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saving system cost loot


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yesterday i realised that the saving system as used now leads to loot losses

i realized that when i found a small golden can for the 3rd time...

I use Quick Save and Quick Load a lot, but if you save with a name you have to go to the save menu. reversed that is unfortunately equal.

the saves with a name are NOT loaded with quick load... meaning that if i continue after a names save, fail a task, press quick load then my golden can WONT be loaded even while i EXPLICITLY saved that after the second find ......

could you PLEASE stop this annoying process of makeing double effort ??

its nice to have the Quick save, but it breaks the game for real that the quick load cannot load the LAST SAVE ....

very annoying and very pitty and not needed at all.

hope its very simple to implement.



Edited by CrisiusXIII
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repeating the problem aint a solution

my question is

can you MAKE the last save being loaded as default instead that childish "quick is quick" since they both saves must contain the same type off data ...

and with "saving system" i mean the code as a system , like in the original meaning off system instead off OS

i would rather say this tread should be in

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and its realy annoying if you are in the MIDDLE OFF ACTION that you have to go to the save/load menu while having all your fingers touching any key needed


o, get it now, you are a kid with a joystick!! thats why you dont bother

if people say its stupid, well, give me a choise to be so?

then YOU can have that annoying loot loss and i can set a default for "save that last and USE that last SAVE"

its called SAVE ???

thinking Queen now


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Maybe what you're looking for is a new feature?  Something like a hotkey that loads the most recent 'menu' save? This would be separate from the quick load/quick save functionality.

Is that what you are thinking of?

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14 minutes ago, Frost_Salamander said:

Maybe what you're looking for is a new feature?  Something like a hotkey that loads the most recent 'menu' save? This would be separate from the quick load/quick save functionality.

Is that what you are thinking of?


yes indeed, i am in need off it apperently. Is there such a big difference between the quick and menu saves?

Even if the quick is in fact a snapshot the variables have to be equal and i guess 99% is equal anyway, its a big bunch off data and variables and maybe a screenshot to start with???

I program some z80 myself, thats all small environment and i never could coop with any joystick, for me thats slower.

well "save your last dance change for me" please.

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42 minutes ago, CrisiusXIII said:

repeating the problem aint a solution

There is no "problem", you just don't understand what quickload does. As the name suggests, it loads the quicksave. To load a manually saved game, you have to go to the menu, and load that game. Just like in every other game.

Simple. And, no loot is lost.

By the way, there is really no reason to manually save at all. The Dark Mod has a system which saves 2 quicksaves, so, if you messed up and accidentally quicksaved the game, you still have the other (older) quicksave available.

The only real reason I see for saving manually is before a (in your opinion) mission critical action, where you might want to see what the outcome of another action is.

Edited by chakkman
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11 minutes ago, CrisiusXIII said:


yes indeed, i am in need off it apperently. Is there such a big difference between the quick and menu saves?

Even if the quick is in fact a snapshot the variables have to be equal and i guess 99% is equal anyway, its a big bunch off data and variables and maybe a screenshot to start with???

I program some z80 myself, thats all small environment and i never could coop with any joystick, for me thats slower.

well "save your last dance change for me" please.

Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they are the same thing, just different physical save files and are also managed a bit differently.

Quick saves overwrite older quick saves, but two are kept instead of just one and the game manages these for you so you don't have to think about it.  Menu saves as you've noticed you need manually manage, and provide a name, etc.

Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but most players will use the menu to create 'hard saves' throughout the game to mark progress and as a failsafe in case they screw up their quick save (e.g. quick save right before you are about to die).  Then they use the quick save to fill in the gaps because it's convenient.  So they have different uses, which is why they are managed differently.

Edited by Frost_Salamander

TDM Community Github: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity

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1 minute ago, Frost_Salamander said:

Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but most players will use the menu to create 'hard saves' throughout the game to mark progress and as a failsafe in case they screw up their quick save (e.g. quick save right before you are about to die).  Then they use the quick save to fill in the gaps because it's convenient.  So they have different uses, which is why they are managed differently.

Exactly that.

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11 minutes ago, chakkman said:

By the way, there is really no reason to manually save at all.

Well if you want to replay a scene in a different way later, then manual save is good. Or if you want to rewatch in-mission cutscenes.

