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Pagan male vocal script (concept, WIP)

Petike the Taffer

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So, already a few weeks ago, I started writing a Pagan vocal script concept. I took the master template for new VS-s, wrote down ideas already brainstormed on the side, then read closely through the VS to see where some would fit, and what other lines I could insert and expand upon. I try to keep the lines short and snappy, but interesting enough.

Before I even started, I read all the past discussions on this topic, made notes of other peoples' existing suggestions. Just to have a point of comparison, both for what I might try for my script, and for what I wouldn't (because it would not fit tonally). 

Much has been discussed on how to avoid making the Pagan characters sound like caricatures, either in speech style, or in overdone references to nature/deities/etc. They're not meant to be "New Age tree-hugger hippies", they're meant to be realistic-sounding individuals. As The Dark Mod's lore includes nuances such as Pagans being not only some yet-untamed "barbarian" tribesmen outside of the Empire, but also some hidden Pagans among the commoners in cities/towns and villages/rural hamlets, I had to account for that while putting together the script. You'll see more of my rationale once I expand this post in the near future, when I have the concept script fully ready. For the time being, let's just say I tried to avoid too many overt references to nature and pre-Builder folk religion.

Ergo, as it wouldn't make sense for an urban Pagan from the City's narrow alleys and slums to talk about, e.g. mighty stags on a forest meadow (or something like that), I try to make any and all nature references more down-to-earth and subtle. Example, AI alerted and searching for a hiding tresspasser: "Where have you scurried to, little mouse ? Where, oh where, have you scurried to ?" No diminutives, no plant and magic references in every second word, but you still have this vague indication the guy in question might be more of a nature-worshipper in private than a Builder monotheist. (Not that Builder-faithful wouldn't have an appreciation for nature, it's just that the views of it would differ somewhat, on a psychological/cultural level.) There are some lines about spirits or natural forces and so on too, but most of the other lines are such that they could work for any commoner in a rural or urban setting.


This entire vocal script concept is readable below. For the sake of quicker readability, I have divided the entire overview with the use of spoilers, based on the sections of the vocal script.




Line Title: ["sound def name"]

Actor direction

 filename, "example line" x suggested # of lines

Total Lines: approx 270 (including grunts and coughs)

 Sound files should be in .wav format, mono, 44100 project rate,


Tone and Attitude

Dialogue should be generally modern, North American English, but with a slight renaissance flavour. The more educated the character, the more renaissance-speak is appropriate. Avoid modern-sounding words and phrases (eg, "What's up?" "Roger that" or "I'm going to kick your ass"). But at the same time, this isn't Shakespeare--the dialogue has to sound fairly natural to modern English speakers.

AI Characters

In order to create a variety of character types, vocal sets will be created for various "characters". A character, in this sense, is a distinctive voice, personality, and way of speaking.

„Pagan man / Tribesman“ – poorly educated and rural; refers to old gods and mystical beliefs; or a member of one of the remote tribes still untamed by The Empire

AI STATES: Relaxed


Relaxed, Idle: ["snd_relaxed"]

You're relaxed and going about your regular business. You aren’t expecting any trouble. You’re talking to yourself, so lines should be muttered in a low tone of voice, and punctuated with sighs, pauses and mumbling.

idle01 "*sigh* A few more hours to go…." x10

Throat clearing/ coughs x3

Sighs x2 (you’ve had a long day)

Humming and/or whistling an idle tune x2

Sneeze x1


Relaxed, Armed: ["snd_relaxed"]

You're an armed character, probably a guard on patrol. You’re not expecting any trouble, but are ready to defend yourself if necessary. You are muttering to yourself about your shift or other combat-related concerns.

idle_guard01 "Oh. This guard duty isn’t as fun as I thought.” x2

idle_guard02 *brief sigh* "Why do I always have to end up doing guard duty ?”


Sleeping: ["snd_sleeping" ]

You're fast asleep and dreaming. A few snores, maybe a mumbled word or two.

sleeping01 x2

sleeping02 *snoring* „Mmm... tasty mead...“ *snoring*


Reacting to World: ["snd_reaction" ] ["snd_state3"]

You are relaxed, and have just looked at something non-suspicious, like a book, or a playing card, or your reflection in a mirror. You make a grunt or comment, either pleased or not. Currently these lines are used primarily for AI playing cards—they make a comment after looking at their new card. They should be delivered without too much emotion.

reaction01 “Argh...” [annoyed] x4


These barks are meant to tell the player that the AI has seen or heard something.


Observant: ["snd_alert1" ] ["snd_notice_generic"]

You notice something subtle but aren’t sure what it is. Doesn't seem like anything serious. You are talking to yourself, so you should not be particularly loud and may trail off.

to_observant01 "Hm?" x4


Observe a Sound: ["snd_alert1h" ]

Same as above, only these lines refer specifically to a sound.

to_observant_heard01 "Whaaa... (cut short) Some... rustling ?"

to_observant_heard02 "What is that ?!" x2


Observe a Sight: ["snd_alert1s"]

Same as above, only these lines refer specifically to seeing something.

to_observant_saw01 "Huh... Did I see something?" x2


Notice Something: ["snd_alert3" ]

You notice something suspicious, and it caught your attention enough to warrant going over to check it out. You’re still not sure what it is, and you’re still mostly talking to yourself, but you're less casual now.

to_searching01 "What's that over there?" x4


Notice A Sound: ["snd_alert3h" ]

As above, you hear something loud enough to make you want to investigate.

to_searching_heard01 "What or who made that noise?" x2

to_searching_heard02 "If this is one of your foolish jokes..."


Notice A Sight: ["snd_alert3s" ]

As above, you see a brief motion in the shadows. Better check it out just in case.

to_searching_saw01 "What's that in the shadows….? “ x2


Notice A Sound, with company: ["snd_alert3hc" ]

You're with friends and you hear something loud enough to make you want to investigate, even though it’s probably nothing serious.

searching_heard_company01 "What ! Did you hear that ?!" x2


Notice A Sight, with company: ["snd_alert3sc" ]

You're with friends and you see a brief motion in the shadows. Probably nothing, but you should investigate.


searching_saw_company01 "By the spirits ! Did you see that ?" x2


Settling Down: ["snd_alertdown0" ]

You noticed something, but you haven’t found anything to worry about. It was probably nothing, and you’re going back to whatever you were doing. These lines are muttered to yourself.

alertdown_to_idle01 "Hmmm, nothing now...." x3


Settling Down after hearing something: ["snd_alertdown0h" ]

As above, but lines refer to hearing. Whatever it was is gone now. Go back to your business.

alertdown_to_idle_heard01 "The spirits were playing tricks on me."

alertdown_to_idle_heard02 "Naah, it was... nothing. (beat) I hope."

alertdown_to_idle_heard03 "Maybe a real mouse after all. It already scurried away."


Settling Down after seeing something: ["snd_alertdown0s" ]

As above, but lines refer to seeing. You caught a glimpse of something moving, but it appears to be nothing. Moving on.

alertdown_to_idle_saw01 "A trick of the light and the shadows." x2


Settling Down after noticing something suspicious: ["snd_alertdown0sus"]

You saw something suspicious---an open door or a rope hanging down--and have searched the area. You can't find any intruder, but you're sure something is afoot. These lines are muttered to yourself.

alertdown_to_idle_suspicious01 "Hm. No one, then. I’ll stay watchful." x2

alertdown_to_idle_suspicious02 "No one after all. But I’ll be ready for any rat that dares intrude."


Alerted by Something: ["snd_alert4NoEvidence"]

You notice something that makes it clear that there's someone there, but you don't know exactly who they are. You don’t know for sure that there’s a threat, but you’re all business now, and your lines are directed to the mystery figure in the shadows.

to_agitated_searching_noevidence01 “Let’s not have any trouble…come on out so I can see you.” x4


Alerted by Intruder: ["snd_alert4" ]

You suddenly see or hear something that makes it clear there’s someone there, and you already have enough evidence to know that it’s an intruder. These lines are an aggressive challenge to the hiding enemy.

to_agitated_searching01 "Enough ! Who goes there?!"

to_agitated_searching02 "Hey ! Who’s sneaking about ?!"

to_agitated_searching03 "Argh ! Maybe you’re no mouse, but a rat..."


Idle, On Guard: ["snd_alert_idle" ]

You've seen an intruder or been told that there is one. You're on your regular patrol, but you’re no longer relaxed. You’ve got your weapon out, and you’re ready for trouble at a moment’s notice. You’re muttering to yourself.

alert_idle01 "I fear no intruder." x2

alert_idle02 "Spirits help those who dare cross my path !"

AI STATES: Searching


Searching for Someone: ["snd_state4SeenNoEvidence" ]

You’ve seen or heard enough to know that there’s someone around here, hiding. It might not be a threat, but if they’re hiding, then they’re obviously up to no good. You’re looking around for them. These lines are stern and generally directed at the hiding figure.

searching_no_evidence01 "Where have you scurried to, little mouse ?"

searching_no_evidence02 *mild creepy laugh* "Little mouse... Where, oh where, have you scurried to ?"

searching_no_evidence03 "I am patient. The spirits will guide me to you."


Searching for Someone with company: ["snd_state4SeenNoEvidence_c" ]

As above, but you're with friends.

"The hunt has begun, we search for our prey." x1

"Scurry around, little mouse, but we will find you." x1

"We are great trackers. There’s no escape." x1


Give Orders to Friends ["snd_giveOrder"]

You're searching for someone when friends arrive. Give them something to do.

"Psht. Have a look there." x2

"Go look there, friend. We’ll find that rat." x1


Giving up after search: ["snd_alertdown0SeenNoEvidence" ]

You’re pretty sure you saw somebody, but you've searched around and can't find anyone. This bark is played as you give up the search. You still don’t know for sure that it was an intruder, but you are pretty annoyed. You’re talking to yourself.

alertdown_to_idle_no_evidence01 "Fools and their mischief..." x2


Agitated Searching: ["snd_state4SeenEvidence" ]

You know for sure there is an intruder around, and you’re looking for him. You’re deadly serious now. Your lines are directed at the intruder himself.

searching_evidence01 "No hollow or hiding place will save you." x1

searching_evidence02 "I have the eyes of a hawk, don’t think I won’t see you."  x1

searching_evidence03 "Don’t be afraid... Come out of your hiding place." x1

searching_evidence04 "I mean you no harm. (more sinisterly) Be brave  and come out." x1

searching_evidence05 "Come into the light, you foolish thing. There’s no hinding from me." x1

searching_evidence06 "The mighty spirits are on my side ! You won’t get away !" x1

searching_evidence07 "Be a man, and show yourself ! I am starting to tire of your foolish games..."


Agitated Searching with company: ["snd_state4SeenEvidence_c" ]

As above, but you're with friends. Your lines are either directed at the intruder or suggestions for your comrades.

"You search there, I’ll go smoke out that rat over here!" x1

"Some hunting practice, friend. We’ll show our prey..." x1

"Fool of a man ! Do you really think you can get away ?!" x2

"Scurry around all you like, your pelt and skin are our’s." x1

"Foolish, foolish, little prey... The hunters are on your trail..." (brief laugh) x1


Agitated Searching, unarmed: ["snd_state4SeenEvidence" ]

You know for sure there is an intruder around, and you’re looking for him. You're unarmed though, so you’re not really sure you want to find him. You’re directing the lines at the intruder, and you should sound somewhat uncertain.

searching_evidence_civilian01 “Hey, I know someone is hiding here…what do you want?” x4


Giving up after Agitated Search: ["snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" ]

You have confirmed there is an intruder but he's given you the slip. You've searched for him, but haven't been able to find him. You're giving up for now but you aren't letting your guard down. These lines are primarily delivered in a frustrated tone of voice.

alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence01 "Blasted rat ! He has scurried away..." x2


Giving up after Agitated Search, unarmed: ["snd_alertdown0SeenEvidence" ]

You know there’s an intruder around, and you looked for him and didn’t find anyone. You don’t have a weapon, so you are rather relieved that you don’t have to deal with an armed criminal.

alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_civilian01 “Whatever it was, it has left. Good !” x3

 alertdown_to_idle_seen_evidence_civilian02 "It is gone... Spirits protect me from bad luck.” x1


Joining a Search: ["snd_helpSearch"]

You find some friends already searching for an intruder. You join them.

"An intruder ?! I will help you search, friends." x1


Ask for Help: ***** No Def Currently ****

You’re in trouble; you found a guard and are telling him to come with you.

 "Quickly, quickly ! Youre the better warrior !" x1


Return with Help: ***** No Def Currently ****

You’re not equipped to fight, so you ran away from the intruder, got help, and came back. The intruder is still here, so you point him out.

gotten_help01 "See, just like I told you. Get him!" x1


Return too late with Help: ***** No Def Currently ****

You went and got help, but by the time you got back the intruder was gone. You’re flustered and upset.

gotten_help_gone01 "He was right here…look sharp, he’s probably hiding!" x1



Spotted the Intruder, armed: ["snd_to_combat"] ["snd_to_combat_monster"]

You have come face to face with the intruder. You are pulling out your weapon and getting ready to charge. These lines are shouted to the intruder.

to_combat01 "Lay down your arms and give up. There is honour in defeat." x5


Spotted the Intruder, armed, with company: ["snd_to_combat_company"] ["snd_to_combat_company_monster"]

You have spotted the intruder and are getting ready to charge. Luckily, you have some friends with you.

to_combat_company01 "Hark ! Look, friends ! A thieving magpie!" x2


Spotted the Intruder with a body, armed: ["snd_spotted_player_with_body" ]

You see the intruder, and he’s carrying a body! The fiend!

spotted_player_with_body01 "Who have you slain, foul rat !!! Drop them or drop dead!" x1


Spotted the Intruder, unarmed: ["snd_to_flee" ]

You have spotted the intruder. Oh no! He’s got a whole bunch of weapons, and you don’t have any! You are panicking and getting ready to run, and are yelling for help.

to_flee_civilian01 "Help, there's an intruder!" x3


Lost Player after Pursuit: ["snd_lostTrackOfEnemy" ]

You are chasing the intruder when suddenly he disappears. How did that happen? He can’t be far.

lost_track_of_enemy01 “Hey! Now where did you go?” x3


Hit by Arrow: ["snd_taking_fire" ]

You’ve been hit by an arrow from an unseen foe. You’re hurt and angry. You might be calling out for help or shouting at your attacker.

hit_by_arrow01 “I do not fear your cowardly barbs, you rat ! Come out !!!” x2


Running Away: ["snd_flee" ]

You’re unarmed and are running away as fast as you can, but the intruder is coming after you! This is life or death, so you’re shouting in panic to anyone who can hear you.

flee01 "Aid me, friends ! Aid me!" x2


Running Away, hurt: ["snd_flee" ]

You’re armed and have been badly wounded by the intruder. You’re running away as fast as you can, yelling for help or begging for mercy.

flee_hurt01 “You are the greater warrior ! You’ve bested me..." x3


Running Away, event: ["snd_to_flee_event" ]

You've seen something terrible, like a man killed right in front of you, and you're running away.

to_flee_event01 "Arh, the spirits do not favour me today!" x2


Coming to Assist: ["snd_assistFriend" ] (is this used?)

