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So, I'm probably the worst person to comment on this but I thought I would share my unenlightened thoughts on this current topic

in the gaming world.










TLDR; Some Feminist "Social Justice Warrior" allegedly sleeps with powerful members of the gaming press to gain favorable coverage

of her indie game then uses her web of "Social Justice Warrior" bloggers and insiders to paint negative connotations on any member of

the gaming community or gaming press who decides to investigate these allegations. Censorship, blackmail, false-flagging, etc.

She also uses her influences to destroy an "Indie Game Jam for Women" which competes against her own "Indie Game Jam for Women"


Almost every major gaming news outlet is spinning this development\discussion as some sort of evidence that all male gamers are inherently misogynists

and that there is no story worthy of investigation.


To me, this is just the latest iteration of crumbling objectivity in the media.


The progression the lead up to this:


1) Major news outlets start losing readers as bloggers scoop stories more quickly

2) Bloggers start spicing up their stories with editorial content, opinions, humor, etc

3) Major news responds with it's own biased output (Fox, MSNBC, and even CNN to some degree)

4) Blogger look to the comment section of their articles to drive their appeal to their target audience

5) The most popular comments come from 4chan types who say outlandishly sexist and racist things to troll users

6) Feminists misinterpret this trolling (and it's praise) as "genuine male dominance culture \ misogyny"

7) Feminists start up the whole SJW online movement and begin labeling all the old bloggers as sexists and do character assassination of various

social media personalities

8) Opportunists use the SJW movement to gain readers via sensationalized articles and slandering famous game developers

9) Currently, the gamer community getting sick of this SJW bullshit and seeing through the scammers

10) The mainstream media is scared shitless to standup to these SJW folks (real or scammers) for fear of being labeled misogynists


This whole thing smells just like the political use of works like "terrorist" to cow folks into towing the company line. It's quite scary that

professional game developers now need to seek input from some powerful SJW to avoid ending-up with murky allegations of sexism

plaguing their products. In some circles, even writing the world Quinnspiracy in a post will get you get you blackballed from the

associated professional development community.


It's also quite scary to watch this whole thing unravel. Where once, I could visit some of the sub-reddits or gaming blogs and see actual discourse

I now see a bunch of ditto-heads spouting the words "Fedora Neckbeard" (a favorite SJW slander) and talking about gender issues rather than actually

talking about the games themselves.


Will the TDM forums gain a token SJW who will make sure all discussions have *feminist overtones?


(*internet feminists... academic feminists don't follow the same protocols of discourse... )


I'm glad we have this nice little refuge of relative conversational sanity after looking out into the wider web-culture of extreme opinions.


Will we ever see a move from this DIY\Blogger "yellow journalism" to more objective reporting or will the future always be mired in bias and misinformation

for the sake of screen time (advertising clicks)? And will it just keep getting worse with more and more blogs "preaching to the choir" of their respective


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We old folks very often see new emerging things as a threat. That is normal. The world is changing and it isn't any more the place it used to be in our prime-time. This causes concern in us.


Objectively thinking, I believe, all things will have it's place. Advocates and de-advocates will form a sort of equilibrium, which mitigates the damage what would be caused if either party would get 100% what they want.

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-The mapper's best friend.

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Gaming "journalism" was already very ruined before any of this happened. It's pay to play, and exclusives are used as a carrot/stick. The last 10 years (WWW, YouTube, Twitch, etc.) have seen an explosion of niche/independent reviewers. The problem will probably correct itself. You can only take so much before moving on to other sources.


Pic related, it's your favorite Thief 4 reviewer.



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  • TLDR; Some Feminist "Social Justice Warrior" allegedly sleeps with powerful members of the gaming press to gain favorable coverage of her indie game then uses her web of "Social Justice Warrior" bloggers and insiders to paint negative connotations on any member of the gaming community or gaming press who decides to investigate these allegations.
  • Once, I could visit some of the sub-reddits or gaming blogs and see actual discourse I now see a bunch of ditto-heads spouting and talking about gender issues rather than actually talking about the games themselves.
  • Will the TDM forums gain a token SJW who will make sure all discussions have *feminist overtones?
  • I'm glad we have this nice little refuge of relative conversational sanity after looking out into the wider web-culture of extreme opinions.
  • Will the future always be mired in bias and misinformation for the sake of screen time (advertising clicks)? And will it just keep getting worse with more and more blogs "preaching to the choir" of their respective demographics?

