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Development versions (2.12)


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The latest SVN (rev 10439 linux) has choppy (or reduced framerate) when the book angle changes while reading a book. Perhaps earlier dev releases as well, but I haven't used those.

This is a bit hard to describe. Turning left and right normally seems fine. However, when turning left and right with the book on the screen, the book angle change is choppy. This can be tested with any book. The first book in the Training Mission works.

This issue is more pronounced with a lower "com_maxFPS" value, such as 30, and it's less pronounced with a higher "com_maxFPS" value, such as 120. I originally noticed this issue with "com_maxFPS" set to 60.

The 2.11 release does not have this problem. When the book angle changes, the view is very smooth. Even with "com_maxFPS" set to 30, the angle change is fairly smooth.


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Oh I see what you mean, yeah this has been going on a while, can't remember when I first saw it, meant to report it.


There's a low fps stutter feel when looking around with a book open. Seems to randomly hitch and the overlay is not matching up with the viewport updates.





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I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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21 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

There's a low fps stutter feel when looking around with a book open. Seems to randomly hitch and the overlay is not matching up with the viewport updates.

It's probably updated on timer, nobody cared about book lagging behind a bit.

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  • 1 month later...
21 hours ago, stgatilov said:

Ehm... not really, to be honest.

Why not? It's a regression that introduced an annoying stuttering. It seems to be graphics rendering related. The stuttering can be made worse or better by adjusting "com_maxFPS".

21 hours ago, stgatilov said:

If I get to books, I'd better look at book stuck issue: it completely breaks the game.

I don't see how that issue is related to this rendering performance issue.

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29 minutes ago, Daft Mugi said:

Why not? It's a regression that introduced an annoying stuttering. It seems to be graphics rendering related. The stuttering can be made worse or better by adjusting "com_maxFPS".

I don't see how that issue is related to this rendering performance issue.

Are you being obtuse on purpose? You know exactly what he means. With his limited time to work on the project, he'd rather spend his time on game breaking bugs.


Of you want it fixed you can help by going back through the dev builds and finding where the regression was introduced.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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38 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

Are you being obtuse on purpose? You know exactly what he means. With his limited time to work on the project, he'd rather spend his time on game breaking bugs.

I didn't mean for my written words to have a harsh tone. This issue genuinely bothers me. I'm sensitive to the motion, so I'd appreciate a fix.

38 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

Of you want it fixed you can help by going back through the dev builds and finding where the regression was introduced.

My dev machine is down for repairs at the moment, unfortunately.

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3 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

I didn't mean for my written words to have a harsh tone. This issue genuinely bothers me. I'm sensitive to the motion, so I'd appreciate a fix.

My dev machine is down for repairs at the moment, unfortunately.

Alright, when you get it back startbby finding the first build that had this behaviour and I'll go though the commits.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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10 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

My dev machine is down for repairs at the moment, unfortunately.

I plan to make dev build today evening.

If your machine is under repair, may I commit your 3 patches beforehand?
I mean: leaning, mantling, and weapon selection.
Or you want to do it yourself? Or are you waiting for more feedback?

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42 minutes ago, stgatilov said:

I plan to make dev build today evening.

If your machine is under repair, may I commit your 3 patches beforehand?
I mean: leaning, mantling, and weapon selection.
Or you want to do it yourself? Or are you waiting for more feedback?

I would like to commit my patches myself. I'll do it after I wake up.

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I raised a concern elsewhere and I would like to raise it again here since I now have more details.

Something is off with the Modpack in the last Development Builds. Once again, I don't expect support for Mods but this is something that might impact missions hence I bring it here for analysis.

With the Modpack enabled if "Uncap FPS" is set to "Off" two mods slow down considerably: Loot Animations and Blinking Items. None of these scripts do anything that I can detect and tag as special or irregular and missions could perfectly make use of similar scripts for other purposes. What puzzles me is that mods are ok when "Uncap FPS" is set to "On".

Everything is fine in the current TDM 2.11a regardless of the Uncap FPS setting. My Max FPS is always set to 60.


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On 10/6/2023 at 11:23 AM, snatcher said:

With the Modpack enabled if "Uncap FPS" is set to "Off" two mods slow down considerably: Loot Animations and Blinking Items. None of these scripts do anything that I can detect and tag as special or irregular and missions could perfectly make use of similar scripts for other purposes. What puzzles me is that mods are ok when "Uncap FPS" is set to "On".

Everything is fine in the current TDM 2.11a regardless of the Uncap FPS setting. My Max FPS is always set to 60.

@stgatilov Could this be similar to the book animation lag/stutter issue?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Must say: I like the new hold-to-frob system. A bit confusing at first but far more intuitive and welcoming once you learn it. When I noticed normal frobbing keeps picking up bodies instead of dragging them I thought the FM overrode the behavior with a script, then I remembered this change being mentioned.

However I believe I also found a bug that was surely introduced by it: You can now pick up and mantle the bodies of dead mice. Picking them up normally like a physical object makes sense, but now you mantle them with both hands and can't use anything else as if carrying a human AI's body... pretty sure the player could just put a dead mouse in their pocket it's not that large and heavy :P

On my map I just placed an atdm:env_ragdoll_rat somewhere and happened to frob it: With the new default (normal delay) it triggered the mantling I'm describing on single click.

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16 minutes ago, MirceaKitsune said:

Must say: I like the new hold-to-frob system. A bit confusing at first but far more intuitive and welcoming once you learn it.

Great! Glad to hear that you're enjoying the change.

12 minutes ago, MirceaKitsune said:

However I believe I also found a bug that was surely introduced by it: You can now pick up and mantle the bodies of dead mice. Picking them up normally like a physical object makes sense, but now you mantle them with both hands and can't use anything else as if carrying a human AI's body... pretty sure the player could just put a dead mouse in their pocket it's not that large and heavy :P

Yeah, I expected this to be found at some point. Some rats have the "shoulderable" spawnarg set to "1", so those rats are meant to be shouldered by design -- perhaps. There's even a rat in Seeking Lady Leicester that has a given name for when the player shoulders it. 😄

If you find anything else that you think is a bug, please let us know.

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Yes by default nearly all of the ragdoll entities you can find in Create Entity > Ragdolls > Bodies all have shoulderable set to 1 in their definitions - including rats and spiders. This probably was not intentional - but this means in a lot of missions if an author has placed a dead rat or spider these have always been shoulderable - its just rare anyone bothered to try.


-=  IRIS  =-    ♦    = SLL =

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