A friend of yours is in a fight and you are on your way to help them. You call out to let them know you're coming.

assist_friend01 "I'm running to you, friend! We will fight side by side!" x2


Fighting: ["snd_combat_melee"]

You're locked in deadly combat with an intruder. These lines are delivered as you swing your weapon, so should be quick and full of a sense of action.

combat_melee01 Generic combat grunts (“hyaarh!”) x5


Fighting, winning: ["snd_combat_hit_player" ]

You are locked in combat with the intruder, and have just bashed him with your weapon. You take a moment to taunt your opponent. These need to be said quickly, as the fight is still going on.

combat_hit_player01 "The spirits shall guide thee to the underworld !" x3


Fighting, winning, with company: ["snd_combat_hit_player_company" ]

As above, but you have friends in the fight.

combat_hit_player_company01 "Rest, my friends ! I have slain this little rat!" x1


Fighting, losing: ["snd_combat_blocked_by_player"]

You are locked in combat with the intruder, and he has just hit or blocked you. You realize this might not be as easy as you thought. These lines should be short.

tdm_ai_pro_combat_blocked_by_player01 “Oh, ha, ha ! Brave, but hardly a warrior !” x3


Pain: ["snd_pain_small"] ["snd_pain_large"]

Something just hurt you. Ouch!

tdm_ai_pro_pain_small01-03 Small grunts (“ow!”) x3

tdm_ai_pro_pain_large01-03 Serious pain (“Aaaaiieee!”) x3


Throw Something at Intruder: ["combat_throw"]

The intruder is visible, but you can’t get to him. You're angry and throw something.

combat_throw01 "Feast on this !" x2


Shoot Arrow: ["combat_ranged"]

You're an archer, shooting arrows at the intruder.

combat_archer01 "Barb, take flight…." x1


Frustrated: ["snd_cantReachTarget"] ["snd_cantReachTargetMonster"]

The intruder is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates or across a chasm) and you can't reach him. You don’t have anything to throw at the moment.

enemy_out_of_reach01 "You think you're safe there? Come here and fight me!" x2


Killed Intruder: ["snd_killed_enemy"] ["snd_killed_monster"]

You’ve won the fight. Taunt the intruder as he lays dying at your feet. Make sure at least one line can be used for non-human opponents.

killed_enemy01 “Ha ! You’re no warrior !” x3


Die, Quiet: ["snd_knockout" ]

You didn’t see it coming, but someone just hit you from behind and took you down. Make a grunt, but as the name suggests, it's kind of quiet.

die_quiet_1 "UNH" x3


Die, Loud: ["snd_death" ]

You’ve just been killed in battle by an armed intruder. These lines should be start with a loud scream of pain, then sputter your dying words (if any).

die_loud01 "ARGHAHHRGGHRGR" x3


Die, Drowning ["snd_death_liquid"]

You've drowned. Gurgle.

 drown01 "gurgle" x1


Blinded: ["snd_blinded" ]

You have been blinded by a flash of light.

blinded01 "Ah, by the spirits ! What rotten sorcery is this ! My eyeees !" x1


Hit By the Player No Damage: ["snd_failed_knockout" ]

The player tried to blackjack you but failed. What an idiot.

failed_ko01 "Umpf... Ha, ha ! A measly little club in your hand !" x1


Gassed: ["snd_airGasp"]

You have been caught in knockout gas. Cough, sputter and pass out. This should be quick--a second or two at most (it's fast gas).

cough_noair01 "..cough cough" x1


You have found or observed something that looks out of place. You aren't seeing or hearing the intruder directly, but something that might be a sign that one was here earlier.


Find Something Suspicious: ["snd_foundSuspiciousItem" ]

You’ve noticed something unusual, like a rope hanging from a rafter, or a knocked over chair. You can’t immediately assume there’s an intruder, but you’re sure something is not right. You’re talking to yourself.

find_something_suspicious01 "Hmmm. Strange. Odd. Odd." x4


Find a Weapon: ["snd_foundWeapon" ]

There is a weapon lying on the ground. People generally don’t leave their weapons around for no reason, so you’re suspicious.

find_weapon01 "Some fellow believer or heathen forgot this here…" x2


Find a Door Open: ["snd_foundOpenDoor"]

There is a door open that shouldn't be. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything, but maybe it does.

notice_door01 "Open ? Who left it like that..." x2


Find Lights Off: ["snd_foundLightsOff" ]

The lights are off, and they shouldn't be. Strange. References should suit any type of light.

notice_lights01 "How odd. It still shone bright a moment ago." x3


Find Lights Out, Flame: ["snd_foundTorchOut" ]

You notice a torch or candle that should be lit has gone out. You're only mildly suspicious.

notice_lights_flame01 "Ah, the spirits like playing games with their breath..." x3


Relight light: ["snd_yesRelightTorch" ]

You’ve found a a light that is off, and you decide to relight it. Should not refer to type of light, as it could be electric or torch.

relighting01 "Spirits, calm yourselves. I only need to spark a little light." x2


Refuse to relight light: ["snd_noRelightTorch"]

You’ve found a light that is off, but you have no intention of relighting it. Should not refer to type of light.

not_relighting01 "Oh, I’m too tired… Not going to let the spirits play their larks on me..." x2


Find Blood: ["snd_foundBlood"]

There is blood on the floor. There has obviously been a fight of some kind. This is serious. These lines are said to yourself.

notice_blood01 "Blood?! Is this some hunt... or a manhunt ?” x1


Find Body, generic: ["snd_foundUnconsciousMale"] ["snd_foundUnconsciousFemale"]

You find a body on the ground. There is no obvious sign of trauma, so you’re not sure what has happened. You're calling to your friends about your find. Some lines should be generic, without reference to gender. 

notice_body_generic01 "Wounded ! Herbs needed ! Healers, muster!" x2

notice_body_female01 "A woman is hurt, she needs healing!" x1

notice_body_male01 "A man wounded ! Any healers around ?" x1


Find Corpse: ["snd_foundDeadMale"] ["snd_foundDeadFemale"]

You find the body of someone who is obviously dead. You are shocked and/or angry and are yelling an alarm. Some lines should not refer to gender.

 notice_corpse01 "Slain! Someone has drawn blood !" x2

 notice_corpse_female01 "Ah... dead! Innocent blood, slain!" x1

 notice_corpse_male01 "Foul murder! Some filthy rat had killer him!" x1


Find Corpse, Comrade: ["snd_foundComradeBody"] *** is this team based? ***

You find a comrade of yours, murdered. You are outraged. You call out a warning to your allies, or a threat to the one who did this.

notice_corpse_friend01 "Some rotten rat or magpie had slaughtered our fellow folk ! They’ll regret being born !" x1


Find Pocket Picked: ["snd_notice_pickpocket"] *** not currently used ***

You had something on your belt, and now it's gone! Did you drop it?

notice_pickpocket01 "By the spirits ! I... had it with me... And now... Argh !" x2


Find Something Stolen: ["snd_foundMissingItem"]

You’ve just noticed something significant missing that shouldn't be. You've obviously been robbed. While your first reaction might be quiet, the line should include a yell to your friends.

notice_theft01 "Whaaat ?! Stolen! What thieving magpie did this ?!" x3


Raise the Alarm!: ["snd_raise_alarm"]

You know something is seriously wrong…perhaps you’ve found the lord murdered, or you’ve found the master safe open. You need to alert everyone within earshot.

raise_alarm01 “Arm yourselves, there’s a meddler about !” x2


Warning--Recently Found Corpse: ["snd_warnFoundCorpse"]

You recently found or heard about a body and are relaying the information to any friends you see. Don't take too long with these, as the AI could be walking past each other while delivering the line.

warn_found_corpse01 "Alert the others, someone is slaying our kin!" x2


Warning—We’ve been Robbed: ["snd_warnMissingItem"]

You know you've been robbed and you're telling your buddy about it.

warn_missing_item01 "A magpie taunts us... If you find it fluttering around, catch it and twist its neck." x1


Warning--Recently Saw Intruder: ["snd_warnSawEnemy" ]

You saw or were warned about the intruder not too long ago, but he escaped. Now, you’re warning others about him.

warn_saw_enemy01 "Some rotten meddler is making fools of us. Keep your sight as sharp as a hawk’s." x1


Warning—Something is not Right: ["snd_warnSawEvidence"]

You haven’t seen an intruder, but you’ve seen evidence that there is one around somewhere. You’re warning your friends about it.

warn_suspicious01 “Tread carefully. The spirits seem restless this night.” x3


Recieved Warning: ["snd_warn_response"]

Someone just warned you about trouble. You give a quick response as you pass by.

respond_to_warning01 "I’ll be watchful." x3


Admonish Friend: ["snd_admonish_friend"]

A friend or neutral just did something you didn't like, such as drop a plate on your foot. You're expressing your displeasure.

admonish_friend01 "Oh, don’t be so foolhardy, friend..." x2


Since greetings can be made to friends or strangers, delivery should be fairly neutral. Also, there's no way to know whether the AI have seen each other once or twenty times before greeting each other, so typical "hello" greetings should be limited in favour of casual comments or questions that can be answered 'yes'.

Greetings are not exchanged between sitting characters, so assume that the greeting is a quick one as AI pass each other.

Not every greeting is needed for every vocal character. The thug, for example, has special greetings for female characters because he's a sexist pig, but not every character needs those.


Greeting, Generic: ["snd_greeting_civilian_to_civilian"]

A generic comment or question as you pass someone. This is used as the default greeting if no other greeting applies.

greet_generic01 "Spirits guide thee in the dark of this night."

greet_generic02 "Health and merriment to thee."

greet_generic03 "Have a pleasant evening." (a short laugh)


Greeting, Guard to Guard: ["snd_greeting_guard_to_guard"]

You spot a fellow guard on patrol. Greet them or ask a short 'yes' question about their shift.

greet_guard_to_guard01 "Any rustlings this night? No rats around ?" x3


Greeting, Guard to Civilian: ["snd_greeting_guard_to_civilian"]

You’re on patrol and see a civilian. You gruffly tell them to stay out of your way.

greet_guard_to_civilian01 "Ey ! Don’t trespass where you shouldn’t." x2


Greeting, Civilian to Guard: ["snd_greeting_civilian_to_guard"]

You’re a civilian and you see a guard on patrol. You don't want any trouble.

greet_civilian_to_guard01 "Worry not, officer, I’m just humble folk." x2


Greeting, to Nobleman: ["snd_greeting_noble_male" ]

You see someone high on the social ladder and greet him.

 greet_to_noble_male01 "Best wishes, your Lordship." x1


Greeting, to Noblewoman: ["snd_greeting_noble_female" ]

You see a lady high on the social ladder and greet her.

greet_to_noble_female01 "Much merriment to thee, noble Lady." x1


Greeting, to Priest: ["snd_greeting_cleric"]

You pass a Builder Priest and greet him. 

greet_to_cleric "Pleasant evening to thee, servant of the One God." x1


Greeting, to Inferior: ["snd_greeting_noble_to_civilian"]

You’re high on the social ladder, and see someone beneath you. You’re better than them, and your greeting conveys that.

greet_to_inferior01 "Out of my way." x2

greet_to_inferior02 "Not a city dweller... But not of my kin either."

greet_to_inferior03 "My kin know better than to mingle with you."


Greeting, to Inferior Guard: ["snd_greeting_noble_to_guard"]

You’re high on the social ladder and see a guard. You greet them by evaluating their performance.

greet_to_inferior_guard01 “Stay alert, my kin.” x2


Greeting, to beggar: ["snd_greeting_beggar"]

You see a beggar.

greet_to_beggar01 "Don’t feed on rats, poor man. They’re bad for you."


Greeting, to female: ["snd_greeting_civilian_to_female"]

greet_to_female01 "Spirits bless your beauty and health, my lovely."


Greeting, to pagan: ["snd_greeting_pagan"]

You greet an unwashed pagan, probably with a degree of cordiality.

greet_to_pagan01 "Spirits guide thee, fellow believer."


Greeting, to Builder: ["snd_greeting_builder"]

You greet a member of the Builder Church (not a priest).

greet_to_builder01 "May thy god protect thee."


Greeting, to Citywatch: ["snd_greeting_citywatch"]

You greet an officer of the watch.

greet_to_citywatch01 "May all go well, officer."


Response, Generic: ["snd_response_positive"]

You have been greeted by someone who is a social equal. Delivery should be monotone and noncommittal, as these could be responses to lots of different greetings.

response_positive01 “Yeah, yeah.” x3


Response, to Superior: ["snd_response_positive_superior"]

You have been greeted by someone who has a higher rank than you. Your response should be stiffer and more official.

response_to_superior01 “Yes, yes, sir.” (somewhat disinterested) x2


Response, Negative: **** No Def Currently ****

You have been greeted by someone who is a social equal, and are responding to their question negatively. These should be delivered without much emotion.

response_negative_1 “No. Not at all.” x2


Conversation Question: ["snd_convo_question"]

You strike up a casual conversation with a nearby friendly. These are used for mission-specific conversations set up by the mapper, and are not used by default. The questions must be evaluation questions, appropriate for "good/not good" style answers. (They may eventually be used for AI sitting next to each other for extended periods of time)

convo_question01 "Greetings. Tiring day, was it?"

convo_question02 "What say you ? How guide thee the spirits ?"

convo_question03 "How was the last harvest, friend ?"

convo_question04 "How was that mead you tasted recently ?"

convo_question05 "Any trouble you’ve ran into recently ?"


Conversation Answer: ["snd_convo_answer"]

This is an answer to the question above. The answers should all be of the "good/not good" variety.

convo_answer01 "Hm, rather good, I’d say."

convo_answer02 "It could always be worse, friend."

convo_answer03 "Don't even ask me about it."

convo_answer04 "Not as bad as I feared, friend."


Feedback ?

I'd like to ask you to provide your own constructive criticism now. Feel free to provide feedback on the lines, try to give me constructive criticism on what could be improved, added, dropped, changed. I'm all ears. Sink your nitpicky teeth into this vocal script proposal. :)

Final note

Besides this particular VS, I also have one/two more in development, and I plan to start work on them soon.

Edited by Petike the Taffer
adding to the original post
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Very nice, it's great to see more effort being put into this longstanding project. What I particularly like about your approach is to keep supernatural references subtle, at least when compared to T3's overblown take on it.

