I only wish it wasn't so applicable.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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I have still to play the new thief reboot so i will save judgment about it to another date, but i have played enough new and old games to see how much worse the new ones really are, especially FPS's my favorite genre, and is not the nostalgia argument in effect here, it all goes down to the old games were made in a age where any game release was important and far between and add no hand holding features of note, new games on the other end are for the masses and are now treated as fast food plus play and forget games.


p.s - I'm talking about AAA games not indie.

Edited by HMart
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it's a responsibility of consumers and sentient beings to uphold standards.


And uphold them I have, by talking about it fairly and objectively based off its own performance as a game, disregarding previous iterations and the industry as a whole. It's that area of the industry's values that I don't favor, not necessarily the products nor the devs themselves. That doesn't mean people shouldn't consider their products in relation to others of the genre, their predecessors or the industry, but it shouldn't be the crux of their perception of it.

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this game still falls well outside what I personally enjoy about gaming


Well there you go, that's simple enough. If only people would default to that kind of thinking and regard things on a personal level in terms of what they do/don't enjoy.

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TDS was buggy, clunky, and inferior to the original games in most ways...but it was still fun, had moments of brilliance (cradle), and it still ranks up there as one of my favourite games.


I'm willing to accept that Thief 4 might be the same.


That is all.




You're wrong I'm afraid. It's not the same.

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That was where many of us were coming from all along! If only the apologists bothered to notice instead of coming up with so many maddening conspiracy theories, and spiraling the simple bits out of control.


No you weren't; you were preaching and polarizing. In fact, you're still doing it.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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Though I am put off by many things in the new game, I'm actually finding myself getting used to the muddled interaction and actually enjoying the Bank Heist mission. Yes the level is small and there isn't a whole lot to do other than watch animations of taking things and hiding from cameras but I still find myself not wanting to stop playing which is at least in some small part, good.


Maybe I'm just fiending for a new thief game so bad...and this is all there is...


EDIT: Also I don't know if there was another patch I'm unaware of or if this past one fixed it but now when you pick up a readable, F1 takes you to the page you just picked up and F1 closes the screen back to game! Thank you Eidos.

Edited by Lux
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Last night I was inspired by all this Thiaf talk. I finally got around to installing my GOG version of Thief 2. My original install was cumbersome and corrupted, slower, needs the CD, changes resolution on the menus, etc etc. All the old hassles, because I haven't installed NewDark or other updates. Well, the GOG install, all patched up, went through without a hitch. Built-in FM loader? Well no shit. I've been away from the originals for too long. I started a new play-through of the OM, and it holds up, solid. I've got hundred of FMs with which to play catch-up.


I guess that's my new way of looking at Thiaf. :)

Edited by SneaksieDave
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Well in my opinion Thief isn't a terrible game it's moreso just so much missed potential. When I was playing it the first two levels of this style I didn't mind it I thought wow this is a very fun and different game. But once I hit the city hub things took a turn for the worse and the story just kept getting worse and worse with occasional positive points.


But as I was playing I would say I had fun overall, it's just damn there are some things I wish they did differently. They could have made this into a freakin' fantastic game but alas they did not.

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Last night I was inspired by all this Thiaf talk. I finally got around to installing my GOG version of Thief 2. My original install was cumbersome and corrupted, slower, needs the CD, changes resolution on the menus, etc etc. All the old hassles, because I haven't installed NewDark or other updates. Well, the GOG install, all patched up, went through without a hitch. Built-in FM loader? Well no shit. I've been away from the originals for too long. I started a new play-through of the OM, and it holds up, solid. I've got hundred of FMs with which to play catch-up.


I guess that's my new way of looking at Thiaf. :)


Yeah, the GOG version uses New Dark I believe.

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Well in my opinion Thief isn't a terrible game it's moreso just so much missed potential. When I was playing it the first two levels of this style I didn't mind it I thought wow this is a very fun and different game. But once I hit the city hub things took a turn for the worse and the story just kept getting worse and worse with occasional positive points.


But as I was playing I would say I had fun overall, it's just damn there are some things I wish they did differently. They could have made this into a freakin' fantastic game but alas they did not.


Yes. It has the good looks. It has some nice puzzles and thieving mechanics. Sometimes the hand animations are nice enough, like on paintings. But this game and all games that might follow will never be the game we can envision the perfect game to be.


When the empire released their xbox weapon all changed. When both Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3 got consolized... gamers realized there had been a substantial shift in the balance between good and evil. Evil had just won a big victory and things would never be the same again. Luckily the indies and modders fight back, there is still some good left. TDM is evidence of that. Maybe this is the perfect game and we should just ignore all the silliness thats supposed to be thief.

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...there is still some good left.


The good outweighs the bad 100 to 1. It just happens that the producers of the bad are so, so much noisier about what they're putting out that it can sometimes seem like they're the majority.

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The good outweighs the bad 100 to 1. It just happens that the producers of the bad are so, so much noisier about what they're putting out that it can sometimes seem like they're the majority.


Yes you are right, one TDM outweighs a hundred TDS's!

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So I was searching around South Quarter/Riverside Docks and I found an elevated window I could open. If you come to the area through an apartment window its directly in front of you when you exit on the third floor, down a level. You have to jump across the street and down to it. The room has an iron gimp suit or something hanging from the ceiling in front of the safe.










So I found a safe in there and having not found the combination or maybe "gotten the side mission from Basso" yet... I decided to crack the safe on my own systematically. I was hoping the game would allow me to do this without having first found the combination first.



Started with 0 0 0 and then rotated the last dial 9 times and then switched the second dial to 1 and then rotated the last dial 9 times, etc., rinse and repeat, going through every possible combination. It took about 15 minutes.


...and as it turns out....




Bazinga! :)





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Kinda bad they did intermix moira lighthouse and shalebrige missions from tds into rather dull asylum mission of t4


Moira house from tds was the best!

Edited by someTaff

What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?

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Nope, the home of Captain Robert and Edwina Moira, the island home they called Overlook Manor.


Ahhhh yes. That was a treat indeed. Took the boat out there, climbed up on to the balcony and ...yeah. Great mission.

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