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Fan Mission: Shadows of Northdale ACT I - A Curious Mind by Goldwell (2018/03/23)


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Im kinda stuck on two locations -




  • How do you enter the apartment of the thiefs guild boss?
  • Where are the clues in John Wiverton's apartment?






Inside Jordan Wiverton's apartment look around his bookshelf in his bedroom


The thieves guild boss is carrying the key on her, after you've explored Jordan's place she will be walking around the thieves guild base



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I can't find Witherton's home, or the Thieves' Highway.






You get to the thieves highway by heading off the balcony in your player home. You have a map which will direct you to your home, and then just look for the door that reads "Corbin"


Jordan Wiverton's home is north east from your balcony



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Stuck again.




I've scoured the Thieves' Guild, got into the Boss's apartment, but can't check off the "find TG clues" objective.




General hint



Inside her room you will find a statue bust... think what goes on a statue bust? and search for that inside the thieves guild base




Direct spoiler



Go downstairs into the archery range and pickup the hood near the lit candle, put that on the statue bust in the thieves guild captains room. Then inside there you will find two items to frob which will complete that objective



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@Goldwell, I found my issue -


I went to the thieves guild before going to Jordan's place, to the quest trigger for the thief guild boss never happened.





Ah ok that makes sense yeah, you can still go and do the other jordan wiverton objective and then come back and she will be in the thieves guild patrolling around (possibly alert depending on where you left anyone's bodies haha).



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I just played this for about 20 minutes. Holy sh**... the intro, and also the loading screen are already very well done, but the city really looks and feels awesome. I'll surely play this through tonight, and give some further feedback when i have done so. For now, it really looks fantastic. :)


BTW, could just me and my computer, but, it seems this mission is pretty heavy on ressources?

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I would never have thought of putting the hood on the bust. Naynay. I wondered why the bust highlighted, yet I couldn't move it.






There should have been a narration line that plays that says "This statue looks suspuciously bare, perhaps it's missing something, I should check around the base for anything that might go on it"



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I just played this for about 20 minutes. Holy sh**... the intro, and also the loading screen are already very well done, but the city really looks and feels awesome. I'll surely play this through tonight, and give some further feedback when i have done so. For now, it really looks fantastic. :)


BTW, could just me and my computer, but, it seems this mission is pretty heavy on ressources?


Awesome! :)


And yeah this mission is quite demanding, a lot of that seems to be from the layers of fog and all of the lights too. I know there are a few scenes where if you stand just right the drawcall count shoots right up, but I would have to drastically change the aesthetics in some parts to avoid that so I just left it as it is.


Also all of the missions that I make are built for computers that are at least high end about 5 years ago. If you have specs less than that you might run into issues.

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There was no voiceover related to the bust.






It does deactivate if you pickup the hood first, so that's what might have happened.



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I just started playing it, and there are places where drawcalls are ineed too high for what's being drawn on screen. When you go out of the apartament on the balcony, you get like 4600 DCs, even though you're looking at a plain wall. There should either be portals that would seal this properly, or LOD system for objects. The scene doesn't look complicated, and there are no AIs around, but for some reason it demands a lot from the hardware.

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Loved it!!

Yep, same here. The city hub made a great addition to the mission, reminded me a lot of TDS, some of the architecture, and Corbin's home did as well. The mission layout was just great, with many twists and turns, and then you ended up where you've been before, which is good. I also liked that the mission isn't as linear, and you can go where you want, and do the objectives you like to do first. The mission is also on the easier side, which i liked, as i mentioned elsewhere, i find most missions too difficult.


The performance issues i described above were gone when i booted TDM up another time. I really don't know why i sometimes have big lags, and sometimes all is running fluently. There's two small issues i noticed in the mission, one might be by design:



I got stuck in this position in the black market shop:




Also, i noticed that, when you enter the shop with the Halloween skeleton, and you go into the actual shop at the bottom level, there's a noise, and the skeleton is gone when you take a look again. And, when you want to go out of the window again, it is locked, and you have to pick the lock, even though it was unlocked when you enter the shop. I have a feeling that that is by design, but, i thought i'd ask anyway. ;)



Anyway, excellent mission, and i really had a lot of fun playing it through. Looking forward to the other missions of the campaign. :)


BTW, just wondering, but, what was the build time of this mission? Must have been a lot of work.

Edited by chakkman
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