I've written a fair share of lines of my own over the years, that I'll include within the spoilers below (you'll have to teach me how to have multiple spoilers within a post without them all getting nested into each other in these new forums). What I personally had in mind, especially when I most recently worked on the alerts and searching barks, was something like a Celtic tribesman - rough, superstitious and not afraid to enter hand-to-hand combat with the intruder. Another archetype of Pagan may be the secret worshippers you'd find in the city living in attics and mostly staying among their own. Some lines may be more suitable for one than the other (or possibly neither), plus I've demarcated some lines for a possible shaman.

I imagine we could be choosing, refining and merging the best lines from each script to come to a final product.


AI States: Relaxed

These AI are idle; not doing anything in particular. They are bored and talking to themselves, so just like when people think out loud, the beginning and end of their dialogue will often trail off into mumbling.

Relaxed: You're either not working or aren't expecting any trouble. You're relaxed and somewhat bored. Dialogue can be punctuated with sighs and muttering.

Throat clearing/coughs x3
Sighs x2 (it's been a long day)
Humming a simple tune x2

Idle_1 "Where could that old crone of a washerwoman be lurking now…"
Idle_2 "By his own hand. Ha. An embarrassment, to him and to his kin."
Idle_3 "The air is rarely this thick. I wonder what it means to tell us."
Idle_4 "When we next cross paths I'll put an end to it. For good."
Idle_5 "Tomorrow will be a long day. I hope the others are prepared as well."
Idle_6 "Didn’t see her in a long time. I can't complain."
Idle_7 "I should have taken it with me. No reason not to."
Idle_8 "They won't be so smug when the land freezes over."

Idle_9 "Looks like another long night."
Idle_10 "(sigh) They all want something from me."
Idle_11 "Another star has faded from the sky. Soon we’ll all be groping in the dark."

Idle_12 "He who relies on cold metal and dead rock to make his home will freeze to his death in winter."
Idle_13 "Something needs to happen, soon."

Idle_shaman_1 "Fire is a mysterious being; it warms our bodies and it burns our dwellings."
Idle_shaman_2 "Will she heed my pleas? Even she seems to avoid this troubled corner."

Idle_shaman_3 "The possum takes the hawk's chick and the hawk, mad with rage, takes the possum. That is the way."
Idle_shaman_4 "The raven disturbed me. It seemed anxious about something… but what?"

At Alert 0: On the job. Similar to above, but you're working so you're a little more alert.
Number of Wavs: 3

alert0_1 "What fool would challenge me?"

AI States: Alert


To Alert 1/1.5: You notice something subtle but aren't sure what it is. You are mostly talking to yourself, so you should not be particularly loud and may trail off.
Number of Wavs: 3
to_alert1_1 "Hm?"
to_alert1_2 "What...?"

to_alert1_3 "What’s that?"

To Alert 1/1.5 + Heard: Same as above, only this one means you notice something auditory.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert1_sound_1 "Strange sound."

To Alert 1/1.5 + Saw: Same as above, only you notice something with your sight.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character

to_alert1_saw_2 "Is that..?"

to_alert1_saw_shaman_1 "How the shadows twist and bulge this night..."

To Alert 2: You notice something, and it caught your attention enough to warrant checking it out.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert2_1 "What is that?"

to_alert2_2 "Is someone there? Say something."
to_alert2_3 "Father? Are you here?"

to_alert2_shaman_1 "Do the spirits seek to commune?"

To Alert 2 + Heard: You hear something loud which you should investigate. Same as above only now it's specific to hearing.
to_alert2_sound_1 "That sound has no place here."
to_alert2_sound_2 "What’s making noise over there?"
to_alert2_sound_3 "That's no sound of the night."

To Alert 2 + Saw: You saw something in the shadows which you should investigate. Same as above, only now specific to seeing.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert2_saw_1 "What's with that shadow?"
to_alert2_saw_2 "Who skulks in the shadows?"

To Alert 2 + Company + Heard: You notice something auditory with company.
to_alert2_soundx2_1 "*Psh*! Listen."
to_alert2_soundx2_2 "Hear that?"

To Alert 2 + Company + Saw: You notice something visually amiss with company and start to investigate.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
to_alert2_sawx2_1 "Look! What’s that?"
to_alert2_sawx2_2 "Careful… there’s something over there."

Returning to Alert 0, generic: You saw or heard something suspicious, but you can't find any evidence of anything serious. It was probably nothing.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_1 "Could’ve been a creature. It’s not here anymore.”
to_0_2 “Curse myself, it was nothing.”

to_0_3 "There’s nothing here."
to_0_4 "Must be gone now. Good."

to_0_5 "That could've been anything… but now it's gone."
to_0(_shaman)_6 "The dark holds many secrets. This secret will remain one, for now."

Returning to Alert 0, hearing: As above, but you thought you'd heard something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_sound_1 "Quiet again… strange.”

Returning to Alert 0, sight: As above, but you thought you'd seen something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_saw_1 "A curse must be on my eyes. There’s nothing here."
to_0_saw_2 "I shouldn't be jumping at shadows."
to_0_saw_3 "A play of shadows, nothing more."

To Alert 3: You see or hear something that makes it pretty clear that there's someone there, but you don't know exactly who or where they are. You're all business now.
to_alert3_1 "Stop this trickery!"
to_alert3_2 "Enough, show yourself!"
to_alert3_3 "I know you’re here! Who are you?"
to_alert3_shaman_1 "What spirit communes so directly?"

Returning to Alert 0, no evidence: You know you saw someone, but you've searched around and can't find them. This bark is played as you give up the search. You still don't know for sure that it was an intruder, but you are highly annoyed.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
to_0_search_1 "Dammit! Who knows what that was? Can’t be good."
to_0_search_2 "(*Grunt*) The sleeping wolf rarely wakes to a catch…"

to_0_search_3 "Nothing there… have my senses become dull?"
to_0_search_4 "The shadows here take on a life of their own."

Lost Player after Pursuit: You were chasing the intruder when suddenly he disappeared. He can't be far.
lost_player_1 "Only shade spawn can disappear like that!"
lost_player_2 "What! Where is he?"
lost_player_3 "Witchcraft!"

Return to Alert 1, evidence: You have confirmed there is an intruder but he's given you the slip. You've searched for him, but haven't been able to find him. You're giving up for now but you aren't letting your guard down.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
to_0_spotted_1 "I’ll have your head, be sure of that!"
to_0_spotted_2 "He's careless. He’ll show himself again."

to_0_spotted_3 “The others better not hear about this.”
to_0_spotted_4 "This isn’t over yet… I’ll find you, now or later."
to_0_spotted_5 "Curses! Who knows where he’s lurking now."

Return with help, spot player: You have run away from the player, gotten help, and returned. The player is still there, so you order the help forward.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
gotten_help_1 "There he is! Kill him!"
gotten_help_2 "He’s still here! Quickly!"

Return with help, lost player: You have returned with help but the player is no longer visible.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
gotten_help_gone_1 "He was here, find him!"
"Search all the shadows!"
gotten_help_gone_3 "He's still here, I'm sure of it!"

Recently Saw Player: You just saw the player not too long ago, but the player escaped. Now, you're telling your comrade that there is an intruder and that you have seen him.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
saw_playerx2_1 "A spy of the enemy is hiding in the shadows!"
saw_playerx2_2 "Keep your weapons ready. Tonight we spill outsider’s blood."
saw_playerx2_3 "Watch every shadow: a foe skulks among us like a rat."

Suspicious, warn friend: You have seen non-specific evidence of an intruder, and are warning a friend about it.
warning01 "Be wary, evil lurks nearby."
warning02 "Do not take your eyes off the dark, it might be the last thing you do."

warning03 "Hostile eyes are watching us this night. Do not rest."


AI States: Searching

You are actively looking for the intruder, and are either muttering to yourself or taunting them.

Investigate Alert 3: You've seen enough to know that there is somebody there, but you're not 100% sure that it's an intruder. Still, anyone hiding from you must be up to no good.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
search3_1 "I know every nook, every cranny. You can’t hide from me!”

search3_2 “Enough of this! Show yourself!”
search3_3 "Come out, so I can see what you are."
search3_4 "Be you man, beast or spirit, I’m not afraid of you!"
search3_5 "Don’t count on the darkness to hide you from me."

search3_shaman_1 "Only a deeply troubled spirit would seek my attention so openly."

Investigate Alert 4: You know for sure there is an intruder, and you're looking for him.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
search4_1 "The shadows are a thin barrier between you and my wrath."
search4_2 "This is your death, outsider."

search4_3 “Just you wait ‘til I’m done with you.”

search4_4 "My eyes pierce this darkness!"
search4_5 “Come out, or do I have to hunt you like a rabbit?”
search4shaman_1 "Come into my arms, lost one, so I may embrace you this cold night."




Combat and Pursuit

You have spotted the player and identified him as an intruder. You are either attacking, or preparing to attack. If you're a noncombatant, you're getting ready to flee. Either way you want to draw a lot of attention to yourself, so you are generally shouting loudly.

Spotted the Player, combatant: You see the player and are charging to attack.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
spotted_combat_1 "Wail with pain!"
spotted_combat_2 "I will end you!”
spotted_combat_3 "Your life ends here!"
spotted_combat_4 "Nothing can save you now!"
spotted_combat_5 "Haha, I've been waiting for this!"

Spotted the Player, combatant, with help: You're with friends when you finally spot the player.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
spotted_combatx2_1 "He’s there!”
spotted_combatx2_2 "I see him!"

Spotted the Player with a Body, combatant: You see the player carrying a dead or unconscious person.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
spotted_combat_body_1 "Foul necromancer!"

Spotted the Player, noncombatant: You're not prepared for a fight. You see the player and are preparing to flee.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
spotted_civilian_1 "He is here, and armed!"
spotted_civilian_2 "The raiders are here!"
spotted_civilian_3 "A thief! A thief!"

Killed Player: You've won the fight. Taunt the player as he lies dying at your feet.
killed_player01 "The shaman will be pleased."
killed_player02 "Is that all?"
killed_player03 "Already dead? *grunt*"
killed_player04 "This one is for the vultures."

Running Away for help: You're fleeing, either because you don't know how to fight, or you tried to fight and are badly hurt. Call out to for help.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
fleeing_1 "No, not like this!"
fleeing_2 "Stay away, outsider filth!"
fleeing_3 "There’s an intruder!"

Coming to assist: A comrade called for help (or you heard sounds of a fight) and you are on your way to assist them.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
combat_assist_1 "I'm on my way!"
combat_assist_2 "Keep him busy!"

Frustrated: The player is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates or across a chasm) and you can't reach him.
Number of Wavs: 4 per character
frustrated_1 "Get back here!"
frustrated_2 "Pathetic! I expect nothing else from lowly outsider spawn."
frustrated_3 "Is this how your men fight? Coward!"
frustrated_4 "I’ll get to you, just you wait!"

Throw Object at Player: The player is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates) and you can't reach him. You're angry and throw something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
missile_generic_1 "Take that!"
missile_generic_2 "Try dodging this!"

Shooting: You're shooting arrows at the player.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
archer_1 "Let this be a thorn in your side."
archer_2 "This one is for the heart."
archer_shaman_1 "The wind obeys my bow."

Attacking : You're grunting and attacking
attacking_1 "Ha!!"
attacking_2 "Arg!"

Combat, winning: You are winning the fight and take a moment to taunt your opponent. These need to be said quickly, as the fight is still going on.
attacking_hit_1 "Clumsy fool."
attacking_hit_2 "Didn’t see that coming?"
attacking_hit_3 "And again!"

Die Quiet: You got assassinated or blackjacked and are going down. Make a grunt, but as the name suggests, it's kind of quiet. This should only be about a second in length.
die_quiet_1 "UNH"
die_quiet_2 "Arg"
die_quiet_3 "HHnnnn..."

Die Loud: Yep. You're dead. Theatrics are welcomed here, though not too over the top. This should be about 2 - 4 seconds in length.
die_loud_1 "AHHHHHHHHHH"
die_loud_2 "Arggghh"

Blinded: You have been blinded by a flash of light.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character.
blinded_1 "My eyes!"

Gassed: You have been gassed. Cough, sputter and pass out. This should be quick-a second or two at most (it's fast gas). Coughing can be shared among characters
Number of Wavs: 1
gassed_1 "…cough cough"

Drowning: You are drowning. Gurgle and choke.
Number of Wavs: 1
drowning_1 "Gurgle"


Finding Evidence

You have found or observed something that looks out of place. You aren't seeing or hearing the player, but something that might be a sign that an intruder was here earlier. Since you don't expect anyone is nearby, you're mostly talking to yourself.

Suspicious Item, Generic: There is something nearby which should not be there or something which is amiss (such as when a guard notices that a chair is knocked over). It's strange, and strange things always make you a bit suspicious.
Number of Wavs: 4 per character
suspicious_item_1 "Someone was here… who..?"
suspicious_item_2 "That didn’t move by itself."
suspicious_item_3 "Strange… that's not the way I remember it."
suspicious_item_4 "Something's not right…"

Notice Weapon: There is a weapon lying around. How did it get there?
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_weapon_1 "Who would leave his weapons behind?"
notice_weapon_2 "Why is this weapon lying here?"

Notice Door Open: There is a door open that shouldn't be.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_door_1 "That shouldn't be open."
notice_door_2 "Why is that open?"
notice_door_3 "Who left that open?"

Notice lights off, generic: The lights are off, but shouldn't be--these can be used for all types of light.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_lights_1 "Hehe… his life will be extinguished in the same way."
notice_lights_2 "The shadows weren't this deep before."
notice_lights_3 "What happened to the light?"

Notice lights out, flame: You notice a torch or candle that should be lit has gone out.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_lights_flame_1 "That flame should've burned longer."
notice_lights_flame_2 "That was lit when I last saw it."
notice_lights_flame_3 "A stiff breeze? No, can't be…"

Relight light, flame: You notice that a light source is out. You relight it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
light_relight_1 "Already too many shadows for something to hide."
light_relight_2 "No one else will relight this."
light_relight_shaman_1 "The shades will cast this realm in darkness, if nothing is done."

Refuse to relight Torch: You notice that a flame is out. Refuse to relight it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
light_refuse_1 "Relighting this is women's work."
light_refuse_2 "It will go out by itself again if I relight it."
light_refuse_3 "I can't relight every light the moment it goes out."
light_refuse_4 "Why should *I* relight this?"

Notice Blood on Floor: There is blood on the floor. Obviously something serious is going on.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_blood_1 "Blood?"
notice_blood_2 "Who's blood was spilled here?"

Found Generic Body: You find a body on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_body_generic_1 "Foul creatures are at work!"
notice_body_generic_2 "Are you well?"

Found Female Body: You find the body of a woman on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_body_female_1 "A woman has fallen; the baseness."

