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Fan Mission: Alberic's Curse by b1k3rdude (Updated: 01/11/2014)


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Just confirming I'm having the same problem, no loading screen after the mission briefing.


I checked task manager and don't believe it's loading in the dark, either. Other missions show quite a memory usage spike during loading.

Edited by thrumb
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So far I've got a few suggestions of things to fix for a future version.


Regarding the horses in the bandit camp, I think they should die with a single broadhead shot. After trying to shoot one I noticed he started climbing trees in a fairly ridiculous when trying to run away. Might as well avoid that at all.


There's also a nasty bug and a typo with the optional objective requiring you not to be seen twice by haunts. I was just about entering the underground crypt when I suddenly got an "objective complete" warning for no reason, marking that one when I checked the list. The objective itself also states "Your a master thief", when it should be "You're a master thief".




The abundance of thought messages is also somewhat annoying, and I feel it breaks the mood. Some are nice, like the "Looks like someone is already here" at beginning of the level, but others sound downright obnoxious or superfluous like "Let's raid some tombs" and "Ah, a hidden entrance".


Regarding the crypts, there are some things I favored in the old version too. I really loved how it was previously lit by regular torches, since they made the ambient absolutely spectacular. The new green torches, albeit more unnatural, don't make the mood as good as it was before. I'm not entirely sure I like the amount of spiders either, since they can be a serious pain, especially when combined with that patrolling zombie moving around. If you're going for a full loot run, I don't think it's possible to ghost, without at least killing the spiders. I kinda liked it better when the crypts were more of a game of "don't step on that cleverly hidden lying zombie" game. One small puzzle that I really miss was the zombie corpse at the top of the stairs of the crypt entrance. I felt it had a quite clever solution and I'm really sorry it was gone and replaced with more spiders.


I'll keep posting more likes/dislikes as I play. This is still one of my all-round favourite missions, and I really feel I must add my two cents on every little updated aspect.

Edited by zergrush
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I'll keep posting more likes/dislikes as I play. This is still one of my all-round favourite missions, and I really feel I must add my two cents on every little updated aspect.

I would just enjoy it for what it is if I were you, as I wont be doing any changing on this mission at this point. I have too many other mission's to help out with plus one of my own to get out the door.


But the ghosting objective, that does need to be fixed but when that will happen is uncertain.

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Don't know if this was reported before, but there is a bugged book in one of the rooms in the main building. I just left the crypts, went down the hallway to the right, and in a small bedroom with books scattered on the floor if you pick up and try to use one of the books it will lock your use controls.


Can't drop the book, cant change inventory item, cant use weapons, cant do anything really. I accidentally saved over my game after getting the book, so it compeltely ruined my playthough <_<

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Don't know if this was reported before, but there is a bugged book in one of the rooms in the main building. I just left the crypts, went down the hallway to the right, and in a small bedroom with books scattered on the floor if you pick up and try to use one of the books it will lock your use controls.


Can't drop the book, cant change inventory item, cant use weapons, cant do anything really. I accidentally saved over my game after getting the book, so it compeltely ruined my playthough <_<


Oops, yes, I've just hit precisely this bug, and yes, it was my only game save, so I have to start again. Rather frustrating, as I'd managed to ghost both crypts (damn those spiders!). I'm guessing this is actually a TDM 2.0 bug.


Great shame, I'm loving the reboot -- played the mission through shortly before 1.08 came out, and the introduction was completely different.


I've got one other bug, with the ghosting objective: there's an objective to not be seen more than once, which seems to fail rather quickly (even outside beside the campfire, with nothing about -- maybe the "hardcore AI" is playing up, or maybe a horse spotted me, or a haunt through the hole?) ... but when it fails, it fails with "success"! I mean, I get the objective gained sound and the objective is ticked.

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Don't know if this was reported before, but there is a bugged book in one of the rooms in the main building. I just left the crypts, went down the hallway to the right, and in a small bedroom with books scattered on the floor if you pick up and try to use one of the books it will lock your use controls.


Can't drop the book, cant change inventory item, cant use weapons, cant do anything really. I accidentally saved over my game after getting the book, so it compeltely ruined my playthough <_<


Yeah, same here... got this just now and have to restart the mission :(


For reference, it's a book lying on the floor in a bedroom, the one right and straight down the corridor once you get out of the crypts.


EDIT: It's not just this book, it's basically all books lying around this area. Do a quicksave before picking any books up. There are a couple laying open that look like they are meant for reading but they also bug.



(post-processed, I don't really play with such high gamma lol)

Edited by Shadrach
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Playing this one right now and it is good. Really good!





Gave me that feelings which i had on return to the cafedral.


But still i find a lot of weird design things list object through object or flying objects:


Weird wooden thing on celling:



When tried to pick up small box, bigger one just fall thought floor:



Bench flying in the air:



Grave stone in the air:



But still its just excelent:






Edited by vorob
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I just have to say that I really like the new addition to the level.

