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  1. I got rid of the demo and installed the .pk4 files from the retail version of Doom 3 (updated to the point release) into the "base" folder. The game works fine, and I'm not getting the error anymore, and now the (textureless) level gets saved, but DarkRadiant still doesn't see the textures.
  2. There are other complications though. How much fall damage should player take, if they decide to jump off a rope with the body? Should the player let go of the body or not? Also, right now it's much harder to jump off the rope with the body than without it. Why? And last but not least, how would you teach players these things, possibly without much hand-holding and text prompts explaining the rules? I guess I'm with @STiFUon this one, if you restrict dropping the body, you'll save yourself (and mappers) a lot of headaches. But even that doesn't solve all the problems, I know I'm in the minority in these forums, but as a player, I really appreciate the beauty and efficiency in simplicity of the design. Not overthinking everything and adding more and more rules for the sake of realism (or anything else).
  3. It'll probably just be easier to include it in the materials folder. Thank you for all this future-proofing work!
  4. There's a missing material in core (the dds file and the editor image itself are present). If I include it in the materials folder of Requiem the 2 missing textures show up in game. Material: textures/darkmod/window/simple_square01_lit { glass noselfshadow qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/window/simple_square01_lit_ed diffusemap _black { blend add map textures/darkmod/window/simple_square01_lit rgb 1 } } 2 options: Include the material back in core Include the material in Requiem materials folder
  5. I have recently installed Dhewm3 (with the Doom 3 demo) and DarkRadiant. I know my way around GTK Radiant and Preditor, so I assumed DarkRadiant would be a walk in the park. However, I'm getting these two problems I never got with the other editors. 1) I have installed DarkRadiant from the package darkradiant-3.7.0-x64.portable.7z. I launched it, configured it to use the Doom 3 demo (Game Type: Doom 3 Demo), selected the folder where the Dhewm3.exe file is located, but it cannot find any textures. 2) If I try to make a test map (a square room with no textures, a player start) and save it, I get an error message that says: "Failed to locate map format module". Subsequently, nothing gets saved. I have pasted the DarkRadiant log at https://pastebin.com/YAGv2u5h . You can see a screenshot showing the problems (error, no textures) at https://imgur.com/a/qVhx4dv. How do I solve these problems?
  6. I think the reason the dev forums exist is to provide a place where the implementation of features can be discussed without getting mixed up with other debates when someone believes what the devs are doing is wrong. We often post public discussion threads for features with subjective elements like the frob outline, because community feedback is very important. But there will always be vocal defenders with strong views for or against certain features, or how exactly it should be implemented in their opinion. At some point a decision has to be made and be carried through, which is what the dev forums are for. Almost all of the threads are very technical, basically explaining and discussing recent or potential code changes with other devs. Its hard to say. Its a hobby the devs do in their spare time, so people come and go when they're in the mood and when they have the time. The team page is mostly accurate except for some relatively newer additions like myself.
  7. This is basically "do include my work ASAP because I worked so hard, or else *sulk*". This is similar case: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/21679-beta-testing-211/page/10/#comment-482352 This is neither a commercial product, nor a phishing email. That sense of rush and pressure is artificial. These releases typically do take long, and even then, there are often many things broken by mistake or omission. Often there aren't enough people to test stuff, or they're not competent enough, etc, etc. There's little point in hurry.
  8. started playing the division2 with a friend, still trying to figure out best gear upgrade paths, there is quite a lot to consider... especially now since i just unlocked the hunters xD and they are all over my ass.
  9. I've been having stutters in Vulkan, apparently it's Nvidia Drivers' fault, so I reverted to 512 according to this: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/geforce-graphics-cards/5/505679/regular-microstutter-in-vulkan-applications-after-/?topicPage=40

    And no, that did NOT fix it. What's going on? My GPU is an RTX 2070, by the way.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Actually I didn't give any info, this problem happens in Vulkan games only and any that uses it, for example, GZDoom.

      I don't think it's related to shaders, it's more like, the "frame pacing" or something is very uneven, at 72 FPS on a 75hz monitor, there's no tearing yet there's like a very slight stutter that makes it feel like playing at 50 FPS, on OpenGL though, it's completely fine.

      It does persist even when restarting the game.

    3. nbohr1more


      Did you try messing with vid_refreshrate, vid_maxfps, and vid_vsync settings? Perhaps the application is not properly recognizing your display refresh rate (etc)?

    4. The Black Arrow

      The Black Arrow

      Yes, I did mess around with that, there seems to be no vid_refreshrate though, I think GZDoom uses your desktop to set that in the latest versions.