  • The irony is this just shows yet again that women are just as bad as men.
  • Maybe its just me, but I dont frequent those sites are any like them. If I want to review a game I download a demo.
  • I dont think thats ever going to happen, we have female members and they are normal and balanced as the rest of us.
  • Or to be more insular, this is oine of the few forums where people have a basic level of respect for one another.
  • Unfortunatly it like more of this, and in my book these big sites have always been irrelevent, now even more so - see Melan's post above.

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Geoff Keighley is a sellout but at least he writes about games, unlike some other "journalists".


Yeah I didn't really address the topic there. Just wanted to point out that there is no quick fix for video game journalism.


On the SJW issue:


1. You can't win by censoring debate on the Internet. I think trolls and non-trolls alike have busted open this incident and allegations of "slut shaming" miss the mark. It's a real shitstorm in this case, and it won't blow over soon. Of course, the entire debate is happening in a fragmented fashion across social media and various sites, and that's going to cause a lot of confusion. Who's leading the investigation? Trolls, in part, and their agenda is to fuel the flames, because that's the fun of it. A lot of sites apparently nuked discussion of "the Quinnspiracy" specifically and completely. But as we all know from the Streisand effect, suppression of content leads to propagation of content. It was true in the past, and despite various challenges, it remains true today. For every outlet that loses its perceived integrity, users will revolt and new outlets will spring up. Bandwidth and storage costs are continuing to drop rapidly in the era of the cloud, and there are many ways to distribute decentralized content.


2. Today's modern troll can be indistinguishable from a real misogynist, so ignoring the issues due to rampant online misogyny or whatever confuses hate for "teh lulz". It's the easy way out of discussing real issues.


3. Major video game "journalism" sites, especially magazines, are the equivalent of major newspapers in a fast-changing online landscape. They don't want to touch these issues, and they don't need to. These issues have simmered under the surface and most people don't or don't want to understand them. These outlets (video game or news) are also beholden to certain groups. They may be preaching to the lowest-common denominator, which in the case of mainstream TV outlets, are going to include a lot of old people (no offense). Or they may be preaching to the average gamer... the average gamer that helped to blaze $500 million on Call of Duty in one day. And although I don't read these sites enough to corroborate this, I've heard talk that the "Indie game" outlets want to avoid this discussion to avoid alienating SJWs specifically and hurting their portion of the industry.


4. Advertising-backed media will almost always experience a degradation of freedom. They're simply limited from expressing views that are too hot to handle. A backlash that leads people to contact the advertisers will hurt the bottom line. It can be hard to predict what will cause a backlash. That's why so many media personalities are apologizing for what they spew on Twitter day after day.


Some related issues for your reading pleasure:


This year many more people ("experts"?) are calling for news sites to eliminate anonymous/pseudonymous commenting, or comment sections altogether. It's hard to control the discourse. On major sites that do allow comments, moderators have their work cut out for them. When they do reject a comment, it may be for a legitimate reason or some unstated and murky one. That just makes the commenters madder at the outlet (though they will still try to share their views there). These calls for censorship aren't necessarily unwarranted. Just look at the comments on the online version of one of your local newspapers. In fact, look at a comment section that has forced the use of Facebook (real people, real names)... it doesn't stop the vitriol. You have no right to comment or to have every comment published in an uncensored fashion... that's up to the site operator.


Surprisingly Good Evidence That Real Name Policies Fail To Improve Comments

The Case for Banning Internet Commenters

HuffPost policy banishes trolls - and drives away some frequent commenters

How Comments Shape Perceptions of Sites' Quality-and Affect Traffic

Just Kill All of the Comments Already

It's time to end anonymous comments sections

Gawker Media faced with anonymous trolls


Old media outlets are in a collective existential crisis. The rise of social media corrections of lies and mistakes have certainly not improved the situation. But the "wisdom of the crowd" is a double-edged sword. Just look at the Reddit analysis of "suspects" in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon Bombing. I mention this because entrenched/old media specifically trot it out in articles blaming the reactionist "blogosphere" Internet hate machine. While it's true that a lot of social media, citizen journalists, and online outlets suffer from bias, it's possible to roll out high quality journalism on the Internet. I'll point to ProPublica, PolitiFact, and The Intercept. In the case of bellingcat, ordinary people are aiming for more than mere journalism; they are looking to become the public equivalent of an intelligence agency.

Edited by jaxa
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There are at least a couple of things at stake here in my estimation.


1) Losing valuable works because the authors are marked as politically incorrect


2) The erosion of free speech.


The second being the worst. I cannot tell you how aggravating it is to see SJW's mock Free Speech (slur "freeze peaches" ) the tool which essentially

what gave them a platform to spout-off with in the first place. You think a monarchy or totalitarian government would tolerate the behavior of SJW's?