Found Male Body: You find the body of a man on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_body_male_1 "Whoever felled this man did not finish his task."

Found Body Dead: You find a body of someone obviously dead.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_dead_1 "Life has left this body."
notice_dead_2 "Dead."
notice_dead_3 "The killer can't be far."
notice_dead_(shaman?)_1 "I doubt life can be breathed back into this body."

Found Female Body Dead: You find the dead body of a woman on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_dead_female_1 "Life has left her body."
notice_dead_female_2 "I doubt life can be returned to her body."

Found Male Body Dead: You found a man, dead on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_dead_male_1 "Dead. But I wasn't the one who killed him…"
notice_dead_male_2 "I doubt life can be returned to his body."

Found Body comrade: You find a comrade, dead on the ground. You are outraged.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_dead_friend_1 "Heads will roll for this!"
notice_dead_friend_2 "I will slay a hundred to avenge you!"
notice_dead_friend_3 "Where is the slayer!? Show yourself!"

Recently Found Body: You recently found a body and are relaying the information to a friend.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_deadx2_1 "Be alert, we are being preyed upon!"
notice_deadx2_1 "The shadows are taking their toll. Be wary."

Had pocket picked: You had something on your belt, and now it's gone! That's pretty suspicious...though it's possible it *might* have fallen off, so it's not absolute proof of an intruder.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_pickpocket_1 "What… where's it gone?"
notice_pickpocket_2 "It can't have fallen off…"
notice_pickpocket_3 "Gone? But how?"

Found Something Missing: There is something significant missing that shouldn't be. You've obviously been robbed and you know it.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_absence_1 "It mustn't fall into the enemy's hands!"
notice_absence_2 "No! It was taken!"
notice_absence_3 "It was stolen!"

Recently Found Something Missing: You know you've been robbed and you're telling your buddy about it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_absencex2_1 "We have been plundered! Don't let the thief get away!"
notice_absencex2_2 "It's gone! Find the thief!"






Greeting, Guard to Guard: You spot a social equal who is a guard, on patrol. You greet them casually.
greeting_guardxguard_1 "Seen anything?"

Greeting, Guard to Civilian: You spot a civilian/servant while you're working. No time to chat; they need to know how important your job is.
greeting_guardxcivilian_1 "Stay away from trouble."
greeting_guardxcivilian_2 "Tell me if you notice something."

Greeting, Superior: You spot someone who is high on the social ladder and greet them.
greeting_xnobleman_1 "Your lordship."
greeting_xpagannobleman_1 "May your sons be many and strong."

greeting_xnoblewoman_1 "M'lady."
greeting_xpagannoblewoman_1 "The stars shine in your eyes."

greeting_xpriest_1 "May your god give you strength."
greeting_xpaganpriest_1 "Do the stars bode well?"

Greeting Generic: A casual greeting
greeting_civilianxcivilian_1 "Good eve."
greeting_civilianxcivilian_2 "Evening."

Greeting Inferior. You're a noble and see a civilian. You're better than them.
greeting_noblemanxcivilian_1 "Stay away."
greeting_noblemanxcivilian_2 "What do you want?"

Greeting inferior guard. You're a noble and see a guard. Evaluate their performance.
greeting_noblemanxguard_1 "Only strong arms will slay many foes."
greeting_noblemanxguard_2 "Keep your weapons ready."
greeting_noblemanxguard_3 "Never let down your guard."

Generic Responses: These should be said fairly monotone and noncommittal, as they could be replies to many different greetings.
response_1 "Mhm." (yes)
response_2 "Hm."
response_3 "Right."
response_4 "If you say so."
response_5 "Ye."

Edited by Dragofer
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When I was writing the scripts I would usually have a series of "default" lines for each bark, and then one or two "specialty" ones that can be added for specific character types.  For example, there are default "Commander" vocals, but there are also "City Watch Commander" vocals, which are about 80% the same lines, but with a few extra thrown in relating to citywatch related things.

You could do the same with pagans, and have both urban and non-urban, that share 80% of the lines.

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On 12/12/2019 at 5:32 PM, Dragofer said:

Very nice, it's great to see more effort being put into this longstanding project. What I particularly like about your approach is to keep supernatural references subtle, at least when compared to T3's overblown take on it.

I've written a fair share of lines of my own over the years, that I'll include within the spoilers below (you'll have to teach me how to have multiple spoilers within a post without them all getting nested into each other in these new forums). What I personally had in mind, especially when I most recently worked on the alerts and searching barks, was something like a Celtic tribesman - rough, superstitious and not afraid to enter hand-to-hand combat with the intruder. Another archetype of Pagan may be the secret worshippers you'd find in the city living in attics and mostly staying among their own. Some lines may be more suitable for one than the other (or possibly neither), plus I've demarcated some lines for a possible shaman.

I imagine we could be choosing, refining and merging the best lines from each script to come to a final product.

  Reveal hidden contents

AI States: Relaxed

These AI are idle; not doing anything in particular. They are bored and talking to themselves, so just like when people think out loud, the beginning and end of their dialogue will often trail off into mumbling.

Relaxed: You're either not working or aren't expecting any trouble. You're relaxed and somewhat bored. Dialogue can be punctuated with sighs and muttering.

Throat clearing/coughs x3
Sighs x2 (it's been a long day)
Humming a simple tune x2

Idle_1 "Where could that old crone of a washerwoman be lurking now…"
Idle_2 "By his own hand. Ha. An embarrassment, to him and to his kin."
Idle_3 "The air is rarely this thick. I wonder what it means to tell us."
Idle_4 "When we next cross paths I'll put an end to it. For good."
Idle_5 "Tomorrow will be a long day. I hope the others are prepared as well."
Idle_6 "Didn’t see her in a long time. I can't complain."
Idle_7 "I should have taken it with me. No reason not to."
Idle_8 "They won't be so smug when the land freezes over."

Idle_9 "Looks like another long night."
Idle_10 "(sigh) They all want something from me."
Idle_11 "Another star has faded from the sky. Soon we’ll all be groping in the dark."

Idle_12 "He who relies on cold metal and dead rock to make his home will freeze to his death in winter."
Idle_13 "Something needs to happen, soon."

Idle_shaman_1 "Fire is a mysterious being; it warms our bodies and it burns our dwellings."
Idle_shaman_2 "Will she heed my pleas? Even she seems to avoid this troubled corner."

Idle_shaman_3 "The possum takes the hawk's chick and the hawk, mad with rage, takes the possum. That is the way."
Idle_shaman_4 "The raven disturbed me. It seemed anxious about something… but what?"

At Alert 0: On the job. Similar to above, but you're working so you're a little more alert.
Number of Wavs: 3

alert0_1 "What fool would challenge me?"

AI States: Alert


To Alert 1/1.5: You notice something subtle but aren't sure what it is. You are mostly talking to yourself, so you should not be particularly loud and may trail off.
Number of Wavs: 3
to_alert1_1 "Hm?"
to_alert1_2 "What...?"

to_alert1_3 "What’s that?"

To Alert 1/1.5 + Heard: Same as above, only this one means you notice something auditory.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert1_sound_1 "Strange sound."

To Alert 1/1.5 + Saw: Same as above, only you notice something with your sight.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character

to_alert1_saw_2 "Is that..?"

to_alert1_saw_shaman_1 "How the shadows twist and bulge this night..."

To Alert 2: You notice something, and it caught your attention enough to warrant checking it out.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert2_1 "What is that?"

to_alert2_2 "Is someone there? Say something."
to_alert2_3 "Father? Are you here?"

to_alert2_shaman_1 "Do the spirits seek to commune?"

To Alert 2 + Heard: You hear something loud which you should investigate. Same as above only now it's specific to hearing.
to_alert2_sound_1 "That sound has no place here."
to_alert2_sound_2 "What’s making noise over there?"
to_alert2_sound_3 "That's no sound of the night."

To Alert 2 + Saw: You saw something in the shadows which you should investigate. Same as above, only now specific to seeing.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert2_saw_1 "What's with that shadow?"
to_alert2_saw_2 "Who skulks in the shadows?"

To Alert 2 + Company + Heard: You notice something auditory with company.
to_alert2_soundx2_1 "*Psh*! Listen."
to_alert2_soundx2_2 "Hear that?"

To Alert 2 + Company + Saw: You notice something visually amiss with company and start to investigate.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
to_alert2_sawx2_1 "Look! What’s that?"
to_alert2_sawx2_2 "Careful… there’s something over there."

Returning to Alert 0, generic: You saw or heard something suspicious, but you can't find any evidence of anything serious. It was probably nothing.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_1 "Could’ve been a creature. It’s not here anymore.”
to_0_2 “Curse myself, it was nothing.”

to_0_3 "There’s nothing here."
to_0_4 "Must be gone now. Good."

to_0_5 "That could've been anything… but now it's gone."
to_0(_shaman)_6 "The dark holds many secrets. This secret will remain one, for now."

Returning to Alert 0, hearing: As above, but you thought you'd heard something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_sound_1 "Quiet again… strange.”

Returning to Alert 0, sight: As above, but you thought you'd seen something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_saw_1 "A curse must be on my eyes. There’s nothing here."
to_0_saw_2 "I shouldn't be jumping at shadows."
to_0_saw_3 "A play of shadows, nothing more."

To Alert 3: You see or hear something that makes it pretty clear that there's someone there, but you don't know exactly who or where they are. You're all business now.
to_alert3_1 "Stop this trickery!"
to_alert3_2 "Enough, show yourself!"
to_alert3_3 "I know you’re here! Who are you?"
to_alert3_shaman_1 "What spirit communes so directly?"

Returning to Alert 0, no evidence: You know you saw someone, but you've searched around and can't find them. This bark is played as you give up the search. You still don't know for sure that it was an intruder, but you are highly annoyed.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
to_0_search_1 "Dammit! Who knows what that was? Can’t be good."
to_0_search_2 "(*Grunt*) The sleeping wolf rarely wakes to a catch…"

to_0_search_3 "Nothing there… have my senses become dull?"
to_0_search_4 "The shadows here take on a life of their own."

Lost Player after Pursuit: You were chasing the intruder when suddenly he disappeared. He can't be far.
lost_player_1 "Only shade spawn can disappear like that!"
lost_player_2 "What! Where is he?"
lost_player_3 "Witchcraft!"

Return to Alert 1, evidence: You have confirmed there is an intruder but he's given you the slip. You've searched for him, but haven't been able to find him. You're giving up for now but you aren't letting your guard down.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
to_0_spotted_1 "I’ll have your head, be sure of that!"
to_0_spotted_2 "He's careless. He’ll show himself again."

to_0_spotted_3 “The others better not hear about this.”
to_0_spotted_4 "This isn’t over yet… I’ll find you, now or later."
to_0_spotted_5 "Curses! Who knows where he’s lurking now."

Return with help, spot player: You have run away from the player, gotten help, and returned. The player is still there, so you order the help forward.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
gotten_help_1 "There he is! Kill him!"
gotten_help_2 "He’s still here! Quickly!"

Return with help, lost player: You have returned with help but the player is no longer visible.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
gotten_help_gone_1 "He was here, find him!"
"Search all the shadows!"
gotten_help_gone_3 "He's still here, I'm sure of it!"

Recently Saw Player: You just saw the player not too long ago, but the player escaped. Now, you're telling your comrade that there is an intruder and that you have seen him.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
saw_playerx2_1 "A spy of the enemy is hiding in the shadows!"
saw_playerx2_2 "Keep your weapons ready. Tonight we spill outsider’s blood."
saw_playerx2_3 "Watch every shadow: a foe skulks among us like a rat."

Suspicious, warn friend: You have seen non-specific evidence of an intruder, and are warning a friend about it.
warning01 "Be wary, evil lurks nearby."
warning02 "Do not take your eyes off the dark, it might be the last thing you do."

warning03 "Hostile eyes are watching us this night. Do not rest."


AI States: Searching

You are actively looking for the intruder, and are either muttering to yourself or taunting them.

Investigate Alert 3: You've seen enough to know that there is somebody there, but you're not 100% sure that it's an intruder. Still, anyone hiding from you must be up to no good.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
search3_1 "I know every nook, every cranny. You can’t hide from me!”

search3_2 “Enough of this! Show yourself!”
search3_3 "Come out, so I can see what you are."
search3_4 "Be you man, beast or spirit, I’m not afraid of you!"
search3_5 "Don’t count on the darkness to hide you from me."

search3_shaman_1 "Only a deeply troubled spirit would seek my attention so openly."

Investigate Alert 4: You know for sure there is an intruder, and you're looking for him.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
search4_1 "The shadows are a thin barrier between you and my wrath."
search4_2 "This is your death, outsider."

search4_3 “Just you wait ‘til I’m done with you.”

search4_4 "My eyes pierce this darkness!"
search4_5 “Come out, or do I have to hunt you like a rabbit?”
search4shaman_1 "Come into my arms, lost one, so I may embrace you this cold night."




Combat and Pursuit

You have spotted the player and identified him as an intruder. You are either attacking, or preparing to attack. If you're a noncombatant, you're getting ready to flee. Either way you want to draw a lot of attention to yourself, so you are generally shouting loudly.

Spotted the Player, combatant: You see the player and are charging to attack.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
spotted_combat_1 "Wail with pain!"
spotted_combat_2 "I will end you!”
spotted_combat_3 "Your life ends here!"
spotted_combat_4 "Nothing can save you now!"
spotted_combat_5 "Haha, I've been waiting for this!"

Spotted the Player, combatant, with help: You're with friends when you finally spot the player.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
spotted_combatx2_1 "He’s there!”
spotted_combatx2_2 "I see him!"

Spotted the Player with a Body, combatant: You see the player carrying a dead or unconscious person.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
spotted_combat_body_1 "Foul necromancer!"

Spotted the Player, noncombatant: You're not prepared for a fight. You see the player and are preparing to flee.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
spotted_civilian_1 "He is here, and armed!"
spotted_civilian_2 "The raiders are here!"
spotted_civilian_3 "A thief! A thief!"

Killed Player: You've won the fight. Taunt the player as he lies dying at your feet.
killed_player01 "The shaman will be pleased."
killed_player02 "Is that all?"
killed_player03 "Already dead? *grunt*"
killed_player04 "This one is for the vultures."

Running Away for help: You're fleeing, either because you don't know how to fight, or you tried to fight and are badly hurt. Call out to for help.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
fleeing_1 "No, not like this!"
fleeing_2 "Stay away, outsider filth!"
fleeing_3 "There’s an intruder!"

Coming to assist: A comrade called for help (or you heard sounds of a fight) and you are on your way to assist them.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
combat_assist_1 "I'm on my way!"
combat_assist_2 "Keep him busy!"

