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Status Updates posted by Diego

  1. Resuming work on the werebeast, finally

  2. Come again? Deadly shadows is 9 years old? I feel old.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Diego


      I hope I'm not a bottle of vinegar yet!

    3. Melan


      Old men... are the future.

    4. Bikerdude


      +1 on what Sotha said.

  3. I am uninspired to do anything..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Diego


      This status came before actually hehe Not that the event made me any more inspired..

    3. demagogue


      Yeah I saw that and was confused for a minute -- did that crash happen before or after this post? Well I hope the muse sings to you again soon. =)

    4. Diego


      The crash happened after. Here I was just expressing boredom :P

  4. I remember not being able to use specular/gloss maps, did that change? Things could look infinitely better with these maps!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rebb


      IIRC, the shader derives gloss-sharpness from the intensity of the specmap. So the higher the spec intensity is, the sharper the gloss. Try experimenting with high and low intensity single-color specmaps to see how it affects the material. That should give you an idea about how to author your actual specmaps.

    3. nbohr1more


      One thing that Arcturus found is that mirror render maps respect vertex color so one possible way to add additional modulation would be to vertex paint between a black specular texture and grey specular texture (etc).

    4. nbohr1more
  5. I'm disappointed with this april 1st. Haven't seen many jokes around :P

  6. Fen's 500 video has the most awesome introduction:

  7. The last slide of my presentation: http://i.minus.com/icIeA4aVBjZEq.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Diego


      We don't need mouse where we're going *flies to the future* (I got lazy)

    3. Diego


      @biker. Yep :)

    4. pusianka


      Master Diego Portrait? I AM HANGING IT OVER MY BED, MASTER!

  8. I just purchased thief4 on piratebay (to test it, don't judge me) and found out my machine does not meet the minimum requirements. New computers are so expensive but I think it's time :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lost_soul


      When you use software modified by god-knows-who, it can do very nasty things.

    3. Diego


      It's definitely a risk.

    4. lost_soul


      New PCs aren't that expensive if you play it smart. A: Don't buy a Dell. B: replace your motherboard/CPU/RAM/graphics card.

      C. Replace your PSU if required, and have fun. (Don't buy a Dell because IIRC their parts are proprietary)

  9. I have a gaming pc again! Finally be able to play TDM again :) there's a bunch of new missions

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SeriousToni


      Welcome back friend! :)

    3. Goldwell


      Gotta love that fresh new PC smell as well! :)

    4. Diego


      But first I have to finish Dark Forces... on MAX GRAPHICAL SETTINGS.

  10. There's a mod called "DarthMod".. heh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xarg


      Have you played any of the Total War games? Rome, Medieval, Napoleon, Shogun 1? Apparently Shogun 2 is a bit different, but the latest patch brings it more in line with the other titles.

    3. Diego


      Nop. I actually like strategy games! they don't like me very much (I suck)


    4. Xarg


      Haha amen to that, have the same problem myself. Probably worth checking the Steam summer camp sale (if you're a Steam user), should be available at a heavy discount.

  11. I decided to record a playthrough of NHAT. It takes DAYS to export and upload the thing! holy crap!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diego


      Not yet. 48%. I'll post it on the forum thread when it's done :D

    3. Diego


      LOL after a million years of uploading, it gave me a message that it found copyrighted music in it. So it has replaced it with "Dr. Akula-Disembodied Dead". That's a very promising dark mod playthrough. I'm trying to dispute it, what argument do I use?

    4. ungoliant


      "...because fuck yourselves" is the only argument that even makes sense.

  12. Quarterly visit yall o/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sotha
    3. Springheel


      Time to work on the werebeast some more? ;)


    4. Diego


      Hah. It's been a while. Maybe It's time again to see if I can actually help

  13. Two fms? just when I wasn't looking. Watched pot never boils, right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bikerdude


      Where, which ones..? did i miss something? :-)

    3. Diego


      Sir Taffs and shadowhide's respective missions :)

    4. Diego


      Already started playing shadowhide's fm, but tdm is something that needs the right state of mind to really enjoy it!

  14. Just found a particularly original "enlarge your penis" email in my spam box. "Enlarge with free trial: your love tool is set to thrill"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airship Ballet

      Airship Ballet

      This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby.