If you love Free Speech, you must be willing to live with unsettling communication from the community.


Hopefully that last sentence won't summon Aidakeeley but she had a legitimate take on this topic when applied to the internet in general.

I think forums should be able to censor themselves to maintain "civility and legibility" but not for the insidious reason of "cowing to special interests" or 'whitewashing nepotism", etc.


And honestly, 99% of the forums I've been to would never tolerate a poster going on a slander rampage against another community member so I don't

get why the blogosphere thinks it's perfectly acceptable to do large slander articles and yet calls for "communities to censor bad forum behavior". And then they

talk about the culture of "angry gamers" as if bald-faced slander against gamers and game developers should be greeted with a happy acceptance of guilt. :rolleyes:

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How dare you man-pigs discuss this without my consent as a gurl gamer. Check your freedom of speech privilege while you still can, because equality is coming to shut you up and render you lesser than us. Soon, all video games will be nothing but realistic female life simulators. Only when your only form of entertainment is using thumbsticks to shave digital legs will you understand the plight of the modern woman, and find yourselves wishing you'd seen the light sooner.


Also on a serious note I haven't touched a review site/publication since Steam reviews became a thing. There's just no better way to ascertain the quality of a game than reading through blunt, 0 bullshit user reviews.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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As far as ideas and the culture wars go, I consider myself in the philosophers' camp, and there's long been open contempt and hostility between the philosophy and the journalism camps. I'm about to the stage where I pretty much just trust well-cited academic articles in reputable journals (and not the postmodern ones).


But I can actually often be sympathetic to the gist of a lot of arguments by the professional critics. I definitely agree that nothing's sacred and you need to keep a skeptical eye on the old establishment sacred cows. But they have to be called out for using terrible arguments and they need to reconstruct their whole point grounded in how the real world works, which I think is sometimes possible.


That's not what journalism is in the business of doing though. All these arguments are really being hashed out in niche journals, and they won't reach journalists for a few decades at least. Most of the time their opinions could hardly be be less relevant or grounded.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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I find it interesting that suddenly there's this huge wave of "attacks" on "females in the gaming sphere", be they developers like Zoe Quinn, or critics/commentators like Anita Sarkeesian. Just as all the shit from the last round was starting to settle, suddenly "Quinngate" happens, next up we have Anita "being threatened and driven from her home", just to pop up a day later asking for donations. Personally what I find a bit disconcerting is how every magazine and outlet shamelessly rushed to publish articles about ZQ being raided by Wizardchan (something that evidence being uncovered during Quinngate is starting to make look like a fake), but now that the story is about ZQ boning her way to fame and money, and the gaming press is being implicated as complicit, suddenly noone wants to talk about it, and the outright censorship. Massive automated deletions and bans on reddit in a TotalBiscuit thread. Deletions and bans on gaming magazine sites. Deletions and bans on fucking 4chan. Something stinks like rotten meat, and it's not that ZQ can't be faithful to her partner. It's something else.

Edited by Xarg

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On reflection, I suppose that sites may be shutting down these discussions for fear that they will lose market growth amongst the female demographic.

I doubt this would be the case, especially since quite a few women are eager to bring their opinions to the table.


There are plenty of places where folks are discussing Ferguson and you'd think they'd delete those threads too to prevent racists from emerging from the woodworks and offending people.


In the Quinnspiracy videos there is the indication that many of these sites are getting direction from a PR firm.

Perhaps this phenomenon is by virtue of hired guns. They are hiring SJW's to drive content on the sites to appeal to women so they can grow their market presence.

I would say that the same phenomenon probably happened with the 4channification of slashdot, digg, and reddit.

These sites wanted what 4chan had so they brought in commenters who would post offensive stuff that appeals to that teenage rebel demographic.

Then violentacrez was given too much freedom at reddit and he created something worse than the bowels of 4chan could ever conjure.

For awhile, reddit thought this was great... they out-4channed 4chan (in their own estimation) but it was a really a stupid move and they gained a fair number of genuine creeps as a demographic.

Now, the place is oozing with SJW's in an attempt to cleanup that violentacrez mess they made but they've just made a new mess.


It reminds me of the Simpsons gag where they brought in snakes to eat all the pigeons then had to keep bringing in higher predators to remove the previous infestation.