Frustrated: The player is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates or across a chasm) and you can't reach him.
Number of Wavs: 4 per character
frustrated_1 "Get back here!"
frustrated_2 "Pathetic! I expect nothing else from lowly outsider spawn."
frustrated_3 "Is this how your men fight? Coward!"
frustrated_4 "I’ll get to you, just you wait!"

Throw Object at Player: The player is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates) and you can't reach him. You're angry and throw something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
missile_generic_1 "Take that!"
missile_generic_2 "Try dodging this!"

Shooting: You're shooting arrows at the player.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
archer_1 "Let this be a thorn in your side."
archer_2 "This one is for the heart."
archer_shaman_1 "The wind obeys my bow."

Attacking : You're grunting and attacking
attacking_1 "Ha!!"
attacking_2 "Arg!"

Combat, winning: You are winning the fight and take a moment to taunt your opponent. These need to be said quickly, as the fight is still going on.
attacking_hit_1 "Clumsy fool."
attacking_hit_2 "Didn’t see that coming?"
attacking_hit_3 "And again!"

Die Quiet: You got assassinated or blackjacked and are going down. Make a grunt, but as the name suggests, it's kind of quiet. This should only be about a second in length.
die_quiet_1 "UNH"
die_quiet_2 "Arg"
die_quiet_3 "HHnnnn..."

Die Loud: Yep. You're dead. Theatrics are welcomed here, though not too over the top. This should be about 2 - 4 seconds in length.
die_loud_1 "AHHHHHHHHHH"
die_loud_2 "Arggghh"

Blinded: You have been blinded by a flash of light.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character.
blinded_1 "My eyes!"

Gassed: You have been gassed. Cough, sputter and pass out. This should be quick-a second or two at most (it's fast gas). Coughing can be shared among characters
Number of Wavs: 1
gassed_1 "…cough cough"

Drowning: You are drowning. Gurgle and choke.
Number of Wavs: 1
drowning_1 "Gurgle"


Finding Evidence

You have found or observed something that looks out of place. You aren't seeing or hearing the player, but something that might be a sign that an intruder was here earlier. Since you don't expect anyone is nearby, you're mostly talking to yourself.

Suspicious Item, Generic: There is something nearby which should not be there or something which is amiss (such as when a guard notices that a chair is knocked over). It's strange, and strange things always make you a bit suspicious.
Number of Wavs: 4 per character
suspicious_item_1 "Someone was here… who..?"
suspicious_item_2 "That didn’t move by itself."
suspicious_item_3 "Strange… that's not the way I remember it."
suspicious_item_4 "Something's not right…"

Notice Weapon: There is a weapon lying around. How did it get there?
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_weapon_1 "Who would leave his weapons behind?"
notice_weapon_2 "Why is this weapon lying here?"

Notice Door Open: There is a door open that shouldn't be.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_door_1 "That shouldn't be open."
notice_door_2 "Why is that open?"
notice_door_3 "Who left that open?"

Notice lights off, generic: The lights are off, but shouldn't be--these can be used for all types of light.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_lights_1 "Hehe… his life will be extinguished in the same way."
notice_lights_2 "The shadows weren't this deep before."
notice_lights_3 "What happened to the light?"

Notice lights out, flame: You notice a torch or candle that should be lit has gone out.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_lights_flame_1 "That flame should've burned longer."
notice_lights_flame_2 "That was lit when I last saw it."
notice_lights_flame_3 "A stiff breeze? No, can't be…"

Relight light, flame: You notice that a light source is out. You relight it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
light_relight_1 "Already too many shadows for something to hide."
light_relight_2 "No one else will relight this."
light_relight_shaman_1 "The shades will cast this realm in darkness, if nothing is done."

Refuse to relight Torch: You notice that a flame is out. Refuse to relight it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
light_refuse_1 "Relighting this is women's work."
light_refuse_2 "It will go out by itself again if I relight it."
light_refuse_3 "I can't relight every light the moment it goes out."
light_refuse_4 "Why should *I* relight this?"

Notice Blood on Floor: There is blood on the floor. Obviously something serious is going on.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_blood_1 "Blood?"
notice_blood_2 "Who's blood was spilled here?"

Found Generic Body: You find a body on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_body_generic_1 "Foul creatures are at work!"
notice_body_generic_2 "Are you well?"

Found Female Body: You find the body of a woman on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_body_female_1 "A woman has fallen; the baseness."

Found Male Body: You find the body of a man on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_body_male_1 "Whoever felled this man did not finish his task."

Found Body Dead: You find a body of someone obviously dead.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_dead_1 "Life has left this body."
notice_dead_2 "Dead."
notice_dead_3 "The killer can't be far."
notice_dead_(shaman?)_1 "I doubt life can be breathed back into this body."

Found Female Body Dead: You find the dead body of a woman on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_dead_female_1 "Life has left her body."
notice_dead_female_2 "I doubt life can be returned to her body."

Found Male Body Dead: You found a man, dead on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_dead_male_1 "Dead. But I wasn't the one who killed him…"
notice_dead_male_2 "I doubt life can be returned to his body."

Found Body comrade: You find a comrade, dead on the ground. You are outraged.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_dead_friend_1 "Heads will roll for this!"
notice_dead_friend_2 "I will slay a hundred to avenge you!"
notice_dead_friend_3 "Where is the slayer!? Show yourself!"

Recently Found Body: You recently found a body and are relaying the information to a friend.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_deadx2_1 "Be alert, we are being preyed upon!"
notice_deadx2_1 "The shadows are taking their toll. Be wary."

Had pocket picked: You had something on your belt, and now it's gone! That's pretty suspicious...though it's possible it *might* have fallen off, so it's not absolute proof of an intruder.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_pickpocket_1 "What… where's it gone?"
notice_pickpocket_2 "It can't have fallen off…"
notice_pickpocket_3 "Gone? But how?"

Found Something Missing: There is something significant missing that shouldn't be. You've obviously been robbed and you know it.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_absence_1 "It mustn't fall into the enemy's hands!"
notice_absence_2 "No! It was taken!"
notice_absence_3 "It was stolen!"

Recently Found Something Missing: You know you've been robbed and you're telling your buddy about it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_absencex2_1 "We have been plundered! Don't let the thief get away!"
notice_absencex2_2 "It's gone! Find the thief!"






Greeting, Guard to Guard: You spot a social equal who is a guard, on patrol. You greet them casually.
greeting_guardxguard_1 "Seen anything?"

Greeting, Guard to Civilian: You spot a civilian/servant while you're working. No time to chat; they need to know how important your job is.
greeting_guardxcivilian_1 "Stay away from trouble."
greeting_guardxcivilian_2 "Tell me if you notice something."

Greeting, Superior: You spot someone who is high on the social ladder and greet them.
greeting_xnobleman_1 "Your lordship."
greeting_xpagannobleman_1 "May your sons be many and strong."

greeting_xnoblewoman_1 "M'lady."
greeting_xpagannoblewoman_1 "The stars shine in your eyes."

greeting_xpriest_1 "May your god give you strength."
greeting_xpaganpriest_1 "Do the stars bode well?"

Greeting Generic: A casual greeting
greeting_civilianxcivilian_1 "Good eve."
greeting_civilianxcivilian_2 "Evening."

Greeting Inferior. You're a noble and see a civilian. You're better than them.
greeting_noblemanxcivilian_1 "Stay away."
greeting_noblemanxcivilian_2 "What do you want?"

Greeting inferior guard. You're a noble and see a guard. Evaluate their performance.
greeting_noblemanxguard_1 "Only strong arms will slay many foes."
greeting_noblemanxguard_2 "Keep your weapons ready."
greeting_noblemanxguard_3 "Never let down your guard."

Generic Responses: These should be said fairly monotone and noncommittal, as they could be replies to many different greetings.
response_1 "Mhm." (yes)
response_2 "Hm."
response_3 "Right."
response_4 "If you say so."
response_5 "Ye."

Thank you ! Truth be told, the stuff I have listed in my opening post still needs some editing (e.g. the number of times some lines should be replicated, with different emphasis or diction).

I'd also like to thank you for your own detailed suggestions ! I'll definitely go through these, consider
them and try to expand my own post with the ones I feel fit best. You have a lot of real keepers in your suggestions, so I'm expecting I'll include a lot of them. :) Obviously, as this is a work in progress vocal set, we can still keep expanding it and trimming it down, until it starts feeling really right.

Yes, as a I also describe to Spingheel below, and in my opening post, I am intentionally going for a "more general" feel for the Pagans, while also keeping in mind they will have some variations. Genuine old-school tribesmen will use some different turns of phrase than village or urban Pagans who worship in secret.

(Looking at real world history, I think the latter, "secret" group wouldn't be that numerous either way, as most people were Christianised throughout Europe for most of the Middle Ages, after 1000. The only exception to this was your usual folkloric syncretism, where some pre-Christian folk rituals were still carried out annually purely out of tradition or ongoing superstition, even though the populace was firmly monotheistic and Christian.  That's basically the situation we still have today, even in countries where these sorts of folkloric rituals haven't been that strong or visible for a long time. Though you also did have some "secret pagans" in the medieval and early modern world - the sorts that still engaged in (sometimes gruesome) folk magic - they weren't that common. Or they were otherwise Christian (at least nominally), but weren't above doing pagan rituals, if they were superstitious enough to think these would help. Corrollary to the more gruesome uses of folk magic rituals: I've read archaeology studies about cases of ritual murders happening as late as the 16th century, even in very civilised parts of Europe, among decidedly non-tribal people. As usual with faith, things can get complicated, depending on an individual's beliefs, worldviews and pragmatism. E.g. if someone who sees themselves as a monotheist isn't above occassionally engaging in superstitions that might harm or even kill other people, purely for the sake of some "good luck" ritual, they'll probably do it. Even if it is hypocritical. I think this would be nicely reflective of the fact that neither the Builder faith nor any "old gods" faiths in TDM's world are without flawed human behaviour. This would actually mirror the inspiration we take from Thief well: Neither the Hammerites or the Pagans of that series were shown purely as good guys or bad guys, they were simply people, flawed and fallible people. Equally noble-minded and craven/corrupt, depending on the situation. Sometimes, the same individuals did good and bad things, punctuating that whole moral greyness. Some characters of those factions were pleasant, kind, wise, others were thoroughly cruel and evil bastards. And with the stuff I mention above, I think TDM could be really good if it had antagonistic characters that sort of straddle the line between the old polytheistic faith and new monotheistic faith, being never entirely faithful to either, and causing tension and conflict as a result.

On 12/12/2019 at 6:34 PM, Springheel said:

When I was writing the scripts I would usually have a series of "default" lines for each bark, and then one or two "specialty" ones that can be added for specific character types.  For example, there are default "Commander" vocals, but there are also "City Watch Commander" vocals, which are about 80% the same lines, but with a few extra thrown in relating to citywatch related things.

You could do the same with pagans, and have both urban and non-urban, that share 80% of the lines.

Thank you kindly. :) This is exactly what I was getting at. Have a single vocal set, but like the others, allow for some (for lack of a better term) "sub-faction" variations.

I'd also like to add I need to come up with a consistent rendering of using thou/thy/thee and you/your in the lines I wrote. Either the Pagan guy goes for the more archaic or folksy adress, or the more neutral one. I think he could use the more archaic stuff while greeting Builders (while keeping his distance) or certain other social groups, but that it shouldn't otherwise be used much, to avoid feeling forced.

Edited by Petike the Taffer
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I'd also like to add I need to come up with a consistent rendering of using thou/thy/thee and you/your in the lines I wrote.

I wouldn't recommend using thee/thous for pagans...they shouldn't sound too much like Builders.

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Alright, we're getting closer here. I've been thinking in the past days on what'd be the most sensible way of proceeding from here and came up with the idea of merging both scripts into a Google Document.

This would pool all available ideas for lines and allow to separate out the strongest lines and then to reflect on what could be done with the remaining ones, i.e. rephrase them or assign to a subset (urban/rural/shaman).

It'll also easily allow for multiple people to work on the lines, and anyone would be able to post comments on any lines along the sides of the document.

I've made a start on fusing the scripts (taking some time because mine is based on a different master script with different defs and formatting), and if you also think we should proceed like this, I'd then go on to post the merged script when I'm finished. I'd also appreciate if you sent me your Google username.

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On 12/14/2019 at 2:55 PM, Springheel said:

I wouldn't recommend using thee/thous for pagans...they shouldn't sound too much like Builders.

Fair enough, I thought so as well. It would be confusing. I'll try to make their English sound more contemporary in terms of adress, but still try to keep a certain folk-style tinge to it, where possible.

On 12/15/2019 at 3:35 PM, Dragofer said:

Alright, we're getting closer here. I've been thinking in the past days on what'd be the most sensible way of proceeding from here and came up with the idea of merging both scripts into a Google Document.

This would pool all available ideas for lines and allow to separate out the strongest lines and then to reflect on what could be done with the remaining ones, i.e. rephrase them or assign to a subset (urban/rural/shaman).

It'll also easily allow for multiple people to work on the lines, and anyone would be able to post comments on any lines along the sides of the document.

I've made a start on fusing the scripts (taking some time because mine is based on a different master script with different defs and formatting), and if you also think we should proceed like this, I'd then go on to post the merged script when I'm finished. I'd also appreciate if you sent me your Google username.

That's cool !

I will still add you lines to my overview here on the forum, just for the sake of completeness. I do agree we could work on further additions in that Google Doc, and once we're satisfied, finalise it as a vocal script ready for use.

However, bear in mind: We don't need a vast array of phrases for each situation. The more rarer situations need, at most, two unique responses/lines, given what the vocals scripts of the other established AIs already contain. We don't need ten different lines for relighting a fire, when one or two will do just fine. The bulk of unique responses should focus on stealth situations and the like.

I would also like to thank you for all the help and feedback so far. You've provided some great quality contributions.

One more thing: If any of you guys get the feeling I am not responding immediately or every single day, it's because I'm still a bit busy before the holidays. Not just home stuff, but also some personal things, meeting with friends I see rarely, or writing to them... Trying to find some time for myself... That sort of thing. I am here and I will try to respond in time and regularly, but sometimes I'm either a little busy or tired. But I'll have more full time for TDM soon enough.

Edited by Petike the Taffer
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 On 12/12/2019 at 5:32 PM, Dragofer said:
you'll have to teach me how to have multiple spoilers within a post without them all getting nested into each other in these new forums
  Reveal hidden contents

AI States: Relaxed

These AI are idle; not doing anything in particular. They are bored and talking to themselves, so just like when people think out loud, the beginning and end of their dialogue will often trail off into mumbling.

Relaxed: You're either not working or aren't expecting any trouble. You're relaxed and somewhat bored. Dialogue can be punctuated with sighs and muttering.

