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  1. Just wondering who the most infamous Necromancer is lorewise. Was there a founder in the art of Necromancy, like a Lich or something, similar to Nagash in Warhammer or the Lich King in Warcraft? Some sort of evil magician gathering power in a far off land, building his legions for a showdown with the Empire?
  2. Hello, I'm trying to install The Dark Mod using the installer from here: https://www.thedarkmod.com/download-the-mod/ but it's taking forever to download the game. Is there some sort of a mirror or a torrent version? Thanks.
  3. I'd been chasing down a persistent and annoying leak without cause. The map had been fine this morning and compiled. Later had this going on. Every previous version I tried had the same problem. So in an attempt to solve it, I loaded TDM, loaded a different map, went back to my map, did a cleanup and then installed my map. Go to dmap my latest v162 not found, v161 gone, 160, 159, 158 etc etc check the folder and it's all gone, all folders, models, textures scrpts everything is gone! 3 weeks work lost and no explanation as to how it can do this???? I've been working for 4 to 6 hours a day for 3 weeks. OMG I've lost so much! How can TDM Do this????? I tried winfr data recovery but it always comes up empty, not really sure how that works. I used to be right up with DOS. Is there no way to get it back? This has to be fixed!!!
  4. Check this out: 1. It says my TDM Password has been leaked, but more importantly, 2. How does it know my Dark Mod password? Are they not encrypted??? 3. Noticed it picked up some of the passwords on my phone as well. WTF is going on here? How do they know this? Neon
  5. Just updated to 2.09 from 2.08 and this is what I get after opening darkmodx64 icon. I updated as usual, I did not click on any advanced options. I tried to update again and got the same thing. Any ideas on what went wrong?
  6. Hello. I've created a game doc and I'm trying to find an engine that doesn't require extensive or heavy programming knowledge. I'm a 3D artist not a programmer. That is why I'm moving away from Unreal/Unity standard. I'm actually looking into Dark Radiant/Idtech4 engine or Hammer/ Source Engine. Which of these two engines/ editors is easier to work with? The game project I have in mind would be a total conversion not really a Thief-based mission. So I would need an engine capable of bringing in modern weapons/ guns as well as monsters. I'd imagine DOOM3 modding would be more better suited than TDM? If so, I don't own Doom3 so which version would I need to buy? Additionally, I'd be bringing in my own art assets such as characters, props, and possibly my own animations. I have experience in Zbrush, Maya Student Edition, and Blender. Which 3Dapp most compatible in conjunction with using Dark Radiant? I'd imagine plug-ins/tools are available that will help me get my personal art assets into the engine. Is programming required to do this? Also, how hard is it to enable third-person mode from the start so that when my total conversion mod is launched in-game, I'm immediately presented w/ a character on screen? Here are some early images of my mod: https://www.moddb.com/games/project-phantom
  7. Greetings! I'm interested in writing several plug-ins for Dark Radiant, namely: WYSIWYG GUI editor with IDE like gui scripter (for those who'd rather write their gui files in code). Material editor with dynamic preview. Terrain editor with random generation algorithm (eg. perlin noise), sculpting for hand-crafted terrain, lwo export and ability to convert into brushes or patches. Vertex painting tool for dynamic, in-editor texture blending. And possibly more in the future. I'd like to ask if diving into editor's code and checking the in-engine editors and other open source solutions is a good way to begin.
  8. Hello dear people of The Dark Mod A question about the code of this lovely game. Is every bits of The Dark Mod code open sourced? And under which license? If not all and every file, then which files are open and which not? A question I could probably find out myself but if you want you may answer: what engine do you use and how easy is it for newcomers to start working on code, assets etc? Does it have to be done through the community or can we also work on our own - Is it allowed to just download/copy code and start creating things for myself? And a side question: does the TDM community have a Discord server? Thank you for clarifying. Yours mouser
  9. Hey, I'm having a problem running TDM 2.07, I can't run newer versions due to Opengl as version 2.08 won't even start. But using version 2.07 that I found on Moddb, I can at least start the game and start some missions. The problem is with shadows and lighting, I can't actually see much of anything as the shadows keep flickering in a weird way. I will upload a screenshot that will hopefully explain the issue better than I can. I tried changing most if not all the settings in-game but I cannot get it to run properly. Any ideas how I can fix this or what version of the game can run on my laptop? I'm running it on a pretty old laptop but I believe it has the necessary "graphic" chipset i.e an Intel HD 3000.
  10. Just fired up TDM on new system after a pause, built dark radiant via ebuild from wiki install instructions and encountered this bug. Small texture preview in "media" tab is not updating, and so is "textures" tab. Texture selector in Surface inspector works fine however. Textures tab updates and show textures when typing into filter field. I also get a lot of spam in terminal, in shape of "(darkradiant:10678): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkSpinButton", but that may be unrelated. I upgraded wxGTK to latest (3.0.4) and then checked out and built last tagged version (2.6.0) of radiant, to no avail. Any ideas?
  11. Just in case it hasn't been mentioned here before; For Linux mappers - Dark Radiant is now part of the Solus Os software repository.