Edited by nbohr1more

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I listened to 10 minutes of one of the YouTube links that Melan posted, but I claim no further background knowledge. Even so, I'm not sure what's so surprising about there being people around who'll game the system and do shitty stuff to their advantage, of whatever gender. I'm guessing it's fuelled by that fact that misogyny is so incredibly blatant on the internet. That *is* weird, and it does stick out. Women have to take the decision to "come out" as female in forums like gay kids with fundamentalist parents, risking their future posts being buried by a tide of sexual comments. Even in the haven of sanity that is the TDM forums, I remember Airship having to put up with a contributor offering a blatantly sexual suggestion as his apparent response to a reasoned post. And IFuckingLoveScience -- 6M FB followers -- was on The Skeptic's Guide last month talking about how things have changed since she revealed she was a woman last summer. Even some supporters with well-reasoned responses rounded them off with comments like "btw saw ur photo 9/10 would bang". Not something I have to deal with when posting, and it doesn't affect minorities like it does women. There's no problem being openly gay on forums, or with belonging to a specific religion or being a specific race etc. And as a gay man I'd expect all-round congratulations for sleeping with a producer of content that I wanted to get out there, not bloggers throwing up their hands in horror!

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Well of course nobody (reasonable) cares about the actual sleeping around.

What people care about is the censorship, blackmail, collusion, etc.


I think we all concede that there are assholes online, and that they particularly target women.

I can only say that some significant portion of those spewing the misogyny around are just trying to de-genderize discussions.

There are quite a few men and women who go online to "not be humans" but instead to be "pure minds" outside of meat-space.

These folks hate when people out their own gender online and will attack them with impunity. I've seen quite a bit of that on Quake3world

at least, not sure how that translates elsewhere.


Airship harassment? That's quite unfortunate. I think there was a period of time when a few folks thought she was a new incarnation of

an old forum troll who's previous identity was AidaKeeley or AprilSister. (Ironically, that troll was so blunt\crude to posters that many

had her pegged as a man.)


Full disclosure; I'm probably one of the few members here who liked AidaKeeley "warts and all" and didn't mind her bad behavior that much.

She was like TDM's Zylonbane and was certainly better than ShadowHide when he was in full-troll-mode.

Still, she was quite off-putting to new forum members and probably scared away a few potential fans by cutting them to pieces for asking

questions or discussing topics she didn't agree with (or found to be dumb).

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I'm not so sure it is terribly widespread on the Internet (as a whole). I mean sure, if you go into a hardware store you're going to find it's full of tools, but not every store is a hardware store, and to some degree I agree with the people who maintain that it doesn't matter. If it happens to come out that you're a female, or you sound like [ethnicity] on microphone it shouldn't matter, what they claim to be getting at is when people start throwing it around like it's important to the conversation. Like being [gender] or [race] lends your opinion more weight, because reasons. Or because it's perceived you want the attention. You could be a gay black jewish transvestite but if you're dropping dudes left 'n' right in the Arma session we're playing in, it doesn't matter. It doesn't have any bearing on your ability to play the game. If you're a gay black jewish transvestite and that means the admin should spawn you a T-72 on an infantry exercise because you're special, then there's a problem.


Another issue I've seen raised, is people perceive there's hypocrisy at work. That these people didn't care about your hobby until it got popular enough, now they're barging their way in and demanding special treatment. I've also seen points made about the invasion of "male safe space", usually quantified as stuff like comic books and video games, under the banner of equality, while any attempt for a male to take them up on that equality results in ejection from a "female safe space", or stuff like crowbarring girls into Boy Scouts, when that already has a sister organisation in the Girl Guides, but if you tried to enroll your son in Girl Guides, I really doubt you'd get the equality you thought you were going to get.


I guess as a tl;dr, I don't believe misogyny is widespread on the Internet because the Internet is a haven of anti-social neckbeards, yes there are people online who genuinely hate women, there are people who don't care that you have girl parts and see you bringing it up as "attention whoring" and seeking preferential treatment, and there are people who just don't care as long as you're doing your part in the team. Girl gamers? Bring 'em on! GRRL Gamers? No thanks.

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Well, in my experience there are plenty of different types of discriminatory dudes (male or female) on the internet as far as being a woman goes:

