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nbohr1more last won the day on September 7

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About nbohr1more

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  1. tdm_end_mission will finish your current mission and permit you to move to the next.
  2. Any plans to merge the other Hidden Hands missions into a larger campaign pack?
  3. Why not use the Nvidia proprietary driver? Instead of choosing a lower resolution, you should lower your "render scale". That way there will be no mode switching when you go to the desktop and the GUI will remain at native resolution. Also, even if you set Max FPS to 60, we recommend that you select Uncapped FPS mode because it works better than the old Doom 3 capped mode. See also: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Performance_Tweaks
  4. I guess more accurate is that "reflection intensity" is more akin to "reflection blur amount". The more metal the less blur. ( And the more metal the more specular color, of course. )
  5. What TDM version are you using? Did you follow our performance guide: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Performance_Tweaks ? Please post your Darkmod.cfg
  6. RBDoom3BFG solved this by figuring out by determining the approximate roughness and metalness that Doom 3 specular is supposed to convey so old materials would render with a similar characteristic but integrate well while new materials use new roughness and metal maps.
  7. Hidden Hands: Blood and Metal is out


  8. This "5 mission campaign" is now available in the mission database!
  9. For some reason the formatting is mangled. It should look like: tdm_missioninfo oldman { "downloaded_version" "1" "last_play_date" "2024-08-31" "mission_completed_0" "1" }
  10. Keyboard settings = DarkmodKeybinds.cfg Other settings = Darkmod.cfg
  11. Biker's mission "The Imperial Sword" is almost ready for release! The town of Broufton awaits:
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