  12. Just when I find a way arround one problem, darkradiant dicides to mess up. I can't see any entities in the editor when I load a map, I can place new entities(func_statics, some props and player spawn) but when I save, close and reopen the map they're gone! When I compile the map and play it everything just works in game but I can't see any in the editor. I allready tried using the "unhide hidden" option. They're even all listed in the Entity List I found in the option and I see them selected in the editor when I select them from the entity list but they disapear again when I deselect them. Must be some other option I missed. Here's some screenshots that may help you understanding the problem
  13. 1. Cu r_useNewBackend 1 = rău, și cu r_useNewBackend 0 = bun. 2. Nu pot seta o rezoluție mai mică (de exemplu, 1366x768) în fullscreen. Acesta rămâne pe rezoluția nativă a laptopului (1920x1080). 3. Specificații laptop.
  14. Hi all, As the title suggests, I cannot run the dark mod. After installing, I run the 64 bit exe (there is no 32 bit exe) and the game freezes just after the cursor appears. Windows 10 then says the program is not responding. Have tried looking around the forums and changed various cfg values and tried using compatibility settings to no avail. My machine is a Lenovo Yoga 2 laptop with the standard Intel HD onboard graphics card and 4gb ram. I have tried updating and reinstalling to no success. Any thoughts? I have pretty standard hardware and can't understand the issue.
  15. Hark There! During the 2.07 development cycle, there were a few discussions about exclusive fullscreen that verged into the topic of Vsync. Because of this, I did a little research about what Vsync options OpenGL offers and tried to compare what we have in our GL libraries. To my great surprise, we use OpenGL's native "Swap Interval" feature to perform Vsync and it passes the exact value you supply it directly to the driver. This means that The Dark Mod has Adaptive Vsync ( swap interval -1) and probably has had it for years. I tested this out and it seems to work for me but I'd like to know if this only works for Nvidia (etc). Please try this out: 1) Start TDM 2) Open the console: CTRL + ALT + ~ 3) Enter r_swapInterval -1 Then play a mission where you know FPS drops below 60. (No Honor Among Thieves, Briarwood Manor, etc.) What you should see is that FPS is capped to 60 but the game does not drop you straight to 30FPS when you go below 60. It will be easier to tell if it's working if you pair it to uncapped FPS.
  16. Hey everyone, I'm in the process of learning how to use the Dark Radiant editor. I'm creating a "test mission" for myself, I already built my map with all the models, entities, the objectives I set are working perfectly, there is only one thing I can't tackle: Readables. I don't know why, but when I put down a readable prefab on my map, edit it in the Readable Editor, and try to save it, I get the following error: "You have imported an XData definition that is contained in a PK4, which can't be accessed for saving. - Please rename your XData definition, so that it is stored under a different filename." And when I rename my XData name, I get the following error: "Mod path not defined. Using base path." Everything so far is crystal clear with Dark Radiant, but I seriously can't understand this whole thing about xd files, XDatas, and stuff. Can anyone help me with this?
  17. Not so long ago I found what could make a pretty good profile picture and decided to try it out on these new forums. But I couldn't find a button anywhere that would let me change it. I asked on Discord and it seems Spooks also couldn't find anything anywhere. So I logged into an old alternative account and, lo and behold, that account has a button. This is on the first screen I get when I: 1) click on my account name in the top-right of the browser -> 2) click on 'profile'. Compared to my actual account: Are you also missing this button on your account? It'd be very much appreciated if that functionality could be restored to any of the affected accounts.
  18. Hi there, I'm not really sure this is the right place, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved, the developpers who keep improving tdm, the fantastic missions creators, and the people managing the web site and infrastructure for the game. This game has given me countless hours of amazing joy, you are all fantastic people !
  19. One of my favorite things to do is look in places like The Dark Mod wiki for new lore in my favorite fantasy and sci-fi worlds. But the wiki hasn't been updated in a while. I'M JONESING, GIMME SOME LORE B0SS.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Springheel