  10. I have a theory... Several candle entities start out lit and mappers add "extinguished" as an arg to start them unlit. This arg tells the script to blow out the candle at map start ( seems like we could design that to work better somehow....) If the extinguish action is interrupted during map start, the particle, light or both may be active on these candles. I added a waitFrame() to init block in the light holder script and thus far have not been able to reproduce the issue. Please create a script folder in your darkmod directory ( or fm directory ) and place the attached replacement script there then test whether the issue persists. tdm_light_holders.script Edit: I should mention that randomly I am seeing candles smoke in The Outpost for the first time with this change. Before they would either be lit or have a flame particle or be fully unlit. Now I either see unlit candles (expected) or candles that have just been extinguished and are releasing smoke. ( A significant improvement )
  11. Looking at the source code and the core pk4 asset files, I don't see any changes that would make a difference. Does this happen with a single FM? Does the FM pk4 file include an "autoexec.cfg" file? From the source code, here's the load order of config files. exec default.cfg exec Darkmod.cfg exec DarkmodKeyboard.cfg exec DarkmodPadbinds.cfg ==> exec autoexec.cfg <load language> <exec command-line arguments> <init input> <init sound> <init OpenGL> <init ui> <load DLL> <init session> ==> exec autocommands.cfg Details about the addition of "autocommands.cfg" are at https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=3199 I thought "autocommands.cfg" was the right way to do it, because that is what I've read on the forums. It seems that "autocommands.cfg" was originally designed for one use case: running "dmap". However, maybe over time "autocommands.cfg" became the de facto config file for user commands and "autoexec.cfg" became the config file for FM authors to use. I don't know. Does anyone know for a fact whether or not this is the case?
  12. Oh and also (at least in 2.10) Tdm first install still creates an empty directory called saintlucia aside from the existing stlucia folder.
  13. WOO!!! Updated to the latest SVN binary, using the 10071 assets. At first it crashed on an AI Base Tactile error. I copied the latest scripts and def folder from SVN and it started but the crash happened soon after. I removed the def folder and it the crash could not be repeated. Time to step through def folder revisions! Def rev 16602 = no crash Def rev 16603 = crash ... I think got you!! tdm_prop_items.def rev 16603 appears to be the culprit.... Yes, there seems to be some relation between the sitting animations and the AI who happens to have pickup twice in the name of the target bottle?
  14. I recently saw discussion about PBR materials being added to Doom3BFG with folks also talking about it on Discord. One of the things I always wanted from PBR is proper reflections, especially in a way that works on all FM's new and old without requiring changes (eg: new light entities). Lack of proper reflections is one of the biggest limitations we still have, leaving us with mere boring specular reflections lacking any detail. While currently we can't have things like metallicity or per-pixel roughness, not even the ability to use the skybox or player camera feed as a reflection map, we do have a generic cubemap used only on windows and a few special textures. So the thought itched me: What if we could make every material with a specular map also blend a cubemap reflection? I've done Linux batch scripts for complex tasks before, so after lots of searching (and dealing with DOS era line terminations getting in the way) I managed to create a bash script that will do just that! This 50 line script will detect all materials with a specular map, inject a customized cubemap reflection, then repack everything. It scans every material in TDM thus it changes all map textures models and entities alike, everything gets modified to benefit from this. Modifications are NOT made to the official pk4 files, instead a single pk4 named Z-tdm_materials_cubemap.pk4 is generated to override the old defs, you can revert at any time simply by removing this one file. The cubemaps are subtly blended in without using extra vertex / fragment shaders which should have minimal performance impact, they also respect the bump map of the material and are deformed by it... each cubemap is masked by the specular map which gives it a close feel to PBR, materials without a specularity texture are considered rough and remain unchanged. Simply download the script and use it in your TDM folder, you'll need either Linux or a bash environment on Windows (untested): material_cubemaps.sh #!/bin/bash # Add cubemap reflections to all TheDarkMod materials containing specular maps # Use sub(/\r$/,"") to fix DOS line termination, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45772525/why-does-my-tool-output-overwrite-itself-and-how-do-i-fix-it # Unpack all materials mkdir "temp" for f in *.pk4; do unzip -o $f "materials/*" -d "temp" done mv "temp/materials" "temp/mtr" mkdir "temp/materials" cd "temp/mtr" # Inject cubemap code into all materials with specular maps, the reflection is masked by specular intensity # First ensure the file contains at least one definition that need to be modified to avoid needless repacking for f in *.mtr; do awk '{ sub(/\r$/,"") if($1 == "specularmap" && $2 != "_black" && $2 != "") exit !f }' "$f" if [ $? == 1 ]; then awk '{ sub(/\r$/,"") print $0 if($1 == "specularmap" && $2 != "_black" && $2 != "") { print "" print " // Cubemap reflection for specularity" print " {" print " maskcolor" print " map makealpha(" $2 ")" print " }" print " {" print " blend gl_dst_alpha, gl_one" print " maskalpha" print " cubeMap env/gen3" print " texgen reflect" print " }" } }' "$f" > "../materials/$f" fi done # Pack modified materials cd ".." zip -r "../Z-tdm_materials_cubemap.pk4" "materials" rm -r "../temp" At the moment I haven't done a full comparison and only tried it out on a map I'm working on: It's possible I might do my next TDM stream with this on which will allow others to see it better. From what I'm noticing it's pretty much perfect: Very subtle and doesn't disrupt visually, it does improve realism in a lot of cases as you move around and see the shine... given the texture is almost always masked and distorted by bump you don't feel the reflection is ugly and fake but it feels natural. Currently this is here as a mod for players that wish to use it... not gonna lie part of me is tempted to suggest it be considered for 2.11, it's definitely an improvement to having no reflections at all until a better method is found. Please try it out and share your own thoughts and images, below are a few screenshots I took during my first test to confirm it works as expected.
  15. A little thing I'd like to see changed: When renaming a readable definition in the Readable Editor, a copy of the old definition is created instead of moving the old one. This leads to clutter that needs to be fixed manually in a text editor if the mapper wants such duplication removed. It would be appreciated if a way to properly rename readable paths was supported. Here's what I mean: Add and select a readable entity on the map, such as atdm:readable_immobile_paper01. Open the Readable Editor and type something, then under XData Name save it under an unique name like readables/myfm/note_foo. Click the Save and Close button to store any changes. Open the Readable Editor again and under XData Name rename your entry to something else like readables/myfm/note_bar. Save and Close once more. Issue: If you open darkmod/fms/myfm/xdata/myfm.xd you will find that both readables/myfm/note_foo and readables/myfm/note_bar exist and duplicate the same text body, instead of the first being renamed into the second. A problem I can see is that a readable definition might be used by multiple entities on the map, so when renaming we must ensure every entity with the same xdata_contents is changed to point to the new path. Just in case a prompt might be desired if a rename of the XData path is detected, asking whether you want to copy or move the definition and warn that if any other maps use it they'll need to be pointed to the new name manually.
  16. So I think we can count 12 or 14 missions depending on our opinion of La Banque Bienveillante and Sneak and Destroy. If these two reissues are counted as new missions (as JarlFrank did here: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152035), then we have 14 missions. If not, then 12. Personally, I don't consider them new missions, so 12 in my opinion. Have no problem with other opinion. In any case, last year was productive!
  17. Guess What? I found the screenshots folder & it works!! & look at That, they're actually labeled as the FM I was playing, instead of dump-something... Nice!!
  18. There's a "screenshots" folder in your TDM folder. After taking a screenshot, you can check the console. You should see a line like: Wrote screenshots/mission_name (2023-01-06 11-03-44) (2002.23 1061.83 414.88).jpg
  19. Honestly, I don't know. I have taken screenshots with Written in Stone, but I don't know where they are. How do the images save, I mean, what are the files called? "dump-something" if I remember correctly. The game always wants to install to the game folder on C drive, so I'm wondering if they're there instead. D drive is what holds my games & other important stuff if Windows fails. I have no anti-virus stuff on any of my pc's. Hate the pop-up messages from Norton in the middle of the game & no way of turning it off without having to turn the whole thing off. They don't even have reset buttons anymore I noticed lol. I know what goes in & out hehe I check my email on my iphone first, so I don't get infected by mistake. So tell me, what is the original output "address" for the dump-pictures?
  20. Kingsal has graciously converted the highly map-specific animated grass from Arcturus' gorgeous "moonlit castle by a lake with grass plains blowing in the wind" demo map into something that can easily be used by mappers, now also featuring different varieties of grass, different sizes, 2 different wind speeds and LOD stages: I'd like to run a small beta of this asset here for mappers to try it out in their FMs, so feedback on it (i.e. animation, performance impact, looks) before it gets added to core assets would be very appreciated. I won't go too much into the details because the entity & spawnarg tooltips are part of the testing. You can grab the asset here and just drop the .pk4 in the folder of your FM, no need to unpack it. Look for the animated entities in the entity menu. Once the assets are in core you can just delete the .pk4.
  21. My dream is for forums.thedarkmod.com to link to thedarkmod.com
  22. jaxa