Btw. you can increas the number of quicksaves by teaping in the console:

com_numQuickSaves N

(N = number, so for example 10)

Edited by datiswous
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So, basically, what quickloading already does (and is there for). ;)

I just took a look. Loading a manually saved game is a matter of one key press (Escape key), clicking on "Load/Save game", and then double clicking on the manually saved game. Not asked too much IMO.

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1 hour ago, CrisiusXIII said:

repeating the problem aint a solution

my question is

can you MAKE the last save being loaded as default instead that childish "quick is quick" since they both saves must contain the same type off data ...

and with "saving system" i mean the code as a system , like in the original meaning off system instead off OS

i would rather say this tread should be in

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and its realy annoying if you are in the MIDDLE OFF ACTION that you have to go to the save/load menu while having all your fingers touching any key needed


o, get it now, you are a kid with a joystick!! thats why you dont bother

if people say its stupid, well, give me a choise to be so?

then YOU can have that annoying loot loss and i can set a default for "save that last and USE that last SAVE"

its called SAVE ???

thinking Queen now


That sort of tone doesn't fly in our forums.

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1 hour ago, Frost_Salamander said:

I think they are the same thing, just different physical save files and are also managed a bit differently.

Quick saves overwrite older quick saves, but two are kept instead of just one and the game manages these for you so you don't have to think about it.  Menu saves as you've noticed you need manually manage, and provide a name, etc.

100% correct. 

Also, in some cases, you might want to create a named save and then revert to your latest quicksave. This would not be possible of quickload were always to load the latest save.

@CrisiusXIII now that you know how typical saving systems work, I suggest to use this very easy workaround: After creating a named save, either remember next time that your latest save was a named save and load that the regular way, or simply create a quicksave after the named save. However, then I would ask, why would you even create that named save in the first place?

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4 hours ago, STiFU said:

That sort of tone doesn't fly in our forums.

its probably the very short answer you gave? i am not used to be pushed away like that if i ask some?

i am a different person then you, dont conclude i have the same aproach as you, gaming or not. i ASKED something, may i request a MORE serious answer off an admin ?

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Let me just say that I like the current save system as it is, and I wouldn't support any changes to it.

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I guess I have seen both approaches in games.

Most of the games I played probably do it like TDM: can only quickload a quicksave file.
But maybe that is just the old trend.

Now I'm playing Prey, and apparently it quickloads the latest save, even if that was an automatic save.
I must admit it is really annoying, because the game often decides to save me at random places, while I enjoy some save scumming and usually want to reset to the moment which I considered OK myself. So I quickload only to discover that some random autosave happened later, and then have to go to the menu in order to manually load the latest quicksave.
I guess it is not annoying with manual saves though.

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1 hour ago, CrisiusXIII said:

i am not used to be pushed away like that if i ask some?

The core TDM community is in a bit of a testy mood at the moment. A few weeks ago some vocal commentators felt that a major proposal went much too far in catering to the naive expectations of new players about how a certain feature should work, instead of respecting many long time players' desire for continuity of function. They don't have much patience for the argument you are putting forward right now. They think you should just learn to use the game system the way it was intended.

In this case I agree with them. What you want is to be able to load your last save with a single key press, and the system in place now allows you to do exactly that.

You just need to get used to the idea that this requires your last save to always be a quicksave. That's because you aren't supposed to use named saves to save or reload progress in TDM; that's what quicksaves are for. Named saves are just for bookmarking major milestones.

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16 hours ago, CrisiusXIII said:

its probably the very short answer you gave? i am not used to be pushed away like that if i ask some?

i am a different person then you, dont conclude i have the same aproach as you, gaming or not. i ASKED something, may i request a MORE serious answer off an admin ?

You got the short answer because you presented incorrect information "our save system steals your acquired loot" and you asked for a change in functionality in a very pushy way.

The correct way to start this thread would have been somethine like the following:


Feature proposal: Quickload always loads latest savegame

Hi everyone! I recently discovered that quickload does not load the latest save, but the last quicksave instead. This can be a problem when you also use named saves every now and then, like I do.

So, I would like to kindly ask you to consider the following feature proposal: change the quickload-functionality such that it always loads the latest savegame. That would be much appreciated, thanks. Maybe it could be added as a different command, so the user can simply customize the keybinds? This way, the existing functionality wouldn't break.


Please note that all developers, myself included, work on TDM on their freetime for fun and for free, and pushy requests like this and offending developers are the most efficient ways to NOT get something implemented in the game. (Asking for "a real admin" doesn't help your case much either, I am afraid)

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