  • The "Me", someone who just talks like themselves (hopefully indistinguishable from a guy when not talking about something gender-specific) and, while doesn't hide the fact that they're a wimmens, won't correct people who call them 'he' but also err on the side of caution. While my voice has pretty much recovered, I still haven't touched a push to talk button outside of VOIP in years, because really it's best to let manchildren with little self-control hidden in the crowd think you're a guy.
  • The kind of woman who actually pretends to be a guy to avoid the attention both negative and quasi-positive. I think this is wrong because for one it's simply giving in to the few men who actively try to silence women on the interwebs, but for two, "No [wo]man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar" and that house of cards is without a doubt going to come crashing back down onto them in a one-of-a-kind shitstorm.
  • The attention-seeking woman who doesn't want another woman stealing her spotlight, usually found in circles where it actually matters what gender you are, so basically those comprised of a ton of under-20s. They tend to have a bunch of guys following them around and love it, and are usually insufferable themselves.
  • The woman who knowingly and intentionally exploits herself for the exploitation of men, which is a feminist's wet dream. They'll wear revealing tops and live stream games or whatever with their face tits taking up 75% of the screen, often "accidentally"
    to cause "controversy", garner views and make a decent income off gullible teenagers with raging libidos and/or creepy old men with those all-too-forward comments, you know the kind. This is becoming really common, in fact the livestream scene is becoming incredibly toxic. I've never bought into it, simply because I despise Youtube comments enough, let alone live ones imitating a clamoring crowd at a concert.
    (making fake calls about shootings and hostage situations at the homes/offices of streamers) has picked up recently, which is ridiculous in itself, and women like that are becoming the new targets. It used to be used to throw professional games, the kind that have money in the air once it starts, and leaving for any reason will not void it, so people would be swatted to allow another team to win. Lately it's just about being an insecure asshole with little man syndrome.
  • The generally male kind who do it inadvertently, changing completely upon discovering they're talking to a woman, usually conjuring cringe moments with awkward flirting out of nowhere (as seen on this forum with me). They can be intentionally flirting and not realise how out of place it is, or change without realising but be weird about it all the same. That kind of person will also usually speak out for an end to gender discrimination on the interwebs, which is ironic, but some people just aren't that self-aware.
  • The legitimately hate-filled Dark Ages misogynist, you can guess how that goes.
  • The weeaboo/furry/whatever girl who is just insufferably sickly sweet to the point of losing all sincerity of speech. Granted they're teenagers going through a phase, but it's a phenomenon I can just about tolerate. If I ever talked to somebody like that, my head would most likely explode from snark.
  • The sensible "tits or gtfo" kind of guy who either don't care that you're a woman or have had run-ins with guys in disguise before, and so have trust issues. No personal experience with these as I never disclose the fact in games, and only exist as a woman to select communities like this and as my real name (Meredith) on Steam. you can call me Meredith or Merry you know, I think Airship is a really awkward name to call someone by but can't stop myself from using it in places where I can't change my name
  • The very strange, repressed creature, usually male, who will be really kind until they know you're a woman, at which point they freak out. My best guess is that they've been scorned by a woman online or in person (probably the former) before, and thusly think either all women are horrible or all women on the internet are dudes in drag.
  • The white knight, you know how that is.
  • The straight guy or lesbian woman who will try to repress attraction thanks to all the negative mindsets above. It's not wrong to find somebody attractive, nor is it wrong to compliment them, and usually people with a way with words and a decent head on their shoulders are pretty sweet when it comes to flattery.
  • The human being, attracted to you or otherwise. Basically the only kind you can safely befriend, because they see gender and acknowledge as much, but either aren't attracted to them or are content enough to be a good friend without going full-friendzoned-fedoratrilby-tipper. Sometimes this even means quasi-flirting to the ends of the Earth, I've had pretty funny friendships like that.

There are probably more that I haven't seen first or second-hand, but I dare say these are the most prevalent. Some make me wish for a second plague, some make me uncomfortable and some make me wish the others didn't exist so I could just chill with people in public games. Alas, 'tis not to be for a few centuries yet, and even then will probably degrade shortly after it improves.


N.B. that last post exploded into BBcode, so if there are still tags left over you know why.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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an old forum troll who's previous identity was AidaKeeley or AprilSister. (Ironically, that troll was so blunt\crude to posters that many

had her pegged as a man.)


How do you know his/her gender?


Full disclosure; I'm probably one of the few members here who liked AidaKeeley "warts and all" and didn't mind her bad behavior that much.

She was like TDM's Zylonbane and was certainly better than ShadowHide when he was in full-troll-mode.

Still, she was quite off-putting to new forum members and probably scared away a few potential fans by cutting them to pieces for asking

questions or discussing topics she didn't agree with (or found to be dumb).


Aida and his/her dozen different incarnations was banned for repeatedly (and unapologetically) hurling crude insults at other members, as seen in this thread (and that example was already not the first time). http://forums.thedar...ic/12423-melan/ . Hardly comparable to Zylonbane, and definitely not welcome in this community.

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Aye, I said she had bad behavior. I suppose that's not a strong enough description on re-reading that thread. :)


What can I say, assholes amuse me sometimes. I even liked the angry old drunks at the bars when I was younger.


Though I definitely prefer seeing ungoliant get drunk and post angry stuff than Aida's screed.

Edited by nbohr1more

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