Throat clearing/coughs x3
Sighs x2 (it's been a long day)
Humming a simple tune x2

Idle_1 "Where could that old crone of a washerwoman be lurking now…"
Idle_2 "By his own hand. Ha. An embarrassment, to him and to his kin."
Idle_3 "The air is rarely this thick. I wonder what it means to tell us."
Idle_4 "When we next cross paths I'll put an end to it. For good."
Idle_5 "Tomorrow will be a long day. I hope the others are prepared as well."
Idle_6 "Didn’t see her in a long time. I can't complain."
Idle_7 "I should have taken it with me. No reason not to."
Idle_8 "They won't be so smug when the land freezes over."

Idle_9 "Looks like another long night."
Idle_10 "(sigh) They all want something from me."
Idle_11 "Another star has faded from the sky. Soon we’ll all be groping in the dark."

Idle_12 "He who relies on cold metal and dead rock to make his home will freeze to his death in winter."
Idle_13 "Something needs to happen, soon."

Idle_shaman_1 "Fire is a mysterious being; it warms our bodies and it burns our dwellings."
Idle_shaman_2 "Will she heed my pleas? Even she seems to avoid this troubled corner."

Idle_shaman_3 "The possum takes the hawk's chick and the hawk, mad with rage, takes the possum. That is the way."
Idle_shaman_4 "The raven disturbed me. It seemed anxious about something… but what?"

At Alert 0: On the job. Similar to above, but you're working so you're a little more alert.
Number of Wavs: 3

alert0_1 "What fool would challenge me?"

AI States: Alert


To Alert 1/1.5: You notice something subtle but aren't sure what it is. You are mostly talking to yourself, so you should not be particularly loud and may trail off.
Number of Wavs: 3
to_alert1_1 "Hm?"
to_alert1_2 "What...?"

to_alert1_3 "What’s that?"

To Alert 1/1.5 + Heard: Same as above, only this one means you notice something auditory.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert1_sound_1 "Strange sound."

To Alert 1/1.5 + Saw: Same as above, only you notice something with your sight.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character

to_alert1_saw_2 "Is that..?"

to_alert1_saw_shaman_1 "How the shadows twist and bulge this night..."

To Alert 2: You notice something, and it caught your attention enough to warrant checking it out.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert2_1 "What is that?"

to_alert2_2 "Is someone there? Say something."
to_alert2_3 "Father? Are you here?"

to_alert2_shaman_1 "Do the spirits seek to commune?"

To Alert 2 + Heard: You hear something loud which you should investigate. Same as above only now it's specific to hearing.
to_alert2_sound_1 "That sound has no place here."
to_alert2_sound_2 "What’s making noise over there?"
to_alert2_sound_3 "That's no sound of the night."

To Alert 2 + Saw: You saw something in the shadows which you should investigate. Same as above, only now specific to seeing.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert2_saw_1 "What's with that shadow?"
to_alert2_saw_2 "Who skulks in the shadows?"

To Alert 2 + Company + Heard: You notice something auditory with company.
to_alert2_soundx2_1 "*Psh*! Listen."
to_alert2_soundx2_2 "Hear that?"

To Alert 2 + Company + Saw: You notice something visually amiss with company and start to investigate.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
to_alert2_sawx2_1 "Look! What’s that?"
to_alert2_sawx2_2 "Careful… there’s something over there."

Returning to Alert 0, generic: You saw or heard something suspicious, but you can't find any evidence of anything serious. It was probably nothing.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_1 "Could’ve been a creature. It’s not here anymore.”
to_0_2 “Curse myself, it was nothing.”

to_0_3 "There’s nothing here."
to_0_4 "Must be gone now. Good."

to_0_5 "That could've been anything… but now it's gone."
to_0(_shaman)_6 "The dark holds many secrets. This secret will remain one, for now."

Returning to Alert 0, hearing: As above, but you thought you'd heard something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_sound_1 "Quiet again… strange.”

Returning to Alert 0, sight: As above, but you thought you'd seen something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_saw_1 "A curse must be on my eyes. There’s nothing here."
to_0_saw_2 "I shouldn't be jumping at shadows."
to_0_saw_3 "A play of shadows, nothing more."

To Alert 3: You see or hear something that makes it pretty clear that there's someone there, but you don't know exactly who or where they are. You're all business now.
to_alert3_1 "Stop this trickery!"
to_alert3_2 "Enough, show yourself!"
to_alert3_3 "I know you’re here! Who are you?"
to_alert3_shaman_1 "What spirit communes so directly?"

Returning to Alert 0, no evidence: You know you saw someone, but you've searched around and can't find them. This bark is played as you give up the search. You still don't know for sure that it was an intruder, but you are highly annoyed.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
to_0_search_1 "Dammit! Who knows what that was? Can’t be good."
to_0_search_2 "(*Grunt*) The sleeping wolf rarely wakes to a catch…"

to_0_search_3 "Nothing there… have my senses become dull?"
to_0_search_4 "The shadows here take on a life of their own."

Lost Player after Pursuit: You were chasing the intruder when suddenly he disappeared. He can't be far.
lost_player_1 "Only shade spawn can disappear like that!"
lost_player_2 "What! Where is he?"
lost_player_3 "Witchcraft!"

Return to Alert 1, evidence: You have confirmed there is an intruder but he's given you the slip. You've searched for him, but haven't been able to find him. You're giving up for now but you aren't letting your guard down.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
to_0_spotted_1 "I’ll have your head, be sure of that!"
to_0_spotted_2 "He's careless. He’ll show himself again."

to_0_spotted_3 “The others better not hear about this.”
to_0_spotted_4 "This isn’t over yet… I’ll find you, now or later."
to_0_spotted_5 "Curses! Who knows where he’s lurking now."

Return with help, spot player: You have run away from the player, gotten help, and returned. The player is still there, so you order the help forward.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
gotten_help_1 "There he is! Kill him!"
gotten_help_2 "He’s still here! Quickly!"

Return with help, lost player: You have returned with help but the player is no longer visible.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
gotten_help_gone_1 "He was here, find him!"
"Search all the shadows!"
gotten_help_gone_3 "He's still here, I'm sure of it!"

Recently Saw Player: You just saw the player not too long ago, but the player escaped. Now, you're telling your comrade that there is an intruder and that you have seen him.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
saw_playerx2_1 "A spy of the enemy is hiding in the shadows!"
saw_playerx2_2 "Keep your weapons ready. Tonight we spill outsider’s blood."
saw_playerx2_3 "Watch every shadow: a foe skulks among us like a rat."

Suspicious, warn friend: You have seen non-specific evidence of an intruder, and are warning a friend about it.
warning01 "Be wary, evil lurks nearby."
warning02 "Do not take your eyes off the dark, it might be the last thing you do."

warning03 "Hostile eyes are watching us this night. Do not rest."


AI States: Searching

You are actively looking for the intruder, and are either muttering to yourself or taunting them.

Investigate Alert 3: You've seen enough to know that there is somebody there, but you're not 100% sure that it's an intruder. Still, anyone hiding from you must be up to no good.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
search3_1 "I know every nook, every cranny. You can’t hide from me!”

search3_2 “Enough of this! Show yourself!”
search3_3 "Come out, so I can see what you are."
search3_4 "Be you man, beast or spirit, I’m not afraid of you!"
search3_5 "Don’t count on the darkness to hide you from me."

search3_shaman_1 "Only a deeply troubled spirit would seek my attention so openly."

Investigate Alert 4: You know for sure there is an intruder, and you're looking for him.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
search4_1 "The shadows are a thin barrier between you and my wrath."
search4_2 "This is your death, outsider."

search4_3 “Just you wait ‘til I’m done with you.”

search4_4 "My eyes pierce this darkness!"
search4_5 “Come out, or do I have to hunt you like a rabbit?”
search4shaman_1 "Come into my arms, lost one, so I may embrace you this cold night."




Combat and Pursuit

You have spotted the player and identified him as an intruder. You are either attacking, or preparing to attack. If you're a noncombatant, you're getting ready to flee. Either way you want to draw a lot of attention to yourself, so you are generally shouting loudly.

Spotted the Player, combatant: You see the player and are charging to attack.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
spotted_combat_1 "Wail with pain!"
spotted_combat_2 "I will end you!”
spotted_combat_3 "Your life ends here!"
spotted_combat_4 "Nothing can save you now!"
spotted_combat_5 "Haha, I've been waiting for this!"

Spotted the Player, combatant, with help: You're with friends when you finally spot the player.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
spotted_combatx2_1 "He’s there!”
spotted_combatx2_2 "I see him!"

Spotted the Player with a Body, combatant: You see the player carrying a dead or unconscious person.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
spotted_combat_body_1 "Foul necromancer!"

Spotted the Player, noncombatant: You're not prepared for a fight. You see the player and are preparing to flee.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
spotted_civilian_1 "He is here, and armed!"
spotted_civilian_2 "The raiders are here!"
spotted_civilian_3 "A thief! A thief!"

Killed Player: You've won the fight. Taunt the player as he lies dying at your feet.
killed_player01 "The shaman will be pleased."
killed_player02 "Is that all?"
killed_player03 "Already dead? *grunt*"
killed_player04 "This one is for the vultures."

Running Away for help: You're fleeing, either because you don't know how to fight, or you tried to fight and are badly hurt. Call out to for help.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
fleeing_1 "No, not like this!"
fleeing_2 "Stay away, outsider filth!"
fleeing_3 "There’s an intruder!"

Coming to assist: A comrade called for help (or you heard sounds of a fight) and you are on your way to assist them.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
combat_assist_1 "I'm on my way!"
combat_assist_2 "Keep him busy!"

Frustrated: The player is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates or across a chasm) and you can't reach him.
Number of Wavs: 4 per character
frustrated_1 "Get back here!"
frustrated_2 "Pathetic! I expect nothing else from lowly outsider spawn."
frustrated_3 "Is this how your men fight? Coward!"
frustrated_4 "I’ll get to you, just you wait!"

Throw Object at Player: The player is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates) and you can't reach him. You're angry and throw something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
missile_generic_1 "Take that!"
missile_generic_2 "Try dodging this!"

Shooting: You're shooting arrows at the player.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
archer_1 "Let this be a thorn in your side."
archer_2 "This one is for the heart."
archer_shaman_1 "The wind obeys my bow."

Attacking : You're grunting and attacking
attacking_1 "Ha!!"
attacking_2 "Arg!"

Combat, winning: You are winning the fight and take a moment to taunt your opponent. These need to be said quickly, as the fight is still going on.
attacking_hit_1 "Clumsy fool."
attacking_hit_2 "Didn’t see that coming?"
attacking_hit_3 "And again!"

Die Quiet: You got assassinated or blackjacked and are going down. Make a grunt, but as the name suggests, it's kind of quiet. This should only be about a second in length.
die_quiet_1 "UNH"
die_quiet_2 "Arg"
die_quiet_3 "HHnnnn..."

Die Loud: Yep. You're dead. Theatrics are welcomed here, though not too over the top. This should be about 2 - 4 seconds in length.
die_loud_1 "AHHHHHHHHHH"
die_loud_2 "Arggghh"

Blinded: You have been blinded by a flash of light.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character.
blinded_1 "My eyes!"

Gassed: You have been gassed. Cough, sputter and pass out. This should be quick-a second or two at most (it's fast gas). Coughing can be shared among characters
Number of Wavs: 1
gassed_1 "…cough cough"

Drowning: You are drowning. Gurgle and choke.
Number of Wavs: 1
drowning_1 "Gurgle"


Finding Evidence

You have found or observed something that looks out of place. You aren't seeing or hearing the player, but something that might be a sign that an intruder was here earlier. Since you don't expect anyone is nearby, you're mostly talking to yourself.

Suspicious Item, Generic: There is something nearby which should not be there or something which is amiss (such as when a guard notices that a chair is knocked over). It's strange, and strange things always make you a bit suspicious.
Number of Wavs: 4 per character
suspicious_item_1 "Someone was here… who..?"
suspicious_item_2 "That didn’t move by itself."
suspicious_item_3 "Strange… that's not the way I remember it."
suspicious_item_4 "Something's not right…"

Notice Weapon: There is a weapon lying around. How did it get there?
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_weapon_1 "Who would leave his weapons behind?"
notice_weapon_2 "Why is this weapon lying here?"

Notice Door Open: There is a door open that shouldn't be.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_door_1 "That shouldn't be open."
notice_door_2 "Why is that open?"
notice_door_3 "Who left that open?"

Notice lights off, generic: The lights are off, but shouldn't be--these can be used for all types of light.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_lights_1 "Hehe… his life will be extinguished in the same way."
notice_lights_2 "The shadows weren't this deep before."
notice_lights_3 "What happened to the light?"

Notice lights out, flame: You notice a torch or candle that should be lit has gone out.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_lights_flame_1 "That flame should've burned longer."
notice_lights_flame_2 "That was lit when I last saw it."
notice_lights_flame_3 "A stiff breeze? No, can't be…"

Relight light, flame: You notice that a light source is out. You relight it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
light_relight_1 "Already too many shadows for something to hide."
light_relight_2 "No one else will relight this."
light_relight_shaman_1 "The shades will cast this realm in darkness, if nothing is done."

Refuse to relight Torch: You notice that a flame is out. Refuse to relight it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
light_refuse_1 "Relighting this is women's work."
light_refuse_2 "It will go out by itself again if I relight it."
light_refuse_3 "I can't relight every light the moment it goes out."
light_refuse_4 "Why should *I* relight this?"

Notice Blood on Floor: There is blood on the floor. Obviously something serious is going on.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_blood_1 "Blood?"
notice_blood_2 "Who's blood was spilled here?"

Found Generic Body: You find a body on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_body_generic_1 "Foul creatures are at work!"
notice_body_generic_2 "Are you well?"

Found Female Body: You find the body of a woman on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_body_female_1 "A woman has fallen; the baseness."

Found Male Body: You find the body of a man on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_body_male_1 "Whoever felled this man did not finish his task."

Found Body Dead: You find a body of someone obviously dead.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_dead_1 "Life has left this body."
notice_dead_2 "Dead."
notice_dead_3 "The killer can't be far."
notice_dead_(shaman?)_1 "I doubt life can be breathed back into this body."

Found Female Body Dead: You find the dead body of a woman on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_dead_female_1 "Life has left her body."
notice_dead_female_2 "I doubt life can be returned to her body."

Found Male Body Dead: You found a man, dead on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_dead_male_1 "Dead. But I wasn't the one who killed him…"
notice_dead_male_2 "I doubt life can be returned to his body."

Found Body comrade: You find a comrade, dead on the ground. You are outraged.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_dead_friend_1 "Heads will roll for this!"
notice_dead_friend_2 "I will slay a hundred to avenge you!"
notice_dead_friend_3 "Where is the slayer!? Show yourself!"

Recently Found Body: You recently found a body and are relaying the information to a friend.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_deadx2_1 "Be alert, we are being preyed upon!"
notice_deadx2_1 "The shadows are taking their toll. Be wary."