      Great job! That was very well written.


    3. nbohr1more


      Thanks guys. Sorry for the grammar mistakes. I tried to get the article up quickly while my family was out on the town. I'll be updating it with a few more changes shortly.

    4. STiFU


      I had a giggle at the pseudo-quote of me regarding low obstacle mantling. :-D Good article! :-)

  20. j'ai un problème avec the dark mod sous ARCH linux : il plantes en pleine mission de facon irrégulière et heureusement, il ne me le fait pas plus d'une fois par jour. mon PC est un lordi de la région (occitanie) de 2018. aidez-moi SVP.
  21. Hi, I need to know what the code is to use Spoiler Tags. I am using my tablet and I don't have the options to use anything, like spoiler tags, quote tags, text changes etc. Thanks
  22. Hello, Looking for help! This post list three seperate issues trying to compile Dark Radiant from the current git on Manjaro. We are currently using boost 1.60.0-4. First hurdle was there were no recent PKGBUILDS of Dark Radiant in either Manjaro or Arch so I took an old one for 1.8 an updated it for the latest git version. I could not get the Python plugin to compile until I figured out that there are two references to python in configure and configure.ac. One part of the code has python2-config and another says python-config causing (as I later found out) a mismatch between Python 2 & Python 3 which ended in a compile error. I gleaned this from the log file showing flags for both Python 2 & Python 3. I added the following sed statement to the PKGBUILD: sed -i configure configure.ac -e 's/\(python\)2\(-config\)/\1\2/g' and I managed to get it to compile. Note: I think it's linking now to python 3 as I see an error with a print statement in a script when I open Dark Radiant but it compiles now at least. I tried a sed statement changing all to python2 but it failed to compile so I stuck to the above sed statement. Both Manjaro and Arch use python to refer to Python 3 and python2 for Python 2. The second and latest issue concerns Linux makefile update commit abc15b2cad382c4f6655e7eda339d3ed41c7d4dd after this commit I can't compile anymore. It fails with the message Manjaro just updated to gcc-libs-multilib 6.1.1-1 gcc-multilib 6.1.1-1 lib32-gcc-libs 6.1.1-1 and I don't know if that has something to do with it as well. I hadn't compiled since the update. I would like to be able to compile again. The third and least problematic and not really a compile error is when I very first start Dark Radiant I get: This is annoying but when I try again it starts perfectly. It pops up a message saying I should check the log but I don't see any errors. As I said this only occurs the very first time I try to start it up for the day then from there it works fine. Any help or knowledge would greatly be appreciated. I attached my config.log of a recent build if this helps Thanks config.txt
  23. I'm going dark

    Feel free to reassign all my tickets and delete unfinished work (multi-light shaders, x-ray view, etc) in trunk

    Special thanks to @nbohr1more and @stgatilov for putting up with my countless bugs and making great company

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JackFarmer


      You've been of great help during testing of my first two releases.

      Thank you for your help and stay healthy!


    3. stgatilov


      Sad to hear.
      I hope you are OK, and it's just real life that needs attention.

      Thank you for working on the game!
      Despite my complaints, you have improved TDM a lot. Without you, rendering would have been near Doom 3 level still.


    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      Duzhenko, whatever it is, I hope everything will go well for you. Thank you for all the hard work so far for the community. Come back anytime you'd want. As far as I'm concerned, the door will be always open and the light always on for you. Best wishes, P.

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