    3. Sotha


      This reminds me of RJFerret's signature.


      The lesson is that the mapper should always be careful with the "froabable" spawnarg.

    4. Bikerdude
  15. 90% discount steam coupon on "rip trilogy", anyone wants it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diego


      It expires may 1st. I don't suppose we'll have a contest before that (one that ends before that actually)

    3. Bikerdude


      ah ok, just put it up for adoption then in the offtopic section etc.

    4. Diego


      oh right, I made a topic for that a while ago.

  16. Very funny YT channel (JonTron), but makes me feel old lol http://www.youtube.com/user/JonTronShow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pusianka


      I don't remember these times so yea, you're kind of old...


    3. Diego



    4. SeriousToni


      Oh thanks for the link, this guy is fun to watch =)

  17. I felt frustrated trying to play some T2 FMs now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. demagogue


      Its light is baked, so it feels a bit abstracted from the world.

    3. SeriousToni


      Its light is baked?? I thought it was dynamic like the fire elementals light o_O Diego, if you have problems with the light you might want to use the DDfix and stuff like that wich solved it for me!

    4. demagogue


      Only a few lights are dynamic, like you say elementals & lanterns, etc, and those are easier to avoid too. But all normal lamps & torches that don't move are baked.

  18. Ghosting in TDM: ME GHOSTA

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GameDevGoro


      *almost* man.. it was kinda like, it tugged the muscles around my mouth, but didn't muster a laugh or chuckle. Hah JK xD

    3. Diego


      lol Thank you for trying!

    4. pusianka


      Are you saying Master Diego is NOT FUNNY?! ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG FOR FORGIVNESS!

  19. I have a Bamboo tablet! \o/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diego
    3. SiyahParsomen


      Useless. You can't even slice bread on it.



    4. Diego


      Even though it's much smaller than my previous tablet (it could only be used to slice sushi) the quality is infinitely superior! I'm totally motivated to work again


  20. I wonder what this means: There's an achievement on Mark of the Ninja called "deadly shadows" and you get it by killing someonw from *inside a dumpster*...

    1. jaxa


      a veiled jab at TDS?

    2. Melan


      Probably a homage.

    3. Diego


      I think it's a jeb, we can compare with "the dark project" achievement that says "Get the Undetected honor bonus 10 times in one level"

  21. I'm confused about this game, it shows two different prices http://store.steampowered.com/app/257770

    1. Sotha


      Confusing, yes. I suppose you choose the cheaper one. ;)

      BTW: wow that game has poor animations. They look like they were made by me!

    2. Diego


      But what if after they fix it there's an even cheaper option?

    3. Diego


      They corrected it. The second comes with an extra copy :) Quite useless though, it's exactly twice the price.

  22. I have developed a new locomotion technique http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8011761/1351777136774.gif

    1. GameDevGoro


      This looks simple, yet efficient! I will give it a try the next time I need to go somewhere fast.

    2. Sotha


      Emphasis on the word 'loco...'


    3. SeriousToni


      Behold!! Evil magic!

  23. There are no cinema playing Pixar's Brave with original audio where I live :(

    1. jaxa


      "Original audio"?

    2. Diego
    3. nbohr1more


      I am glad that Disney hired A-List voice talent for several of Hayao Miyazaki's films.


      Though I'd love Nausicaa even with the worst dubs...

  24. I scream you scream we all scream for.. DARK MOD

    1. Diego


      I was reading about playing with expectations of the reader and decided to test it lol

    2. Mortem Desino

      Mortem Desino

      I cuss, you cuss, we all cuss for asparagus.

    3. pusianka



  25. How nice... yesterday was 32ºC (80ºF) and today is 10ºC (50ºF)

    1. MoroseTroll


      Is it unusual for the winter in Brazil?

    2. Seuchensoldat


      Here in Germany the weather is fucked up too. Some days up to 35ºC, the next day it is 17ºC and the next day it is again 35ºC... Its annoying. :D

    3. Diego


      At least in this part of the country, we do get some abrupt changes occasionally, but a 20º difference overnight is a bit unusual o_O

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