Had pocket picked: You had something on your belt, and now it's gone! That's pretty suspicious...though it's possible it *might* have fallen off, so it's not absolute proof of an intruder.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_pickpocket_1 "What… where's it gone?"
notice_pickpocket_2 "It can't have fallen off…"
notice_pickpocket_3 "Gone? But how?"

Found Something Missing: There is something significant missing that shouldn't be. You've obviously been robbed and you know it.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_absence_1 "It mustn't fall into the enemy's hands!"
notice_absence_2 "No! It was taken!"
notice_absence_3 "It was stolen!"

Recently Found Something Missing: You know you've been robbed and you're telling your buddy about it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_absencex2_1 "We have been plundered! Don't let the thief get away!"
notice_absencex2_2 "It's gone! Find the thief!"






Greeting, Guard to Guard: You spot a social equal who is a guard, on patrol. You greet them casually.
greeting_guardxguard_1 "Seen anything?"

Greeting, Guard to Civilian: You spot a civilian/servant while you're working. No time to chat; they need to know how important your job is.
greeting_guardxcivilian_1 "Stay away from trouble."
greeting_guardxcivilian_2 "Tell me if you notice something."

Greeting, Superior: You spot someone who is high on the social ladder and greet them.
greeting_xnobleman_1 "Your lordship."
greeting_xpagannobleman_1 "May your sons be many and strong."

greeting_xnoblewoman_1 "M'lady."
greeting_xpagannoblewoman_1 "The stars shine in your eyes."

greeting_xpriest_1 "May your god give you strength."
greeting_xpaganpriest_1 "Do the stars bode well?"

Greeting Generic: A casual greeting
greeting_civilianxcivilian_1 "Good eve."
greeting_civilianxcivilian_2 "Evening."

Greeting Inferior. You're a noble and see a civilian. You're better than them.
greeting_noblemanxcivilian_1 "Stay away."
greeting_noblemanxcivilian_2 "What do you want?"

Greeting inferior guard. You're a noble and see a guard. Evaluate their performance.
greeting_noblemanxguard_1 "Only strong arms will slay many foes."
greeting_noblemanxguard_2 "Keep your weapons ready."
greeting_noblemanxguard_3 "Never let down your guard."

Generic Responses: These should be said fairly monotone and noncommittal, as they could be replies to many different greetings.
response_1 "Mhm." (yes)
response_2 "Hm."
response_3 "Right."
response_4 "If you say so."
response_5 "Ye."

That's easy. The spoiler button is to the right of the emoticon/smiley button. Add a spoiler, then make a few lines of space behind the spoiler's end tag, then click the button again and insert another spoiler.

Edited by Petike the Taffer
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And here's the consolidated Google Doc:


At present everyone is able to edit and comment it, with a backup to be on the safe side. If you have Gmail or a Google account (register here) and send me the name I could reserve the full edit rights for us while still allowing comments by anyone who's interested, which may be the most sensible approach.

Commenting is either done by selecting a phrase and clicking the speech bubble with a + icon at the top of the screen, or you can switch to suggestion mode by clicking on the pen at the top right.


We don't need a vast array of phrases for each situation.

Indeed, we actually have the luxury of choosing the best lines for each situation as the script is now at a total of 330 lines - the only section we're still short on is conversations (the old master script had far fewer such situations), and I already quite liked the ones you've made. Something we could do is allocate some lines to subsets: your mouse & rat lines to an urban pagan, while something like "This is your death, outsider!" could be more suited to a rural pagan living in an isolated society.

Practically speaking, I'd imagine separating the lines by putting a blank space (enter) inbetween the 'keepers' and the rest. I've also separated out some shaman lines by putting 'Shaman' on a new line and his dialogue below it.

Also, I've taken the liberty of moving all the multipliers (x2, x4 etc...) from individual lines next to the name of the situation, as they're meant to denote how many lines to have for that situation.



One more thing: If any of you guys get the feeling I am not responding immediately or every single day, it's because I'm still a bit busy before the holidays. Not just home stuff, but also some personal things, meeting with friends I see rarely, or writing to them... Trying to find some time for myself... That sort of thing. I am here and I will try to respond in time and regularly, but sometimes I'm either a little busy or tired. But I'll have more full time for TDM soon enough.

This is the same for me, and surely most people around here this time of year. Let's just see what we can do for now.

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On 12/12/2019 at 5:32 PM, Dragofer said:

Very nice, it's great to see more effort being put into this longstanding project. What I particularly like about your approach is to keep supernatural references subtle, at least when compared to T3's overblown take on it.

  Reveal hidden contents

AI States: Relaxed

These AI are idle; not doing anything in particular. They are bored and talking to themselves, so just like when people think out loud, the beginning and end of their dialogue will often trail off into mumbling.

Relaxed: You're either not working or aren't expecting any trouble. You're relaxed and somewhat bored. Dialogue can be punctuated with sighs and muttering.

Throat clearing/coughs x3
Sighs x2 (it's been a long day)
Humming a simple tune x2

Idle_1 "Where could that old crone of a washerwoman be lurking now…"
Idle_2 "By his own hand. Ha. An embarrassment, to him and to his kin."
Idle_3 "The air is rarely this thick. I wonder what it means to tell us."
Idle_4 "When we next cross paths I'll put an end to it. For good."
Idle_5 "Tomorrow will be a long day. I hope the others are prepared as well."
Idle_6 "Didn’t see her in a long time. I can't complain."
Idle_7 "I should have taken it with me. No reason not to."
Idle_8 "They won't be so smug when the land freezes over."

Idle_9 "Looks like another long night."
Idle_10 "(sigh) They all want something from me."
Idle_11 "Another star has faded from the sky. Soon we’ll all be groping in the dark."

Idle_12 "He who relies on cold metal and dead rock to make his home will freeze to his death in winter."
Idle_13 "Something needs to happen, soon."

Idle_shaman_1 "Fire is a mysterious being; it warms our bodies and it burns our dwellings."
Idle_shaman_2 "Will she heed my pleas? Even she seems to avoid this troubled corner."

Idle_shaman_3 "The possum takes the hawk's chick and the hawk, mad with rage, takes the possum. That is the way."
Idle_shaman_4 "The raven disturbed me. It seemed anxious about something… but what?"

At Alert 0: On the job. Similar to above, but you're working so you're a little more alert.
Number of Wavs: 3

alert0_1 "What fool would challenge me?"

AI States: Alert


To Alert 1/1.5: You notice something subtle but aren't sure what it is. You are mostly talking to yourself, so you should not be particularly loud and may trail off.
Number of Wavs: 3
to_alert1_1 "Hm?"
to_alert1_2 "What...?"

to_alert1_3 "What’s that?"

To Alert 1/1.5 + Heard: Same as above, only this one means you notice something auditory.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert1_sound_1 "Strange sound."

To Alert 1/1.5 + Saw: Same as above, only you notice something with your sight.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character

to_alert1_saw_2 "Is that..?"

to_alert1_saw_shaman_1 "How the shadows twist and bulge this night..."

To Alert 2: You notice something, and it caught your attention enough to warrant checking it out.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert2_1 "What is that?"

to_alert2_2 "Is someone there? Say something."
to_alert2_3 "Father? Are you here?"

to_alert2_shaman_1 "Do the spirits seek to commune?"

To Alert 2 + Heard: You hear something loud which you should investigate. Same as above only now it's specific to hearing.
to_alert2_sound_1 "That sound has no place here."
to_alert2_sound_2 "What’s making noise over there?"
to_alert2_sound_3 "That's no sound of the night."

To Alert 2 + Saw: You saw something in the shadows which you should investigate. Same as above, only now specific to seeing.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_alert2_saw_1 "What's with that shadow?"
to_alert2_saw_2 "Who skulks in the shadows?"

To Alert 2 + Company + Heard: You notice something auditory with company.
to_alert2_soundx2_1 "*Psh*! Listen."
to_alert2_soundx2_2 "Hear that?"

To Alert 2 + Company + Saw: You notice something visually amiss with company and start to investigate.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
to_alert2_sawx2_1 "Look! What’s that?"
to_alert2_sawx2_2 "Careful… there’s something over there."

Returning to Alert 0, generic: You saw or heard something suspicious, but you can't find any evidence of anything serious. It was probably nothing.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_1 "Could’ve been a creature. It’s not here anymore.”
to_0_2 “Curse myself, it was nothing.”

to_0_3 "There’s nothing here."
to_0_4 "Must be gone now. Good."

to_0_5 "That could've been anything… but now it's gone."
to_0(_shaman)_6 "The dark holds many secrets. This secret will remain one, for now."

Returning to Alert 0, hearing: As above, but you thought you'd heard something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_sound_1 "Quiet again… strange.”

Returning to Alert 0, sight: As above, but you thought you'd seen something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
to_0_saw_1 "A curse must be on my eyes. There’s nothing here."
to_0_saw_2 "I shouldn't be jumping at shadows."
to_0_saw_3 "A play of shadows, nothing more."

To Alert 3: You see or hear something that makes it pretty clear that there's someone there, but you don't know exactly who or where they are. You're all business now.
to_alert3_1 "Stop this trickery!"
to_alert3_2 "Enough, show yourself!"
to_alert3_3 "I know you’re here! Who are you?"
to_alert3_shaman_1 "What spirit communes so directly?"

Returning to Alert 0, no evidence: You know you saw someone, but you've searched around and can't find them. This bark is played as you give up the search. You still don't know for sure that it was an intruder, but you are highly annoyed.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
to_0_search_1 "Dammit! Who knows what that was? Can’t be good."
to_0_search_2 "(*Grunt*) The sleeping wolf rarely wakes to a catch…"

to_0_search_3 "Nothing there… have my senses become dull?"
to_0_search_4 "The shadows here take on a life of their own."

Lost Player after Pursuit: You were chasing the intruder when suddenly he disappeared. He can't be far.
lost_player_1 "Only shade spawn can disappear like that!"
lost_player_2 "What! Where is he?"
lost_player_3 "Witchcraft!"

Return to Alert 1, evidence: You have confirmed there is an intruder but he's given you the slip. You've searched for him, but haven't been able to find him. You're giving up for now but you aren't letting your guard down.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
to_0_spotted_1 "I’ll have your head, be sure of that!"
to_0_spotted_2 "He's careless. He’ll show himself again."

to_0_spotted_3 “The others better not hear about this.”
to_0_spotted_4 "This isn’t over yet… I’ll find you, now or later."
to_0_spotted_5 "Curses! Who knows where he’s lurking now."

Return with help, spot player: You have run away from the player, gotten help, and returned. The player is still there, so you order the help forward.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
gotten_help_1 "There he is! Kill him!"
gotten_help_2 "He’s still here! Quickly!"

Return with help, lost player: You have returned with help but the player is no longer visible.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
gotten_help_gone_1 "He was here, find him!"
"Search all the shadows!"
gotten_help_gone_3 "He's still here, I'm sure of it!"

Recently Saw Player: You just saw the player not too long ago, but the player escaped. Now, you're telling your comrade that there is an intruder and that you have seen him.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
saw_playerx2_1 "A spy of the enemy is hiding in the shadows!"
saw_playerx2_2 "Keep your weapons ready. Tonight we spill outsider’s blood."
saw_playerx2_3 "Watch every shadow: a foe skulks among us like a rat."

Suspicious, warn friend: You have seen non-specific evidence of an intruder, and are warning a friend about it.
warning01 "Be wary, evil lurks nearby."
warning02 "Do not take your eyes off the dark, it might be the last thing you do."

warning03 "Hostile eyes are watching us this night. Do not rest."


AI States: Searching

You are actively looking for the intruder, and are either muttering to yourself or taunting them.

Investigate Alert 3: You've seen enough to know that there is somebody there, but you're not 100% sure that it's an intruder. Still, anyone hiding from you must be up to no good.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
search3_1 "I know every nook, every cranny. You can’t hide from me!”

search3_2 “Enough of this! Show yourself!”
search3_3 "Come out, so I can see what you are."
search3_4 "Be you man, beast or spirit, I’m not afraid of you!"
search3_5 "Don’t count on the darkness to hide you from me."

search3_shaman_1 "Only a deeply troubled spirit would seek my attention so openly."

Investigate Alert 4: You know for sure there is an intruder, and you're looking for him.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
search4_1 "The shadows are a thin barrier between you and my wrath."
search4_2 "This is your death, outsider."

search4_3 “Just you wait ‘til I’m done with you.”

search4_4 "My eyes pierce this darkness!"
search4_5 “Come out, or do I have to hunt you like a rabbit?”
search4shaman_1 "Come into my arms, lost one, so I may embrace you this cold night."




Combat and Pursuit

You have spotted the player and identified him as an intruder. You are either attacking, or preparing to attack. If you're a noncombatant, you're getting ready to flee. Either way you want to draw a lot of attention to yourself, so you are generally shouting loudly.

Spotted the Player, combatant: You see the player and are charging to attack.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
spotted_combat_1 "Wail with pain!"
spotted_combat_2 "I will end you!”
spotted_combat_3 "Your life ends here!"
spotted_combat_4 "Nothing can save you now!"
spotted_combat_5 "Haha, I've been waiting for this!"

Spotted the Player, combatant, with help: You're with friends when you finally spot the player.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
spotted_combatx2_1 "He’s there!”
spotted_combatx2_2 "I see him!"

Spotted the Player with a Body, combatant: You see the player carrying a dead or unconscious person.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
spotted_combat_body_1 "Foul necromancer!"

Spotted the Player, noncombatant: You're not prepared for a fight. You see the player and are preparing to flee.
Number of Wavs: 5 per character
spotted_civilian_1 "He is here, and armed!"
spotted_civilian_2 "The raiders are here!"
spotted_civilian_3 "A thief! A thief!"

Killed Player: You've won the fight. Taunt the player as he lies dying at your feet.
killed_player01 "The shaman will be pleased."
killed_player02 "Is that all?"
killed_player03 "Already dead? *grunt*"
killed_player04 "This one is for the vultures."

Running Away for help: You're fleeing, either because you don't know how to fight, or you tried to fight and are badly hurt. Call out to for help.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
fleeing_1 "No, not like this!"
fleeing_2 "Stay away, outsider filth!"
fleeing_3 "There’s an intruder!"

Coming to assist: A comrade called for help (or you heard sounds of a fight) and you are on your way to assist them.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
combat_assist_1 "I'm on my way!"
combat_assist_2 "Keep him busy!"

Frustrated: The player is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates or across a chasm) and you can't reach him.
Number of Wavs: 4 per character
frustrated_1 "Get back here!"
frustrated_2 "Pathetic! I expect nothing else from lowly outsider spawn."
frustrated_3 "Is this how your men fight? Coward!"
frustrated_4 "I’ll get to you, just you wait!"