    Free games

    Purah also worked on Dishonored: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136214 One of my neurons knew it started with a 'P'
  23. Open console in game with ctrl+alt+~ Type condump issues.txt That text file will be created in the Darkmod folder. Paste its contents here.
  24. Thanks for your answers Unfortunately, as mentioned above, it did not worked. I went back to the 2.09b version and lines disappeared. For the moments I will let it like that, because, just after I re-installed the 2.10 version, it became slower. @stgatilovWhat did you mean by "console log" ? @AluminumHasteI don't have this folder. And also I have, other than the darkmod.cfg, darkmodKeybinds and darkmodPadbinds
  25. I've added my old 2015-2016 WIP Of Brambles and Thorns to the abandoned repo. It's a large mansion mission set in the woods, suitable for a spooky or detective story, a faithful recreation of the real-life luxury hotel "Halcyon Hall"/posh girls' school "Bennett College", at least with regards to the exterior. You can find lots of historic material on the internet and drone-recorded videos of the whole exterior on Youtube. Architecture is mostly done and some sparse interiors exist. There used to be more interiors, but they were lost during an incorrect backup overwrite - screenshots of some of those interiors can be found in #2 to #10 of this album and in the .pk4's screenshot folder (which is the reason why I personally have little motivation to recreate them, rather than working on my new & original WIPs). There are also some old versions of my custom assets - would be better to switch to the improved versions available in core assets. This FM would be suggested for someone with intermediate mapping experience due to its large size.
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