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Development versions (2.12)


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On 2/18/2023 at 6:25 PM, Daft Mugi said:

Where are the 2.11 dev posts that used to be in this thread?

23 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

Did this get a final fix? I thought it was still being worked on.

The issue has testmap for reproducing the original issue.
But nobody ever got the true reason why this is happening.
And I'm not sure @duzenko is really working on it.

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Very good performance on a TOTALLYBASIC system (Intel i3 8300 with its integrated GPU UHD 650, pre-Xe) on.....Linux (Fedora 38 beta, MESA 23.0.1)


75% resolution of 2560x1440 (1920x1080), no SSAO, Hard Stencil Shadows, 32 bit color precision

AF 8x

It's just amazing.


Edited by lowenz
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Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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Very nice. I get the impression performance may have improved for me as well by some 3 FPS, though that's judging based on what I remember it being from a particular position and angle a few weeks ago. Eager for entity scissors to get fixed as those were a big FPS boost, will definitely enjoy playing with that once it's stable.

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14 minutes ago, MirceaKitsune said:

Very nice. I get the impression performance may have improved for me as well by some 3 FPS, though that's judging based on what I remember it being from a particular position and angle a few weeks ago. Eager for entity scissors to get fixed as those were a big FPS boost, will definitely enjoy playing with that once it's stable.

r_useEntityScissors 1 should work in the 2.12 dev builds. This was fixed in relation to the backend merge process.

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5 minutes ago, nbohr1more said:

r_useEntityScissors 1 should work in the 2.12 dev builds. This was fixed in relation to the backend merge process.

Ohhh: r_useEntityScissors is indeed 1 now, that must be why I feel slightly smoother FPS. A very awesome and welcome change early in the 2.12 snapshots :D

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Hi, I have a bug that is still from 2.10 (standard briefing menu related). I don't know if this is the correct place for this, but I post it anyway.

If you start a mission with a standard text-based mission briefing, the clickable buttons on that screen make no hover sounds and don't glow when hovered. This was still the case in 2.09b.

Affected buttons:

  • Back
  • Objectives
  • Arrow up, arrow down - to go to previous, next text page

On the Objectives screen the hover effect on buttons work normal again.

Test case: Mission Deadeye


I tested this on TDM 2.09b, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12 dev16789-10349

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9 hours ago, datiswous said:

If you start a mission with a standard text-based mission briefing, the clickable buttons on that screen make no hover sounds and don't glow when hovered. This was still the case in 2.09b.

That's because invisible full-screen overlay of subtitles block hover events... but not click events for some reason 🤔
Fixed in svn rev 16790.

Also, there is no color highlighting here implemented.
Maybe just add hovercolor property?...


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For fun I started to create subtitles for fm The Black Mage. But I notice these white lines around subtitle blocks. Any idea what it could be? Doesn't show up in 2.11


Shows up in both inline and srt, but not always..

Edit: I found that when you move the player view around, the white lines change in size constantly..

Edited by datiswous
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9 hours ago, datiswous said:

For fun I started to create subtitles for fm The Black Mage. But I notice these white lines around subtitle blocks. Any idea what it could be? Doesn't show up in 2.11

These are attempts to show direction to the source of sound.
I would be glad if you propose a more understandable but still well implementable different way 😥

8 hours ago, datiswous said:

Can you say what you changed, so I can make these changes to my modified mainmenu_briefing.gui files? I mean I should be able to make buttons I add glow and sound too.

I set "noevents 1" in tdm_subtitles_common.gui.

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but:


in mainmenu_custom_devs.gui seems to break campaigns. If I set that, after the first mission, I'm getting directed back to the main menu, while if I disable it:


After mission 1 it goes to mission 2 as it should.

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21 hours ago, datiswous said:

File mainmenu_custom_devs.gui


If you set this, the shop menu is skipped, but the button on the objective screen after briefing still excists:

Yeah, it should be renamed so something generic like "Next", because internally all these buttons point "forward" now.


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On 4/14/2023 at 3:31 PM, datiswous said:

File mainmenu_custom_devs.gui


If you set this, the shop menu is skipped, but the button on the objective screen after briefing still excists:

And the same problem applies to every button in the mission start sequence which is more specific than "back":

  • "Objectives" button on default briefing
  • "Start mission" / "Buy Equipment" button on difficulty selection screen
  • "Difficulty" button on shop screen

Instead of trying to reproduce the state-switching logic of C++ code, better rename these buttons to something generic like "Next".

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/7/2023 at 1:10 AM, lowenz said:

We can only dream of TDM engine being re-based on Doom3 BFG, though by now the differences are so big it's likely an impossible task as a whole. At least some parts though I hope can be back-ported if they still fit, their devs helped do some of the work which will hopefully help DarkMod as well!

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