Throw Object at Player: The player is out of reach (such as standing on a stack of crates) and you can't reach him. You're angry and throw something.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
missile_generic_1 "Take that!"
missile_generic_2 "Try dodging this!"

Shooting: You're shooting arrows at the player.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
archer_1 "Let this be a thorn in your side."
archer_2 "This one is for the heart."
archer_shaman_1 "The wind obeys my bow."

Attacking : You're grunting and attacking
attacking_1 "Ha!!"
attacking_2 "Arg!"

Combat, winning: You are winning the fight and take a moment to taunt your opponent. These need to be said quickly, as the fight is still going on.
attacking_hit_1 "Clumsy fool."
attacking_hit_2 "Didn’t see that coming?"
attacking_hit_3 "And again!"

Die Quiet: You got assassinated or blackjacked and are going down. Make a grunt, but as the name suggests, it's kind of quiet. This should only be about a second in length.
die_quiet_1 "UNH"
die_quiet_2 "Arg"
die_quiet_3 "HHnnnn..."

Die Loud: Yep. You're dead. Theatrics are welcomed here, though not too over the top. This should be about 2 - 4 seconds in length.
die_loud_1 "AHHHHHHHHHH"
die_loud_2 "Arggghh"

Blinded: You have been blinded by a flash of light.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character.
blinded_1 "My eyes!"

Gassed: You have been gassed. Cough, sputter and pass out. This should be quick-a second or two at most (it's fast gas). Coughing can be shared among characters
Number of Wavs: 1
gassed_1 "…cough cough"

Drowning: You are drowning. Gurgle and choke.
Number of Wavs: 1
drowning_1 "Gurgle"


Finding Evidence

You have found or observed something that looks out of place. You aren't seeing or hearing the player, but something that might be a sign that an intruder was here earlier. Since you don't expect anyone is nearby, you're mostly talking to yourself.

Suspicious Item, Generic: There is something nearby which should not be there or something which is amiss (such as when a guard notices that a chair is knocked over). It's strange, and strange things always make you a bit suspicious.
Number of Wavs: 4 per character
suspicious_item_1 "Someone was here… who..?"
suspicious_item_2 "That didn’t move by itself."
suspicious_item_3 "Strange… that's not the way I remember it."
suspicious_item_4 "Something's not right…"

Notice Weapon: There is a weapon lying around. How did it get there?
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_weapon_1 "Who would leave his weapons behind?"
notice_weapon_2 "Why is this weapon lying here?"

Notice Door Open: There is a door open that shouldn't be.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_door_1 "That shouldn't be open."
notice_door_2 "Why is that open?"
notice_door_3 "Who left that open?"

Notice lights off, generic: The lights are off, but shouldn't be--these can be used for all types of light.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_lights_1 "Hehe… his life will be extinguished in the same way."
notice_lights_2 "The shadows weren't this deep before."
notice_lights_3 "What happened to the light?"

Notice lights out, flame: You notice a torch or candle that should be lit has gone out.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_lights_flame_1 "That flame should've burned longer."
notice_lights_flame_2 "That was lit when I last saw it."
notice_lights_flame_3 "A stiff breeze? No, can't be…"

Relight light, flame: You notice that a light source is out. You relight it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
light_relight_1 "Already too many shadows for something to hide."
light_relight_2 "No one else will relight this."
light_relight_shaman_1 "The shades will cast this realm in darkness, if nothing is done."

Refuse to relight Torch: You notice that a flame is out. Refuse to relight it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
light_refuse_1 "Relighting this is women's work."
light_refuse_2 "It will go out by itself again if I relight it."
light_refuse_3 "I can't relight every light the moment it goes out."
light_refuse_4 "Why should *I* relight this?"

Notice Blood on Floor: There is blood on the floor. Obviously something serious is going on.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_blood_1 "Blood?"
notice_blood_2 "Who's blood was spilled here?"

Found Generic Body: You find a body on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_body_generic_1 "Foul creatures are at work!"
notice_body_generic_2 "Are you well?"

Found Female Body: You find the body of a woman on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_body_female_1 "A woman has fallen; the baseness."

Found Male Body: You find the body of a man on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_body_male_1 "Whoever felled this man did not finish his task."

Found Body Dead: You find a body of someone obviously dead.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_dead_1 "Life has left this body."
notice_dead_2 "Dead."
notice_dead_3 "The killer can't be far."
notice_dead_(shaman?)_1 "I doubt life can be breathed back into this body."

Found Female Body Dead: You find the dead body of a woman on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_dead_female_1 "Life has left her body."
notice_dead_female_2 "I doubt life can be returned to her body."

Found Male Body Dead: You found a man, dead on the ground.
Number of Wavs: 1 per character
notice_dead_male_1 "Dead. But I wasn't the one who killed him…"
notice_dead_male_2 "I doubt life can be returned to his body."

Found Body comrade: You find a comrade, dead on the ground. You are outraged.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_dead_friend_1 "Heads will roll for this!"
notice_dead_friend_2 "I will slay a hundred to avenge you!"
notice_dead_friend_3 "Where is the slayer!? Show yourself!"

Recently Found Body: You recently found a body and are relaying the information to a friend.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_deadx2_1 "Be alert, we are being preyed upon!"
notice_deadx2_1 "The shadows are taking their toll. Be wary."

Had pocket picked: You had something on your belt, and now it's gone! That's pretty suspicious...though it's possible it *might* have fallen off, so it's not absolute proof of an intruder.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_pickpocket_1 "What… where's it gone?"
notice_pickpocket_2 "It can't have fallen off…"
notice_pickpocket_3 "Gone? But how?"

Found Something Missing: There is something significant missing that shouldn't be. You've obviously been robbed and you know it.
Number of Wavs: 3 per character
notice_absence_1 "It mustn't fall into the enemy's hands!"
notice_absence_2 "No! It was taken!"
notice_absence_3 "It was stolen!"

Recently Found Something Missing: You know you've been robbed and you're telling your buddy about it.
Number of Wavs: 2 per character
notice_absencex2_1 "We have been plundered! Don't let the thief get away!"
notice_absencex2_2 "It's gone! Find the thief!"






Greeting, Guard to Guard: You spot a social equal who is a guard, on patrol. You greet them casually.
greeting_guardxguard_1 "Seen anything?"

Greeting, Guard to Civilian: You spot a civilian/servant while you're working. No time to chat; they need to know how important your job is.
greeting_guardxcivilian_1 "Stay away from trouble."
greeting_guardxcivilian_2 "Tell me if you notice something."

Greeting, Superior: You spot someone who is high on the social ladder and greet them.
greeting_xnobleman_1 "Your lordship."
greeting_xpagannobleman_1 "May your sons be many and strong."

greeting_xnoblewoman_1 "M'lady."
greeting_xpagannoblewoman_1 "The stars shine in your eyes."

greeting_xpriest_1 "May your god give you strength."
greeting_xpaganpriest_1 "Do the stars bode well?"

Greeting Generic: A casual greeting
greeting_civilianxcivilian_1 "Good eve."
greeting_civilianxcivilian_2 "Evening."

Greeting Inferior. You're a noble and see a civilian. You're better than them.
greeting_noblemanxcivilian_1 "Stay away."
greeting_noblemanxcivilian_2 "What do you want?"

Greeting inferior guard. You're a noble and see a guard. Evaluate their performance.
greeting_noblemanxguard_1 "Only strong arms will slay many foes."
greeting_noblemanxguard_2 "Keep your weapons ready."
greeting_noblemanxguard_3 "Never let down your guard."

Generic Responses: These should be said fairly monotone and noncommittal, as they could be replies to many different greetings.
response_1 "Mhm." (yes)
response_2 "Hm."
response_3 "Right."
response_4 "If you say so."
response_5 "Ye."

I probably have too little competence to discuss about the lore, but... if it was for me, the vocals could be a bit more concise. When i read the lines, I have to wonder what really distinguishes them from the other factions. When I read this: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Pagans , the Pagan culture IS deeply rooted in nature and animals. So, maybe a tad more references to that would be nice. All I read are references to the "spirits", which is great, but, that could be any other urban faction who believes in supernatural things as well.

When i take a look at Thief 1-3, the Pagans were a very characterful and colourful bunch. Would be a bit disappointing to lose that. I know the TDM Pagans are supposed to be different, but, IMO, the faction just screams for tribal, mystic, spiritual nature weirdness, and, that should show in the way they talk. In my opinion.

Edited by chakkman
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Thanks chakkman for your views, I've been hoping to hear feedback like this from the community.

(in my view):

I get your point that pagans should be distinct from other factions as well as believable. The Thief franchise succeeded on the first front, but Thief 3 only did so by making caricatures of them. In my recollection Thief 1-2's pagans were more subtle by comparison, but they too had a peculiar way of speaking (my copy of the game was French so I missed the finer points of what they said). It does make them stand out, but it may still be too out of place for TDM's low-fantasy universe.

My way of balancing the 2 needs - character & believability - was to imagine a superstitious man who believes in beings out of folklore tales and who lives by more primitive ideals. Thus I've written lines like:


Something that a pagan might be indoctrinated with when growing up:

-    He who relies on cold metal and dead rock to make his home will freeze to his death in winter.

Evidence of beliefs in the supernatural:

-    Be you man, beast or spirit, I’m not afraid of you!
-    Only shade spawn can disappear like that!
-    The shades will cast this realm in darkness, if nothing is done.
-    A curse must be on my eyes. There’s nothing here.

Evidence of origins in primitive society:

 -   I doubt life can be breathed back into this body.
 -   Relighting this is women's work.
 -   I’ll have your head, be sure of that!

More mystical lines have been reserved for a potential shaman:

 -   Will she heed my pleas? Even she seems to avoid this troubled corner.

The way I see it, most of those living in a pagan society would live fairly ordinary lives, albeit within the ruleset imposed by their pagan beliefs, while a subset of the society's members deals more intensely with the mystical side: the shamans. As a result, a good deal of this pagan's lines could've been said by someone else as well, though overall it should be apparent that more gruff formulations are used, in keeping with a rough way of life.

That's my understanding of what a TDM pagan is. Everyone is welcome to suggest changes to this concept, or point out if they think current lines don't capture the desired concept.

@chakkmanresponding to your suggestion to include more references to nature and mystical beings, my original 2010 draft featured numerous lines referencing trolls, a dark lady, deities, a spirit wolf etc. Some years later they seemed to me to be too high fantasy and intrusive for what should be a believable human in TDM's setting, so I toned them down/cut them/gave them to the shaman subset, but I'm flexible in this decision. If the community considers these a good addition I can bring them back.

Edited by Dragofer
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Fair enough, and, a lot of what you said makes perfect sense. :) 

Are you planning some accent on those vocal lines? That could maybe something that could distinguish the faction a bit more. As I mentioned, I'm not that familiar with the Dark Mod universe, only through playing the missions, and a bit of reading into the wiki, but, I could imagine them having some subtle slavic accent. Just an idea how they could be a bit more "different", which I would think they deserve, after all, they're a non-urban, barbaric oddball faction, which doesn't seem to have much in common with the general townsfolk.

Dunno, I guess I'm just looking for something which gives them some unique characteristic. The Builders definitely have that, as do the royals, and the hoodlums.

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Guys, guys, I am sorely disappointed by the lack of "we's, be's, we's, woodsie's" style speech for the TDM pagans ! For shame ! ;)

More seriously, I'll read your posts later this evening. My feedback is coming.


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On 12/18/2019 at 5:36 PM, chakkman said:

Fair enough, and, a lot of what you said makes perfect sense. :) 

Are you planning some accent on those vocal lines? That could maybe something that could distinguish the faction a bit more. As I mentioned, I'm not that familiar with the Dark Mod universe, only through playing the missions, and a bit of reading into the wiki, but, I could imagine them having some subtle slavic accent. Just an idea how they could be a bit more "different", which I would think they deserve, after all, they're a non-urban, barbaric oddball faction, which doesn't seem to have much in common with the general townsfolk.

Dunno, I guess I'm just looking for something which gives them some unique characteristic. The Builders definitely have that, as do the royals, and the hoodlums.

I am definitely for some sort of accent. I have finally started working on a mission that has a pagan protagonist (although not many other pagans are supposed to appear in this mission) and I always imagine him speaking with some sort of Scottish accent. A mixture of the accent that is commonly used for Dwarves in many games and/or Rayla's from the series "The Dragon Prince".

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@chakkman @Dragofer

Guys, please leave me some time to breathe. I want to enjoy my holidays, and I unfortunately still have a lot of stuff to deal with until the 24th. I even wanted to work on another experimental vocal script and get it posted here in another thread, but it's been delayed.

Now, as for the Pagans, while I'm open to other voice actors, I volunteered to do the male AIs myself. I don't have to fake a foreign English accent. I don't have a very thick accent, but it is clearly a non-native speaker accent. This would be particularly ideal for the tribesman subset of the vocal script. If I manage to do these recordings, it will be really weird hearing my own voice in TDM, but c'est la vie.



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Welcome to the 'people who've tried writing Pagan lines' club. :-P

If this AI is meant to be 'poorly educated and rural', as quoted, then I like the animal/venery motifs, but I don't think he comes across as poorly educated. Bits like 'I do not fear your cowardly barbs' sound to me as though they're coming from someone who's trying to play the role of a heroic warrior out of literature, rather than someone who's authentically down-to-earth. 'Educated class pagan sympathiser' is a viable role of course, even one I find interesting, but a bit of a niche I'd have thought.

On 12/18/2019 at 4:05 PM, Dragofer said:

@chakkmanresponding to your suggestion to include more references to nature and mystical beings, my original 2010 draft featured numerous lines referencing trolls, a dark lady, deities, a spirit wolf etc. Some years later they seemed to me to be too high fantasy and intrusive for what should be a believable human in TDM's setting, so I toned them down/cut them/gave them to the shaman subset, but I'm flexible in this decision. If the community considers these a good addition I can bring them back.

Maybe not those exactly ('dark lady' makes me think of Shakespeare's sonnets), but I much prefer that approach to the number of times 'spirits' appear in the OP. The trouble with that kind of generic animism is that the stereotypes it fits are so broad, it can bring e.g. a North American Fallout 2 character to mind.

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Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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  • 3 weeks later...

As the holiday season is concluding, I will be getting back in the saddle with regards to this project. I'd like to thank Dragofer and all the others for their suggestions so far. Keep at it ! We still need to trim them down eventually, so that we have plenty of varied lines, but not too much, and then I'll move on to try some recording. On a sidenote, I am already starting work on another vocal set, this time for a merchant type character. Wanted to already back in December, but I was just too busy with life and other stuff.

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  • 5 months later...

I'll be looking at your and my own notes, guys, and I'll try to work on this in the foreseeable months, when I'll have time. June and July is still busy for me in terms of my professional work, but after mid-July, I think I'll have more free time. Wish me luck. :)

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