I've been thinking about making a mission that takes place mostly or entirely in a forest. Your forest design is awesome! I might use it to inspire my mission, if I ever really make one. Not sure if really needed a spoiler tag :P

Edited by SirGen
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Done :) I've completed it. Very good fm, thank you very much bikerdude :)


Found some more bugs, maybe it will help you with v2:




One of the statues was rotated wrong:



Weird shadow on constraction near skull place:



These books, they are pickable and when you have them game is runed, cause you can't read them, cant select any other item and its impossible to drop it:






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Bad news the objective - do not be seen by more than one haunt is still glitched.

This time it seems to trigger when I walk around the area where the fire and the horse are - it doesn't seem to be triggered by any single action


I see that the book problem is being reported - I thought we had sorted that in beta testing - is the version downloaded from the server up to date

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Nice mission. Good mapping, okay lighting, great sound design and good atmosphere. I think the story was a little weak to be honest, the level could have done with more books which would have been more effective than the pop-ups (I think x is near, have to keep my eyes open) which seem a little contrived to me. The loot requirement on expert was a little high I think but using the tdm_show_loot command it seems like there was an entire section underground that I missed somehow. That seems weird to me seeing as I inspected every room in the crypt. There also seems to be a bug where I couldn't complete the mission even after getting the loot I needed (every other objective was completed). I didn't really think it captured the season you were going for, whatever that was (autumn?), but to be fair I didn't even know it was for a contest with those parameters so I wasn't really paying attention to it. With that in mind I said the season was clear, but you certainly could have done more things thematically if you really wanted to convey the season through this level. All things considered this was an enjoyable mission.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This had a really good start but I got bored fast and sick of too many doors...that close by themselves; and there's no map which meant I must have spent about hour in total just being lost.




Also, not sure if it's been mentioned already but in one room with books on the floor if I pick one up it's just called "Readable" and if I use it I can no longer frob or use weapons and have to quit and reload an earlier save. Oh, I see you have mentioned it.


And what was the point of finding the key in the dining room for the "footlocker"? it was already unlocked...and empty!?

Edited by soopytwist
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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, so first, let me say that this mission is really impressive. I enjoyed playing it very much.

I just have a couple of bugs to report. I don't know if this is the right area to do it though. I'm sorry if it's not.


I encountered the following bugs:

-Shortly after I entered the outside of the church area, a Door handle came flying in my direction and it kept flying for a while around me in a very messy pattern, then it was gone, the same way it came. I'm pretty sure this was not scripted, though it was a bit funny.

-Inside the church, at the bottom level, there's two bedrooms where the bookcases had fallen, therefore dropping a lot of books. When I tried to pick these books a very annoying bug occurred. I was able to get them in my inventory, but when I pressed the use button, the game broke, and I couldn't do anything to interact with the environment, like opening doors, acessing itens, using itens, nothing. I just could walk. I wasn't able to drop the book or select a different item either.


I hope these bugs are fixed, because this map is absolutely awesome!

Thank you!

Edited by Jon Irenicus
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  • 3 weeks later...
  1. Regarding the horses in the bandit camp, I think they should die with a single broad-head shot.
  2. There's also a nasty bug and a typo with the optional objective requiring you not to be seen twice by haunts.
  3. The abundance of thought messages is also somewhat annoying, but others sound downright obnoxious or superfluous like "Let's raid some tombs" and "Ah, a hidden entrance".
  4. Regarding the crypts, there are some things I favored in the old version too. I really loved how it was previously lit by regular torches,
  5. I'm not entirely sure I like the amount of spiders either, since they can be a serious pain, especially when combined with that patrolling zombie moving around.
  6. If you're going for a full loot run, I don't think it's possible to ghost, without at least killing the spiders.
  7. One small puzzle that I really miss was the zombie corpse at the top of the stairs of the crypt entrance, I felt it had a quite clever solution.

  1. Why would you should a defenceless horse.? that is just a dick move.
  2. Removed objective all together as I have tried fixing it twice since this mission for first created.
  3. I take it you don't get the Thief references then? that said I have removed all the message box's from the inside of the church.
  4. I was never sold on the coloured torches either, so changed them back to normal.
  5. I have removed one of the spiders.
  6. Killing monsters never traditionally breaks ghost mode in any thief mission and so that is how it is in this mission.
  7. moved the Zombie back and removed one of the spiders.

I've also hit the books-lock-inventory issue, after picking them up nothing is frobbable.
  • Made all non-readable books un-frobbable

  1. Shortly after I entered the outside of the church area, a Door handle came flying in my direction and it kept flying for a while.
  2. Inside the church, at the bottom level, there's two bedrooms where the bookcases had fallen, therefore dropping a lot of books. When I tried to pick these books a very annoying bug occurred.

  1. found two door's with the wrong names.
  2. fixed, see above.

  1. This had too many doors...that close by themselves;
  2. There's no map which meant I must have spent about hour in total just being lost.
  3. And what was the point of finding the key in the dining room for the "footlocker"? it was already unlocked...and empty!?

  1. removed a bunch of doors from every level, the upshot is perf will suffer a little - but I have made some small changes to compensate.
  2. Making a map, but its gonna be sparse.
  3. fixed and put a small reward in said locker.





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